By ThisLove_97

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Run me in circles like you always do..... (y/n g!p) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

631 21 8
By ThisLove_97

No one's Pov

It's been two weeks since y/n has last seen Camila and during that time she was always hanging out with Alex .... holding hands, kissing ... all of the gross stuff you get it ugh 

Y/n's Pov

" Hey y/n, why hasn't Camila been coming over these pass few weeks " my mom asked as she handed me my breakfast 

" She's been pre- occupied " i said as i took a bite of my waffle then a sip of my apple juice 

" With what " 

" Alex " I said 

" So there like dating ? " 

" I assumed so, since she's been hanging out with him more often and they were holding hands" i said 

" Friends hold hands " 

" They do mom, but that's a different type of hand holding and also he sorta kissed her in front of the entire football team so yeah.... they're dating " i said and shrugged my shoulders 

" And you're not bothered by this ? " she asked 

" Why would I be ? " I asked as took the last sip of my juice 

" Because you like her y/n " she said 

" Yeah, that doesn't seem to matter " I said 

" Aw I'm sorry baby " she said as she came and hugged me 

" It's okay mom " I said as I hugged her back 

" You sure, you don't have to go to school today if you don't want to " 

" Yeah, I'm good " I said and smiled as she let go of me 

" Okay, I'll go call nick to come pick you up " she said 


At school 

" Hey y/n " Taylor said as she came over to my locker 

" Hi, Tay, you doing okay ? " 

" Yeah I'm fine, how are you ? " she asked 

" Not the best mentally, but I'm pushing through it " I said 

" I'm sorry to hear that, have you spoken to Camila lately ? " 

" No not really-"

" Everybody please report to the school's auditorium " the speaker said cutting me off  

" Okay let's go we'll talk later " Taylor said while dragging me along to the auditorium 


" So what where you saying earlier ? " Taylor asked as she sat down next to me at the lunch table  

" Yeah she hasn't spoken to me in a few weeks " I said 

" That's strange " she said 

" I'm guessing her and Alex are like a thing now so i guess that's why " I said 

" Well if it makes you feel any better she hasn't spoken to me either " she said 

" You know since Alex showed up... things hasn't been looking so good for Camila and I " I said 

" Yeah I noticed, but it's okay, I'll talk to her before the day is out and I'll let you know what she said " she said and stood up 

" Okay, thanks T " I said 


Taylor's Pov

" I need to talk to you " i said pulling Camila away from Alex and into a near by corner 

 " Why ? " she asked 

" Why are you messing with her Camila ? " I asked as she rolled her eyes

" Why do we have to talk about y/n right now ?, I was busy talking to my boyfriend " 

" Because you're playing with her feelings and might I remind you that, that is not a good thing " i said 

" How am I playing with her feelings Taylor ? I told Y/n that I like her and Alex and that I needed time to figure out who i wanted to be with " she said 

" And you chose him Camila, without even giving her an heads up, but mark my words, she's a good person with a kind and loving heart so don't be surprised when someone shows up out of the blue and snatches her away from you " i said and walked away .

Y/n's Pov

" Hey y/n " 

" Hey Ari, what's up ? surprised to see you trying to talk to me " I said as I continued taking my notes ... yeah yeah I know I said that I hated school ( which is a true statement ) and that I'm not doing my school work but maybe if I do it Camila will talk to me .

" I only stopped talking to you because of two reasons " she said 

" Which are ? " I asked 

" Camila and well... oh yeah Camila" she said as I chuckled 

" What'd she tell you ? " I asked 

" She said and I quote  'do not talk to y/n or I will rip your eyes out and then feed it to my dog' " 

" That's dark, she probably watched some type of horror or thriller movie the night before she said that to you " I said 

" Maybe... or maybe she was being dead serious " she said 

" Nah that was definitely Karla and not Camila, don't worry I wouldn't let her poke your eyes out" I said as she smiled 


Camila's Pov

" Hi, Mrs. Griffin, is y/n home ? " 

" Yes come on in, she's in the gaming room, and I told you to stop calling me that, It makes me feel old " she said as I chuckled 

" That's my bad " I said as I went down to the basement 

Y/n's Pov

" Duudee why would you do that ? " I asked Nathan as he had his character kick slapped my character 

" My bad my fingers must've slipped " he said as I rolled my eyes and kept playing 

" Griffin " I heard Camila say as she came down the stairs .

" Cabello" I responded 

" Pause the game " she said 

" I can't, I'm playing with Nathan " I said as she stood in front of the screen 

" I don't care, I need to talk to you " she said 

" Mila... please move so that I can finish my game " I said as she came towards me and took off my headphone and placed it on her head

" Hey Nathan, think fast " she said as she disconnected the call .

" Now why would you boot him off the call " 

" Test me and I'll break both of your controllers.... again " she said 

" What do you need Camila ? " I asked as she put the headphone down

" It's about Alex " she said as she sat next to me

" Huh, great " I said sarcastically

" Listen..." 

" It's fine, I already know what you're gonna say " I said 

" Just.. let me talk " she said as I sighed and nodded for her to continue 

" I had a talk with Alex 2 weeks ago, and he asked me out and well now... we're sort of dating " she said 

" Wow that's crazy bro " I said and rubbed my face 

" I'm not your 'bro' y/n so don't call me that " she said in an annoyed tone...

" I meann... you kind of are, since we're not dating or anything " I said and faked yarned 

" I'm not playing with you y/n " she said as she punched me in the stomach 

" Ow, okay... but honestly I'm not phased by this at all, the white boys somehow always seems to get their way " I said 

" Alex is mixed and that has nothing to do with it y/n " she said 

" Mixed my ass, he's a white boy who get's tanned every other day " I said and shook my head 

" Okay y/n, I just wanted to come and talk to you " she said as she stood up

" After two weeks, yeah that seems fair, look I'm not mad at you or anything, but you told me that you would at least try to figure out your feelings for me first before you decide .... it hurts but that's okay, you did what you had to do " I said 

" Y/n I- " 

" Genuinely, it's fine, come here " I said as I got up and hugged her

" Don't cry, something's are just not meant to be " I said A/n: why did Fergie started playing in my head when I wrote this line ( Cuz big girls don't cry "  okay clearly I have an issue. k bye for now 

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