Silent [z.m. // h.s.]

By sstutter

54.2K 1.5K 287

Ashlyn is just living a normal life, when a car can't seem to control what's happening, and hits her forceful... More

2 - Dreaming
3 - Worried
4 - Indroducing Me
5 - Ignite the Spark
6 - Close
7 - Happily Ever After?
8 - One Confession
9 - Happy Birthday To Me
10 - Panic Attack
11 - Truth or Dare (Part 1)
12 - Truth or Dare (Part 2)
13 - Like a Mirror
14 - Thoughts
15 - Nice To Meet You
16 - One Thousand Cracks
17 - Run
18 - Stolen From Paradise
19 - Like We Used To
{read ~ a/n} terribly sorry
20 - Jealously?
21 - Laughter
srsly. read.
22 - Drunken Nights
23 - Our Favorite Songs
24 - Cold Air
25 - Sorry
26 - Running Scared
27 - Is This Goodbye?

1 - Cold

3.5K 101 19
By sstutter

{ Hey guys, so this is Silent, and I really hope you like it.

It's a new concept so bear with me ok? Ok.

Basically, since I haven't been updating Irresistible as much as I want, this is to keep you guys busy.

I actually really like the idea for this story, and I have the first couple chapters planned out, but none are written yet. Like I said, bear with me.

This wont be all that funny, but I'll add humorous parts to entertain you.

Anywho, Silent is a fanfiction (expect a lot of those) but the boys don't come in until later.

For the third time;


Alright that's all.......for now. DUHN DUHN DUHNN.

Ok, enjoy my purple munchkins!! }


I walked back to my house, the cold air nipping at my exposed skin. It was April, but an unexpected cold front came in, making me freeze and shiver. Roni, my best friend, was wearing shorts today, thinking it'd be warm. Boy was she wrong.

School had just let out, and everything was normal; walking home, getting inside, do homework, go to Roni's house. Of course, I was in stage one: walking home.

My phone suddenly began to ring, the familiar song dancing in my ears.

"She can't see the way your eyes,

Light up when you smile,"

Smiling at the song, I answered, silencing 'Invisible' by Taylor Swift. "Hello?" I asked.

"Ashlyn? Hi," the voice answered, drifting through the speaker on my phone.

It took me awhile before I connected the voice to a face, "Anthony? Is that you?"

I could feel his smile through the phone. "Yeah, hey Ash," he said, and those dumb butterflies came flapping back to my stomach, but they raged slightly less than normal.

"Why'd ya call?"

"What, can't a guy call his friend?" Anthony asked, making my excitement die down at the mention of 'friend'.

Deciding to just brush it off, I chuckle, "He can, but I have to go soon." It was a purely lie. Homestly, I could talk for hours, but I just don't think I'm ready to face the fact I'm only his friend.

"Oh," he says, his soft-spoken voice just above a whisper, before he sighs heavily, "ok, well, see ya later Ash."

At that moment, the line dropped. He had hung up. I could feel my eyes burn, thinking of his smile when he called, and how fast it must've disappeared.

And then I realized I was lost. Somewhere on a dark street, I cursed under my breath. "Of course I get lost," I mutter. When I turn around, I'm extremely relieved to see the highway I usually take to get to my house.

As I begin to walk back, I can't help but let my mind wander all the way to Anthony-Ville. Sighing, I finally reach the highway, making sure to check for cars, as childish as it sounds, before crossing the road. Hondas, BMWs, and a mini-van came speeding by, followed by other cars that seemed to flash by too quickly. It was all a dark blur.

I was about to reach my house, just one more road to cross. Since I was so desperately hungry, I forgot to look, and started to run to the pale house I lived in, where all my glorious food was.

Considering my state of mind, I didn't hear the roaring car speed towards me, the bright, orange flash making the dimly lit street light up. I turned my head, two lights barreling near me.

A honk broke my thoughts, and I felt a force hit me full on, my frail body flying until it hit the ground and my head collided with the cement. Horrified yells flew around me with a shrill.

The last thing I heard was someone trying to wake me up, but the darkness began to consume me, causing me to fall within an almost-dreamless sleep.


-Sapphire .x

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