Rebellion โ–ท STILINSKI

By -pastelmic-

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By -pastelmic-

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"Danny The Hacker."
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LIFE IN THE ARGENT household was extremely difficult at the moment for Annabeth. Her dad, Aunt, and the other followers were on red alert ever since the situation at the high school. She dropped in and ear hustled into multiple meetings the past week. Apparently now they were keeping an eye on Derek because everyone knew by now that he was actually still alive and not dead.

That was a real shock for her when Scott told she and Stiles that he helped him in the woods the night of the full moon and brought him home, after that she slapped Scott upside the head for blaming every murder on him in town on him cause now he was the most wanted man in Beacon county.

But Derek wasn't the only thing that the hunters were discussing as the week passed along, they also were talking about another Beta aswell. She automatically assumed that meant Scott at the time.

Unfortunately, she was very wrong.

She stumbled on a conversation with her Aunt and father as she went down to the kitchen to grab a snack one night. They were talking about the Beta that might've been with Derek that night when Kate shot him, the name that she said almost made her give out her position on the steps completely as she gasped, but thankfully she slapped her hand over her mouth before it escaped and they continued without interruption.

She couldn't fucking believe it... they thought Stiles was the fucking Beta.

Later that same night she got a call from Stiles, he told her that he was on his way to come get her but that she needed to hurry. Lucky for him she only had to put on jeans over her shorts, she was already wearing a hoodie. She rushed out of the house considering Allison was the only one there currently, she ran to the jeep and hopped into the back with the help of Scott who was there aswell.

She didn't ask any questions about where they were going until Stiles was driving through the preserve and parking the jeep. Scott helped her out and she walked alongside the two boys, "So, what are we doing?"

"Derek needs our help, and, well, since blabber mouth over here made him a wanted man we basically owe him this." Stiles said with his hands in his pockets.

Scott whines, "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? I thought he was dead!"

"Well, he wasn't Scott and now my dad and the entire police force is after him." Stiles replies grumpily, "And now we have to lead them off his trail." He huffs in frustration, "I could've been halfway through Iron Man 2 by now."

"Okay, so how are we gonna lead them off of his trail?" She noticed where they were walking as she looked forward, Derek's house where his Camaro was sitting nearby where he always parks it. And then she connects the dots, a smirk makes it's way onto her lips. "Are we taking his car for a spin?"

Scott pulls his hand out of his pocket revealing Derek's car keys, "Yes, we are."

The three of them hop into the sports car and Scott gets behind the wheel, he starts up the car and speeds through the woods. The plan was to drive really fast and hopefully someone will notice that the car is his without knowing that they're inside of it, because apparently Derek was currently running on foot from the police.

And well, the plan worked.

Only there was a slight problem, they weren't speeding away from the cops like they originally thought... they were speeding away from a vehicle that Annabeth knows all too well. It was her Aunt Kate's fucking car, and that is the last thing they needed tonight was to have her hunting them down.

"Faster?" Scott asked as he drove.

Annabeth looked back through the window, her eyes widened before she turned back. "Much faster." And with that, Scott pressed on the gas and they were flying down the road to get away from Kate. "Shit, guys. If Kate is out here then that means my dad is too." She shakes her head, "No wonder they weren't at home."

"Well, that's just awesome, you know?" Stiles replied sarcastically, "I mean, they already think I'm a fucking werewolf so."

Scott scoffs, "I can't believe they think you're the werewolf."

Stiles gapes at him, his jaw slacked. "Fuck you, I could be a great werewolf. I'd be alot better than you, that's for sure."

"Oh, yeah because a werewolf with ADHD won't be a problem at all." Scott replies teasingly.

"Oh, whatever." Stiles responded before looking back at the window, "By the way, I don't think you're understanding the concept of car chase here."

"If I go faster, i'll kill us." Scott says.

"Well, if you don't go faster they're gonna kill you both." But just as she said that and Scott was gonna step on it, she noticed that Kate had swerved a different direction.

"They're gone." Stiles said as he turned forward after looking back. It seemed they had stopped following them, but for some reason she didn't feel like it was for any reason that was beneficial for them. She leaned forward in her seat as Stiles turned on the walkie that he swiped from the station.

"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works." The sheriff said over the radio.

"Shit, that's why they left us alone." She tapped Scott's seat frantically, "Scott, how fast can you get there?"

"In this car? About 2 minutes or less." He responded.

"Step on it."

Scott nods, "Yes, ma'am." He slammed his foot on the gas and they're flying down the dimly lit street and making their way to Derek who's in need of assistance.

Stiles leans back against the seat, "It's about to get Grand Theft Auto in this bitch."

Eventually they made it to the Iron Works and she saw her dad standing on a high platform, bow in hand as they came to a stop. She gritted her teeth as her dad shot at the car as she helped Stiles into the back while Derek rushed inside the passenger seat of the Camaro. Once Derek was inside Scott immediately stepped on the gas and they were speeding away from the scene, her father relentlessly firing bullets at the vehicle as it drove off.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?!" Scott shouted at the raven haired man.

Derek slams his hand on the dash, "Damn it, I had him!"

Stiles leaned forward, "Who, the Alpha?"

"Yes!" Derek shouts in frustration, "He was right infront of me, and the fucking police showed up."

"Oh, hey, they're just doing their jobs." Stiles tells him, that only gets him a killer glare from Derek which causes him to lean back a bit.

"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state." Derek said staring directly at Scott who cowers behind the wheel.

"Can we seriously get past that?" He exclaimed, "I made a dumbass mistake. I get it."

Annabeth rolls her eyes, "All right! Both of you shut the fuck up about it." She let's out a huff as she leans forward and looks at Derek, "You said you found the Alpha, how did you do that?" Derek just went silent making her grunt in annoyance before leaning back in her seat. "Fine, don't say shit then, it's not like we didn't just save your ass or anything."

"Can you try to trust us for atleast half a second?" Scott asked Derek.

Stiles leans forward, "Yeah, all three of us." But that just gets him glared at by Derek, again. "Or just Scott." He leans back, "Me and Annabeth will just be back here."

"To be completely honest I trust her more than the both of you idiots." Derek replies.

Annabeth grins, "Hell yeah, I win!" Then she leaned forward and looked over at him, "So, since you trust me. Spill, everything."

Derek grunted in annoyance and face forward, "The last time I talked to my sister, she was figuring something out. She found two things. First was a guy named Harris."

Annabeth furrowed her brows as Stiles leaned forward next to her, "Our chemistry teacher?"

Annabeth shakes her head, "I knew that asshole would be secretly up to something."

"Why him?" Scott asked Derek.

"I don't know yet." The raven haired man replied.

"What's the second?" Scott asked him.

Derek took a minute to dig into his jean pocket before pulling out folded up piece of paper. "Some kind of symbol." He said showing them the sheet, Annabeth's eyes widened as she immediately recognized it.

It was... the crest on the necklace that she had before Kate, her father and the other hunters took from her when she was 15. The crest on the same necklace that she had given Allison for her birthday a few weeks ago, the necklace that was always around her sister's neck everytime she saw her.

"I... I know what that is." Annabeth mutters quietly.

"Me too." Scott responds with a groan falling from his lips as his grip tightened on the steering wheel.

"What is it?" Derek asked them.

"It's a crest on a necklace that I used to have when I was younger, when I was a hunter. I don't have it anymore because I lost my right to it but... one person does."

"Who?" Derek asked.

Scott sighs heavily, "Allison."

The next day at school Annabeth hadn't seen the boys that morning because she simply slept through her alarm, so she had to be taken to school an hour late and was taken by her Mom. She blamed it on having gotten back home so late after the mission she had with the boys and Derek. She made sure to keep her headphones in the entire car ride to school, then she rushed out of the car before she could ask her anything about last night.

Shs had no idea if her mom or dad knew about her being gone last night but she wasn't gonna stick around to find out.

So the next time she got a chance to really talk to the two boys for more than 2 minutes was when lunch approached. She walked to their table with her tray in hand and sat down next to Scott.

"Hey, we haven't really had time to talk so update me. What's going on, and please start with my sister because she texted me saying she was going home and I don't know why." She stabbed her fork into her macaroni, "Spill." Then she placed the fork between her lips and took a bite.

"Stiles had a stupid plan and it made her cry." Scott replied, Annabeth dropped her fork causing it to sound off a clatter against the table.

"What?" She exclaimed switching her gaze between the two of them.

"Don't put this entire thing on me, Scotty-boy." Stiles shakes his head wildly, with an appalled expression. "This was a team effort, okay?"

Annabeth narrows her eyes at them, "What the hell did you shit-brains do?"

Stiles let's out a heavy breath, "This is technically your fault."

Annabeth gasped, "My fault? How is this my fault?"

"Because you weren't here this morning, you know me and Scott make stupid decisions without you!" Stiles whines in response.

"Oh, no. Do not blame me for this, it's not my fault you idiots share one braincell." She scoffs, "So what the fuck happened?"

"We had this plan to somehow get the necklace from Allison so we could see if there was anything on it or something." Stiles explained.

"Obviously she doesn't really want anything to do with me so I had to get through to her somehow." Scott said.

"So I suggested that he should maybe send her a few pictures of them together to make her think about the good times they had." Stiles responded with a small shrug. "It seemed harmless."

Annabeth shook her head, "Let me guess, it blew up in your faces?" She picked up her fork and got a forkful of the macoroni that she ate off the utensil.

Scott frowned, "Yeah, she said I was trying to hurt her and now she never wants to speak to me ever again. Said she needs more time to get to just friends with me."

Annabeth sighed heavily, "You guys know nothing about girls." She shakes her head in disappointment, "Whenever you have a situation like this just text me, okay?"

They both nod in reply, "Just a suggestion to what we should do next, Scott. Just steal the necklace." Stiles says. "If you can't get it from her then just take it and then give it back before she notices."

"Yeah, and I can put it back for you whenever we're done with it."

Scott sighs, "Fine, yeah, I'll do that."

"What happened to you today anyway?" Stiles asked her, "You're usually never late considering I pick you up, but you didn't text me this morning to come get you."

"I slept through my alarm." She replied as she opened her bottle of apple juice, "I guess last night's Trifecta & Derek adventure took me out more than I expected it to." Then she took a sip of her juice, but when she placed the cap back on she noticed Scott was looking stressed out, like there was something messing with him or he was hearing something nearby. "Scotty? What's wrong?"

He frowns, "It's Jackson, he's speaking to me. Like he knows I can hear him."

Her eyes widen and she looks over at Jackson, he is definitely staring right at their table with a smug look on his face. She immediately looks over at Scott, "How does he know?"

"I don't know." Scott says panic-striken, "Guys, talk to me. Say something, anything."

Stiles shakes his head as his mouth is stuffed with the chicken he was eating. "I don't know, my mind's blank."

Scott's eyes widen in disbelief, "Your mind's blank? You can't think of something to say?"

Annabeth snorts, "That's a first."

"Not under this kind of pressure." Stiles exclaimed helplessly, then he looked forward. "FYI, he's not even sitting with them anymore."

Annabeth looked around and couldn't see him anymore, "Okay, maybe he didn't notice anything." She shrugged before picking up a small chicken leg and taking a bite into it.

But as she was eating she noticed Scott was still off, she frowned as she watched him tighten his grip on his water bottle. Maybe Jackson was still somewhere messing with him, this was such a dick move even for him. Eventually Scott started mumbling words under his breath and that was all she needed to lock eyes with Stiles and try and get her shaggy haired friend's attention off of the douchebag that is Jackson Whittemore.

"Scotty, hey." She said as she looked at him, "Don't listen to him, okay?"

"Yeah, you can't let him have this kind of power over you." Stiles says trying to bring Scott back, but she just noticed his hands grip his tray tighter and tighter until...

He breaks it, in half.

The entire cafeteria looks over at him to see what the hell happened but she and Stiles are grabbing the pissed off werewolf and dragging him out of the cafeteria by his arms.

Annabeth wasn't that hungry anyway.


After school Annabeth catches a ride with Stiles, not wanting to go back home of course because she wants to avoid questions, she goes along with him to his house. The two teens make their way through the home and into his room, she walks inside and drops her backpack to the floor, then when she goes to sit on his bed she jumps at the sight of Derek Hale standing in the corner of his room, this is just when Stiles' dad Noah calls his son.

"Yo da—Derek?" Stiles questioned with wide eyes, Derek just shushed him placing a finger on his lip before gesturing that he go distract his dad, Stiles immediately gets up from his desk chair and heads for the threshold where his father is standing.

Annabeth walks over to Derek behind the door, "What the hell are you doing here?" She says under her breath knowing he can hear her.

"I need his help." Derek muttered quietly.

"With what—" Annabeth feels her arm being tugged and suddenly she's standing beside Stiles infront of his father. "Hey, hi, Mr. Stilinski." She says quickly with a somewhat convincing tight lipped smile on her face.

"Annabeth, how are you?" The older man asked her.

"I'm good, just hanging out with Stiles for a bit." She wraps her arms around herself, "I hope that's okay."

The sheriff smiles, "It's okay with me, I trust you both to behave." He smiles at Stiles, "Anyway, I will see you at the game, can't wait to see you play. Once again, I'm so proud of you, son."

Stiles nods, "Me too... again—" he's cut off by his father wrapping his arms around him. "Oh! Huggie, huggie, huggie." He mutters as his dad pulls away.

His dad gives him an odd and slightly amused look but then he shakes his head with a small smile, "See you out there, and it was nice seeing you, Annabeth."

She smiles, "You too, Sheriff."

"Take it easy." Stiles tells him.

Then the older man is turning around and heading down the steps, Annabeth glanced at Stiles before she walks back into his room. As she sits on his bed  Derek pulls him by his collar and throws him against the closed bedroom door. Annabeth just watches with her arms crossed, she can't say Stiles didn't deserve it, he is after all part of the reason Derek has to be discreet everywhere like this.

"If you say one word—"

"Oh, what, you mean, like "Hey dad Derek Hale's in my room... bring your gun"?" Derek goes silent after being cut off, "Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy." This makes Derek nod slowly, then he released Stiles' collar and fixed his jacket. But then Stiles got cocky and fixed Derek's leather jacket, Annabeth snorted as Derek bucked at him making him jump back. "Oh, my god!" Stiles exclaimed as he walked away after the scare.

"Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek questioned.

"Nope, he's still working on that." Annabeth said as she leaned back on the bed, then her head was hanging upside down as she rested her hands on her stomach.

"But there's something else we can try." Stiles told him. "The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there."

"So?" Derek questioned not understanding the point.

"So, it wasn't Scott who sent the text. He didn't even have a phone at that time."

"Well, can you guys find out who sent it?"   Derek asked them.

"No, not us." Stiles said, "But I think I know somebody who can."

With one quick phone call and 15 minutes of waiting, Danny Mahealani arrived at Stiles' house, Annabeth at the door to let him inside. She led the Hawaiian boy up to Stiles' room and Danny walked inside with his backpack over his shoulder. Stiles turned in his desk chair and immediately explained to Danny what he needed him to do.

"You need me to do what?" The Hawaiian boy exclaimed.

"Trace a text." Stiles told him.

"I came here to do lab work." Danny says to him, "That's what lab partners do."

Stiles sighs and scratched the back of his neck, "And we will, once you trace the text."

"And what makes you think I know how?" Danny asked him, his brows raised in question.

"We looked up your arrest report." Annabeth said with a small smirk playing on her lips, "My, my, my, I never pegged you for the bad boy type. Danny the hacker, definitely a shock factor."

"I—I was thirteen." Danny stammered, "They dropped the charges."

"Whatever." Stiles muttered lifting his hands in surrender.

"No, we're doing lab work." Danny demanded, then he pulled up a stool and sat down next to Stiles. Annabeth just laid back on the boy's bed and pulled her knees up with her fishnetted feet resting on the edge, she twiddled her thumbs as she stared at the ceiling.

"Who's he again?" Danny asked Stiles, referring to Derek who was sitting in the corner of the room with a werewolf history book in his hand.

"Uh, that's my cousin... Miguel." Stiles said unconvincingly, Annabeth looked over at Derek and snorted when she noticed his displeasure to the fake name that Stiles had just given him.

"Is that blood on his shirt?" Danny asked, this made Annabeth her head to Derek and scan his shirt, and yeah, that was definitely blood on his godamn shirt.

"Yeah. Yes." Stiles confirmed awkwardly, "Well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds. Hey, Miguel!" She watches as Derek slowly lifts his head up, a killer glare dead set on Stiles as he looks across the room. "I thought I told you you could borrow one of my shirts." Derek simply gets up from the chair and tosses the book on the bed which hits Annabeth's funny bone.

"Ow!" She glares at him as she sits up, "Asshole." She mutters as she rubs her elbow and sits in crisscross on the bed, when she looks at him again her jaw hangs open when she sees him take his shirt off, there was a fucking tattoo in the middle of his back.

Some kind of spirals of sorts, whatever it was she thought it was really fucking cool. She's always wanted a tattoo but she didn't know how she could get one without being grounded until she was 40. Maybe she could get a tattoo somewhere they wouldn't see, that was definitely an idea.

And then it hit her, how the hell did Derek get a tattoo if he was a werewolf? That was definitely a question she'd have to ask him eventually when he didn't look like he wanted to kill everyone in the room.

"You have the skills to trace that text, so we should probably—"

"Uh, Stiles?" Derek cut in making the three of them turn to him out of pure curiosity and to be honest... most likely attraction. She knew Danny was gay and Stiles was Bi and she was too, so of course everyone in that room were gonna look back and stare.

They were only teenagers after all.

"Yes?" Stiles asked him after turning in his desk chair.

"This..." Derek said holding one of Stiles' shirts in his grip, "No fit."

"Then try something else on." Stiles told him before turning back to his computer, but Danny just couldn't help himself as he stared at Derek's physique shamelessly.

Stiles glanced at Annabeth with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes, then he turned to Derek who was pulling a shirt over his torso. "Hey, that one looks pretty good, huh?" He said exaggeratedly as Derek turned around, his killer glare dead set on him but Stiles didn't care because he was too busy scheming. "What do you think, Danny?"

"Huh?" Danny asked feigning innocence like he wasn't just caught staring at Derek.

"The shirt." Stiles insisted gesturing to Derek, Annabeth looked over and nearly burst out laughing at the look of pure and utter irritation on Derek's features.

"It's—It's not really his color." Danny said flickering his gaze from Derek back to Stiles as the older man lifted the shirt over his head with a scowl.

"You swing for a different team but you still play ball, don't you, Danny-boy?" Stiles said causing Annabeth to snort before dropping her head into her hands as she muffles the sounds of her laughter.

"You're a horrible person." Danny says to Stiles in reply.

"I know, it keeps me awake at night." Stiles responds almost immediately, Annabeth snorts, again as she manages to dampen her giggles and she can drop her hands from her lips. "Anyway, about that text."

"Stiles!" Derek exclaimed making them turn back to the grumpy older man. "None of these fit."

And holy god, is that a happy trail? Deep breaths, Annabeth.

Deep breaths.

"I'll need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of the text." Danny says finally giving in after seeing Derek's toned abdomen.

Annabeth holds out her fist to Stiles, he bumps it with a look of victory before throwing both his arms up behind his head and pumping them in the air. And eventually after some vigorous typing, clicking of the mouse and Derek actually finding a shirt that fits him, Danny found what they were looking for.

"Here." The hacker boy said at the chair, in which Annabeth got up and walked over to his side to see. "The text was sent from a computer." He points to the computer screen, "This one."

"Registered to that account name?" Derek questioned.

Annabeth was starring at the screen in disbelief, "I—I there's no way." She shakes her head placing her hand on the desk, "There's just no fucking way."

"No, no, no, no." Stiles muttered on the other side of Danny. "That can't be right."

And right on the computer screen it said...

Account Registered to:
Beacon Hills Hospital — Melissa Mccall

After Stiles kicked out Danny and promised him they would do their project another time, Annabeth was sitting in the backseat of Stiles' jeep with Derek in the passenger's seat. They were currently parked infront of the hospital and Stiles and Derek were on the phone with Scott who was currently at tonight's game.

The game in which Stiles was supposed to be at, but instead he was here trying to figure out why the hell Melissa's computer at the hospital was used to send a message to Allison and lure her to the high school. From what she could tell from the phone call they didn't find anything on the necklace that would give them a hint about anything.

So that was great, they stole it for nothing.

"If you see my dad could you just tell him I'll be there. I'll just be a little bit late." Stiles says into the phone, "Okay, bye." Then he sighs as he ends the call.

"You're not gonna make it." Derek tells him.

"I know." Stiles responds.

Annabeth leans forward, "You will if we can make this quick."

"And you didn't tell him about his mom, either." Derek mentioned.

Stiles exhales, "Not until we find out the truth." He turns to her and raises his brows, "You ready?" Annabeth nods and unbuckles her seatbelt releasing her from the restraint.

"By the way, one more thing." Derek said to Stiles.

"Yeah?" The buzzed haired boy asked him.
And before Annabeth could blink Derek was forcing Stiles' head into the steering wheel. "Oh, god!" Stiles cried out in pain as he threw his head back.

"Derek, what the fuck?!" Annabeth shouted in anger as she leaned over and looked at Stiles' face checking for anything broken or swelling.

"What the hell was—"

"You know what that was for." Derek cut in as he pointed an accusatory finger at him, "Go." Stiles just stared at him in disbelief, "Go. Both of you." Stiles begrudgingly climbed out of the car and helped Annabeth out once he pulled his seat up, then the both of them were walking towards the hospital, Stiles clutching his temple as they went.

"Are you okay?" Annabeth asked him as they walked towards the doors.

"Yeah." He sighs, "Derek's such an asshole. God, that fucking hurt like a bitch." He mutters as he lightly massaged his temples.

"Do you think you'll need ice?" She asked him as they walked through the doors.

"No." Stiles shook his head as he dropped his hand, "I think I'll be okay." Then he phone started ringing, he pulled it out and threw his head back with a grunt before answering it and putting it on speaker, "You gonna apologize for almost breaking my face you, dick?"

"You gonna apologize for using my physique to get your friend to help you?" Derek fired back, "Also let's not forget, cousin Miguel."

"Hey! It worked didn't it?" Stiles exclaimed.

"Shut up." Derek replied. "You have to look for Jennifer, she's a red haired nurse."

"Got it." She nodded, "It would be great if we could find anyone in this place. It's empty as hell."

"Just find her." Derek grunted, then the call ended abruptly.

Annabeth just rolled her eyes, "He is such a grumpy old man." She sighs heavily, "Let's just find this nurse and get out of here."

The two of them walked through the floor of the hospital but just like Annabeth said, there wasn't anyone around at all. It was practically a ghost town in that place and to be honest it was making her all kinds of anxious and uneasy, she just wanted to find the nurse and leave that place as soon as possible.

"Clearly there's no one here." She said as she looked around the lobby.

"Yeah." Stiles muttered with a suck of his teeth, "I'm gonna call Derek again." He quickly pulled out his phone and placed it to his ear. "Derek, we got a problem." Stiles says as he talks to him. "Yeah, we can't find her." He replies to Derek as they turned the corner to head to his uncle's room where Derek said he would be... however... he wasn't there.

The entire room was basically cleared out like no one had been there for days, Annabeth felt a bad feeling stir in her gut and she just knew that coming here was a fucking mistake.

"Yeah, well, he's not here either." Stiles tells the older man, "He's not here. He's gone, Derek." He replies to the older man.

And suddenly everything starts to click, her hands begin to tremble as her thoughts come together. Derek said that his uncle used to be a werewolf, and since he had been at the hospital for so long he could easily have access to a computer here, also the fact that he was missing and his wheelchair was empty immediately set off sirens in her head.

That was it... Derek's uncle is the Alpha.

Annabeth's eyes widen and her throat tightens, because right infront of them leaning on the wall is the person who she came to see with Derek and Scott, the man that was sitting in the wheelchair who was seemingly catatonic. But in reality... he was out there every night slaughtering everyone in town and preying on teenagers in a high school.

Annabeth feels Stiles grab her wrist, she's immediately pulled behind him. She looks over his shoulder with terror filled bright hazel eyes, her gaze laid on the older man with the burns on half his face.

"You must be Stiles." The man says with a false sense of safety in his voice. "And you... are Annabeth Argent."

Annabeth gulps but Stiles just pulls her along with him as he goes to leave, but they halt in their steps as the red haired nurse Jennifer makes her appearance. "What are you doing here?" She asked them eerily, a killer look in her eyes. "Visiting hours are over."

Annabeth's lips part in shock as she stares at the nurse who smirks at her, "You..."

"And him..." Stiles says, his voice filled with fear as he looks at the Alpha.

"You've been helping him, you sent the text!" She exclaimed as she keeps her gaze on the nurse who was slowly walking toward them.

"Ding, ding, ding." The nurse Jennifer says, "We have a winner."

Annabeth nibbles her bottom lip hard, "Shit."

"Oh, my god, we're gonna fucking die." Stiles said in a panic-stricken tone as he runs his free hand over his buzzed hair.

But Annabeth saw Derek come out of nowhere and send his elbow to Jennifer's face, the ginger dropped to the floor with a thud as Derek stands there with an angry scowl and a murderous gaze.

"That's not nice." The Alpha said to him, "She's my nurse."

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people." Derek spits angrily before glancing at them, "Get out of the way." Annabeth and Stiles share a look, then the both of them drop to the floor just in time for the fight to begin.

"You think I killed Laura on purpose?" The Alpha asked Derek as she and Stiles crawled as fast as they could to get out of the crossfire. "One of my own family?"

Derek growls, his eyes flashing ice blue and then he leaps from the wall and attacks the Alpha. She and Stiles are just barely smashed by Derek being tossed but they both manage to get out of the fight as it continues, but they both halt in shock as they stumble upon what seemed to be the dying nurse who's bleeding heavily on the linoleum floor.

Damn Derek... you got a good arm on you.

They both happened to make it into one of the offices, they hid under the desk as Derek and the Alpha battled eachother. Since they couldn't see what was going on they had no idea if Derek was winning or not, but that was until there was a shattering of glass just above them and Derek's body was flung onto the ground.

Annabeth gasped and she and Stiles immediately rushed over to him, she crouched down and winced when she saw his nose was bleeding. "Derek, we have to get you out of here."

"N-No." He said as he shook his head frantically, "Both of you, get out of here."

"But we can't just leave—"

"Go!" Derek shouted at them as he cut Stiles off. "Before he kills you both!"

And so, she and Stiles listened. The both of them rushed out of the office and didn't look back as they ran out of the building like their lives depended on it, which it did... again. As they made it through the doors and were racing to Stiles' jeep she finally got a moment to stop and think. She couldn't believe they just had to run from the Alpha a second time, but atleast they knew who it was this time.

But somehow she felt that giving this murderous beast a name and face made things so much more terrifying.

▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃

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