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if someone asked you what you wanted to be, it's to be away from haitani rindou as much as possible. he's hau... More

00, the starting line
01, here comes the grump
02, too pretty to be a klutz
03, you haven't seen hell
04, as if i'd fall in love
05, a little out of it today
06, there goes the lady in red
07, no one's going to know
08, a punch for good measure
09, world's best boyfriend
10, and so competition appears
11, stare at me all you want
12, you know you should've
13, whenever you're ready
14, i don't want your help
15, the semi truth comes out
16, help her cross the line
17, the sorry cupcakes
19, do you know japanese
20, she's one of us

18, i'm not a sore loser

890 64 28


the plane ride to okinawa was smooth sailing in comparison to the rollercoaster-like journey earlier. but that's only because it's unusually quiet even with the presence of bonten executives — rindou guessed it was because everyone's asleep.

or, well, almost everyone. because you're magically not.

he would've asked why are you awake or started a conversation because you're sitting right next to him (which he found out was the other executives' plan) but he pretended to be asleep 30 minutes ago – so if he upped and 'woke up', you'll get suspicious without a doubt.

he didn't want you to ask about the jacket he lent you, or about the bags because all these things were surprisingly new to him, too. he didn't want you to ask because he, himself, is at a loss. was what he's doing right? was it considered as courtship? is he courting you? should he ask first, or should he get on your good side before he makes a move?

he doesn't know. it's all brand new to him and he's aware that none of the executives know what to do in his position, so he could never ask them. all he's really got is sasaki. unfortunately, she wasn't able to come to the resort (rindou offered to buy her tickets and reserve a room) — and that means he's really on his own for the meantime. therefore, he figured not to do anything else that would jeopardize your current relationship with him.

he's going to play it safe. and that's why he thought that he could avoid discussing all the things earlier because you'll be sitting on the opposite side of where his seat was. and although that was the original plan, it never truly happened because  the other executives thought they'd be doing him a favor by occupying all the other seats; leaving him with you.

now, he knows how to understand effort – but honestly, he could've done that himself. if he wanted to sit next to you, he would've made it work. and the thing is, he doesn't. he planned to take care of your bags, leave you his jacket and head first, then pretend to be asleep so you don't get to question him for anything. 

but now that you're sitting right next to him. . . well, that puts him in a fickle.

he hears you fumble with your seatbelt again, and the squeaks of your seat indicate that you stood up – to head to the restroom, most probably. in the beginning, he thought that maybe you just drank too much liquid prior to the plane ride, but this was your fourth time. and it hasn't been an hour yet.

get this, haitani rindou isn't the best at worrying or describing how he feels. he can't even show his appreciation towards his older brother without feeling embarrassed — so what more if it's for a woman? someone who verbally hates him, nonetheless? it makes him feel a little out of character.

he doesn't give a fuck about that, though. because right now, with his skin freezing due to the lack of thick clothing and you doubling back to the restroom every other minute — admitting that he's very much, in fact, worried, is the least of his concerns.

so, with a few stretches of his limbs that had fallen asleep before his brain could, he saunters on the plane aisle to follow you. everyone in the plane was minding their own business. some were watching on their phones, some had fallen asleep, and some were even eating snacks – but no, definitely not haitani rindou (only if it involves you, though).

when he reached the small hall, the rest room door was already locked. he doesn't know if you're the one who's currently occupying it, but that doesn't stop him from firmly knocking on the door.

"occupied –"

he doesn't have to second guess. that's definitely your voice, because he'd recognize it from anywhere. for a short while, relief washed over him, but that soon dissipated into thin air when your response was followed by a retching noise. rindou, who doesn't know what's currently happening behind the closed door, had panic marring his usually expressionless face.

he left another three knocks, the same firm as the early ones, but this time a little louder. "open up, it's me." 

"rindou?" he doesn't even have a moment to register that this is the first time that you had called him by his name, without anything negative by it — before the sound of your vomiting echoes in the small space once again.

was she heading back and forth here just to throw up?

he left another three knocks and each time he does, it becomes louder; more panicked. it wasn't the kind that was hysterical, but considering this is haitani rindou, being this frenzied about a person other than himself is a big deal.

after the agonizing wait, the door opens. you were hunched over the toilet bowl, vomiting almost nothing. a few strands of your hair were framing your face, sweat built up on your forehead and you were pressing your stomach down further, so one glance and rindou already knew that you weren't exactly feeling well.

upon the sight of you, he sighs in a mixture of relief and in you're such an idiot way before kneeling next to you. you could've at least asked for help, but knowing you, even if you were aware that he's only fake sleeping, you wouldn't have asked. with a flourish, he pulls out a neatly folded handkerchief from his pocket and hands it to you.

you gratefully accepted it, wiping your teary eyes and damped face. for a few minutes, you recomposed yourself and rindou watched, no words exchanged. since the situation calmed down, he had time to associate with his surroundings.

he noted that the air in the cramped space is less chilly than outside. and he lets himself calm down for a bit, even realizing that you called him rindou without sounding hostile. that's an achievement for him, right? he feels all warm knowing that he's rindou now. not formal haitani or rindou you're-the-worst-person-ever. you probably still feel that way sometimes, but he's determined to change your mind.

"i thought you were asleep?" you broke the silence by asking in a helpless voice.

he doesn't answer your question, but not because he doesn't want to. it's because his attention was stripped from that completely when you looked like you were about to retch hurl out the nonexistent contents of your stomach. with his quick reflexes, he gently held your hair back for you, rubbing comforting circles on your back as you vomit.

"you should've told me." he quietly mumbles, but you could only shake your head as your response, unable to commit a verbal reply. rindou knows that you said no because of two probable factors. one; you didn't want to bother him. two; you'd rather suffer alone than to ask help from him.

he hopes it's the former.

five minutes later, your stomach seemed to finally calm down. you were heaving deep breaths, splashing your face with cold water and gripping the restroom sink tightly, but rindou has to admit that it's better than almost vomiting your insides out. he stepped out for a bit, giving you a few more minutes to grab ahold of yourself better, already feeling the cold air nitpicking on his bare skin.

he had buttoned up his shirt and rolled down his sleeves, but the thin material wasn't really helping him much. he wanted to wear it because they're headed for the beach, and there was no harm in it because he had his black blazer — but he doesn't want to see you frostbitten, either. if he's cold, he could only imagine how you would have been had he not given you his jacket.

it's either the air conditioning in the plane is set on the lowest setting, or the air conditioning in the office is really broken. i'm freezing.

despite that fact, there were no signs that the piercing chill was getting through him. you were already feeling unwell, the last thing he wants you to do is give him back his jacket and feel the rime like temperature. it's something he's determined to suffer alone from.

when rindou turned to face you again to see how you were doing, he noticed that you were a little unsteady. knees weak, steps a little less firm than usual and your balance had gone a little off. you were still not okay, but that's fine by him. he didn't expect you to magically get well, either. so, he asked with a straight face, "do you want me to carry you?"

"no, no, it's fine. you've helped me enough." you waved your hand as dismissal. he watches you take a few wobbly steps forward, before sighing under his breath.

you're definitely not fine.

you take slow and uneven steps forward, holding onto the headrest of some seats to properly stand, making rindou shake his head because of your stubbornness. there are two things that can cause that — one; you didn't want to burden him more. two; you don't want him to touch you.

he hopes it's the former again, but even if it's not, he skillfully slips an arm around your waist anyway. without another word, he guides you back to your seats, making sure that his steps aren't too much for you to suddenly take. you don't push him away, which he's grateful for, so the both of you were engulfed in silence as you walked down the aisle. 

he notes that it's the closest he's been with you. it's the only time you don't push him away, the only time you're not letting out snarky remarks and neither does he – but that's probably because you were tired. he doesn't want to ruin the peace so the only thing he could do was keep his mouth shut, however, that makes him prone to noticing other things. like the heat your skin radiated even from the thick layer of his black blazer, the signature smell of your hair and your perfume, the apparent height difference and the way you felt in his arms. 

the sudden thought makes him chew his bottom lip. he decides it would be better for the both of you if he had to think about other things.

seats. seats.

when you're safely seated (which he had to make sure of), he turns his back against you to talk to one of the cabin crews. he wanted to get you a bottle of water, knowing full well that your throat must feel scratchy from all that throwing up, and he also wanted you to get hydrated — so he took a step to walk away, but was stopped when you pulled the hem of his sleeve.

you stopped him. from leaving. 

huh, that's new.

"where are you going?"

"getting you a bottle of water." he answers as if it was the most natural thing in the world. it's as if he's not even the haitani get your own bottle of water rindou. he couldn't see what your reaction was toward his reply, gazing at the sides of your face because you were just looking out the window. "do you need anything else?"

the moment he asked, his eyes caught your e/c ones for a short while before you looked away and shook your head as a no. you slowly let go of his sleeve and he takes that as a sign for him to finally leave, turning his heel and sauntering over one of the flight stewardess.

she stopped me.

his brain could not stop thinking of that fact. not even when he asked one of the flight attendants for a bottle of water, not when another one of them blatantly flirted with him, and not even when he walks over where you were currently seated, handing you the item he just acquired. 

this is getting a little dangerous for me.

"how are you feeling?" was his attempt in making a conversation. when he touched you earlier, he knew that it wasn't a fever. the only reason that could be behind what you're currently experiencing must be air sickness, so he doesn't need to ask if that's what it is. since the both of you weren't always on good terms, he had reduced in asking personal questions such as did you like the cupcakes or do you like yakiniku because he knows that the chances of you answering him properly would be close to zero.

so he uses his eyes and ears – he observes. he notices your mannerisms, finds out your favorites and learns your dislikes without asking them. he doesn't need to, he would just know. that's why for the meantime, the only thing he could ask you was something he won't be able to observe fully.

"better," you replied, accepting the bottle from him. you take a couple few sips from it then twist the cap on before you turn to him. "thank you for your help. it's really appreciated."

his stomach churns from the formality. while it was true that you've thanked him – it doesn't seem close to being friendly. in that moment, he was shown the part where he's standing in your life. and all those things from earlier suddenly seemed meaningless; but not enough to stop him. he's got a long way to go before proving himself, and he's not fond of taking the easy routes.

"if you need anything else, you can ask me."

i want to help. he wanted to say, but he decided against it. rindou figures that it may come off a little too strong, and the last thing he wants to do is to make you uncomfortable. so he sticks with the most usual response he could think of.

"i can help."

"thank you, rindou. i'll keep that in mind."

silence ensues. however, unlike their usual comfortable ones, this one was particularly different. it's like there are things that need to be said, and rindou knew that as well because there are several things he wanted to ask you. question was, did you want to talk to him?

probably not. you've been looking at the window beside you more than you ever glanced at him. or was that just because you were fond of sitting next to the windows? he's not entirely sure.

although, what he is sure of, is that he wanted to hear you talk. about anything. even if you talked to him about your favorite movie for 3 hours or more — he would listen to you. just as he always had. he could almost hear sanzu or ran's snickers in his head, laughing at him for what they call simping.

"so," you start. all of his thoughts disappeared down the drain when he heard your voice and he notes how much he likes hearing you talk. "are you a heavy sleeper?"

"no." the response was quick and almost practiced, with his usual tone that's devoid of emotion. he could swear he heard you huff, but he's not so sure with all the chatter around.

he's not really the best at small talk. or usual talk. he's not the best at talking, and now, like a complete idiot, he made it seem like he doesn't want to talk to you when all he ever wants to do is to have you both converse.

"yeah, figured so." was your flat reply, before he heard you turn away from him.

looks like i'll die from small talk before dying from an airplane crash.

after a short period of silence and a lot of hesitance on rindou's end, he finally lets out, "are you?"

"kinda, yeah." he gets quiet after that. even if he wanted to continue the conversation, there was nothing he could say at this point. what would he say? that's nice? because he knows that it isn't. it's a pain to be a heavy sleeper because most of the time, you're unaware of what's happening around you and unless that you've got someone you can trust to look after you, then you're safe. and plus, it's not like him to lie just to prolong a conversation he deems as slightly awkward. 

he sighs underneath his breath. this is exactly why he doesn't want to sit next to you. having recently admitted his feelings, he's a little wary of the things he would say or shouldn't. it's unlike him to overthink what he should do around a woman because most of the time, it's natural for him but you? 

that's where things change.

he hears you yawn, but he doesn't turn to look at you yet. "you can sleep, i don't mind." 

"no, really, it's difficult to wake me up."

"ironic that you're always early for work, isn't it?" he quietly retorts. he doesn't even know what brought him to say that because it's not the best thing to say towards the one you apparently like – but there he is. before he could regret his words, though, you talked back.

"what's ironic is that you're a light sleeper but you end up going to work late." 


instead of asking why you're aware, rindou snarkily replies. and by then, it's just like old times. "you've got an awfully sharp memory. maybe you should remind me who came to work on their first day and got coffee all over my suit?"

"i'm starting to think you've gotten forgetful," you feign disappointment. "remember? you're the kind of person who tends to bump against people because they're running late."

a low chuckle escapes rindou's system. a few minutes ago, he was cursing everyone in the plane because he was sitting next to you and was awkwardly conversing. a few minutes ago, he could swear he'd hear crickets whenever you'd take a few seconds before responding to him. a few minutes ago, he would've jumped off the plane and wished you good luck with whatever's happening to your life.

a few minutes then, the both of you were bantering but he finds unusual solace in it.

"has anyone ever told you that you'd do great in official debates?" he pipes up, rubbing his hands together in attempt to warm his hands.

"yes. regional champion when i was in high school."

he hums. "star student."

she doesn't even have to answer. i've seen her background already.

"yeah, i guess."

he doesn't say anything else, thinking that you lost your will to talk because your mood looks like it's ruined. it's such a simple comment, even meant as a compliment, but it appeared to have nudged you in the wrong way possible. he remained mum, worried that he might say something that'll worsen your current state.

despite his belief, though, you promptly spoke up after a few beats of silence. "it's a little boring. being academically inclined."


"yeah, you get terribly high expectations. and you work hard to achieve them, but it's as if it'll never be enough. can't really have fun without all the guilt."

"what's stopping you now?" rindou finally faces you. he couldn't see your face properly because you were still staring outside your window, so he wonders what you must be feeling. it's unlike you to ever tell him something like this. but then again, maybe you've gone talkative because you're tired from the trip.

"it's busy back in tokyo."

rindou hums, crossing his arms before turning to face his front again. he has a great feeling that if the both of you proceed to talk about this, it'll only make you feel negatively about the trip that hasn't even begun. so instead, he suggests, "you should sleep."


"yeah, get all the rest you need." he stirs on his seat. "we've got a long way to go, a lot of fun with sanzu and ran around."

"i think," you yawned. "you're forgetting this is a business trip."

he could only shrug. not that he was really forgetting about it, but he's pretty sure that the sole reason mikey sent all of the bonten executives here is because of the staff and structure reviews. it's not really a difficult job to do, so there's a lot of time in their hands. 

"pillow?" he motions toward his shoulder.

"no thanks." with a shake of your head and a yawn, you finally rested your head against the window pane on your side. rindou had no idea how he managed to convince you to sleep just like that but he's in no place to complain.

a few minutes later, your head was bobbing up and down, making you accidentally bump your head everywhere. rindou, who was also trying to sleep because everyone around him is, sighed. how could he sleep like this when you're basically everywhere? so, with a careful hand, he slides it on the nape of your neck and up to the side of your head, before gently setting your head against his shoulder. 

you slept peacefully after that. he's pretty sure he did, too.

when you arrived at the resort, it was dinner time. true enough, the staff and the other people didn't recognize the bonten executives, so they all had to wait for their food just like everyone else. and while this was rindou's idea in the first place, he doesn't find playing tourists as fun. 

as a man with power, he's used to people obliging to his every command without any questions. however, when he had come up to request if the supper could be served an hour earlier than usual (because he greatly remembers that the only food you've had in your system was lunch, but you retched them all out in the plane) – he was met with an answer he didn't expect.


who the hell says no to haitani rindou? staffs of this bonten resort, apparently.

so here they all are, in the hotel's dining area together with the other tourists from the resort for supper. his eyes boring circles into sanzu's forehead for even suggesting this idea in the first place – because now, he gets to be just haitani rindou. no power, no fame, no anything. he doesn't understand why the others seem to be liking the trip.

"guess what," ran beams. his elbows was propped on the clothed table, chin resting against his knuckles. "heard there are beach bonfires every night here."

"right, like every other beaches?" sanzu questions, boredom lacing in his tone. 

"no, no," ran waves his hand dismissively. "it's huge here. kind of like a party because there are drinks, women, all that jazz."

"before you get any ideas, we're not coming." kakucho sighs. rindou, on the other hand, couldn't care less if they went or not. if they return to their respective rooms early, then he'll get plenty of rest that he needs for tomorrow. however, if they choose to visit the bonfire event, then that might take your mind off of things. maybe get you to have fun.

huh. maybe he does care if they went to that bonfire event.

"kaku, ever the uptight one. . ." ran shook his head and grins. his gaze was directed over the younger executive, then he turned to look over sanzu who more or less looked bored with the formal atmosphere around. "hey, haru? what's the reason why we're disguised as tourists?"

"because we get to experience the workers' treatment the same way they do for others." sanzu drawls like a robot repeating its answer over and over — devoid of emotion and because it's sanzu, bored. 

"wow, you're absolutely correct. please give the man a star stamp on his hand." ran claps and nods to himself; proud of whatever he wants to point out. rindou knows by now that with all these nonsense questions, ran has something to prove. he knows that his older brother isn't the straight forward kind: he's more of the beat around the bush and corner their prey kind of type. 

"koko, what do you think do tourists do around here?" 

"no idea. leave me out of your nonsense."

"oh, come on! just give a wild guess."

the blonde rolled his eyes, "probably doing whatever the other tourists are doing."

"yes, bingo, correct. you deserve a medal for that top tier answer." ran claps, a grin yet again forming on his lips. he then turns to kakucho, who has a subtle frown on his lips because even though ran looks like he has a few screws loose, he's reasonable and has proven his point. so, with a defeated sigh, kakucho raised his arms as if to say i can't stop you.

you whistled under your breath with this, one of which rindou caught because you weren't very quiet about it and because he's sitting right next to you. "wow. he's good."

"hear that everyone? we're joining that bonfire party and we're going to have fun."

ran's fun, again, consists of causing havoc and teasing his brother. to rindou, it's probably not his scene. he likes trouble, but ran's trouble with sanzu is different from what he grew accustomed to. besides, he's not sure if chaos is the right way to end your night but when he sees a ghost of a smile passes your lips as everyone stood up to prepare for the night — he realized that maybe he'll like it a little bit tonight.

it's been 3 hours and it still seems like the night won't ever come to an end. there was lots of dancing, alcohol, party games, more alcohol and people that rindou was sure that you'd faint from all of it but to his surprise, you were doing fine. 

a little stiff, but otherwise fine. 

"you're not y/n's bodyguard. so shouldn't you be drinking or something?" sanzu comes up beside rindou, before downing a red plastic cup half filled with alcohol. 

"shouldn't you be minding your own business?" rindou rolled his eyes and pushed his bangs up with a headband. he was getting tired of his damn mullet, but he thought he looked better in it than his old hair so he kept it. he'll never admit that it's a pain, though. maybe he'll get his bangs trimmed sometime.

sanzu barks out a laugh. "damn, don't get so emotional about it."

"i'm not emotional. you're emotional. and over your assistant?" rindou smirks. sanzu, who initially was the one who was smug, frowned with the former's response. 

"ha. she hasn't even looked at me once tonight."

"fucking sucks to be you, then." 

"it sucks to be you. make a fucking move, dumbass." sanzu claps on rindou's back before turning to leave the scene, the bitter taste in his mouth not only caused by the alcohol he had before. 

deciding he's not one to dwell on someone else's problem, rindou walks towards you. you've got your back against him, talking to a random woman who looks familiar — but not enough for rindou to put a name on her. when they both noticed his looming presence, they stopped talking and you turned to face him.



"you havin' fun?"

"yeah, i think. do i look like i'm having fun?" it was a genuine question, but he wouldn't have figured that out if it weren't for your unusual happy face. you're drunk; and yet you weren't loose unlike the others. he could tell that ss much. the music in the beach turned louder and more upbeat, so to make sure you'll hear him, he leans forward to whisper:

"you're too stiff, but yes."

he doesn't know whether the redness on your neck was because of what he did or because of the heat or the alcohol in your system, but he had no time to find out when the beach people suddenly squealed at something. 

at first, he was alarmed. was there some attack? some accident that happened? the first thing that ran in his mind was to save you from what the people were screaming at, but when the huge screen showed the two of you, he knew there was nothing to be wary of. but he is kicking himself over something tonight.

he forgot there was a kiss cam.

"kiss! kiss! kiss!" the chants had overthrown the music from the speakers, but he had grown deaf to all of it. 

"huh. we're supposed to kiss, aren't we?" you asked, brows furrowed. he thought kiss cams were only famous at football games or places except the beach, but boy, did he stand corrected. 

"looks like it." he looks around. 


this was so not how he imagined your first kiss would be, but it was safer to say that he did not imagine to kiss you at all. it was given that he almost did, but to actually do it and in front of these many people? there was absolutely no way he would.

your face said the same. and it was you who spoke up, "sorry to burst your bubble, everyone. but we're not kissing."

"boo! y/n you're a party pooper!"

"can i kiss rindou instead?!"

"y/n you just lost the kiss cam challenge! what a loser!"

rindou rolled his eyes at all these, tempted to shove everyone out of the way because their reaction was unnecessary and probably offensive — but he saw that the only thing you did, too, was roll your eyes. you were unbothered. you weren't very comfortable with huge crowds but you stood your ground. very y/n.

when everyone settled down and gradually accepted the fact that there wasn't going to be a kissing scene between the pretty woman and the hot tattoed man, rindou scoped the area to look for any glimpse of you. it looked like you disappeared into a sea of strangers and he had no idea where you went.

he tried asking the girls you were talking to, or the people that was near where he last so you but nobody knew where you were. it wasn't until he saw kokonoi, who was also heading back to the resort hotels, that he found out that kakucho escorted you back to your room earlier. 

so, since he doesn't have anything better to do, he decided to walk in silence with the blonde to get some rest himself. it was pretty convenient that the boys' rooms were all next to each other because it was easier to reach them. rindou's room was right next to sanzu's, and next to sanzu's was kokonoi's. then goes ran's and kakucho's.

you on the other hand, has a room that's in a floor above them. it was kakucho's idea that as the only female executive, you get to have one of the best rooms of all bonten resort. everyone agreed to the idea, they were all fond of you, after all.

"i'm confused." koko pipes up after a long period of silence. they were already nearing their rooms when he looked up from his phone, which is something rindou didn't mind. after the blasting music earlier, he could swear that his ears needed the quiet.

"what for?"

"the kiss cam. you didn't kiss y/n."

rindou shrugs and doesn't answer. he wasn't in the mood to explain his brief hesitance, but it's mostly because he's a little disappointed with what happened. maybe that was for the best. you've had too much to drink and there was a lot of people to witness everything. if you did kiss, you'd probably end up regretting it in the morning. and he doesn't want you to regret it.

"i have no idea what your plan is, rindou. but there are only two things to remember about it. one, you've got competition." kokonoi digs through his pocket to retrieve his key card, then swipes it on his digital door. when it opens, he stops and turns around with a straight face, "two, don't do anything that will hurt her."

how could i ever hurt her?

he nods to ease his friend's worries (to which he's not sure why he'd actually have one) and leaves with his hands deep in his pockets. was that possible? could he hurt you? ha. if anything, you'd hurt him

his mind was occupied all night long. when he showered, changed into comfortable clothes and turned all the lights off, his mind could only revolve around the possibility that what if he had? maybe he has done it without knowing. after all, he wasn't the kindest to you. or to anyone. he knows that as much.

his terrible train of thoughts were interrupted when someone knocks on his door. at first, he ignored it because it could be some random drunk who thought his room was someone else's. after all, who in their sane mind would knock on his door at 2 in the morning? everyone he knows is probably asleep or still at that party. when it's been a full minute of silence, he sighs in relief because he doesn't have to stand up anymore and face whoever's behind that door, until they knock again.

it was consistent. they weren't hurrying or demanding him to answer, so he was sure it wasn't anyone he knows. if it was ran or sanzu, they would've busted the door down or yelled outside to open the door.

so with an irritated sigh this time, he stood up from his bed to answer the door, wearing his i don't know what you want but leave face. it scares off strangers, works every time.

he wasn't prepared to see you the moment he opens the door, though. so he quickly drops the look and raised a brow at you, because what could you possibly need from him while wearing your pajamas?


"i — kinda . . . drank a few more cans of beer at my room." he figured. your feet were wobbly than usual and you've got a stupid smile plastered on your face that you almost never wear. he likes drunk you. you give him smiles that he was sure he doesn't deserve, and you talk more than usual. you don't do that in his presence.

"you good?" he questions, crossing his arms.

"i just want to say that i'm always one of the top journalists of my former schools." that was random. something you'd probably say when you make small talk and while he likes the idea that you're talking about yourself to him, of all people, he's not sure why you would.

"that's really nice." he says instead. right now, you look like a little kid who's been handed a piece of candy with what he said. it's a side of you that he never knew existed and it's refreshing to say the least.

"i won a regional contest for broadcasting, too." he wanted to say yes, love, i know because he has read your resumè, but all he does is lean on his door frame with a smile playing on his lips. his arms was still crossed, and his attention never wavered. not even for a second. 

"and i've always been a member of the student council." he hears you mumble more of your achievements, the contests you've won but everything quiets down because all he could focus on was the fact that you looked so happy and carefree. he has knowledge of all the things you were giddily sharing right now, but this side of you — he doesn't. this smile of yours, he hasn't seen.

and then you stop. it brings him back to his senses. "what's wrong?"

"and then i . . . lost a maths competition back in middle school. and it was difficult for me because i've studied and reviewed so much. but it was fine. you know?" he doesn't, really. he wasn't that competitive in school. sure, he was smart, but he wasn't the kind to make use of his talents, unlike you did. it was almost impressive. but he doesn't say a that. instead, he nods, as if he understands what you were saying. if it helps, he's trying to.

"point is, i'm not a sore loser." you rolled your eyes.

he chuckles in amusement. "did you come here just to tell me that?"

"no," you huffed. "i came here to prove it."

so, with alcohol running in your bloodstream, vision a little shaky than you would've liked and a stupid smile gracing your face – you grabbed a fistful of rindou's linen shirt and kissed him with all you've got. 

WRITTEN. 04 / 18 / 22

PUBLISHED. 04 / 18 / 22

STATUS. unedited, 6.1k words.


im so sorry for the 3 month long hiatus :( i swear, i rly wanted to update bc i have lots of ideas and im itching to write but im the worst at time management & school's been kicking my ass lately. hopefully ill get to update weekly again ?? bc it's almost summer time and there's only like 12 chapters left until this book ends so yay :D i published this last night without adding the gifs and the page breaks, and since my laptop's full charged now, i get to add and edit !! 

thank you so much to all of u !!! ur comments, votes & the random check ups on my acc is very thoughtful and im vv grateful <33 to this book's readers, old & new, thank you 4 patiently waiting from the bottom of my heart (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) i hope you are all taking care of yourselves!!

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