
By materialgworlll_

1.4M 30.6K 8.4K

Meet Janessa Raines.. A 17 Year Old Assassin, Business Owner And Mom.. She was kidnapped at 1 by her familie... More

Cast !
Chapter 1 - Bio Family
Chapter 2 - Moving In
Chapter 3 - First Dinner
Chapter 4 - You're Not My Father
Chapter 5 - Shopping
Chapter 6 - Finding Her Suspicous
Chapter 7 - Assasination
Cast II
Chapter 8 - Meeting The Rest
Chapter 9 - Q&A
Chapter 10 - Poison
Chapter 11 - First Day Of School
abt casting list 3
Chapter 12 - First Day Of School II
Chapter 13 - shes your daughter
Chapter 14 - Day Off
Chapter 15 - Planned for fun
Chapter 16 - Negative
Chapter 17 - Pictures
Chapter 18 - Gone Wrong
Chapter 19 - Anger
Chapter 20 - k i d n a p p e d
Chapter 21 - letting them go
Chapter 22 - the next morning
Chapter 23 - discharged
Chapter 24 - finding out
Chapter 26 - choice in the making?
Chapter 27 - her decision
ur options :)
Chapter 28 - a random day
Chapter 29 - the unexpected
Chapter 30 - family meeting
Chapter 31 - assassin
Chapter 32 - goodbye mansion
Chapter 33 - leaving
Chapter 34 - arrival
Chapter 35 - house tour
Chapter 36 - meeting everyone
Chapter 37 - getting settled in
Chapter 38 - about time
Chapter 39 - meeting her
Chapter 40 - confrontation right?
Chapter 41 - night before, new day
Chapter 42 - drama
Chapter 43 - oops
Chapter 44 - explanation
Chapter 45 - and done
Chapter 46 - getting ready
Chapter 47 - shocker
48 - blow up
49 - aftermath
Janessa Sequel!

Chapter 25 - their pov

28.1K 529 212
By materialgworlll_

I didn't even go upstairs..

I just went to the garage, got in my car and drove to my best friend's house.


" hey is everything okay? " my best friend asked as I got out the car.

" everything is fine, i just wanted to hang out with you for a few days " I said and she looked like she didn't believe it but luckily she didn't question it.

" okay well come on in " she said and I quickly closed the door and followed her.

I mean how could I not know?

I had a whole brother out there and I didn't know..

Like is he alive? Does he know me?

I've been around for 24 years and I didn't know.

" Katherine " my best friend said and I quickly looked at her.

" Are you sure you're okay? " she asked worriedly.

" I'm sure " I said and sat down.

" so how's your family? " she asked sitting down next to me.

" my family is my family although i don't think I mentioned to you that my sister is back " I said and she gasped.

" really? no you did not! " she said.

" well she's back and let me just say it's a bunch of stuff going on " I said and let out a sigh.

" but let's not talk about that " I said after a few seconds.

I came here to get away from whatever just happened.


When I ran up to my room I grabbed my backpack and quickly went in my dresser before grabbing like three outfits.

I also grabbed my laptop, chargers, motorcycle keys and made sure i had my phone before leaving my room.

I heard Janessa yell as I started going downstairs and I bumped into Simon who was going upstairs.

" did you know? " I asked and he shook his head no.

" did you? " he asked and I also shook my head no.

With that i walked downstairs and went straight to the garage.

I opened the garage, got on my motorcycle and sped off, i didn't exactly know where I was going because i didn't want to deal with anyone.

A brother? Seriously? How did Janessa even know and not us..

Her knowing isn't even the problem- it's the lying.

How could they just sit up there and lie in my face- especially my father.

But then again what did I expect in a mafia family..

It's too many secrets.


I'm the second son and I didn't know- why did Jeremy only know..

I could be strong and go ask him but I don't even want to look at them two right now.

Not to mention what I found out about Janessa..

My little sister has two kids- i'm not judging her or anything but she actually is a little young but all that matters is that they are taken care of.

if this so called brother is older.. then dad was just about her age so he can't be a hypocrite.

Honestly this is too much for me right now.


I went back to the kitchen and continued making a fruit bowl with the spicy chile's.

I eat when I'm stressed.

To avoid anyone talking to me I put my earbuds in and had the music blasted.

She's lying- she knows i know about the bruises and they bought it.

Honestly I hope she's okay because what I saw was scary.

Her kids are adorable too.

But no a brother? That's shocking and the fact is that we don't even know our own blood.

Who keeps siblings away from siblings? there's got to be a explanation.


A few seconds after Janessa yelled it was silent and I was about to speak when he walked off.

I let out a sigh and quickly followed behind him.

" dad what the hell was that? " I asked coldly.

I know he's my father but he shouldn't have put his hands on her- she didn't do anything wrong.

" watch who you're talking to " he said and I scoffed.

" you shouldn't have put your hands on her! how did she know about him- and how did she know about mom? " I asked.

" I know it was wrong- I already hate myself for it and I have no idea because you're the only one who knew besides my father and brothers " he said.

" okay but you almost killed her, why would you do that? " I asked angrily and stepped in front of him.

" do me a favor, get the hell out of my way " he said in a dead cold tone and I scoffed before moving out the way.

" whatever, but don't drive your family away because you didn't want to tell them " I said and walked away.

He can deal with his own problems.

I can't believe she has two kids- who would've thought..

I walked to the kitchen and saw Nathan there and from here you could hear his music blasting.

He looked up at me and gave me a mean mug before leaving but not without bumping into me.

Yeah that's fair- I deserve that.

The only reason i know is because I saw him a few times when I was younger and I was promised not to tell anyone.

Anthony is a child from a one night stand- father cheated on mom and the mistress had consequences.

But father didn't want anyone to know so Anthony was with his mom.

What can I do about that.. exactly nothing.

When I got to my office I locked the door and instantly grabbed the bottle of whisky out of the cabinet.

What the fuck is wrong with me..

Why did I do that..

I drank from the bottle and felt the burning sensation hit my throat.

I'm not justifying my actions and I know I shouldn't have did that- I just saw red.

From her bringing up Anthony when I didn't want them to know, when she practically disrespected me, and from stress at work that added on.

I took my anger out on her and i did it on her mother once but it was on accident.

How did she know? I don't know but it's not her fault.

It was bound to happen but I didn't want it to happen this soon.

And yeah I did first have a child near her age but it was different for me.

I stared at the wall and continued drinking the whisky.

This is not what I wanted to happen tonight.

I hate that they had to see that and rest assured they'll never see it again.

Now I could've killed him right then and there but I didn't.

I'm supposed to be better than this.

As I drove I looked in the rear view mirror and saw them watching tv.

I need to train more because this isn't me..

This weak little girl isn't me- not anymore.

My phone rang and i quickly answered it.

" how'd it go? " diana asked and I turned the radio down.

" not how i'd think " I said turning right.

" explain everything " she said and I was about to speak when my phone buzzed.

" hold on, i'll call you back " I said and hung up and answered the other call.

" hello? " I asked coldly.

" Janessa meet me at the Coronado Fair at 10 " a unknown voice said.

" who are you? " I asked.

" the person who's helping your future in a way, so please meet me there " the person said and it hung up.

I don't know about meeting this person, i just got out of the hospital and plus that's in thirty minutes.


I pulled back up to the hotel and Stephanie and Diana were outside waiting.

They grabbed the girls out of the car and walked off.

I actually did call her back and explained how i'd be meeting with someone.

Of course they were skeptical about it and I mean I am too but something tells me to go meet this person.

Trust me when I say I'm prepared.

I blew the horn and quickly pulled back off.

The fair is like twenty five minutes away so I'd get there a little after ten.


When I got there I saw it was crowded and nobody does anything too harsh in Public so I felt a sense of relief.

I quickly got out my car and started walking toward the bridge.

As I looked around my phone went off and I quickly looked at it.

by the water fountain

I rolled my eyes and made sure my gun was on me before I continued working.

I don't even know where the water fountain is but okay.

I walked to the first worker I saw and tapped his shoulder.

" excuse me can you tell me where the water fountain is " I said politely.

" yes keep going down, make a right and go down a little more and make a left " he said and I thanked him before quickly leaving.

Who has a water fountain at the fair anyway..

" Well I mean it is a park " the voice in my head said.


I finally found the water fountain and i sat down.

With my emotionless face i looked around and felt someone sit beside me but I didn't look at them.

" who are you? " I asked.

" like I said- the person who's helping your future. " they said cockily.

" what do you want? " I asked and what he said next shocked me.

I looked at him and there was a sense of familiarity.

" you want me to do what? " I asked and he looked at me with a serious face.

" I wouldn't ask you to do it if I knew you couldn't " he said.

" give me time to think on this " I said back.

" you have 12 hours.. starting now " he said and left.


Y'all I gotta peeeee let me hurry up and update this ( yes ik its tmi )

I'm watching criminal mindssss 🥰.

Do you like criminal minds? If so- who's your favorite character?

My main one is Emilyyyy >>>> 😩.

I see y'all comments for the " a/n " and I also wanna ask..

" how many brothers should she have? "

I hope everything is good with y'all 💕.

It's Wednesdayyyy.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter too :)

Vote 🪐
Comment 💗

Lmk if you see any mistakes ..

See ya laterrrr <33 .

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