Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

5.5K 136 676

With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!

144 5 4
By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Piccolo has been resurrected and brought to Planet Namek. Soon after being brought to his home planet, Piccolo came across Nail who was badly injured from his previous fight with Frieza. Nail revealed that if Piccolo were to merge with another being, he would become stronger than ever! Nail pleaded with Piccolo to merge with him in order to stop Frieza. By placing his hand upon Nail's body, the great Namekian warrior merged with Piccolo. With the others, Frieza revealed that it was HE who destroyed Planet Vegeta, while also revealing that he had the ability to transform. Upon transforming, he impaled Jaune through the chest! Enraged at seeing what happened to her friend, Ruby charged towards the galactic emperor. Will Piccolo manage to reach his friends in time!



Piccolo's Arrival!


Oren sat inside the healing chamber, sensing what was happening outside the ship. It seemed that Frieza had managed to raise his power level to the point that it even made Oren flinch. Then he felt Jaune's energy drop!

"W-What's happening out there," Oren pondered to himself. "Damn it! I feel so useless in here when my friends are in danger!" Oren said.


Back outside with the others, Frieza had tossed Jaune's body aside.

"JAUNE!!" Ruby and Pyrrha screamed.

Both girls attempted to fly towards Jaune's body but were intercepted by a smirking Frieza crossing his arms. Ruby growled when she saw the galactic emperor block their path.

"MOVE!" Ruby growled.

"Don't bother," Frieza smirked. "He's going to die regardless. If I, were you two, I'd focus on the here and now." Frieza chuckled.

Pyrrha was about to attack but stopped when she saw Ruby shaking. Ruby's hands were shaking violently, as a white aura surrounded her body. Then she saw a bright light shine through Ruby's eyes.

"I... SAID...MOVE!!!" Ruby screamed, her eyes glowing a bright silver.

Before anyone could blink, Ruby dashed towards Frieza and kicked the side of his head! This left everyone in awe.

The kicked left Frieza dazed, unable to react. Ruby then sucker punched Frieza across the face, she then began to rapidly punch Frieza in the stomach, over and over again! Frieza couldn't even fight back, as he felt the wind getting knocked out of him. Ruby finished with an uppercut underneath Frieza's chin. She quickly dashed over towards Frieza and unleashed a flurry of kicks into Frieza's abdomen. With one last Kick, Frieza was knocked back! Ruby began to charge an energy ball with her palm and threw it at Frieza!

Frieza saw the oncoming Ki blast and blocked the attack! When Frieza dropped his guard, he saw Ruby in front of him, and shot a Ki blast into his face! Frieza then slammed onto the ground, looking up, he saw Ruby firing a volley of Ki blasts towards him! Ruby was so angry, so enraged, that she couldn't control herself. She continued to fire Ki blasts towards Frieza, even when Weiss tried to tell her to stop. From the side, Vegeta looked on in awe and shock.

'What the Hell is this,' Vegeta exclaimed. 'Her power level exploded!' Vegeta thought to himself.

With a mighty yell, Ruby fired a large Ki blast at Frieza. Vegeta however was starting to get irritated.

'Was she holding back this much power the whole time!' Vegeta angrily thought to himself.

(End Song)

A large explosion rocked the countryside, smoke began to cloud everything from sight. Then, out of nowhere, Frieza reappeared directly in front of Ruby! The silver eyed huntress looked on in horror, as her eyes reverted to a dull grey. Frieza looked down at Ruby and smirked.

"You know," Frieza said. "For a member of the most ancient race in the universe, you're quite pathetic."

Ruby stood there in shock, too afraid to do anything. From afar, Vegeta tried to get her attention.

"You fool, move! Get out of there!" Vegeta yelled.

In one swift motion, Frieza backhanded Ruby and kicked her in the gut, causing saliva to spit out her mouth.

"Oh dear," Frieza said mockingly. "Did I take the fight out of you already? I promise you; the fight has just begun!" Frieza laughed.

Frieza raised his elbow, and rammed it onto Ruby's forehead, causing her to slam onto the ground. The sight of Ruby laying on the ground caused him to laugh.

"It seems that I've worked myself up for nothing!" Frieza laughed.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Vegeta yelled.

Vegeta had thrown a Ki blast towards Frieza.

"Don't think you've forgotten about me," Vegeta said, his ego and confidence on the rise. "You still have me to contend with! This is what you get for turning your back on the King of Saiyan's!" Vegeta yelled, as he readied two Ki blasts in his hands.

"DIE FRIEZA!" Vegeta yelled, unleashing his Ki blasts. A loud explosion rocked the area, as smoke covered the scene.

"Mwah ha ha!" Vegeta laughed. "So, I don't stand a chance against you, huh? You were a fool to take me so lightly Frieza!" Vegeta smirked.

Unfortunately, Vegeta's smirk turned into a shocked expression, as he saw Frieza floating there, untouched. Frieza had his arms crossed and turned his head slightly to look at Vegeta.

"Now, now Vegeta," Frieza said. "Wait your turn like a good little boy. I'll be sure to take my time with you, right after I finish off this little bitch." Frieza said softly, before descending down onto the ground.

Vegeta dropped his arms to his side.

"B-But I hit him with everything I had!" Vegeta exclaimed. "What kind of monster are we dealing with?!"

When Frieza's feet touched the ground, he bent down, and grabbed Ruby by the hair and picked her up. Ruby held in a scream, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Frieza's fist near her face. Ruby felt her nose break upon impact. Frieza then punched her gut, causing blood to spew out of her mouth and onto Frieza. Frieza kept up his brutal assault, while everyone else look on, helpless to do anything. When Frieza was finished, blood was leaking from Ruby's nose and her mouth. Frieza then dropped Ruby to the ground, and placed his foot upon her head, and began to slowly press down.

Ruby let out a blood curdling scream as Frieza applied more pleasure to her head. Eventually, a thin line of blood dripped from her head. Back inside the healing chamber, Oren felt Ruby's power level drop dramatically.

"I-It feels like Ruby's energy is dropping fast! Sh-She's dying!" Oren exclaimed. "I can't afford to wait until I'm fully recovered, I have to help them, now!" Oren yelled, while attempting and failing to move. "Damn! I'm still too weak to do anything!" Oren growled.

Back outside, Frieza lifted his foot off of Ruby's head.

"Heh," Frieza chuckled. "Time to die." Frieza said.


Immediately, Frieza turned his head in the direction the voice came from! Suddenly, he saw a yellow energy disc nearing him! Frieza leaped into the air but was too late as the energy disc cut off the tip of his tail! Frieza winced in pain and steadied himself in the air.

"What the?!" Frieza exclaimed. "Who did that, you Vegeta?!" Frieza yelled.

Frieza looked in the direction the disc came from and was shocked to see Jaune standing before him!

"Y-You," Frieza exclaimed. "B-But you're dead, I ran you through! Impossible!" Frieza yelled.

Jaune raised his right arm into the air, and then fired multiple Kienzan attacks! Frieza quickly dodged each, hoping not to cut again. Back inside the ship, Oren felt Jaune's power.

"That energy, it's Jaune! He's back!" Oren said. "B-But how?" Oren asked.

Back outside, Jaune began to goad Frieza into chasing him.

"Hey, over here you fuckin' freak!" Jaune taunted.

Frieza growled in rage.

"Grr! How dare you mock me!" Frieza yelled, before giving chase.

From afar, Vegeta looked on in shock.

"W-What the?!" Vegeta exclaimed. "How is he still alive?" Vegeta wondered, before looking down at the ground to see Dende running towards Ruby.

Vegeta saw Dende place his hands upon Ruby, as a glowing green light enveloped her. The rest of Ruby's friends flew over towards them to check if she was going to be all right.

Meanwhile, Jaune proceeded to fly away but saw Frieza was gaining on him!

"Damn," Jaune muttered. "This bastard's fast!"

Jaune turned his head to see that Frieza had reappeared right in front of him.

"That's far enough," Frieza said. "I don't know how the Hell you survived, but clipping my tail enrages me beyond mere comprehension! For that, I'll rip you limb from limb, until there's nothing left!" Frieza yelled with fury.

Before Jaune could do anything, Fasha kicked Frieza in the face knocking him back.

"Jaune, go back to the other's, I'll hold him off." Fasha said.

Jaune was about to talk back but saw Frieza was beginning to get back up. Jaune flew back towards the others, leaving Fasha to deal with Frieza.

"Grr! That wasn't a smart move, Fasha." Frieza growled.

"Neither was blowing up my planet!" Fasha growled back.

Frieza sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head back and forth.

"Oh, dear Fasha," Frieza said. "You would've done the same if you were in my position. To keep such suppression across the universe, one must make decisions in their interest, even if it means wiping out inferior species." Frieza smirked.

Fasha held back her rage, before coming to a smirk.

"Funny," Fasha said. "Maybe you should learn a thing or two from us "Inferior Species", it may just surprise you!" Fasha replied, as she held her hands towards the sides of her face.

"SOLAR FLARE!" Fasha yelled, as a blinding light erupted from her hands.

Frieza's eyes widened, and he immediately covered his face.


Seeing this opportunity, Fasha began to fly towards the others.

"That ought to slow him down, for now at least." Fasha said.

Back with the others, Vegeta watched silently as Dende continued to heal Ruby. From a distance, he could hear Jaune calling out to him.


Vegeta didn't listen, he stood and watched as Dende fully healed Ruby. Vegeta's eyes widened in shock as Ruby stood up.

"So," Vegeta mumbled to himself. "That's what was going on." Vegeta said.

Jaune and Fasha managed to reach Vegeta.

"Hey," Jaune said. "Didn't you hear me? You could've attacked Frieza right there! What are you waiting for, there's not much time!" Jaune yelled.

Jaune's words fell upon deaf ears, as Vegeta continued to stare at Ruby. Jaune and Fasha looked down, and Jaune began to smile at seeing Ruby getting back up to her feet.

"Hey, that's great!" Jaune said happily. "He healed Ruby too!"

Vegeta began to growl with annoyance.

"It didn't cross your mind to tell me the little Namekian brat had healing powers! Why keep that a secret!" Vegeta yelled.

Jaune too had a look of irritation etched across his face.

"What are you crazy," Jaune said. "You think we knew anything about that before now? If we did, we could've had Dende heal Oren a long time ago!" Jaune replied.

Ruby stood up and turned towards Dende.

"This is amazing," Ruby exclaimed. "Thanks, Dende!"

Ruby and her friends flew into the air with Vegeta, Jaune and Fasha. A moment later, Frieza had regained his sight. He then flew towards the others yet stopped when he laid his eyes Ruby.

"What," Frieza exclaimed. "B-But how, she was on death's door? This shouldn't be possible!" Frieza yelled.

Ruby growled and widened her stance.

"Okay, now I'm mad!" Ruby growled.

The ground beneath them began to quake, as a white aura surrounded Ruby! Even the water of the ocean under them began to part, due to the large amount of power being shown. From the side, Vegeta began to smirk.

"Heh! Well, look at that," Vegeta said. "She may whine like a Remanite, but her blood is Akulari through and through! Her power level has gone up exponentially!" Vegeta smirked.

With that, Ruby stopped powering up. All six fighters stood together in front of Frieza.

"Alright," Vegeta said. "That's just what we need to turn the tide of this battle!" Vegeta smirked.

Across from them, Frieza clenched his fists in anger.

"Damn it," Frieza cursed. "How do they keep coming back? How many times do I have to kill these insects before they die!" Frieza growled.

Vegeta then began to gather energy in both his hands.


With that, all six began to fire a barrage of Ki blasts towards Frieza. For two whole minutes they kept it up before stopping. As the smoke began to die down, everyone gasped in terror to see Frieza was still standing where he once stood!

"You six REALLY don't know when to quit...!" Frieza growled quietly.

Everyone stood shocked, immobilized to do anything.

"D-Damn it...!" Jaune gritted his teeth.

Ruby stared defiantly at Frieza.

"No! There's no way I'm giving up!" Ruby yelled. "Even if it is hopeless, we still have to try!" Ruby shouted, before flying towards Frieza.

Jaune tried to grab her, as he was closer to her, but failed. The rest of Ruby's friends tried to call out to her.

"Wait!" Pyrrha yelled.

"Stop, you idiot!" Vegeta shouted.

Just as Ruby was nearing Frieza, a large ball of bright light intercepted her path! Everyone stopped at the sight of the strange orb, even Frieza couldn't help but look on as well.

Eventually, the light around the orb began to fade, revealing a figure with a cape. The warrior wore a purple Gi with a red sash around the waist, while wearing a large white cape. The warrior wore a white turban atop their head. When the light faded away, everyone was shocked to see Piccolo standing before them!

(End Song)

Ruby couldn't believe it; her friend and mentor was standing before her.

"P-Piccolo, is th-that you?" Ruby said, as her eyes began to water.

Piccolo turned to look at her and gave a warm friendly smile.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late." Piccolo replied.

Ruby dashed towards him and embraced Her friend.

"Piccolo!" Ruby cried out in joy.

Tears stained onto Piccolo's cape, as the Namekian slowly embraced Ruby, holding her close.

"I-I'm sorry," Ruby sobbed. " I'm so sorry I wasn't able to control my power back on Remnant, If I did, you wouldn't have had to sacrifice yourself!" Ruby cried.

Piccolo raised Ruby's chin and proceeded to wipe away her tears.

"If sacrificing myself meant you would live, I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Piccolo said.

Piccolo slowly let go of Ruby and turned to face Frieza.

"So, that's Frieza," Piccolo asked. "Hmph, I see. He's even uglier than I imagined." Piccolo said, crossing his arms.

Vegeta looked confused at the sight of Piccolo.

"What the Hell are YOU doing here? Shouldn't you be in Otherworld?" Vegeta asked. When he didn't receive an answer, he raised an eyebrow. "Wait, don't tell me. These idiots used the Dragon Balls to wish YOU back. Why would they waste a wish to bring back a worthless Namekian like you?" Vegeta said.

Piccolo continued to face Frieza while not giving in to Vegeta's insults.

"Well, if you're feeling brave," Piccolo began. "Then stick around and see for yourself. But. It's only fair to warn you, after I've defeated Frieza, YOU'RE next!" Piccolo warned.

Vegeta smirked at Piccolo's threat.

"After, you've defeated Frieza you say?" Vegeta chuckled. "That's funny. I didn't think you Namekian's were capable of telling jokes." Vegeta smirked.

Frieza began to study the new arrival staring back at him.

"So, yet another Namekian who escaped my attention." Frieza muttered. "Yes, and there's something different about this one, he's far more imposing than the others before him. Of course, his fate will still be the same as the others. He'll soon meet his kind in Hell." Frieza mused.

Back aboard Frieza's ship, Oren sensed someone new from the healing chamber.

'Who's that?' Oren thought. 'Someone new just showed up out of nowhere. But I don't recognize that energy, unless... Piccolo!? No, no it can't be him! Even if he were wished back that power level is too large to be his! But, then again, Ruby's power is back to full strength. What the Hell is going on out there!'

Back outside, both Piccolo and Frieza continued to stare at one another.

"Now," Piccolo began. "Time to make this bastard pay for slaughtering my people! I'll fight alone, the rest of you stay out of my way." Piccolo ordered, shocking everyone.

Below on the ground, Dende looked up at the others and saw the new arrival.

"That's the Namekian they wanted wished back? He looks almost identical to Nail!" Dende exclaimed to himself.

Piccolo began to descend onto the ground, and without moving his head, he called out to Dende.

"Take shelter Dende, before you get caught in the crossfire." Piccolo said.

Dende's eyes widened as Piccolo spoke to him.

"Now!" Piccolo ordered.

Dende turned back and began to run and hide.

"Who is he?" Dende wondered. "And how does he know my name?"

Frieza too began to descend onto a small hill, looking down upon Piccolo. Up above, Ruby and the others looked down and began to worry about their Namekian friend.

"Piccolo...!" Ruby said quietly.

"Is he crazy," Weiss exclaimed. "Are we really going to sit here and do nothing!?"

From inside the healing chamber, Oren began sensing what was happening beyond the ship.

'Things have gotten quiet, too quiet. Whoever this new guy is, I hope he's on our side.' Oren thought to himself.

(End Chapter)


Ruby: Hey, Ruby here! Piccolo, please be careful!

Frieza: Ah, another inferior Namekian I see! You'll soon be reuniting with your people in Hell.

Piccolo: Shut the Fuck up, you freak!

Vegeta: How can this be? He's only a Namekian, how could he have gotten all this power!

Oren: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Piccolo, The Super Namek!

Piccolo: This is for all the Namekians you've killed!

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