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[name] Uzui, the hot headed light hashira, also known as Uzui Tengen's fourth wife. Despite being 21 in age... More

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☆.。.:*Chapter 2: The big three.。.:*☆

"Chidi-ching-ching could buy anything, cop that"

I don't know what possessed Uyakata-sama to pair me, Sanemi, and Obanai on a mission together but he did it.

So here I was in front of the light state. I had solely to train my tsukogo's and spar with my students or fellow hashiras. Other than that, I lived in the Sound state with my gorgeous wives and 'flamboyant' husband.

It was a fairly chilly day making me shiver since my uniform wasn't the best for cold days. It was like Tengen's and Mitsuri's combined. I had a sleeveless shirt which had a hole in the middle just like Misturi's. I had the regular standard pants that were used by the boy demon slayers with the white belt that the sword was kept in. My sapphire hair was in a high ponytail with two loose strands hanging out in the front.

"Your gonna be fucking cold like that." Sanemi spoke with a scowl on his face.

"Aw, are you concerned about me nemi?" I said in a teasing tone

"I told you to stop using that stupid ass name to address me."

"That's exactly why I use it." I said while grinning

"You're worse than your husband."

"Hey am not"

"Are so"

"Shut up you guys are arguing like children." Obanai spoke startling both of us

"Lord, where did you spawn from?" I asked

"Your so late" Sanemi said

"Be grateful I am here at all."

"Obanai do you not like us or something?" I asked while putting my hands on my hips and raising an eyebrow at him.

"Darn, what gave it away?"

"That's so fucking mean what if that I was suicidal and that was my last reason?"

"Yeah Obanai, why would you say something like that? After everything we have been through?" Sanemi piped in

"Oh my god you guys are so goddamn annoying if anyone saw this side of you Sanemi I bet they wouldn't be as scared of you."

"They won't find out who's gonna tell them? You? Name? Yall would never snitch on me, we are for lifers."

"What he said."

"Let's just get this over with I am sure demons are waiting to get mercilessly murdered."

"Hey do not speak of my slaying methods like that." I spoke up while jumping on a tree

"What are you gonna do throw a candle in my face?" He said while following me and jumped on a tree as well. Sanemi joined soon as well.

"Bitch don't even talk with your serpent breathing. What are you gonna do? Throw snake poison in my face? That's Shinobu's thing be more original."

"She got you there man." Sanemi spoke up

"Oh my god is that a demon?" I said while landing with a soft thud

"God that thing is hideous." Obanai spoke up said while landing next to me

"Finally they sent someone strong my way. The strongest of the strongest. Hashiras" The demon spoke

"Hey" I said while waving at it

"Don't fucking wave at it" Sanemi said while slapping my hand

"I was just being nice damn. Get ready to die ugly ass mother fucker" I said while taking my sword out of my belt.

"Breath of light: Seventh Form: Celestial strike." I said while a bright light came out of my sword, temporarily blinding the demon. Before the demon had the chance to do anything I quickly sent an attack directly to its neck.

"AHHHHHHHH WHAT IS THIS SENSATION" The demon yelled out as it's head split from his body due to my previous attack at it.

"Name Uzui, the light hashira of the demon slayer corps. Be grateful you're dying by the hands of someone so amazing, not a lot of demons don't get this opportunity." I spoke up while putting my sword away.

"Give us a warning next time woman geez I was blinded." Sanemi commented

"Yeesh give me a break will ya? You have been working with me for so long I expected you to know that you have to cover your eyes when I pull out my sword, Obanai covered his and Kaburamaru's eyes. Be more like Obanai '' I said with a cheeky smile while pointing at Obanai who had his eyes covered with one hand and Kaburamaru's with the other.

Before either of them could respond another demon came out of the bushes.

"HASHIRAS, HASHIRAS HASHIRAS. FINALLY SOMEONE WHO'S NOT PATHETIC." The demon spoke out, slightly startling me

"Wind breathing: Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm" Sanemi muttered under his breath before blowing several slashes at the demon from below.

"Jeez, did I get a warning for that?" I said while removing my hands from my eyes.

"I thought you would already know that when I pulled my sword out." He said in a mocking tone

"......Obanai he's being mean to me." I said while pointing at Sanemi and turning to look at Obanai.

"I don't care." He voiced out. Just as he said that about five demons came out of the bushes planning to ambush us.

"Serpent breathing: Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent."

"Wind breathing: Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind."

"Light Breathing: Ninth form: Blinding hurl of angels."

It didn't take long for all the demons to drop dead. The sounds of them yelling and groaning made me make a pleased face. Soon after their bodies started to disintegrate.

"That was rude of you to say Obanai. Why do I keep getting bullied?" I asked while putting my sword away and checking the surroundings for any remaining demons. As the light hashira I had an enhanced sense of sight and sound.

"Because you are very bullyable." Obanai said while checking for demons himself.

"Is that even a word?" Sanemi asked while jumping on a tree to get a better view of the area.

"No clue but it describes her." Obanai uttered

"Hey! Shut up, at least I am not hopelessly in love with Mitsuri." I said while returning to the spot

"You're not?" Sanemi asked from the top of the tree

"Well I am but not like that you know like she's super hot, but Obanai is like head over heels over her he literally gets so red when she literally just breathes."

"I do not stop spreading lies about me name." Obanai said while returning to the spot as well.

"She's not wrong, you know. Is the coast clear on that side name?" Sanemi asked

"Yeah I don't hear any demons on that side."

"What about you Obanai?"

"Yeah, I don't see any demons."

"Does that mean we are done?" I asked

"Yeah, dinner like always?" Obanai piped in

"Can we get ohagi for dessert?"

"Yes, let me send a message to Hina that I won't be eating at home so they don't wait for me." I said while calling my crow. I took a piece of paper from my pocket.

"Uh does anyone have a pen?"

"Why would I carry a pen with me?" Sanemi responded

"Wait I have one." Obanai said while taking a pen out of his pocket. I gave him a nod with a smile, which was returned to me by him.

"Why are you guys carrying school supplies on a mission? Is that some type of rule that I am not following or sum? Or is there something yall wanna tell me?" Sanemi remarked while raising his eyes and making a judgemental face.

"I have paper because I give updates to my lovers I don't know about him."

"I have a pen because I forgot to return it."

"Omg Obanai your a thief?" I said attaching the paper to my crow's leg with a piece of blue thread.

"Give this to Hina if you don't find her, give it to Makio."

"First of all I am not a thief. I just forgot to return the stupid pen."

"A thief is still a thief." Sanemi stated while slightly chuckling

"Ugh, whatever. Who's paying for dinner today?" He questioned

"I paid last time." I answered while giving him his pen back and dusting my clothes off.

"And I paid before that so that leaves Sanemi, you're paying Sanemi."

"This is fucking bullshit fine let's go." He muttered

"Can we go to that new store that just opened?" I asked

"The one in near the flame state?" Obanai spoke up

"No the one near the butterfly state."

"Oh I went there earlier, their food was so good we should definitely go there." Sanemi piped in

"Great, that's cool with you right Obanai?"

"Yes I am hungry, I will eat anything."

"Great, let's go."

"How far is the butterfly state?" Sanemi questioned

"Uhm we left from name's state which is the light one. The butterfly state should be about 30 mins away if we run and 45 if we walk." Obanai replied

"Ugh that's so far." I complained

"Shut up let's just go I am freezing in this stupid ass weather." Sanemi muttered while jumping on a tree signaling us to join him.

"Ugh I know why did I leave without an additional layer. My tits feel like they're gonna fall off."

"We don't wanna know about your tits plus didn't I tell you to get something?" Sanemi said

"No, you said 'Your gonna be fucking cold like that.' not 'Get your haori your tits are gonna fall off'."

"Why would I be concerned about your tits? I have mine to worry about."

"Your mommy milkers make me jealous."

"Can we stop talking about tits?" Obanai said

"Are you jealous cause you don't have any?" Sanemi asked

Before he had a chance to make a remark back at him I noticed that Kaburamaru had slowly slithered his way towards my neck in an attempt to keep me warm.

"Look he's being nice to me to make up for your sorry ass."

"I didn't even notice him leaving what the fuck."

"Maybe you were too engulfed thinking about Mitsuri's tits." Sanemi said, making me chuckle

"I hate you both I am leaving." Obanai complained while speeding up leaving us behind.

"Someone's mad" I yell while cupping my hands around my mouth so he could hear me better.

"Boooo cry baby." Sanemi joined in

"UGHHHHHH" Obanai groaned, making us burst into a fit of laughter.

"We're sorry we love you Obanana."

"Well I don't, so cry me a river."


"Give me my snake back you whore."

"He came to me not the other way around. You're just mad that he likes me more."

"He does not."

"He does whose neck is he on right now? "

Obanai opened his haori and took something out of it, that something being food for him. Kaburamaru didn't waste a single minute slithering away from me and going back to his owner.

"Who does he like more?" Obanai asked with a sly look.

"That is so unfair of course he'd go to you, you have food."

"If you two bitches are done arguing on who that snake loves more I would like to inform you that we have arrived at our destination on which we had decided to dine in." Sanemi stated

"Why the fuck was that so formal?" I asked with a puzzled look

"He's around people so he has to watch how he acts." Obanai whispered in my ear

My lips formed an 'o' shape before turning into a playful grin.

"Wipe that stupidass look of your dumb face. I know that look way too fucking well don't pull some dumb shit right now name, I am warning you." Sanemi warned in a threatening tone that he used in front of people and walking into the store.

"Fine fine I won't do anything. Omg is that Aoi?"

"Who the fuck is Aoi?" Obanai questioned

"Bro you don't know Aoi, she's that girl in the butterfly mansion who tends to your wounds when you get hurt on a mission."

"Oh that girl." He said while stretching the syllabes more than necessary, a thing he tended to do when he was lying.

"You don't know who she is, do you?" I said while raising an eyebrow at him

"No" He said while sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck

"It's whatever head inside and order me something I will go say hi to her first before joining you guys." I said while walking away from him.

"Fine, don't die or kill anyone."

"Of course."

I walked up to Aoi who was at a fruit stall buying some apples. I sneaked up behind her while making a shushing motion towards the shopkeeper, who smiled at me and said nothing. I placed my hands on her shoulder before lowering my mouth to her ear.

"Boo," I whispered in her ear.

"AHHH" Aoi yelled while dropping the apples she was holding, thankfully I was fast enough to catch the apples so they didn't smash on the floor.

"Name-sama you scared me, I thought it was someone else for a second." Aoi said while catching her breath.

"Ah I am sorry about that I didn't mean to scare you that badly." I said while patting her shoulder and giving her a close-eyed smile.

"It's alright what are you doing here?"

"Ah, I am here with Obanai and Sanemi. We just got done with a mission."

"Oh, are any of you injured? We would be more than happy to help you back at the butterly state."

"Oh I appreciate the offer but none of us are injured. I just wanted to say hello to you since I haven't seen you in a while, but I can feel Sanemi yelling at me if I get there and the food is already served so I am gonna go." I said while looking behind me to see if anyone was looking for me.

"I completely understand how shinazugawa-san can be please visit more at the butterfly state we miss you."

"Of course." I said while waving at her and walking to the direction of the store. As I opened the door the smell of delicious food entered my nose making me mentally drool.

"Fucking finally. What took you so long?" Sanemi asked when he saw me enter the store.

"I was just saying hi to Aoi calm down." I said while taking a seat next to him which was already pulled out.

"I ordered for you." Obanai chimed in

"Omg thank you so much I am starving."

He hummed as a reply. Shortly after our food was served. The waiter who served us honestly looked quite scared. But again who wouldn't be Obanai had a snake on his neck, Sanemi had scars all over his body, and I had stitches over my left arm and a scar on my eye. To top it all off the two boys who I was with, held very intense glares.

"Guys knock it off your scaring the poor server." I said while slapping Sanemi's neck and Obanai's hand that he had placed on the table.

"Ouch woman." Sanemi said while muttering more curses under her breath.

"I am sorry about them, thank you for the food."

"A-ah it's alright." She said while stumbling over her words. She offered us a small smile before running away from the table.

"Damn are we that scary?" Obanai questioned

"Yes, yes we are." Sanemi responded to him.

"Just shut up and eat." I said while slurping my noddle's

After finishing dinner we all decided to part ways. We bid goodnight to each other before returning to our respective homes.

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