She's Mistreated|| K. Bakugo...

By DekuandKacchan99

390K 10K 10.6K

Y/N is the daughter of the villain Dabi, and is determined to move past her father's expectations. She runs a... More

{*} ~ Character Backgrounds ~
{1} ~ The League's Night Out ~
{2} ~ Daddy's Little Girl ~
{3} ~ Little Flame Runs Away ~
{4} ~ Deku ~
{5} ~ UA and the Exam ~
{6} ~ Class 1-A ~
{7} ~ Hero Costumes My Hero ~
{8} ~ Midoriya Vs. Bakugo ~
{9} ~ The Bus Ride and the USJ ~
{10} ~ Training for the Sports Festival ~
{11} ~ The UA Sports Festival ~
{12} ~ The Calvary Battle ~
{13} ~ Midoriya Vs. Shinsou ~
{14} ~ Y/N Vs. Tokoyami ~
{15} ~ Bakugo Vs. Uraraka ~
{16} ~ Todoroki's Tragic Backstory ~
{17} ~ Midoriya Vs. Todoroki ~
{18} ~ Iida Vs. Shiozaki ~
{19} ~ Bakugo Vs. Y/N ~
{20}~ Todoroki Vs. Bakugo ~
{21} ~ One Sided ~
{22} ~ F-friend? ~
{23} ~ Choosing Hero Names ~
{24} ~ Leaving for Internships ~
{25} ~ Hosu City Up in Flames ~
{26} ~ Stain ~
{27} ~ The Aftereffects ~
{28} ~ What the hell was that ? ~
{29} ~ Taking it Slow ~
{30} ~ Practical Partners ~
{31} ~ Team Midoriya and Bakugo ~
{32} ~ Shopping with 1-A ~
{33} ~ We meet again little one ~
{34} ~ What is Love ? ~
{35} ~ Freestyle Swimming with 1-A ~
{36} ~ Summer Camp Fun ~
{37} ~ A Test of Courage ~
{38} ~ The Midoriya's are Heroes ~
{39} ~ No matter the Cost ~
{40} ~ Protect Katsuki Bakugo ~
{41} ~ Touya Todoroki ~
{42} ~ Operation rescue Katsuki Bakugo ~
{43} ~ All Might Vs. AFO ~
{44} ~ Trust ~
{45} ~ It's Over ! ~
{46} ~ She's Mistreated ~
{47} ~ A Villian's Daughter ~
{48} ~ Phoenix Flame-Burn ~
{49} ~ Provisional Licenes Exam ~
{50} ~ Shindo Vs. Y/N ~
{51} ~ Shishikura Vs . Bakugo ~
{52} ~ Protect and Save ~
{53} ~ Katsuki Knows ~
{54} ~ Izuku Midoriya Vs. Katsuki Bakugo ~
{55} ~ House Arrests ~
{56} ~ Mirio Togata ~
{57} ~ I Love You ~
{58} ~ Overhaul the Young Leader ~
{59} ~ Work Studies ~
{60} ~ Phoenix, Red Riot, Suneater, and Fat ~
{61} ~ Future Heroes Red and Pheonix ~
{62} ~ Night Eye, Ryukyu, and Fat ~
{63} ~ Top Secret Mission ~
{64} ~ Tamaki Amajiki Suneater ~
{65} ~ Eijiro Kirishima Red Riot ~
{66} ~Y/N Midoriya-Todoroki Pheonix ~
{67} ~ Mirio Togata Lemillion ~
{68} ~ Izuku Midoriya Deku ~
{70} ~ Goodbye Sir Nighteye ~
{69} ~ Eri the Cursed Child ~
{71} ~ Pheonix's Flaming Heart ~
{72} ~ Fish Turd Delinquents ~
{73} ~ Dynamight's Advice ~
{74} ~ Remember to Smile ~
{75} ~ Katsuki Kills the Drums ~
{76} ~ Eri visits UA ~
{77} ~ Mission Make Eri Smile ~
{78} ~ Surprise Guests ~
{79} ~ This is not a drill ~
{80} ~ Dinner Invitation ~
{81} ~ Making Amends ~
{82 } ~ Hitoshi Shinsou ~
{83} ~ Shinsou's start line ~
{84} ~ Shinsou has Moves ! ~
{85} ~ Class A plus Shinsou Win!!! ~
~ A/N ~
{86} ~ Brother's of Darkness ~
{87} ~ Always looking ahead ~
{88} ~ Start talking you damn nerd! ~
{89} ~ Half of Sho's Strength ~
{90} ~ Sho's Exceptional Abilities ~
{91} ~ Surpassing the Limits ~
{92} ~ Our Bakugo ~
{93} ~ Become the #1 Hero ~
~ A/N ~
{94} ~ Blackwhip ~
{95} ~ A New Power ~
{96} ~ Congratulations Katsu and Sho ~
{97} ~ Merry Christmas Firefly ~
{98} ~ Off to Endeavor 's Agency ~
{99} ~ One Thing ~
{100} ~ Hellish Todoroki Family ~
{101} ~ Monster ~
{102} ~ Dying of Laughter Part 1 ~
{103} ~ Dying of Laughter Part 2 ~
{104} ~ Happy New Year ~
{105} ~ Cheers to New Beginnings ~
~ A/N ~
{106} ~ 2nd Year Ships ~
{107} ~ Heroes Assemble ~
{108} ~ Chargebolt's Heart ~
{109} ~ Keigo Takami ~
{110} ~ Heroes Never Give Up ! ~
{111} ~ Reinforcements ~
{112} ~ Awakened ~
{113} ~ We meet again little one Pt.2 ~
{115} ~ One Last Time ~
{116} ~ Protect The Ones You Love ~
{117} ~ Turn this anger into Power ~
{118} ~ Katsuki Bakugo : Rising Pt.1 ~
{119} ~ Katsuki Bakugo:Rising Pt. 2 ~
~ A/N ~

{114} ~ Disaster Awaits ~

400 14 4
By DekuandKacchan99

TW ~ ⚠️ Warning this chapter contains spoilers from season six read at your own risk! You've been warned! ⚠️


~~💥 ~~ 💥 ~~ 💥 ~~ 💥 ~~

Erasurehead's POV ~

I made it out of the hospital with Number One, Mirko, and Mic when I see Gran Torino zoom by in the distance.

Gran Torino just grabbed three people,
looks like the Midoriyas and Bakugo! Why are they here?

Was he chasing after them?

Crust our number sixth hero, your sacrifice saved me and I won't let your death die in vain. While I draw breath, my quirk , my life has one purpose to take you down!

"I will not let you lay a finger on my students!"I yelled at Shigiraki.

"Wow. You're still pretty cool, aren't you, Erasurehead? Kill everyone you see on the surface!"He said with a smile into a device in his hand.

"Guess we should have found a hiding spot first."I said.

"Well, we couldn't risk him touching the ground again, right?"Manuel, the normal pro hero, said as he used his quirk on me to keep my eyes open.

"Thank you, Manuel."I said thankfully.

"No problem if I go overboard the waters going to force you to blink I'm afraid we'll work together."He said with a smile.

Tomura Shigiraki, this is the end for you!

I won't let you go anywhere near my students!


Endeavor's POV ~

I'm using my hellfire to the max as I burn Shigiraki only to see it has no effect no matter how hard I try.

Uh oh!

"That hurt!"He said.

"I haven't released erasure yet."Erasurehead yelled at me.

He should be powerless. Was that his physical strength? And the jump from before hw can fly through the air with a single swing of his arms! I've seen abilities like this before .

All Might .

And then I remembered what that doctor said.

"Even though he's got an upgrade, he's still not as strong as all might in his prime, I'm afraid. I focused on altering his brain instead of overpowering his body."

What kind of monstrosity did u create?

He's got a bioengierend physic it's almost like he's the perfect nomu.

Strength is great, but Ryuku and I can take him.

Your atrocious, Shigiraki!

His movements are getting even faster !

That was a nice warm-up.

But I'm all fired up now!


Your POV ~

You, Katsuki, and Deku are currently being dragged in the air by Gran Torino going who knows where , when suddenly he stops and drops you three on the ground.

"You should be safe here."He said.

"His power Eraser took it just now, right?"Deku said.

"Yes, he's weaken if only slightly."Gran Torino said.

"What did you get tired? Why are we still so close to him?"Katsuki said, annoyed.

" I trust Gran Torino!"Deku said.

"Then we should, too. All Might trusts him too, after all." You said.

He was his mentor .

I remember All Might telling me and Deku that before our very first combat training class was.

The day Katsuki lost , and blew a fuse.

The day Deku won!

"Tch."Katsuki said.

"So Bakugo knows your secret, right?
Toshinori told me we can't go much further. Shigiraki's moving faster than anyone could've expected. Few will be able to follow him, and now that our coms have gone down. If he chases you three far out, no one would be able to catch up . You stopped him temporarily, got away him away from civilians, and put him in erasers' field of vision. Those are quite the accomplishments. I'll go back and keep your teacher on the move."He said.

"Wait are you saying we're just supposed to hide?"You said.

"The hell we are!"Katsuki yelled.

"All for one's quirks were transplanted into Shigiraki. That's what Present Mic said anyway!"He said.

"So that means that he can."Deku said with horror in his eyes.

"All for One, it allowed users to take away quirks from others. The user can keep them to himself or give them to someone else. "

He can take people's quirks.

A truly villainous quirk, a true villain.

"I can't imagine a worse scenario than him stealing ofa. Who could defeat him then?
Right now, he's just one person. If we can't stop him, then what's the point of there being so many heroes in this world?"Gran Torino said as he looked into the air.


"A-are those?"You stuttered with fear.

"No."Deku said.

"Where did they come from?"Katsuki said.

"The whole lab should've crumbled to dust in that decay wave. So how are there nomu here?"Gran Torino said, shocked.

Shiggy, what kind of monster have you been turned into!

I'll save you, Shiggy .

You're my family too.

AFO, I'll kill you!

This looks like a disaster waiting to happen.



Breaking News!

"This is an aerial view of Jaku City and what a nightmare. I'm estimating a third of the city has been completely leveled. Heroes and rescue teams are evacuating citizens but look at the current state of the streets. It's chaos down there! Dust clouds are obscuring the extent of the damage here but the scene that comes to mind is the disaster in Deika City.
What terrible force are the heroess fighting against?"

"Hosu city, Kamino Ward, and now this in Jaku. There seem to be no end to the massive terristours attacks that began last year. And despite the amount of police officers and pros on the ground no information whatsoever has been released to the press. It begs the question did the authorities know about this catstphony before it happens?

Whatever the case there's no doubt that the destruction we're seeing today is worse than any incident in recent history.You have to wonder what exactly is going on in Japan right now? Is this the new normal? The dangerous future were heading towards."

We'll continue to broadcast from the air from the NHA Helicopter.

This is NHA signing off.


Endeavor's POV ~

"Jetburn!"I yelled in the air as I fought Shigiraki from the front while Ryuku tried to sneak along from the back.

"Come on Endeavor Shigiraki must be stopped."Eraser yelled at me from the ground.

"Sneaky."Shigarki said with a smirk.

"Hell Spider!"I yelled as I wanted to burn that smirk right off his face.

"Ouchie that stung Number One! Hey Number One is this the arm you held up that day?probably should've checked before I beat you."He said tanting me.

"Get off! Where did these new nomu come from?"I said .

"It's simple I have full control over decay now. I wanted to keep the capsules from getting destroyed during that first wave but I just couldn't save them all. "He said with a smile.

"They won't wake and freak out suddenly?"I said to doc.

"Hmm? Of course not there activated by electricity. When I tap on this little device it triggers the current . Once awake they'll follow the orders of whoever's designated as their master. I'd say their servants fit for the king of the villians."Doc said.

"As I expected from my friend's deciplie he was careful to keep the high ends alive."Garaki said.

"High ends?"Mic said.

"Then he used radio waves to generate the current needed to open their eyes how clever. Unfortunately this batch hasn't been through testing yet, the poor soldiers can't think on their own as said their still far stronger than the upper-tierd nomu. For the time being I suppose we can call them near high ends hahaha."Garaki said with a evil laugh.

Dr. Garaki you monster .

How did Mirko hold her own against these beasts for so long and by herself ?


Your POV ~

The four of you watch the fight from the distance when Gran Torino springs into the air.

"Not good they're heading for Erasurehead now you three keep yourselves hidden!"He said as he flew into the air towards the pros.

Sorry but I can't do that, not after what he said.

"I can't imagine a worse scenario then him stealing ofa. Who could defeat him then?"

I know he told us to stay put but...

"I can't! No, I won't just sit here and doing nothing!"You yelled as you ran towards the fight.

"Heh I couldn't have said better myself let's go roast that damn sidekick!"Katsuki said with a smile as he ran beside you.

"But he told us to- wait for me!"Deku said as he ran after you.

"Jet burn!"Endeavor yelled in the distance.

"You know if your eyes are on me... then you should assume that I can see you as well!"Mr. Aizawa yelled.

"Erasurehead, you're standing in any way!"Shiggy yelled as he flew towards Mr. Aizawa.

"No I will not let you kill me!
If I die here and your quirks return you'll be unstoppable. There's still people I have to keep watch over till the day they graduate and become heroes, you think I'm a problem, look around .You're the one who's standing in the way! "Mr. Aizawa yelled.

"Too slow I won't make it!"Gran Torino yelled.

Mr. Aizawa!

Gran Torino won't make it but I will!

"I won't let you lay a finger on Mr. Aizawa Shiggy!"You yelled as you pushed Shiggy away.

"No kid!"Gran Torino yelled as he flew toward you.

"If Shigiraki can't use his powers then let us join the fight against him! Most of the pros are fighting the nomus that just showed up.
There aren't enough heroes to stop him if you fail and Shigiraki uses decay again were doomed. The worst thing would be losing you Mr. Aizawa!"Deku yelled as he joined in and helped you push Shigiraki away.

"I'm so sorry Midoriya but with your power there's no way you can become a hero."

"He's protected his students this whole time
we can't lose him after everything's he done or what are we even doing!?"You yelled.

"Midoriya, Y/n, I..."Mr. Aizawa said.

"It's our turn, to return the favor! How's this for rational teach? AP - Machine Gun!"Katsuki yelled as he used one of his ultimate moves aimed at Shigiraki.

"Huh aren't those fireworks adorable ?
I'm sorry but I'm afraid your just not interesting to me anymore!"Shiggy said as he flew towards Katsuki.

Really Shiggy?

Katsuki's pride won't let something like that bother him.

"I won't let you go anywhere near Katsuki again! Pheonix Tail Whip!"You yelled as you activated your fire whip restraining Shiggy.

"Endeavor sir!"Deku yelled.

"Where is Shoto!?"He yelled.

"Outside the zone!"Deku yelled.

"I was awfully close to my goal there , why must you always get in my way little one?"Shiggy said with a smile.

"Too close and because I'm a hero Shiggy."You said with a smile as you tightened your grip .

"I need you to protect him for me."Gran Torin said, pointing at Mr. Aizawa.

"Yeah we got it! He's not getting hurt on our watch don't worry."Manuel said as he led him away.

Shiggy's physical abilities have become extraordinary.

And he still needs to be stopped.

"His power and endurance is incomparable to All Might's now."Endeavor said.

"Really but how?"Deku said.

"As long as I don't blink that physical strength is his only advantage I'll keep my eyes open as long as I can."Mr. Aizawa said with determination.

"Deku, Bakugo, Y/n there's nothing we can do about you three being here , I won't ask why you came but we need to support Eraser! Bakugo you cover Deku, and Y/n you're with me let's go!"Endeavor said as he jumped into the air.

"It might be best to grab Midoriya and get out of here. You must take his ability ofa,
Come to me, dear little brother ."Shiggy said.

"Hell Spider!"You and Endeavor yelled simultaneously.

"Little brother ?"You said as you shot streams of fire from your finger tips.

"That wasn't me talking. You're ego is to big master. This is my power my body.
I won't let a voice in my head turn me into some kind of puppet. There's something I've been wondering how could a person called the lord of evil, be brought to his knees by a single man? I'm grateful for the way you raised me, Truly I am.But I have no desire to turn out like you. I want to be much much better !"Shiggy monologued.

"But you're not , and you never will be!"You yelled.

"So shut up! I'm taking this quirk because it's my will!"Shiggy said.

He's fighting with his master.

He really is just a side kick.

"One blow can be fatal but I accell at dodging, I trained a guy with crazy strength by comparison till be a breeze! You coward I keep disgracing shimuras' memory."Gran Torino yelled after he kicked Shiggy in the face.

"And who is that?"Shiggy said.

"My master gave up her heart so her family might know a life full of peace ."All Might said.

"You're not looking at him like the villain he is anymore , that's dangerous."Gran Torino said.

"Your very existence hurts Toshinori! You're the diseased destroying this world!"He yelled in Shiggy's face.

"You can think whatever you want!
Try what you will but ofa will be mine!"Shiggy said.

"Gran Torino I got you! "You yelled as you caught him in your arms.

"Think you can ignore me? Heh you're dumber than you look can't you see he's just the bait you moron!"Katsuki yelled as he pulled his pin out of his grenade and fired setting Shiggy on fire.

That's my Katsuki.

"Smash!"Deku yelled as he jumped into the air with his shoot style.

"You and I are not the same person take your time and just ask yourself what kind of heroes do you want to be?"

"So what if I can't beat you by myself. Vanishing Fist!"Endeavor yelled as he used his hellfire quirk.

"Pheonix Flame Burn!"You yelled as you used your ultimate move.

Number one I hate you truly and always will.

But you did help me, Deku, Kats, and Sho get stronger, so here's my thanks for that.

All Might will always be the true number one hero to me.

Shiggy I know your lost right now but I will help you find yourself again .


Earphone Jack's POV ~

I'm with classes A and B in the forest listening for sounds in the ground when my jacks go crazy.

"Ahhhh!"I yelled.

"Uh oh what's the matter Jirou Jack?"Kaminari said to me.

"This is bad guys !There's something massive under the compound and it's moving."I said.

Whatever it is it's huge and it's coming .

This is definitely not good!


Dabi's POV ~

Machia finally woke up, started moving and is now grabbing hold of us all.

"Whoa wait stop what do you think your doing? Unhand me at once this instance, stole you from your perch as well?"Compress said.

"Yeah I was in the big hall, and next thing I knew this big oaf was carrying me away."Spinner said.

"He grabbed me right when I was getting stabby."Toga said.

"Ahhh! Here a spare costume cover yourself my dear."Compress said.

"Shigiraki must really be awake,
Machia's got a hell of a nose on him and it seems dead set on taking us along
Not so fast big guy there's someone here I still got used for."I said as I dodged Machia's hand.

This big oaf .

I'm not leaving without him.

"Ahh?"Chikazuko said.

"Did I ever mention I liked you from the second I laid eyes on you weirdo?"I said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?"Chikazuko said.

"Hey Machia were taking him with us!"I said as I jumped onto the beasts back.

"Huh? No you can't my duties here!"He said.

"Does anyone want to fill me in here?"Spinner said.

"The boss is back in the game it's the only reason this oversized rock here would act up?"I said to him.

"Isn't it a little earlier than we planned?"Toga asked.

*Sniff sniff*

"Master master!"Machia said.

"Not today! Oh crap!"Mt.Lady said as she stood in his way pushing him back.

"Don't let him overpower you my lady!"A pro said.

"Easier said then done huh big guy? "She said strainly.

"Grrrr!"Machia growled.

"You better not make me look bad."She said.

They haven't the slightest idea what this oversized rock can do.

She's underestimating Machia, stupid pro.


Earphone Jack's POV ~

I listening for any changes from earlier, and realize that gigantic thing I felt earlier is on the move and it's moving fast .

"The gigantic thing is headed our way!"I yelled to the others.

"Okay how big of a big are we talking about here ?"Kaminari said.

"I have no idea! Can you see it Shoji?"I said.

"No it's too far out!"He said.

"Uh, I thought we had the upper hand?"Mina said.

"The last update we reviewed said the operation was going to plan but I dunno."Yaomomo said.

"What? So he's broken through the perimeter? Pros move in as reinforcements! Work study students remain on stand by!"The pro hero said.

"There's a whole army of pros that front line? How's it's possible thing's are falling apart?"Sero said.

I don't know Sero?

I just don't know.


Third person POV ~

Y/n, Katsuki, and Deku join the pros on the battlefield to protect Mr. Aizawa at all costs. And things aren't going too well but those three refuse to give up.

Meawhile , Gigantomachia and the LOV is headed straight for Class A and Class B.

Will Machia reach Shigiraki?

Will Class A and Class B be able to stop him?

We'll have to wait and see.

Till next time!

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