A Bright Future {Naruto x Rea...

By PikaJovi

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Book 2 of the Naruto x Reader story! They thought that the worst of things had passed, and they could go abou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 20

865 38 13
By PikaJovi

Naruto's POV:

Killer B and I have been running to get to the battles as fast as possible. I can't believe Tsunade and Jiraiya would send me to this island and lie to me about its purpose. They knew exactly how I felt about being kept away. They even made (Y/N) lie to my face!

Why would she do that? She's never hidden anything from me. I mean, I know we told each other that we would do anything to protect the other, but I didn't think... I don't know what I thought, okay! I just didn't think she would hide something like this from me... But if I'm being honest, if she told me the truth, I wouldn't have left, which means I wouldn't have gained control of the Kyuubi.

Even though I didn't like knowing the truth like this, I can't say I didn't gain anything from this mission.

Being in my Kyuubi Chakra Mode, I can sense so much around it's almost overwhelming. It's like I can sense every single person out there, fighting. I can almost see them in a way. It's amazing and scary at the same time. 

"Yo, Naruto. Everything cool?" B says as he runs next to me. "Ya, just had a lot on my mind. Our friends have been fighting all this time on their own while we have been sheltered on that island." I share with him, and he hums and agrees. "No need to think about it anymore, fool, you fool. We will get there and do our own share of fighting." he raises his fist, and I bump it with mine.

We continued running towards the biggest energy I felt, and just as we were getting close, I sensed two chakras I did not want to meet.

"Naruto, stop." Tsunade tells me as she stands next to A with their arms crossed over their chests. "B, you have to get back to the island." he tells his brother, but it sounded more like an order.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice a war happening around me?" I speak up to Tsunade. "You know how much I hate having people fighting my own battles. I am joining this war, and nothing and no one will stop me." I get in a defensive stance just in case. "Watch yourself, boy. Just because you've gained some power doesn't mean you can't be stopped." A almost growls at me.

"Just because you are stronger doesn't mean you will stop me. I WILL not sit aside while my friends are out there risking their lives for me." I scowl at him. "Let us pass, Brother; Naruto is right. And I will protect him from the enemy." B stands next to me against his brother.

"I will stop you, even if I have to kill you." A says and gets ready to attack. Before I can move, B blocks A's attack, "If you want to kill Naruto, you will have to kill me too." he challenges, and A did not like it.

"Raikage, Naruto has obviously gained a lot more power and control on the Nine-Tails. We can use this power of his and Killer B's to win this war." Tsunade, thankfully, stands with us. I didn't want to fight with her as well to get past. "I will not risk my brother's life just because he wants to fight, and I will not be giving the enemy what he wants on a silver platter!" he yells and comes for me again.

I try to dodge him as much as I can, but he isn't known as the fastest man alive for no reason. Let's not forget that one hit from him could send me flying... B continues to try and persuade his brother, and at some point, it sounded like they were arguing more and more.

I came here to help, and I will start with helping B fight his brother. We both work together to defeat the Raikage, but he manages to keep up with both of our attacks the entire time. If I wasn't in a hurry to get past him, I might have been more impressed.

The fight only intensifies as it continues, but as I kept trying to land my own attacks and dodge his crazy lightning and punches, I eventually started feeling myself getting faster in both my attack and my defense. 

Eventually, I finally dodge his fastest attack, and I stand ready for the next one. But he just stands there with a serious look on his face as he stares me down. "I attacked you to test if you are truly ready for this war and the battles ahead." he starts, and I slowly start to relax. "You might have impressed me." he crosses his arms.

"So, we can go?" I ask, but he doesn't answer. I look to B, and he shrugs his shoulders. Well, I'm not going to waste any more time. Both B and I run past Tsunade and the Raikage, finally officially joining the fight.

There were too many battles around to know which way to go or join. I create just as many clones and send them off to each battle for a little extra helping hand. Killer B and I continue on our way to the biggest one I could sense. 

On our way, I started to sense new chakras, and at first, I didn't recognize them and couldn't tell if they were friendly or the enemy. "Everything okay with you, Naruto?" B asks, but I can't answer as I try to recognize them.

"Wait! How!?" I yell and try to run faster. Is that really possible? Why here? Why now? What in the world is going on!? "Naruto! Is it an enemy, fool you fool?" he yells at me. "N-No, it's not. Come on." I know I should have probably explained more, but I barely understand.

We both stand in this opening of grass, and I look around us to see if anyone is around. "Who are we suppose to be looking for, fool, you fool?" B asks again. "Um, well, I could have sworn I sensed-"

"NARUTO!" we hear someone scream out my name, and we both look in the voice's direction, but I already knew who I would see...

"(Y/N)!" I yell back and run towards her. I can't believe she's here! Oh God, this better be real! 

We run towards each other, and she is practically glowing with energy. Just as I reach her, I grab her from her waist, lift her up, and spin us around. "You're here!" we both say at the same time. We laugh as I put her down, and she wraps her arms around my neck. "How are you here?" we say again at the same time.

She moves her hands and rests them on my cheeks, and gives me that smile that I didn't realize how much I missed. "I don't care... You're actually here." she chuckles and stands on her tiptoes, and connects our lips.

Oh, man... I missed this. I missed her. I missed holding her, "God, I missed you." I whisper as I pull her closer and tighten my hug as I rest my head on her shoulder. "I missed you too, Uzumaki." she chuckles again and tightens her hold around my neck.

"Ahem, I don't mean to interrupt. But Naruto-Bro, we might have a problem." B says from behind and points to the brothers when I turn to see what he means. "Aren't they the Missing-nin Uchiha Brothers?" he asks, and Itachi stands in front of Sasuke just in case.

"Ah, you must be Killer B! You have the Eight-Tails!" (Y/N) moves and stands in front of him. "That's so cool. And I heard you have like a hundred percent control on your beast." she starts looking up and down at him, trying to analyze him.

"B, this is (Y/N). She's my... girlfriend? Partner? Life?" I nervously chuckle and rub the back of my neck. "Naruto!" she comes back and hugs me again. "Don't worry about Sasuke and Itachi; they are allies. They are actually here to..." I look back at them and then (Y/N). "What exactly are you guys doing here?" I ask them.

"We're tracking Kabuto. He activated the Reanimation Jutsu, and once we stop him, whoever he brought back will be stopped as well." Sasuke explains with a scoff, but good enough. "Naruto, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on the Island?" she pulls away and looks at me with a worried expression.

"You mean the island that was supposed to keep me away from the war and safe?" I raise an eyebrow and give her a look. She flinches for a second before she looks to the side with a small pout. "You can be mad all you want, but you knew I would do anything to protect you, and that was a foolproof plan!" 

I gently grab her chin and turn her to face me. "I know. I did get upset that you hid it from me, but I also know why you did it. I did gain all this power on the island after all." I step back and show off my Kyuubi Chakra Mode with a big grin.

"About that... You look amazingly wow! I don't even know how to describe how cool and hot you look right now." she circles me as she looks at me. "Sasuke, how cool does Naruto look?" she asks the Uchiha, and he just looks at me, almost studying me. "If you're done flirting, we actually have a mission to finish." it's not like I expected him to agree or answer...

"I've been deprived of my Naruto doses! That stupid Kabuto can wait a few minutes for me to recharge." she turns back to me and hugs me again. "Don't listen to him; you look amazing, and your power is amazing. I can feel it." I laugh and hug her back. 

"I can also sense a lot of new power in you. I guess you did do all those things you wrote to me about." she looks up to me with sparkling eyes, practically begging me to praise her. "I can't wait to see you in action and kick ass." she laughs and plants a kiss on my lips. 

As much as I wanted to just sit and catch up or just enjoy being in each other's arms, we both could sense that time was not on our side or something we could waste by just sitting here. "Hey, come with us. We will defeat Kabuto and head towards the main battle." she offers, but I couldn't do that. 

"I wish I can... But they need me there. I need to get there as fast as I can." I rest my hand on her cheek, and she leans into it. "I would tell you to come with us, but I have a feeling you have business with the brothers as well." I smile a little sadly as she nods. "We've been tracking Kabuto for a while now. I can't just leave them now, and plus Itachi will need me before and after the fight." she explains, and I look up at them.

He did seem somehow more tired than usual... "How is he holding up?" I couldn't help but ask. "He's okay, I heal him before we sleep and before we depart in the mornings, so he's holding up for now." she looks sad and worried, and I wish I could do something to help. "I guess you learned more than just Earth Style." I smirk and try to lighten her mood. 

She chuckles, "You have no idea what kind of stuff I went through while you were gone. But I'll tell you everything once we win this... So you better look after yourself." she hides her face on my chest, but I could feel her hands shaking around my waist. "We already promised each other to see the future together. I'm not backing out, so you shouldn't either." I hold her chin between my fingers and lift it up. 

We lean closer to each other, going for another kiss. Suddenly, her eyes flash red, and she pushes me away. "Look out!" she shouts as something or someone lands where we were standing. "Come on, man! We were having such a good moment!" I hear her scream at the enemy, and I remember how reckless she can be...

Once the dust settles, I take a good look at the enemy that just showed up, and I directly recognize him. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Kabuto would bring him back to fight...

"Nagato..." I feel bad for those who are being revived. They deserve peace in their death, not being controlled to fight a war they aren't a part of. "Naruto. I see you have managed to control the Nine-Tails. I'm not surprised, though; you are Jiraiya-Sensei's student after all." he smiles while telling me.

(Y/N) stands next to me, looking between the both of us, confused. "You know this guy?" she whispers to me. "Ya, he was the one controlling Pain." I tell her, and she squints her eyes at him and then me. "Are you sure? He looks so... weak." she says.

"I'm guessing that's (Y/N)?" Nagato speaks out. "She is just as beautiful as you described her." he chuckles. "Aww, you spoke to him about me?" she turns to me and gets hearts in her eyes. "She wasn't supposed to know that Nagato..."

Out of nowhere, Nagato starts attacking us. "Oi! I thought you were friends with Naruto!" (Y/N) tells him as she jumps out of the way. "I'm sorry, Kabuto is controlling my body. He has only left my consciousness awake; however, he can also suppress it if he wishes." he explains while we dodge his attacks. 

"Naruto, we need to stop him so we can move on, fool you fool. We don't have time to waste." B says as he lands next to me. "I know, but how are we supposed to stop him?" it's not like Nagato is actually weak. His real body is just as strong as Pain.

"Just how many animals does this guy have!?" (Y/N) says as she keeps dodging the summons Nagato has. "I'm trying not to hurt them or him... it's getting tough here!" she grunts. "Can you fight without commenting?" Sasuke yells at her, and the both of them start bickering.

I have to say... I missed their little antics.

"Naruto, Killer B, I'll help you counter my summonings. I can't control my moves, but I can help you." Nagato tells us and starts to explain how we should attack. "Don't worry, Naruto, I'll help. Nagato and I are familiar with each other." Itachi jumps into the battle with us. "Itachi, I wish I could see Kabuto's face now when he finds out you are still alive." Nagato laughs. "Now, why is everyone assuming I'm dead?" Itachi chuckles and hits one of the summons with his Jutsu.

"Itachi, are you sure you should be fighting with us? Not that I'm complaining." I send one of the summons flying. "Don't worry about me, Naruto. Sasuke and (Y/N) have prevented me from fighting ever since we started this mission; please let me help." well, I could understand the frustration behind that.

"Hey, we've been letting you fight... right?" she looks to Sasuke, and he nods, both of them convinced of their plan. "Itachi... I'm losing control of my consciousness. He is not happy you are here or against him." Nagato struggles to speak.

"Sasuke, take (Y/N) and head towards Kabuto. I'll help Naruto and Killer B and follow you two." he tells the two. "NO! We aren't leaving you here." they both say at the same time. "They won't be able to defeat Nagato on their own at his full strength without knowing their way around; they need my help." he explains, but they weren't budging.

"You were supposed to leave your strength for Kabuto, Itachi." (Y/N) yells at him. "She's right; the Dobe will be able to handle him. Let's just go." Sasuke says. "Was the insult necessary, Teme?" I yell back at him.

"Enough! This is a war, not training or a simple fight. From now on, things are going to get a lot more serious; you can not stop me or hold me back from such fights." Itachi yells at the both of them, and even though I understand where they are coming from, I also understand what he's saying... He's right.

If Itachi fights at his full strength, we can really change the tide in this war. As much as I want to hold him back and protect him, we also need him in this.

"(Y/N), Sasuke, I'll protect him. I swear it. The faster you get rid of Kabuto, the faster the fights will end or get easier. I'll keep him safe until he needs to join you two." I tell them, and I could still see them hesitating. "Let's go, Sasuke." she says and jumps out of the way. "What!? Are you serious?" he did not like this. "I trust Naruto, and so do you, so let's leave Itachi to him for now. We need to find Kabuto." she tells him, but he keeps looking at his brother.

"I promise I'll follow you, little brother. I'll be there." Itachi tells him, and Sasuke leaves reluctantly. "You better." he joins (Y/N), and they head in the direction Nagato told us where Kabuto is for sure. 

"Naruto! I will find you again at the main battle. You better be there in one shape and full energy!" she yells to me, and I bow to her, "As you wish, Princess." I give her my biggest smile and see her blush before she disappears. "Now, let's seal Nagato so he can finally be at peace. And I'm sure the faster Itachi joins those two, the less torture he will get." Itachi laughs at my prediction. "Let's finish this, fools, you fools!" B prepares his attack.

Now that I've seen her and made sure she is okay, I can rest my mind and fight at my full strength!

(Y/N)'s POV:

I saw Naruto. Finally! He seems well and strong and just as perfect as ever! I can't believe our time was interrupted by Nagato, who is technically controlled by Kabuto. So Kabuto is the one who really interrupted us. 

He will pay for that!

"Oi, get your head on straight. We can't mess around with Kabuto; we will need to go fight full-on from the start." Sasuke snaps me out of my thoughts. "I know. I want to end this guy just as fast as you do. I mean, hopefully, we can stop him before Itachi joins us." we both nod at that and speed up to get there faster.

From Naruto's expression, I could tell the people at the main battle were either struggling or facing bigger problems. Naruto wants to get there to help as fast as he can, and I feel with him. His friends have been fighting on their own while he was kept away; if anything happens to them, he's going to blame himself and drown in that guilt.

We can't let that happen... Not to him.

Eventually, we get to some cave that already looks creepy on the outside; God knows what it looks like inside. "Okay, this should be it. Now be careful, he could be anywhere in there, and he will use any old and dirty trick in the book to get the upper hand." Sasuke warns me again, and I nod. "I know, let's just get this over with." I take a deep breath to settle my nerves, and we walk into the cave.

"Well, well, well. I see the little kids made it." we hear a voice as soon as we reach the middle of the cave. But we still couldn't see anyone, "Show yourself to these so-called little kids, and let's play a little game." I tell him and sense the glare Sasuke sent me.

Sorry, but I can't change my nature.

"I'll be more than happy to play with you while waiting for the real fight to get here." he's treating us like the opening act before Itachi gets here. "Dream on it, Snake Boy; we're going to stop you before Itachi gets here." I take out my Katana, and so does Sasuke.

"Let's put an end to this (Y/N)." Sasuke tells me, and I smile at my excitement about Sasuke fighting with me. "Let's, Little Uchiha."



I planned that reunion almost from the start of the story. Once I got to it, I realized the severity of the situation around them... I wanted them to have a cute and lovely moment, but time really can't be wasted when there's a war going on...

I still think it was cute, kind of. This war keeps pulling them apart, though! But Kabuto has finally been found. Do you think Itachi will get there on time or late?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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