Why? [A FNAF Security Breach...

By damingdollface

54.8K 1K 1.3K

(I really loved the security breach game. So I've made a fanfic of it!) Gregory had a hard life, especially b... More

1: The start
2: Daycare
3: Two protectors
4: Caught
5: Backstage
7: Hunger
8: Hurt
9: Dumpster
10: Ghost
11: Shock
12: Trap
13: Vanessa
14: Apologetic
15: Nightmare

6: Moondrop

3.8K 70 81
By damingdollface

The stage began to head down. Sundrop quickly pulled out the flashlight that Gregory given him. Gregory sighed in relief now that they had gotten away from the others.

"Good job supersta-ar". Freddy said. "Thank you sun for pro-pro-protecting him".

"No problem, just doing my job!". Sundrop said. While the three of them were waiting. Sundrop looked frightened when he noticed that the flashlight was just a minute away from dying. Knowing that moon would come out. When they reached the floor. The flashlight flickered. Sundrop's body began to twitch and shake. Gregory and Freddy quickly took notice.

"I....I need to get away! Lights on! Lights on!". Sundrop shouted. He quickly bulted away as he possibly could. Gregory could hear him growling, just like in the daycare the first time.

"Gregory, I need to get to a re-charge sta-ation". Freddy spoke. "My recharge c-cyle is nearly run-ning out. Follo-ow me".

The child quickly began to follow the bear. But as soon as they saw the recharge station. Freddy suddenly fell backwards. Gregory noticed and ran over the bear. "Freddy? Freddy!". Gregory tried shaking Freddy. He did respond. Did his recharge cyle run out quickly?

But before Gregory could do anything else. He suddenly felt a hand grab him from behind. He was lifted and suddenly thrown on the other side. He was thrown harshly. "Agh! Gyah!". Gregory whined. Hitting his face onto the floor. Gregory groaned. He tried seeing who was there. Then he noticed two figures dragging Freddy away. Gregory attempt to get up. He rubbed his head and eyes. Until he noticed that now he was alone. Alone in the dark as well, it wasn't completely dark. There was a little bit of small lights around.

"Freddy?!". Gregory called out. No response. Not even an echo. He was alone right now. Gregory could feel anxiety build up in him. 'I need to find Freddy! And Sunny too'. Gregory then held up his waist and spoke into the fazwatch. "Freddy! Freddy are you there?!".

Freddy didn't answer. Gregory then looked around. There was another room behind the glass. Gregory looked through, there was a strange figure standing there. The figure looked like a skeleton, it had eyes. But nothing much else. It looked metal and all. It looked similar, he could've swore that it looked like the two figures that took Freddy. Gregory turned to the direction where he had saw Freddy get dragged to.

Gregory headed towards the hallway. As he walked further. He screamed when a bot appeared out of nowhere. The bot got into Gregory's face. "Hi. Please take this map. Take a map". The bot then lead a map in it's hand. Gregory snatched it in annoyance.

"Thank you". The bot said. Turning away.

"Ugh! I hate that thing!". Gregory said. Although the bot seem to care less about Gregory's words. Gregory then began to walk towards an entrance. The entrance opened. Revealing another room. Gregory walked in. There was a light in the middle. Gregory walked a bit further. Finding another room, this room had tables stacked onto each other or was covered. Gregory checked the fazmap. "Hmm, it's a map of the utillity tunnels. There's a security office nearby. If I can find another security badge. I can get into parts and service. But I need to find Freddy and Sun. Where did Sun even run off to?". Gregory asked himself.

Gregory walked pass the covered tables. He stopped to notice a figure there. A metal looking figure with nothing but eyes. The body was all metal, similar to a skeleton. Gregory was weird out, he walked past the figure. Gregory reached the end. But at the end was blocked. "It's blocked. I wonder if there's a way around".

There was movement sound coming from behind. Gregory turned back. Noticing that the figure was facing forward. Gregory raised a brow. 'Did...did it just move? When I wasn't looking?'. Gregory thought, noticing that there was an open vent. Gregory then crawled through. When he took a sharp turn. He suddenly heard small movements from behind. But it wasn't a suprise as Gregory guessed it was the same mini dj music man. "Not again".

Gregory then took three more sharp turns. Before then finally crawling out. The mini dj music man then crawled back where it came from. There was a group of trashcans of the animitronics. Gregory walked past them. The wall of an entrance then opened. There was two ways, but Gregory was unsure where to go. But decided to head to the one of the left side. Gregory stumbled apon a plushie of Moondrop. And a TV that showed an image of Moondrop, similar to the one back at the daycare. Gregory then entered a room. He noticed a freddy button in the distance. He clicked it, the wall of another way opened.

'How many ways do I need to go?'. Gregory thought. He walked through, seeing a pair of plushies laying by. Gregory went to the end of the way. There was similar figure. A robot. The same one that Gregory saw before. It was another endo skeleton. 'This thing again? How many are there?'.

Gregory then snucked past it. This time keeping his eyes on the robot. He looked at the wall, seeing an image of a robot and a man. 'Is that what what an animitronic looks like inside the suit?'. Gregory thought and guessed. "So this is what you look like inside?' Creepy. I like you better with your shell on". Gregory said, talking to the fazwatch. He pressed the Freddy button and the wall then opened. Gregory then kept his eyes on the two endo skeletons in the corner.

Once again, seeing more junk and plushies lying around. He took another sharp turn. He heard movement from behind. Gregory turned, the two endo skeletons were facing forward. Gregory turned forward and takened a couple more sharp turns. He stopped to a room. The room was soft, almost like a bouncy house. There was an endo skeleton there. Two TVS. Gregory quickly headed out of the room.

Gregory headed towards a hallway. Then stopped to notice a freddy button. He ran up and pressed it. He turned around to see two endo skeletons in the way. Gregory kept his eyes on them and attempted to head past them. Gregory then reached another hallway. He could hear more endo skeletons coming near. And before Gregory realized it. He began to hear more and more movement.

Gregory then finally found a room. There was a desk in the middle. "It's the security office. Hm...should be one of those badge head things in here". Gregory said. He walked up to the desk. There was a couple more endo skeletons in the room. 'I need to be quick, these things are in the room with me'. Gregory then pressed the nose of the small freddy head. The freddy head opened its mouth, a squeak noise went off. Gregory snatched the badge from inside.

"Got it! Now I can open parts and service now....oh c'mon!". Gregory turned, the endo skeletons were now facing forward. Gregory kept looking back at them as he kept walking towards the exit of the room. Then Gregory began to made a run for it. When he turned to his shoulder, the endo skeletons were suddenly moving. Even when Gregory was looking at them. 'What the hell?! Why are they moving now?!'.

There was two endo skeletons blocking Gregory's way. Gregory panicked. 'No...I'm trapped!'.

Gregory screamed when he felt someone grab him and lift him from behind. And endo was carrying him. Gregory tried struggling although being a child. He was easily overpowered. "Let go!". Gregory yelled. The endo skeleton then walked into a different hallway. Before then throwing the child. Gregory fell onto his face. "Aggh! Ugh!".

Gregory tried sitting up. He found himself surrounded by endo skeletons. There wasn't anywhere to go now. He couldn't escape. They were all around him. The endo skeletons then grabbed the child and attempted to pin him down. Gregory struggled once more. "Stop! Stop it!". Gregory cried out. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! FREDDY!!! SUNNY!!!". Gregory screamed. But nobody was there. Freddy wasn't with him. And neither was Sundrop.

An endo skeleton suddenly grabbed Gregory by the throat and began choking him. At this point, Gregory wasn't able to move or even fight back because a group of endo skeletons had much strength and were overpowering at the moment. But just when the endo skeleton began to suffocate the child. A raspy deep voice spoke.

"...Naughty bots....Naughty bots...". The voice chanted. Gregory immediately regconized it. The voice back from the daycare when the lights went out. Gregory could see the eeire animitronic he guessed as Moondrop was now coming near. He was by the end of the hallway, he was crawling.

"...Ganging up upon a helpless defenseless child....how cruel...You must be PUNISHED...". Moondrop said sounding angry, crouching up now standing. Gregory could see that he had claws. Moon suddenly lanched upon an endo skeleton. He wrapped his legs around the robot. Sitting on its shoulders then grabbing by the head. Moon ripped off the head of the endo skeleton. One of the endo skeletons then let go of Gregory, releasing his throat. He gasped now that he was able to breath.

Moondrop then suddenly clawed at an endo skeleton's eyes. There was screeching coming from one of the endo skeletons. Moondrop continued on destroying the endo skeletons. He tore off an arm, clawed out one's eyes, and ripped off a head of one. Gregory backed up against the wall as he watched Moondrop destroy each of the endo skeletons. One by one.

"...Nighty night...". Moondrop said. As he finished off the final endo skeleton. Forcefully tearing off the head. Moondrop then dropped the decapitated head of the endo skeleton. There was nothing of remains and heads of the endo skeletons on the floor. Gregory was frozen. Moondrop then turned to the child.

"...Found you...". He said.

Gregory flinched when the animitronic approached up closer. He thought he was going to hurt him. Moon crouched down at the child's level.

"...Naughty boy....Naughty boy...". Moondrop chanted. "...You shouldn't be wandering here....and it's pass your bedtime...".

Gregory was now fearful. His eyes suddenly began to become watery, and he was now sniffling. Gregory wanted to say something, but all came out was simply choked whimpers. Moondrop then pulled the child closer. Gregory flinched and jumped. Moondrop then shushed Gregory. "...Sh-sh-sh-shhhh....". Moon hushed. He scooped up Gregory and held him. He sat down, allowing Gregory to rest his head in his chest. He sooth the child. Gently rubbing his back up and forth. "...Shhh....". Moon assured. Gregory was suprised that he was now being comforted. He buried his face in Moon's chest. Moondrop kept on hushing him.

Gregory was confused but he kept on sobbing in Moon's chest. Before, he was being chased by him and hiding from him back at the daycare. He wondered what his intentions were if he was caught by him.

Moon kept comforting Gregory for what felt like a minute. Then Gregory's sobbing began to cease. He rubbed his eyes and wiped the rest of his face with his palms. Gregory mangaged to look at Moon in the eye. Gregory was calm now. But his face was still a little red from the tears. Moondrop then wiped away some tears that fell from Gregory's eye lids with his thumbs. Being careful with his claws. Then the silence was broken when Moon spoke.

"...Are you feeling better now?...".

Gregory nodded. "Mm-hmm...". He stood up to his feet. Moondrop got up to his feet as well.

"...I don't know if Sun ever told you about me. But I am Moondrop...". Moon said.

"Moon?". Gregory said. Cutting off Moondrop. "I think Sun told me about you".

"....Yes. I share a body with him...".

"Share a body?".

"...We were programmed together. When the lights are on. It's Sun. When its dark. It's me". Moondrop said. "...Sundrop makes sure that the children are safe and happy....I make sure the children are sleeping and safe...and if they aren't....I punish them...".

Gregory felt uneasy when Moon said the word 'punish'. What exactly does he mean by that?

"...Well. That doesn't matter right now. What were you doing earlier?". Moondrop asked.

"I'm trying to find Freddy! And also getting in to parts and service".

"...Well. Let's get going right now. Let's not waste any time here". Moondrop said.

Gregory then quickly headed towards the previous area he was in. Gregory went towards the vent. He heard Moondrop following him from behind. He knew because of the jingling of the bells. And Moondrop had bells on his wrists and shoes. Gregory was suprised that the mini dj music man didn't come out.

Then Gregory reached the end of the vents. He crawled out before then Moon did as well. Moondrop quickly noticed an endo skeleton was standing by in the distance. He then jumped and leaped onto the endo skeleton. Almost like a lion or a tiger catching its prey. Moondrop then grabbed the endo skeleton by the throat before then ripped its head off. Gregory watched. He was a bit nervous from the sight. But also amazed by how suprisely fast Moondrop was.

"...How many are there?...". Moondrop asked.

"I don't know. But we need to get to the end". Gregory walked pass the stacked covered tables. Moon followed. At the end of the hallway. The wall opened. This was previously how Gregory, Freddy, and Sun had gotten under the stage. "The lift reset. I don't see a way to control it from here". Gregory said. There wasn't much here. Gregory headed back. He went to another way. Gregory stopped by seeing two red doors. Then he heard a familiar voice.

"I found him earlier and locked him up in lost and found".

Gregory looked through the windows. It was Freddy and Vanessa. 'Freddy! He's okay!'. Gregory was relived. Freddy was on a chair. His head was un-attached to his body. Moondrop was behind Gregory, both stayed quiet as they eavesdropped on Vanessa talking to Freddy in parts and service.

"That is great news, he can be returned to his parents". Freddy said.

Vanessa replied. "He can't. Turns out, there's no record of him".

Moondrop raised a brow. This child wandering around this place had no records? He was confused. But kept quiet.

"How unfortunate. If you re-attach my head. I will go look for him now-".

"His name is Gregory. You know how I know that? His fazwatch kept repeating it in your voice. 'Gregory? Are you there? Gregory?'". Vanessa said, almost in a taunting tone. Gregory was annoyed with her.

'Screw her!'. Gregory thought. 'I nearly got killed by the rabbit lady when I was locked up in that damn room!'.

"Vanessa, all the fazwatches sound like me. It's the default voice option". Freddy said.

"If you're part of this. You're scrap, Monty will run the shows until parts and service can slap your casing on a new endo. Hang out there for a while. I gotta find that kid". Vanessa said. She turned away and walked off.

"Vanessa, do not leave me like this!". Freddy yelled. Vanessa didn't respond, the doors to parts and service closed. As soon as Vanessa left. Gregory pushed the doors open. Gregory and Moondrop ran up to the doors. Freddy quickly took notice.

"Gregory! I am so glad you're here and alive!". Freddy then noticed Moondrop. "And uhh...".

"Oh. This is Moondrop!". Gregory said.

"...How did you end up here?...". Moon asked.

"I...I do not remember. All I know is that I was dragged and placed here. And then Vanessa was upon me. That's all I know".

"Are you okay? Your head is all weird". Gregory said.

"My head is dis-tatched right now. But I am able to speak clearly. Use the console to let me out". Freddy said. Gregory headed over to the computer. The screen then turned on. "Welcome to parts and service. Please select your desired procedure". The intercom said. Gregory wasn't sure what option to pick. There was at least four options. He decided to pick the first one.

"Please enter the protective cylinder to continue". The intercom said. The door then opened. Gregory and Moon then stepped through inside.

"What'd they do to you?". Gregory asked.

"Routine maintence. I am functioning much more better. Now, grammar function error. Perhaps I am not peak performance". Freddy responded. "Could you re-attach my head?".

Gregory replied. "I dunno. It looks complicated".

"Just reconnect the wires and be careful. I am not quite myself at the moment".

'Not himself? What does Freddy mean?'. Gregory thought. He looked up at the machine above Freddy. He looked a bit nervous in the moment. He felf a hand on his shoulder, he turned to face Moondrop.

"...It's alright little star...". Moondrop assured. "...I'm right behind you...".

Gregory gave a small smile. He swallowed hard still feeling nervous. Moondrop stepped back. And Gregory proceeded.

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