
By chloelovesafi

43.4K 666 113

Katherine Maybell has lived a life of lying, bullying, and keeping secrets. What happens when Alison is found... More

1 - Pilot
2 - The Jenna Thing
3 - To Kill A Mocking Girl
4 - Can You Hear Me Now?
5 - Reality Bites Me
6 - There's No Place Like Homecoming
7 - The Homecoming Hangover
8 - Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone
9 - The Perfect Storm
10 - Keep Your Friends Close
11 - Moments Later
12 - Salt Meets Wound
13 - Know Your Frenemies
14 - Careful What U Wish 4
15 - If at First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
16 - Je Suis Une Amie
18 - The Badass Seed
19 - A Person of Interest
20 - Someone to Watch Over Me
21 - Monsters in the End
22 - For Whom The Bell Tolls
23 - It's Alive
24 - The Goodbye Look
25 - My Name Is Trouble
26 - Blind Dates
27 - The Devil You Know
28 - Never Letting Go
29 - Surface Tension
30 - Save the Date

17 - The New Normal

1K 15 1
By chloelovesafi

"Okay, so your sister's pregnant? How'd that happen?" Hanna asked.

"I figure pretty much the usual way." Spencer said.

"I can't believe Melissa's pregnant, I'm so happy for them." Katherine said.

"It's not really a how question. It's more of a why question." Emily said.

"So she can start a family? I mean, they're married, it's not a big surprise that they want kids." Katherine said.

"Well, I mean, I guess Melissa could have gotten all maternal but I doubt it." Spencer said.

"This is so creepy." Hanna said.

"Where are they now?" Emily asked.

"Philadelphia. Shopping." Spencer said.

"What do you think this means?" Hanna asked, looking at the paper that Toby had given Spencer.

"I don't know, but Toby wanted us to have it." Spencer said, pulling up a translator. "There. It's in Braille."

"You wanna see this, Aria?" Emily asked.

"No. I can see just fine from here." Aria said.

Katherine got up and went to sit next to Aria.

"The first letter's a B." Spencer said.

"Hanna feels awful, Aria. Cut her some slack." Katherine whispered.

"If my mom had gotten there, Ezra could've been sent to jail." Aria whispered.

"Look, Hanna made sure that she didn't get there. You and Ezra are fine. Please forgive her. I haven't seen Hanna this upset since Alison started calling her Hefty Hanna." Katherine whispered.

"A, it's an A." Spencer said.

"I think it's gonna tell us who A is." Hanna said.

"D?" Spencer said, writing down the last letter.

"B-A-D." Emily said.

"Bad." Hanna said.

"Bad? Why the hell would she write that in code? She literally could've written bad and we'd still be confused." Katherine said.

"That's the whole message? Bad?" Spencer said.

"What's it supposed to mean?" Emily asked.

"It means you got punked. Toby doesn't trust us. I don't blame him." Aria said.

"No, I don't think he would mess with us like this." Emily said.

"You'd be surprised what people are capable of." Aria said. Katherine gave her a look and Aria tried to ignore it.

"You guys, we have to figure this out. This might be a joke, but it could be something real." Spencer said.

"Well, look, either way, Toby's not the enemy." Hanna said.

"You know what, guys? I'm gonna go." Aria said, picking up her stuff and heading towards the door.

"I'm gonna go with her. Tell me what you figure out." Katherine said, grabbing her things and rushing after Aria.

"What was that all about?" Spencer asked, when the two girls left.

"How should I know?" Hanna asked.

"Aria, wait up." Katherine said, following Aria to the car.

"Get in." Aria said.

Katherine got into the car and Aria started driving. She parked in front of an apartment complex, making Katherine confused.

"Where are we going?" Katherine asked.

"Ezra's." Aria said. Katherine's eyes widened but she kept her mouth shut, not wanting to upset Aria anymore than she already was.

They walked up to Ezra's apartment and Aria knocked. He opened the door and smiled when he saw his girlfriend but the smile dropped slightly when he noticed Katherine.

"Can we come in?" Aria asked.

"Sure, sure." Ezra said, opening the door the rest of the way.

"Look, Mr. Fitz, there's something I've been wanting to say for a few days." Katherine said. Ezra looked at her, confused and a little worried but let her continue. "I'm sorry for helping Noel blackmail you and for being a bitch and for hitting you and for threatening you." She said, playing with a string on her sweater.

"Katherine, you already apologized. It's fine." Ezra said.

"Yeah, but this time I actually meant it." Katherine said.

"Oh, well, thank you." Ezra said.

"Yeah." Katherine said.

"I was worried there would be a fight, thank god you made up. Two of my favorite people! Thank you, guys." Aria said, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you want any dinner? Aria? Katherine?" Ezra offered.

"Yeah, that'd be great." Aria said.

"Sure, thanks." Katherine said, still on edge about Ezra.


Katherine walked into The Brew for a coffee before she headed to school and for a moment she thought her heart stopped. Jason DiLaurentis was ordering a coffee when she walked in. Katherine took a deep breath and stood behind him in line, doing her best to act as if he wasn't even there. But the plan failed when Jason turned to walk out. 

"Kat?" He said, smiling at the brunette.

"Hey, Jason." Katherine said, giving him a small smile before ordering her iced coffee. 

"Here, I'll pay." Jason said, getting his card out and handing it to the cashier. 

"That's really not necessary." Katherine said. 

"It's the least I could do." Jason said, still smiling down at her. 

Katherine giggled as Jason kissed every inch of her face. But when they heard footsteps approaching, Jason quickly walked her over to the closet and she stayed silent as Jason's door opened. 

"CeCe's here." Alison said, clearly annoyed that she had to talk to Jason. 

"Alright, give me a little bit." Jason said. Katherine couldn't see it but she knew that Alison had rolled her eyes. 

"Be down in ten or I'm stealing her." Alison said as she walked out. 

"Who's CeCe?" Katherine asked, as she walked out of Jason's closet. 

"Nobody, an old friend." Jason said, shrugging. 

"I think Ali's talked about her before, if I remember right, she sounds like a bitch." Katherine said. 

"I guess." Jason said. "I'll see you later." He said, giving her a quick kiss and opening his window for her to sneak out. 

"Bye." Katherine said, climbing down the tree and landing in Spencer's backyard. She walked across the lawn and entered the house. 

"You know, Aria might be right about this. Toby does have every reason to give us a hard time." Emily said. 

"Seriously, Em? He's my friend. Your friend." Katherine said, annoyed at least one of her friends was blaming Toby at all times.

I suppose, but Kat's right. And that's just not the feeling that I got from talking to him. Do you know what I mean?" Spencer said. 

"Yeah, I do." Emily said. 

"Good, it's decided. Toby is innocent." Katherine said, smiling at the other two girls. 

"Hey." Aria said, sitting next to Katherine as Hanna sat next to Emily. 

"What is it with you and the Artful Dodger?" Spencer asked Hanna. 

"Who?" Hanna asked. 

"Caleb." Emily said. 

"I thought that thing at the swim meet was a one off." Spencer said. 

"Calm down, Spence. Hanna and Caleb would be super cute together." Katherine said. 

"It was. And we would not be, he's just a friend." Hanna said. 

"We just saw you talking to him." Emily said. 

"And you gave him something that looked like a wet oven mitt." Spencer said. 

"It was his hat." Hanna said. 

"And why did you have his hat, Ms. Hanna Banana?" Katherine asked. 

"Why shouldn't I have his hat?" Hanna asked. 

"Hanna, maybe you're looking for something a little edgier after Sean. But this guy is dark." Spencer said. 

"Spence, he's not that dark. I bet that Kat's darker than him." Hanna said.

"Hey, I'm right here." Katherine said. 

"He's no Arthur Dodger, whoever that is." Hanna said. 

"Yeah, he's just had it tough." Aria said. 

"Are you two on speaking terms again?" Spencer asked. 

"Of course we are." Aria said, smiling at Hanna. 

"You need to be really careful about that guy." Emily said. 

"Well, it seems to me we had this conversation once about Toby." Hanna said.

"Damn, she got you there." Katherine said, earning a kick under the table from Spencer. "Ow." Katherine whisper yelled. 

"I'm looking for Coach Fulton." A man in a suit said, walking up to the teachers table in the cafeteria. 

"Is the coach expecting you?" Ezra asked. 

"The coach is avoiding me. That's what the coach is doing." The man said, talking as loud as he could. 

"Are you a parent?" Ezra asked, standing up. 

"Yes, I'm a parent. Nick McCullers. My daughter is Paige McCullers." Nick said. 

"I have your daughter in English comp. I'm Ezra Fitz." Ezra said, holding his hand out to shake Nick's. 

"The coach." Nick said, ignoring what Ezra had just said. 

"I'll tell you what, why don't e walk down to the principal's office, and see if we can find Coach Fulton." Ezra said. 

"I've seen the principal, and all I got was a lot of politically correct double talk about the agenda in this place that's penalizing my daughter. Taking opportunities away from her, and giving them to someone who doesn't deserve them!" Nick said. 

"Everybody gets a fair chance here, Mr. McCullers. We go out of our way to make sure that that's how it works." Ezra said. 

"My girl is the best swimmer on that team and you can't give it to somebody just because-" Nick started. 

Katherine went to stand up and give Nick McCullers a piece of her mind but she was pulled back down by Aria and Spencer, and Ezra subtly shook his head at her. He could handle this on his own, he didn't need Katherine to come over and get violent. 

"You're in a cafeteria, Mr. McCullers, filled with kids trying to have lunch. I don't think that's the audience you want, is it?" Ezra said, interrupting Nick and leading him out of the cafeteria. 


"Hi, I'm Olivia Kahn. Ezra Fitz, right?" Olivia said, taking a seat in front of Ezra's desk. 

"Yes, it's great to meet you, Mrs. Kahn." Ezra said. "So, Noel is a smart student, he has a tendency to skip often but he has a good grade so I try to be lenient with it. He's a great student, however he could put more work into his essay's. It's very clear that he doesn't read through the whole book, just skims a few chapters."

"Noel's never been a huge reader, just like his brother. They're jocks who love to party." Olivia said. 

"As he long as his grade keeps up it's not a huge problem." Ezra said, giving the woman a fake smile. 

"And' how's Katherine doing?" Olivia asked. 

"Katherine?" Ezra asked, confused on why Olivia Kahn would be the one asking. 

"Yes, Katherine Maybell. Between us, her mom isn't much of a mom. Me and Steven have taken care of Kat since the day she was born." She said. 

"Oh, well, Katherine does great. She's an amazing student. She likes books but she isn't much of a reader. I've seen her have Spencer or Aria read out loud for her many times. She's maintained an A all year, so far. But, she does get violent. Just the other day I had to stop a fight she started with another girl, she had broken the girls nose by the time I got them separated." Ezra said.

"That's Katherine. She's always been a bit aggressive, it's because she has to protect herself. At the end of they day, she lives at home. Who knows who that skank brings into that house." Olivia said, laughing slightly. 

"I'm sorry?" Ezra said. 

"Her mother, Monica, she brings in men and sleeps with them for drugs. It's why Katherine spends most of her time across the street, with the Hastings'." Olivia explained. 


"When are you supposed to see Toby?" Emily asked Spencer as Spencer, Emily, and Katherine 

"Tomorrow, while Jenna's at her music lesson." Spencer said. 

"Romantic." Katherine said, laughing a little. 

"Shut up." Spencer said, rolling her eyes at the shorter brunette. 

"Take it." Hanna said, passing a jacket to Aria. 

"No, you take it." Aria said, passing the jacket back. 

"The storm has passed." Spencer whispered to Emily and Katherine. 

"What was going on with you two?" Emily asked. 

"Okay, so, you know how I went to that museum with Ezra?" Aria said. 

"Yeah." Spencer said and Emily nodded. 

"Well, A tried to get Hanna to ruin it." Aria said. 

"Ruin it how?" Spencer asked. 

"A gave me another ticket, and made me give it to Aria's mom." Hanna said. 

"God, Hanna. Why didn't you tell us this was happening?" Emily asked. 

"She told me, losers." Katherine said, her natural smirk appearing. 

"Ignoring that." Spencer said. 

"Well, I tried to stop it. I mean, her mom's car didn't just stall. Caleb fixed it to keep it from getting there and that's why I owe him." Hanna said. 

"Yeah, and he's the one who's been breaking into the vending machines at school. I mean, he's practically living there." Aria said. 

"In school?" Emily asked. 

"They found his stuff, so he's not sleeping there anymore. He's sleeping in my basement." Hanna said. 

"Okay, why didn't I know about this?" Katherine asked. 

"Yeah, wait. Rewind that a little for me." Aria said. 

"Does your mom know?" Emily asked. 

"No. But, I mean, it's just for a couple of nights." Hanna said. 

"A couple of nights? Are you crazy?" Spencer asked. 

"Great, Crazy Spencer's back." Katherine said. 

"Guys." Emily said, looking at something past them. 

They all turned and saw Jenna Marshall, they walked towards her. She was trying on some lingerie. For someone who likes lace. 


"Hey, what's up?" Katherine asked, answering Spencer's call. 

"Hey, you're on speaker. It's me and Toby. He's got news." Spencer said. 

"I'm free! The blood was corrupted, they dropped the charges." Toby said.

"Oh my god, that's amazing! Come for dinner at the Grille. I'll invite Em. At seven." Katherine said. 

"We'll be there!" Toby said. 

Katherine could just tell that he had a huge smile on his face. "I'll see you tonight." 


Katherine walked into Lucky Leon's to get cupcakes for later, she was going to throw a mini party for Toby at the Grille. 

"Half a dozen chocolate cupcakes, and half a dozen vanilla cupcakes please. And could they have little broken ankle monitors, please?" Katherine said. 

"Yeah. Ten, seventy three. Can I get a name, please?" The cashier said. Katherine handed over her card. 

"Katherine Maybell."

"What are the cupcakes for?" Jason asked, walking into the shop.

"Toby. He's free." Katherine said, a big smile on her face. 

"I didn't realize you were close to him." Jason said. 

"And I didn't realize I'd run into you in a dessert shop." Katherine said. 

"What can I say, I love cake." Jason said. 

"Yeah, I know." Katherine said, her smile fading slightly. 

"Your order will be ready at five." The cashier said. 

"Thanks." Katherine said, taking her card and saying a quick goodbye to Jason. 

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