Kitsune (Naruto Fanfiction)

By Altair031

175K 2.6K 471

{reconsider to be rewritten}Uzumaki Naruto is a cheerful, naive boy and a prankster. little that people know... More

1. prologue rewrite
2. the school life
3. the traitor
4. Team selection
5. teammate
I'm back
8. beginning to wave
9. wave part 1
10.wave part 2
11. wave part 3
12. wave part 4
13. secret that shouldn't be unvailed
14. Break!!!
15. Break part 2
17. Announcement of exam
18. One-tailed and the exam begins
19. Written test
20. Forest of death
21. The snake bite
22. The wrath.
24. Festival
25. The Frog Sannin arrive!
26. the tournament
27. Satsuki vs Gaara
28. The Unexpected Invasion
29. Orochimaru vs Hokage
30. The red hair.
31. Neji vs Naruto
32. Tsunade returns
33. Unexpected
34. Chase
35. The battle of the valley
36. not one but two
37.Memories Of Past
38. epilogue

16. Monochromatic eyes

4.1K 70 5
By Altair031

"Or should I say, Hinata Hyuuga"

Hinata glared at the blonde eyes with full determination and fury. Different from what he saw in the restaurant earlier.

He knows that she covers her true personality with the fake one she made. Like him.

"Tell me, why you dare to attack your comrade?" He demands.

" Because I want to know of the truth of someone and I believe you knew."

"about, what?"


Naruto was silent for a moment.

"What if I don't tell you?" Naruto asked. He glared directly into her eyes.

"Then, I will uncover the truth with myself" she retorts.

"Naruto, you are authorised to tell her about Itachi "???

Naruto turned to the source of the voice to see the Hiruzen was coming towards them.

" Hokage-sama" Hinata's eyes widened to see The Hokage supporting her.

Naruto sheath his sword back to his scabbard. He turned to The Hokage, uncertain with his order.

"Are you sure? Hokage-sama" Naruto asked him for the second confirmation.

"Yes, I am. Naruto-Kun. Besides, I'm certain. She has a feeling towards him" Hiruzen glances at Hinata with a small smirk on his face

A tint of red appears on her cheeks. She was a bit embarrassed when someone knows about her crush on an ex-Anbu fake traitor.

She calms down after getting control of her emotion. She looks at Hokage and notices something wrong with him.



"Why are you wearing blue set pyjamas?" She asked with a blank look at her face. She was mildly surprised to see him wearing blue pyjamas with a cute bear head as a pattern. Naruto noticed since the beginning but didn't dare to say anything.

"W-what is it matters? It is 2 a.m. I was suddenly awake and notice a fight was going on in here. I didn't have time to change clothes" Hiruzen answered with a stutter.

"Anyway, I will leave all of it to you Kitsune, farewell." The old man with his red face disappears from their view as he went back to his house. Both of them know that, that The Hokage was embarrassed to stand with them even he uses the speed of Sage to avoid any ninja or Anbu to witness him in his current clothes.

"Erm, should we back to the main topic," Naruto said to Hinata.

"Y-yeah" Hinata blinked twice before regaining full attention towards the blonde.

She saw the blonde walk to The Uchiha Mansion by himself and almost reach his destination. "Hey wait" She runs to the blonde to catch up with him.

She follows him entering the former Uchiha Mansion that was once housed by hundreds of Uchiha members. Now, it was nothing more than filled with a layer of dust.

He suddenly stopped. She stopped beside him, noticing his emotional face. "This is the place where I saw Itachi fighting with him" he put some bitter tone at the end of his sentence.

"Him?" Hinata asked.

"The one that infiltrated Konoha that day. It turns out, he is the only one that kills most of the Uchiha members except Satsuki. No one knows his identity. He covered his face with a spiral mask secured his identity from anyone" Naruto explained.

He glanced at Hinata, noticed her face doesn't look surprised with Sasuke true identity. "You didn't to seemed shocked after I told you about The Uchiha true identity."

"If I didn't know, why would I help her in the first place," she said mentioning the time she helps Satsuki in the restaurant, securing her identity.

"How powerful is he?" Hinata asked again. She wondered how a mysterious intruder could slay almost all of the clan members.

Naruto heard her question. He recalled his memories of the moment he witnessed the fight between that mysterious masked ninja with Itachi.

"Satsuki?" Naruto in his fox Anbu form catches the young Uchiha heiress who was panicking running towards him.

"Kitsune, help! Itachi fighting with someone. I don't know who. He didn't wear any protector headband on anywhere" Satsuki said in desperation.

"Stay here" Kitsune rushed to the mansion saw a spiral masked ninja fought with Itachi with their sword.

It was chaos everywhere. He heard the endless clashing sound between blades. The mansion was full of dead bodies of the Uchiha.

The once beautiful mansion turns nothing more but a battlefield.

He pulled out his sword from his sheath and runs towards the mask spiral ninja.

"Kitsune, don't!" Itachi warned him but it was too late.

Before the masked ninja noticed someone behind him, Naruto plunged the sword to his chest. He was successful pierced his body with his sword but something was wrong.

"Hahaha," The mysterious ninja laughed.

The blonde begins to be frightened. He couldn't be still alive and well after the sword pierced his body.

"I must admit your success in making me unaware of your presence are quite... Good." The spiral masked ninja walks casually from the blade. His body slides away from the blade without a slice and any traces of blood.

"NARUTO, NO!" Itachi shout. He warned has fallen to blonde deaf ears.

The spiral masked ninja without hesitation gave a powerful blow to the blonde. He kicks him towards his chest and made him fly hitting the wall of the Uchiha Mansion. Due to the powerful impact, the wall crumbles.

Itachi become furious, he launched an unending attack on his opponent.

Naruto view becomes blurry.

He can't remember entirely what happened after that but he remembers some glimpse.

What made him surprised is he saw red eyes under his masked and a polygon tomoe. It was no other than Sharingan itself. This isn't a normal Sharingan but powerful.


After a moment, he went up slowly with pain from early battle to find Satsuki. Naruto found her in the corridor watching the fight between her brother and his opponent.

He walks to her with more speed even though he can't. He now realised his head was covered by the blood of his own and his mask also crack.

It's just only a bit of distance for him to grab her and brought her out of this battlefield.

Just only a bit of distance only

Just a bit...


His flashback is interrupted by The Hyuuga Heiress. 

"Are you, okay?" The blonde looks at Hinata concerned face.

"Yeah, to answer your question. Yes, he is powerful and he has the Sharingan. He may get it from the fallen Uchiha from The Great Shinobi War 3. Unfortunately, this is not his first time causing chaos in Konoha." Naruto answered her question also earned another question as well.

"Not the first time? You mean he has been causing chaos in here before" Hinata looks at him with a shock on her face.

"Remember the Kyuubi incident"

"I remember, what is have to do with..." Her eyes widened as she realised "The Sharingan. They have the power to control the tailed beast"

"Yes, that is what I'm afraid," his voice becomes lower at the end of the sentence. Hinata felt pity for him. She knows as the Jinchuriki, they will get many threats. Not only from the enemies but the allies as well.

"What happened after the Massacre?" Hinata asked again.

"Itachi" Naruto's face tightened "he took a crucial step, fulfilling the council order changing Satsuki's memories and branded himself as a traitor."

"Did he leave me...something?" Hinata was concerned about the so-called traitor Uchiha. If he loved someone he would leave something to them, right?

Naruto opened his storage seal and pull out a letter that was kept in the envelope.

Hinata take it from the blonde's hand noticed there has her name written on the envelope. It was none other than Itachi. She recognised his handwriting.

"I think this is our farewell for now, goodbye"

"Okay, goodbye. Naruto" Naruto disappeared from her view return to his home.

Hinata returns to her mansion. She walks silently to her room not wanting to alert anyone. Closes her door, take off her cloaked reveal her pink turtleneck and black leggings.

She let herself stumble on her single bed with Itachi's letter.

Her heartbeat is faster eager to know what he had been writing for her those years ago. She stares at the letter while having a war of thoughts in her mind. She questioned herself, either to open now or tomorrow.

Then, she decided to open the envelope not waste her time. She reads the letter carefully not wanting to miss any single word.

Not even a second after reading it her reaction was shown. Her tears flow. Not even try to cover it. She cries in sorrow.

Hinata covers her mouth while crying doesn't want to disturb anyone sleeping.

After some minutes, she finally calms down and gets asleep. However, her tears still flow to her cheek.

One sentence from the letter that she couldn't get out of her mind. It saddened her.

The last sentence of the letter from Itachi.

If one day we met, probably you will be the last person that I will meet yet it would be the happiest day of my life.

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