I Never Knew...( Bakugou x Re...

By N3WBI3_

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I'm not good at descriptions so bare with me y'all- Follow y/n as they go through learning about their past... More



3 0 0
By N3WBI3_



Class went by fine for y/n, except for the occasional yelling between the spiky blonde who's name is apparently Bakugou, and the curly green haired guy who's name is Midoriya. Well more like Bakugou was yelling and Midoriya was trying to calm the situation, but then Aizawa told the class to follow him outside- so this should be interesting.

" Okay class today we will be doing a quirk apprehension test" said Mr. Aizawa

A quirk apprehension test? How does that work?

"basically you guys will be using your quirk to throw this baseball as far as you can, and then it will be measured and show up here" Aizawa says while pointing to a tablet looking device

Oh that's interesting, well i'll just use 10% to throw it. It should be enough, besides i can't let these people have a free show

Most of the people in y/no's class did well, pretty normal. Except for that girl, the one who can control gravity, she's going to prove fun to fight with.

"Next up is y/n" Aizawa said loudly

well let's hope for the best

y/n walked up to the home base on the baseball field, with the baseball in hand. Y/n stabilized their breathing and slowly sent 10% to their arm. The electricity coursing through their body, it's always a powerful feeling for them to use their quirk. The feeling of being able to destroy, fills them up with hunger. Hunger for more power, for more destruction. When y/n started to feel their quirk simmering underneath their skin, they raised their hand and let the ball go. You wouldn't have thought the y/n through the ball since it was too fast, but the piercing sound of the ball cutting through the air was too loud to miss.

Oops... that was 11%...

Silence filled the air, most people were trying to process what just happened and when they did- yells erupted from the class. Everyone was going wild asking questions to y/n:

"what did you do!?"

"That's such a cool quirk!!"

" What exactly is your quirk?"

" okay enough guys, y/n your score is 710.1 meters" Aizawa said with no expression in sight

Y/n got a pretty high score and because of that their classmates started to ask questions about their quirk. Y/n knew that they couldn't hide it but they weren't about to expose everything, what's the fun in that?

"I can basically see a status report of someone or something and then use space energy to defeat them, I can use offensive, defensive, and healing moves" Y/n said not exposing too much

" Wow, that's a really cool quirk y/n" said Midoriya pulling out a notebook and writing very seriously

The fuck? Is he writing notes on my quirk- that's new

" What you got there?" y/n said looking down at what Midoriya was writing down

"Oh this? Umm this is kinda embarrassing but I keep notes on people who have cool quirks, I usually write down what style of fighting they use or patterns in there fighting" Midoriya said with stars in his eyes

"Oh really that's pretty smart, hmm how about this I can help you write more detailed information on whoever you want, but in return you let me use your notebook when I want" Y/n said with a scheming smirk

" Oh that's right you can see a status report on them, OK DEAL!" Midoriya said in a excited tone

Y/n smirked

"Pleasure doing business with you Midoriya" Y/n said raising their hand to shake Midoriya's

Midoriya shook hands with y/n, but what he didn't know was that y/n was looking at his status report

Rui give me a status report on Midoriya

"Right away"

Given quirk? One for All...THIS PERCENTAGE!? It's insanely high, seems like he can't control it, that matches up since he barely got it.

Rui do you know if it's possible to be "given" a quirk?

" I have no information on given quirks"

Hmm that's strange, who gave him this quirk? Well I'll find out, hah this is going to be interesting...

Y/n smiled and the green haired boy and walked away, by the time the class got back it was lunch. Y/n didn't have anyone to sit with, the only conversation they made was with Midoriya, but they weren't about to miss out on food. They heard rumors that the food at U.A. was godlike and y/n wanted to test that. Y/n walked to the cafeteria and headed to the lunch line, before they could grab their food a familiar pink skin girl walked up to her. If they recall correctly the girls name was Mina

"Hi y/n, do you have anyone to sit with?" Asked Mina

"No I don't, I was just planning on sitting by myself" y/n said

" Oh now that's no way to spend lunch, come sit with me, I'm sitting with a few others from our class" Mina said kindly

" Really? Then I'll take you up on that offer, thank you" y/n said gladly

" Of course! Grab your lunch and follow me" Mina said already walking away

Y/n was glad that they didn't have to sit alone, it's not that they had a problem with it, just that food should be eaten with others. Once y/n got to the table Mina introduce everyone sitting one by one

" Starting from the left side It goes Sero, Denki, Kirishima, and Bakugou" Mina said ecstatically

God you gotta be kidding me, this bastard again

"This is y/n guys and they are going to be sitting with us" Mina introduced to the group of people sitting

"Hi y/n, welcome to the squad" Sero said

"You guys got pretty close for it being the first day" y/n said shocked

" Oh well Kirishima and Mina already knew each other and I met Denki yesterday at the dorm, and we dragged Bakugou to sit with us" Sero said

Sero leaned in and is a whisper said, " He looked lonely haha"


Y/n and Sero just looked at each other and decided that if they wanted to eat in peace it would be a good idea to just stop talking. Lunch actually was nice, everyone was so talkative and asked y/n many questions, not to mention the food. Now that's where it's at, the best part of lunch quite literally. Everything was good except for when y/n would catch Bakugou glaring at them.

Why is he looking at me like that? Are we about to fight?

Looks Bakugou up and down

I can take him

Y/n thought proudly with stars surrounding them

Meanwhile Bakugou-

They look strong. I wanna fight them- tch damn extra. I shouldn't worry too much I'm not planning on getting close to them either way

Bakugou thought, still staring daggers at y/n.

Back to y/n-

Okay if he doesn't look away in 20 seconds, I'm going to throw this food tray at his dumb face.


Oh Bakugou you say that but just wait, I will make you fall deeply in love muahaha

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! - N3WBI3 Out-

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