Linemates - Adam Banks

By halopolar

91K 1.2K 194

In which the Gaffney sisters are chosen to represent their country. Follows the plot of the Mighty Ducks - D2... More

Linemates - Adam Banks
The Junior Goodwill Games - 1
Introductions - 2
Scrimmage - 3
The Verge of Greatness - 4
Plane Rides - 5
Trinidad - 6
Interviews - 7
Extra Practice - 8
1v1 - 9
Team Dinner - 10
Italy - 11
Iceland - 12
Captain Blood - 13
School's Out - 14
Germany - 16
Distractions and Russia - 17
Mini Golf - 18
Cheapshot - 19
Icelandic Rodeo - 20
Who are you? - 21
The Future - 22

Real USA Hockey - 15

3.2K 49 9
By halopolar

The girls took an hour nap, fully unaware of the world around them. Despite it being cut short by a knock on the door, it was needed after a long night.

Indiana jumped up from her bed, shuffling over to the door. She ran her hand through her hair in order to try to detangle the top before giving up and just opening the door. She looked at the brown-haired boy who was smiling down at her, "Hey, Charlie. What's up?"

"Hey Indiana, we are all going to work out outside and wanted to see if you girls want to come with us?" Charlie asked. Indiana nodded, motioning for him to give her a moment. Charlie waited outside while Indiana shook awake both Julie and Connie, explaining what they would be doing. Despite minimal arguments and yawns, the girls got dressed and followed behind Charlie and out the doors onto a grassy area in the middle of a stadium.

"Coach isn't here, why do we have to be?" Indiana rolled her eyes. If the coach wasn't going to train them, they would have to take it upon themselves to get ready. What Bombay said last night was true-- team USA was one loss away from being eliminated and sent home.

"We have a game tonight, we have to work out," explained someone else.

"I say mutiny. Who's with me?" asked Goldberg.

"Goldberg," Dwayne raised his hand. "I'm too tired to mutiny."

Julie sighed, "Come on, guys, it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning," said Julie.

Indiana spoke up, "Julie's right, we have to stay in shape if we want to beat Iceland. We need conditioning."

Portman looked between the girls, scoffing. Eyes set on Indiana, looking her up and down, the boy began, "Speak for yourself, babe." Indiana rolled her eyes at the nickname.

"Shut up, Portman," commented Indiana, rolling her eyes at the boy who stayed smirking at her.

Adam stood from his stretching position, "her name is Indiana, not babe." Adam walked quickly over to Portman, standing in front of Indiana. Portman narrowed his eyes at the boy, not understanding what his problem was.

Portman walked towards Adam, "Don't tell me how to talk, rich boy!" With that, the boy pushed Adam back. Various team USA players took notice of the potential fight in front of them and moved towards the two boys in an attempt to keep them away from each other.

"Chill out, Portman!" Yelled Indiana, pushing the boy lightly.

"Oh, c'mon Adam, you need your girlfriend to defend you?" Portman taunted. The group quickly got in between Portman and Indiana, Adam moving in front of the girl protectively.

"Yo team USA, what are you gonna do today, a million jumping jacks?" Asked a boy from across the field. Indiana noticed him as the boy who had taunted Jesse many times at their games. Each member of team USA looked towards the kid, who just smirked at them.

"This kid's crazier than me," Portman turned his attention to the group, aiming at Fulton, who had been the first to step in between Indiana and Portman. "Look, Fulton!"

"Hey, man, I'm getting sick of you!" Yelled Jesse to the taunting boy.

The unknown boy spoke, "I'm getting sick of seeing the USA represented by a bunch of whining babies."

"Too bad you can't back up that mouth," said Jesse.

Russ continued, "Man, me and my boys can take you anytime, anywhere."

Jesse looked around, "I don't see no 'boys.'"

"I got 'em waiting. Grab your gear and let's go play some schoolyard puck-- or maybe you forgot what it's like to play for real pride," continued Russ. A security guard intervened, causing Russ to be moved back a bit. "C'mon it's not too far, you little wimps." At this point, the security guard pulled the boy back, "What are you doin'? Get off me! You comin' or not?"

Jesse turned to his teammates, "I say we go."

Indiana spoke up, "I don't know, man. What if someone gets hurt?"

Jesse looked at the girl, "Just because you took my spot doesn't mean you make the decisions around here. Anyone who wants to come, follow me." Indiana sighed before following Jesse to the area where Russ' friends were.

"Don't worry about him, he's just a little--" Charlie began.

"High strung? Yeah, I hadn't noticed," Remarked Indiana. The group saw Russ and his friends standing in a court, team USA walking over to them to greet them and see what this 'intervention' was all about.

"My little brother Russ here has been telling me that you have been chokin' big time," said one of the boys.

"Well, your brother's got a big mouth," retorted Jesse.

The older boy glared back at Jesse before smiling at his brother, "He does, doesn't he?" Team USA let out a sigh of relief.

"We thought we'd call you all to see what you got. We know you can talk to the press and sign autographs," one boy said.

"We can do more than that," said Luis.

"We were chosen to represent USA for a reason," stated Indiana.

"Oh yeah?" A police siren rang in the distance, "We can teach you to play like the real team USA."

Portman spoke up, "What would you know about it?"

Russ' brother smirked at his friends, instructing team USA to get ready to play. They scrimmaged as if they were on the ice, only their skates were exchanged for rollerblades and their goals were actually trash barrels.

Adam looked down at his wrist, "Nobody is going to blame you if you sit this one out, Banks," said the brunette girl as she finished tying her laces.

"I'm playing," said Banks, as he skated away from her. Indiana just shrugged, grabbing her stick out of the fence. The game was very fun for team USA, who had been overworked on the ice. Out on the street, they were able to play without consequences and for fun. Russ' friends did have some valuable input for the team, teaching them some rough playing techniques and how to stand up for themselves against teams like Iceland.

Indiana grabbed the puck, spinning around one of the defenders and shooting it into the trash can goal. "Hell yea, Indiana!" Yelled Connie from the bench area. Indiana smirked at the boys, bowing in front of them. The boys returned the favor, all simultaneously bowing down to Indiana. The puck was moved back to the center, the opposing team coming down to team USA's goal. Russ shot the puck, but Indiana was able to deflect it down and make a quick pass to Adam. Adam moved the puck up the side and cut in, scoring.

"Talk about line chemistry, huh?" Charlie smirked at the two, wrapping an arm around them both. Adam smiled back at Indiana, who simply shook her head at her linemates. Fulton wound up, the puck hitting off the side of the can and going over the fence. Everyone winced as the puck hit the front windshield of a car, shattering parts of it. The man, surprisingly not upset, threw the kids the puck back and they resumed play.

"Watch this," Russ' brother pushed everyone away. Russ lined up the puck, turning it on its side. The puck, seemingly with eyes of its own, moved up and down before finally entering the goal.

Fulton skated over to Russ, "What the heck kinda shot was that?"

"Ah, you like that, huh? That's my knuckle puck. It's hard to be accurate, but it drives goalies crazy!" Russ explained.

Indiana watched as one of the boys skated towards Kenny, playfully acting as if he was going to fight him. "When a guy comes at you like I just did, you do this: Stick, gloves, and shirt." The boy dropped his stick, gloves, and pulled Kenny forward, his shirt being pulled over the back of his head.

"My turn. Stick, gloves, shirt," said Kenny, repeating the same actions on Russ' brother. Everyone came together, all cheering. Truth be told, this had been the most fun that team USA had throughout the entire tournament. Team USA, having to leave for their eventual game tonight, were cheered on by Russ and his friends. The ducks removed their gear and got on the bus, heading back to the hotel.

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