
By Hiraeth_153

17.1K 585 270

Each night was getting harder for Katsuki. He hasn't slept in days. Not being able to even close his eyes for... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8(Not a Joke This Time)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

2.9K 59 31
By Hiraeth_153

Katsuki stared out at the window, watching the autumn leaves slowly fall onto the ground, creating a beautiful graveyard of leaves. Autumn came and left in a blink of an eye. Katsuki never went out much, he always watched out his window, watching as the seasons changed. From a white desert that was cold and was the most difficult time of the year, to the blooming of flowers and animals waking up from their long naps. Katsuki was never allowed outside the house; doesn't know why.

The house was huge. It was a manor, a beautiful one at that. The perfect gardens that were well taken care of, the gorgeous furniture that came from foreign places just to make the place look perfect, and the architecture. Built for a family, family of two or more or just a lord living by himself with the rest of his people living in it with him. Made with secrets to sneak the people out when there's an attack and built for them to stay in the house without the guest knowing they were still there. The house was made with love and passion, Katsuki knew that right when he awoke in this house. Looking up at the plain ceiling and the soft sheets around his body.

That felt like yesterday when he woke up in this strange house. But it's been longer than a day, much longer.

Katsuki traced the armchair underneath his palm, tracing the patterns on the edge of it. The swirls that looked like waves. He continued to look out the window, still watching the leaves fall and any gardeners cleaning the leaves away. The gardeners' masks shined in the morning sun. Their masks were a rabbit's half face, with different brown spots or just plain white, making it look exactly like a rabbit. All the gardeners wore a rabbit's mask; all of the workers wore a mask.

The maids wore a cat mask. Some with orange fur, others with black, the natural colors of the gentle creature. The guards wore lion masks. Having the bright, yellow fur on the mask and the little tufts of the hair on the ends of the mask. It was like each area of the manor had its own mask. Cooking, guarding, cleaning, gardening, and all the others had their own animal to represent who they were in the house and what rank they were. The only person that didn't wear a mask was Katsuki. He wasn't sure why he didn't have one and whenever he asked, he was always answered with a "You have no need for a mask" or "That's nothing you need to know". He always got that answer for everything. "Nothing you need to know." Yet he felt like he did need to know.

A tug or an empty space in his mind that was blank. Wanting to find the missing piece yet not even knowing what it was. That's what happened Katsuki's mind so to keep it thinking, he kept himself busy with looking out the window to calm himself. He did this everyday and he was fine with that.

The door opened of his room and he turned to the sound. There stood a maid with a silver platter in her hands and what seemed to be tea and a plate of cake on it. Katsuki silently watched her as she set it on the table in front of him. She gently opened the little pot filled with sugar cubes and put two in the tea. Katsuki watched as the sugar cubes melted into the tea, combining the sweetness with the natural aroma. The maid closed the pot again and stepped away from Katsuki, not saying a word. Katsuki looked at her. The silence between them was so quiet, he could hear the raking of the leaves outside.

"Thank you," said Katsuki. The woman stood up a little straighter and nodded before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Katsuki turned to his cup of tea and cake and lifted the cup, sipping the hot liquid. He felt it slide down his throat into the pit of his stomach, feeling the heat begin to rise in his body. Katsuki laid back, feeling relaxed.

He continued to watch the gardeners outside until the sun became a pink and orange ombré. The door opened once again and Katsuki turned to the door. There, stood a tall man with half-white and half-red hair. He had a black wolf mask over his eyes. Katsuki felt his heart skip a beat and he got up.

As he walked closer, he saw the grey and blue eyes under the mask, almost glowing. The eyes watched him as he got closer.

"Hello, Shoto," he said. Shoto looked at him. "Hello, Katsuki. It's been a while, hasn't it." "It has."

Katsuki wanted to move closer and wrap his arms around his neck but he felt something tugging him not to, like an invisible force telling him not to do it. He felt himself become guilty just at the thought of it, he wasn't sure why.

"I brought you something," Shoto said in a low, gentle voice.  Katsuki tightened his lips together, holding back a smile. Shoto sat on the sheets, making the sheets lightly fold on one another. Katsuki sat next to him and tilted his head up slightly to see his face.

"Are you ready for your gift," he asked. Katsuki nodded and felt himself get more excited by the second. His thoughts were running with what item it could be.

Shoto pulled out a small box from his pocket and set it in Katsuki's hands. Katsuki looked down at it and lightly traced the patterns on it. It was a small, circle, iron box that had flowers, vines, and other natural patterns all around the box except the bottom. Katsuki's eyes sparkled, looking at the new thing he was looking at.

"Open it," Shoto said. He leaned his head near Katsuki to watch as he opened the box. Katsuki obeyed and slowly opened the box. Suddenly, a little ballerina appeared and began to spin around in a graceful motion. The song softly played to the ballerina's dancing, becoming one with the dancer. They were together in a beautiful rhythm, making the song and dance magical. Katsuki watched in awe as he listened to the song and watched the dancer. As he heard the song, he felt almost a pang of happiness or nostalgia, like he has heard this song before, but wasn't sure where. Katsuki loved it more feeling that way.

Shoto watched him and smiled at the smile Katsuki gave looking at the gift. He felt a slight proudness in himself, knowing he was succeeding in his assignment.

Katsuki continued to watch the dancer. The music filled the room. Katsuki felt at peace with the music and felt like he could sleep right there. He laid his head against Shoto.

"I love it," katsuki said at last. Shoto laid his head against Katsuki. His sense of smell was overwhelmed with the smell of Katsuki's hair. The smell of sweet caramel and a hint of mint. Shoto inhaled the scent, feeling himself relax.

They stayed there in the relaxing moment.

Katsuki got up and went to his collection of other items that Shoto has brought him back. Jewelry, a knife, a book, a toy, and other extraordinary things. Just like the music box, he felt a slight nostalgia with each item. But each feeling was different than the other. Maybe that's why he liked them so much, the mystery of feeling that way but also feeling another feeling with an item.
He set it down in the middle and stepped back, looking at his personal collection. He smiled at the collection. Shoto walked behind him and looked at the collection.

"It's beautiful," Shoto said. Katsuki looked at him. "Thank you."

Shoto looked at each object he has brought to katsuki then he looked at katsuki. He knew he was locked in this house and he knew the reason why. But his lips couldn't say, they wouldn't allow him. His hands couldn't write why, they wouldn't allow him. Anything that could tell the reason why wouldn't allow him to. And he knew why this was happening to him. He clenched his fists slightly, thinking about it.
Katsuki noticed it but didn't say a word.

"Are you joining me for dinner tonight," katsuki asked. Shoto rarely stayed for dinner once he came back from his long travels. Even just seeing him was rare. Shoto was one of the only people that talked to Katsuki the most and gave him special gifts once he came back. Shoto knew about him not being able to go out so he gave him things that came from outside the manor. The first time was just a thoughtful gift of making sure Katsuki didn't get bored but soon after, it became a tradition that he brought something each time he came back. It was their own tradition and they both loved it.

"Yes, I'll stay tonight. I don't have any paperwork to sort through or any chores to do," he replied. Katsuki felt his heart leap but on the outside, he made sure to keep his nonchalant face on.

"Then I'll see you at dinner," Katsuki said.

"I'll see you at dinner." Shoto ruffles his hair and left the room, closing the door behind him. Katsuki couldn't help but blush just feeling his hands in his hair. The thought of his hands on him again, just in s comforting way made Katsuki's body heat up. But he soon calmed down after the moment, his mind and body once again rejecting his feelings toward Shoto, like a natural instinct telling him to stay away from Shoto. Katsuki let out a sigh.

The woman walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Here to get me ready for dinner," Katsuki's asked. He knew the answer to the question already but even just talking to her would be nice. She only nodded and went into the bathroom, starting the hot water. Katsuki followed behind her.

Katsuki came down the stairs into the dining room. There was a long table with plates of different kinds of food. It was like a buffett with anything you wanted to eat. Katsuki walked over to the table and sat in his seat. Shoto came in soon after and sat at the head of the table.

"Busy day," Shoto asked, looking at Katsuki and serving himself some food. His red and white hair was tied back in a ponytail and there was other pieces of hair at the front, making him look almost like a prince. Katsuki has seen his hair pulled back many times but he still can't help but be in awe when he does have it.

"Not really. Just looking outside and clearing my mine, the usual," katsuki said and served himself. Shoto looked at him, his hair brightened under the chandelier light and other candles around. His soft, pink lips glistened slightly from a chapstick most likely. Katsuki was a beautiful male, has a more feminine body than a normal boy but that just made him more special. Sometimes, Shoto couldn't help but think about just pinning him against a wall and making him scream his name. But he knew he couldn't do that. It was against the rules and ruined the whole point of his assignment. However, his over imagination and Katsuki looking nice doesn't help his issue.

Katsuki had a thought, he knew what his answer would be but he just wanted to see if the answer would be different, most likely not. He let out a soft breath and looked at Shoto.

"Shoto," he said. Shoto looked up, gaining his attention.

"I was wondering if you could take me hunting sometime with you," katsuki said. Shoto's blood immediately went cold.

"Katsuki, you know the rule," he said.

"I know, I know. But it can even be for just one day."

"No," Shoto interrupted.

"Please, Shoto. I never get out of the house and just going out of the manor for a single second would be perfect," Katsuki begged. When he begged, he felt like this was the first time he ever begged to someone and something in him wanted to make sure it'd be the last.

"Katsuki, you know I cannot take you," Shoto said in a low and serious voice.

Katsuki felt his eyes begin to burn.

"Why not? Why can't you take me out for just a second," Katsuki said, his voice slightly cracking.

"Because I cannot. Now stop asking silly questions and finish your food," he snapped. Katsuki held his breath and clenched the fork that was underneath his hand. He turned away quickly and looked down at his plate. Tears slipped from his eyes. Katsuki quickly wiped them away, making sure Shoto didn't see. Looking at his food, he realized he lost his appetite.

Shoto looked at him and noticed a tear fall on his plate. He let out a sigh and rubbed his temples.

"I'm sorry, katsuki," he said.

"No, it's fine. You have a reason for keeping me locked up in hear and I bet it's a valuable reason since I'm being locked like an animal," katsuki said.

Shoto went silent from his description.

"I'm going to bed. I lost my appetite," katsuki said and got up. He left the dining room and headed upstairs to his room.

Shoto twirled the knife in his hand and stabbed it into the steak. The maids around jumped slightly from his anger.

"That bastard," he whispered under his breath.

Katsuki closed the door behind him, feeling his eyes beginning to burn. He slid against the door and allowed the tears to fall. He pulled his knees close to his chest and cried. His tears slipped down his cheeks and fell onto his clothes. The tears just continued to run down, he allowed them to fall, letting his feelings release. His mind was running with questions. Why didn't they let him out? Why is everyone wearing a mask? Why are they so strict about rules? Why does he feel empty inside?

The tears fell quicker and he let out soft sobs. That's what the main problem was, he felt an empty hole in himself. Something that he was missing from his life. Katsuki knew that right when he woke up. He knows all the common things. Like books, reading, writing, and items. His memories are what he can't remember. The past two years, he's been slowly remembering things but most of it is foggy. And the more he tries to remember, the more of a horrible headache he gets.

He allowed his tears to fall and they finished after a while. There was quiet chirping of crickets outside and the sound of the wind against the trees. Katsuki went to change into his pj's and went into bed.

Katsuki faced away from the door, trying to shut his eyes but his body wouldn't allow him. It was difficult for him to sleep, always has been but for some reason, it was more difficult tonight. As he looked out the window, he heard the door creak open. Light from outside the door came into the room. He saw a figure in the light and it got bigger as he walked closer. Katsuki shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep, thinking it's Shoto.

Instead, it was the maid who was here earlier and she had a cup of tea. Katsuki opened his eyes and looked at her. She gave him a warm smile, wanting to cheer her up. Katsuki felt comfortable and sat up to take the tea. She handed him the tea. Katsuki took in the natural and sweet aroma and took a sip. A light flickered on next to him; she went to close the door. The room turned darker than it was before but the light of the candle next to him brightened the room enough to see where she was going.

Katsuki continued to drink the tea, making sure he didn't burn his tongue.

"Is Shoto upset," katsuki asked. The maid looked at him with almost sympathy.

"He's upset, but not at you," she finally answered. Katsuki went silent and looked at her. Her face was unreadable, just like the other people inside the house. Katsuki watched as the fire danced in her eyes and shined against her mask. A cat mask was what her's was, and it matched her perfectly.

She held her arms crossed her chest and her hands held shiver her core, waiting for another instruction.

"Thank you for the tea," katsuki said in a whisper after finishing it. She nodded and took the tea cup from his hands. Katsuki watched her as she walked back to the door.

"Get some rest," she said in a soft voice, almost of an angel. Hearing her voice, Katsuki felt his heart warm up. He nodded and blew out the candle that was by his nightstand. The maid opened the door quietly and closed the door, so quiet like a door didn't even open.

Katsuki laid down and pulled the blankets over his body. When he shut his eyes, he felt the tiredness hit right away. He nuzzled into the silk pillow, and shut his eyes. After a couple of seconds, he slowly began to fall into the dream world. Dreaming of him running outside the manor and being beside Shoto as he hunted. Cheering him on once he hit a good one. Shoto pulled him close, pressing his chest against his own. And slowly leaned down to Katsuki. Katsuki knew exactly what he was doing and leaned in. He shut his eyes, prepared to feel his lips against his own.

Suddenly, a dragon's claw came over them and Katsuki looked up at the horrifying claw. His dream immediately turned into a nightmare. He looked around and realized he was in some sort of castle. The ceilings stretched high into the sky and the color was mostly black. Katsuki looked up and saw the beautiful night sky filled with hundreds and hundreds of stars. Katsuki gaped at the image, feeling nostalgic once again.

He forcefully had to move away from the sky and looked straight at the throne. There were two thrones beside one another. One was a night black that had almost a glitter that was like stars, the other was a pure white, sparkling like the sun. The black throne was occupied by someone. The man looked straight at Katsuki. Katsuki realized he gained the man's full attention. Was this a dream? It must be a dream because he didn't wake up.

Katsuki walked to the thrones, his footsteps echoing in the room. Closer and closer he went to the mysterious man that still didn't say a word to him. Katsuki kept his head high as he walked to him. Soon, katsuki noticed a pair of black wings behind the man. Katsuki stopped in his tracks, surprised.

The man got up and began to walk to Katsuki. Katsuki tried to move but his body was frozen, not able to move. The man got closer to him, his eyes lowered at katsuki and excitement filled them. Katsuki held his breath, his heart was beating so fast, for once in his life, he felt something he never felt before. The man stopped in front of him. Katsuki looked up at him. The man gave him a smiled and placed a hand behind his head, almost wanting to touch his mind.

Katsuki stood so still that he was almost a statue. The man moved down to his ear.

"Remember me soon, my love," he whispered.

Katsuki felt those claws he saw scrape against his mind. He jolted awake in a cold sweat, panting, and confused. He touched his head, still feeling those claws scrape against his mind.

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