𝗞𝗜𝗖𝗞 𝗠𝗘! . oikawa...


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HE IS SO DEAD. That is the initial thought Oikawa got after his kidnappers covered his mouth with duct tape, tied his wrists with a rope, covered his head with a dirty sack bag, and knocked him out with some chloroform.

It is mortifying, but that's what happened.

The brunette immediately knows a kidnapping scene when he sees one. Where did he get that bizarre idea? It all came from this one trilogy Oikawa had been watching with the iconic phone scene of the badass father talking to the person who kidnapped his daughter in the past few days.

The movies were leaning toward the unrealistic side of kidnappings as all those crime documentaries he had been watching would often lead to missing or killed victims.

So, yep. Oikawa is surely dead.

Well, not dead now. But from how this cloth bag smells like rotten cheese and literally death itself, the male can already see the bright light at the end of the tunnel. Heck, he can even hear God and dear John Lennon singing to their hearts' content as they sit on those white cotton candy clouds.

"We just arrived because this is our only break time! Just open the bag."

The volleyball captain's specific imagery of heaven disappears once the sack is removed from his head, now breathing the sweet fresh air of— the school basement? The realization dawns onto Oikawa as his ears would still catch the booming J-Pop music of the school festival.

If that is the case, his kidnappers aren't really kidnappers at all.

"O...Oikawa-kun?! Why is he here?" a feminine voice that seems unfamiliar to him speaks up, pulling him back from his intrapersonal reality. Chocolate irises shift over to a girl dressed in the Johsai checkered school uniform and gym pants. She isn't by herself as there are four other girls with the same get-up standing right beside her.

One of the five high school girls lifts her arm and covers her mouth with her hand, gasping from the unexpected (maybe lucky) display. She seems to be the most shocked out of the five high schoolers— not expecting the person she had been a clucking chicken for would appear in front of her. Her gaze glares behind the shaken brunette and huffs out, "Onii-san! It was supposed to be Y/N! Not Oikawa-kun!" The girl stomps her foot on the floor a few times.

Oikawa's lips change into a lopsided frown as his eyes hold a sense of concern once his ears catch the mention of your name. If this duct tape isn't limiting his sense of speaking, the male would be reprimanding the girls for thinking of doing such an atrocious act to their senior, or better yet, a high schooler. Oikawa tries to take off the duct tape by moving his jaw around in a harsh circular motion, calling out for help only for it to deafen out due to his current 'strip' situation. He gets caught off-guard by a new voice booming in the room, which halts his escape.

"Eh?! You girls instructed me to catch the girl with a red princess dress! So, here you go! A girl with a red princess dress," a masculine voice echoes out around the basement, a hint of exasperation hidden behind his voice.

Another girl speaks up, letting out a sheepish chuckle as her eyes stay looking on the ground. "I might've made a mistake and kinda switched what Y/N is wearing with Oikawa's..." She scratches the nape of her neck, avoiding the incredulous stares of her friends.

"You- YOU WHAT?"

"I asked Kaede-chan and Rei-chan about both of their class booths last week! But it seems like they intentionally switched the theme to surprise everyone so..." Her eyes glance back to Oikawa, "You still look pretty though, Oikawa-kun!" She gushes out.

The girl from moments ago groans in response, stomping the ground once again in frustration. "Great! Now our plan is a disaster!" She crosses her arms before another idea pops into her head. "Or maybe... My brother and his friends can go grab Y/N while we can talk to you, Oikawa-kun!" She squeals, her mood changing drastically.

The brunette's eyes flicker in fright and nervousness (mainly because of your wellbeing) and soon stir his body around in hysteria. The movement soon resulted in him meeting the ground as Oikawa winces from the impact of his arms towards the cold floor. Fortunately, the duct tape took off of his mouth in the process, giving the male a chance to yell out.


You didn't pay any attention when Oikawa left your class' cafe. It was completely understandable since his shift for their own cosplay booth was soon to commence. However, when your classmate told you about the events of Iwaizumi's quick and short visit full of silent panics while you were still getting the supplies, you had a funny feeling in your gut— and it wasn't a good feeling.

That feeling intensified when you passed by two disappointed young girls as they claimed the guy they had been anticipating wasn't in the booth.

Then Bokuto blasted your poor phone with his hundreds of messages.

So, here you are. Changing into your classmate's costume as she changes into yours at the other end of the room. "Thank you so much for exchanging shifts with me, Kaede-san. My friend called, and there was a sudden emergency," you acknowledge the kind gesture, shoving your feet into the white leather boots.

Kaede hums in reply, "No problem, Y/N! As long as you'll treat me out for some ramen, I am so down for being the Big Bad Wolf." She snarls playfully, acting like some feral person out for a hunt before she glances behind her shoulder from the full-length mirror. "I gotta say... The regal vibe suits you better, Y/N! You look like a real knight with your tall and perfect figure! Might as well add that beautiful cold face of yours." She unknowingly speaks out her thoughts as she watches the H/C-haired female tie her hair up in a ponytail with pure amazement.

Surprised by the sudden compliment, you look back and find Kaede flustered from how she let her intrusive thoughts get to her. Not knowing how to react, you give her an awkward laugh and wave with your gloved hand. "I'll treat you out one of these days." You coolly change the topic, acting as if you didn't hear her words before walking out of the dressing room.

You quickly leave the classroom and look across the busy hallway full of paper decorations and students alike. Your silence contrasts the lively atmosphere of the school festival as you briskly pass by the numerous people strolling along the hall, your ivory cape flowing behind you like peaceful waves in a vast ocean. The screams of happiness and cheers make your heart beat in a hasty rhythmic pattern uneasily due to the news of a certain brunette's disappearance.

You then find yourself asking students from different grades in every nook and cranny of the school despite the sweltering heat of noon. You even stop a few visitors and question them, only getting the same answer you grimly expect.

"Sorry, we don't know."

You sit down on the staircase of the school basement floor and huff out after dashing from different kinds of booths around the school with a knight costume, not caring about the few stares on you during your search. You slide the buckle and take off your belt, placing it beside you on the step as the toy sword gives out a clink from the contact. "God dang it, Oikawa-san," you breathe out, frowning at the thought of not finding the volleyball captain in the places you had already visited.

Your ears catch a loud thud emitting from the basement door as your eyes start to linger on the wooden entry. Your mind clicks and instinctively tells you to stand up, reaching your arm to your toy sword. That's when high-pitched screams start to echo behind the door as your body immediately rushes towards it once you hear a familiar masculine voice calling out your name.


You turn the doorknob, not surprised that the person behind the door locked it beforehand, and bust it open with a push kick instead. Your eyes leer around the setting where the kidnapping happened as it softens when they lay upon Oikawa's breathless form, all tied up and still wearing the red gown he mentioned before in your conversation. You completely ignore the other people in the room and walk over to the male's spot, not uttering any word or sound.

If he has a tail, it would have been wagging in glee when he watched you kick that door and walk in with your cape drifting behind you as if you were in some kind-of TV show. The way you walked over to him with such poise and grace made the whole room silent— even the boys in the same room could not keep their eyes away from your presence.

You bend your right knee and kneel in front of Oikawa, not sparing a glance on the other as you untie the knots of the rope. Once it is loose enough for the male's hands to move freely, You stand up and hold out your arm. "Come on, Oikawa-san," you beckon, gesturing your arm for him to hold on.

Oikawa gulps, noticing his throat has gone dry before calling out your name once again. "L/N-chan..." He lifts his hand and hoists himself up with his own strength and a bit of help from you as well. As he can finally stand up, he turns his head to the side, observing the tall female's blank expression for any changes. Yet, he can still tell that you are as gorgeous as always, even more so now that you become serious.

"Looks like you came here at the right ti-"

Before the girl can finish her sentence, she gets interrupted by a sudden crash of the cabinet, which came from the kick you made to the chair Oikawa was on. "Do anything funny, or that cabinet will not be the only broken thing in this room," you gave them a warning, remaining the calm stature you held since the moment you walked into the room.

Quick footsteps grow louder as someone tries to close in on you. You catch on and swiftly shove Oikawa away, earning the assaulter an out-in kick on his jaw. Everyone freezes in shock, the gears in their little minds trying to review what had happened. However, one of the girls lets out a scream, "Onii-san!" She watches her older brother stirs— his legs buckling up and becoming jelly-like.

"Didn't I tell you?" you trail off, "If you do anything out of the ordinary, I'll make sure to give you a lesson." Your eyes also remain on the boy who's staggering on his feet as he tries to stand up properly, only to lean against his friend's shoulder for support. "That was only a warning on what'll happen next. Now, leave," your E/C eyes then shift to the group of girls as your intense gaze holds so much power, directing them over to the door with their goons joining right after.

With the sound of shuffling footsteps soon fading, the H/C-haired female's attention goes focus on the person she pushed for his safety, only to be bombarded with questions from the man himself.

"L/N-chan! Are you okay?"

"Did that guy hurt you? Oh, wait 'till I beat him up!"

"You look exhausted! Wait- I think I saw some water bottles around here-" Oikawa halts his actions for a moment as you raise your hand for him to stop and calm down. "Do you not want a water bottle, L/N-chan?" the male still asks, forgetting the fact that he was kidnapped by some of his crazy fans and even got kept in the school's basement.

You aren't fazed by the male's worries and use your raised hand to point at him with your index finger. "You and I need to get out of here and get takoyaki." You state, turning the heels of your boots around as you start to walk away, not before stopping midway. "I'm sure you can still walk, right?" You look back at Oikawa and cock a brow.

His jaw clenches as it relaxes by the time he nods his head in reply. "Yep, I am okay as a daisy!" He chirps and smiles brightly, showing his pearly whites. He then skips over, holding his dress with both of his hands, and begins to walk along your side, finally exiting the school basement with his knight.

Although the walk is quiet, it still has that calming ambiance between the two high schoolers. Despite the gripping events that took place throughout their day, Oikawa still thinks of it as one moment to dwell about (the image of Y/N in a princely-knight outfit is one of the reasons why). Speaking of princely-knight, since they are already walking around the school field, the male couldn't help but take a quick glimpse at the female beside him. He unknowingly settles his eyes on you for a long time; however, he still can marvel at your heavenly beauty from such a short distance.

"You're staring."


You huff out a breath and purse your lips in thought, "You should be cautious next time, okay? I won't be there next time, you know!" Your eyes glance at Oikawa, only to quickly look away once you realize he was still staring at you.

Those are the only words she utters out to the male beside her. Oikawa's eyes could only widen like saucers from the other's concern; however, he soon starts to smile like a lovestruck idiot as he hums an upbeat tone. "I'll be cautious next time, L/N-chan," he jeers with a slight grin on his face, only to lose his smile after hearing such a harmonic laugh.

"Y/N, Tooru-san," she replies.

He stops momentarily, staring at the back of her head with another set of shock-filled eyes as she also pauses from her walking. His face begins to heat with the color of raspberries while his body froze stone-cold from the sight and those two words she mentioned. The way her H/C hair shines and her complexion glows behind the afternoon sunset flabbergast him in some way. The way her cape and some of her tiny hair strands flow along with the wind and flying leaves make her look like she came out of a fairytale book. Everything about you seems extraordinary— with your knightly clothing that gives of regality, your sparkling eyes that have so much life.

Only one defeats every single thing he has fallen on. It was one of a kind as he wasn't able to see it back then. That was your smile. The way your lips shape into a smile he has never seen from your sculpted face as you stated the words that also makes his heart race and his shoulders tense in bliss.

"Call me Y/N, Tooru-san."

i am back from that
long hiatus! ;))

told you guys i'll give
you a wonderful
chapter ;) we ARE NOW

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