Pasio University

Da Engish

3.8K 17 11

Trainers from all over the world gather for the start of classes at Pasio University, almost all of them havi... Altro

Chapter 1- From All Walks Of Life
Chapter 2- New Beginnings
Chapter 3- Old Friends In New Places
Chapter 4- Hit The Ground Running
Chapter 5- Finding a Place
Chapter 6- First Test of the Semester
Chapter 7- Lost
Chapter 8- Time to Get Serious
Chapter 9- The Harvest Festival
Chapter 10- The Harvest Festival Part 2
Chapter 11- Rise
Chapter 12- Class Is In Session
Chapter 13- The Movement
Chapter 14- The Holidays
Chapter 15- Home for the Holidays
Chapter 16- 2nd Semester
Chapter 17- A House Divided
Chapter 18- The Valley
Chapter 19- Losing Sight
Chapter 20- Next Man Up
Chapter 21- Return to Form
Chapter 22- Return to the Islands
Chapter 23- Midterm
Chapter 24- The Prodigal Son
Chapter 25- Closure
Chapter 26- Spring Break
Chapter 27- Home is Where the Heart Is
Chapter 28- Back In Business
Chapter 29- Worlds Apart
Chapter 30- Finals
Chapter 31- The Spring Party
Chapter 32- Last Call
Chapter 33- The Beginning of a Journey
Chapter 34- Progressing
Chapter 35- The Favorite Son of Kalos
Chapter 36- An Intersection of Past and Present
Chapter 37- Hoenn's Elite
Chapter 38- Living the Dream
Chapter 39- A Firefight in Ecruteak
Chapter 40- The Band of Brothers and Sisters
Chapter 41- The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 42- The City of Destiny
Chapter 43- One Last Time
Chapter 45- The Last Dance Part 2
Chapter 46- The End

Chapter 44- The Last Dance

60 0 0
Da Engish

Calem POV

Eyes are open. I checked the clock, sure enough, it's time to get up. The most fateful showdown of my lifetime. A chance at redemption I never thought I'd have. I sat up in my bed. I rubbed my eyes as I mulled over the plan for today in my head, just then Serena sat up in her bed as well, her morning hair all over the place. I felt an overwhelming wave of gratitude for her. I looked over to her, "Good morning Serena, you look great today." She smiled tiredly, "Hah. Thanks." I got up and did some stretching, before going into the bathroom and getting changed for the day ahead, I zipped up my blue jacket and looked at myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath then sat on my bed and waited for Serena to get ready.

Elio POV

Lillie and I finished getting ready, then we made our way to the lobby to get some breakfast. It's incredible! They have so much to eat here. I gawked at it and Lillie smiled happily, "That's a lot of options... Let's take a look." We made our way around the breakfast selections and made our plates before sitting down at a table. We began to eat (The food is very delicious by the way, I'm having a hard time containing myself) and Lillie peered at me across the table, "Hey Elio, there's something I don't quite get." I looked at her, "What's that?" She frowned, "You were taunted mercilessly yesterday for something you aren't really even involved in... How did you manage to ignore them so well?" I smiled, "I learned that from you actually... Well sort of." I paused to collect my thoughts, "Really, it boils down to, I don't really care what they think about me. I only care about the people who actually know me. When we had our argument I learned how much deeper it cuts when someone you care about is mad at you. It really made me realize that the rest is all trivial." Lillie smiled sweetly, "Well that's nice of you to say. I get it now..." I looked over and saw Brendan and May grabbing their breakfast, I motioned to them to sit by us and they did moments later. Brendan sat by me and asked, "So, today's the day huh. You ready?" I nodded, "Yup. And you?" He smiled, "Always." We then finished our meal together and headed out for the stadium.

On the way there with May and Brendan and Lillie, I linked up with Selene. We talked for a bit about how excited we were to go today. We stopped outside the stadium and I saw an all too familiar face, "Mama!" I yelled as I ran towards my mother. She turned back and smiled, "There's my Elio!" We shared a hug and she craned her neck over my shoulder, "Selene!" She then broke the hug with me and hugged Selene. I scratched my head, "I'm guessing you got the tickets from the school too?" Mom nodded, "Yes! Any opportunity to watch my son and daughter on this kind of stage won't go to waste!" I laughed, "Well I'm really glad you made it." She chuckled, "Well, the match starts in about 45, so I'm gonna make sure I can get my seat." She kissed my forehead, then Selene's, "You guys are gonna win it! I just know! Good luck!" She walked off, then Selene looked stunned. I patted her on the back, "You get used to it." She shook her head and chuckled, then we headed with Brendan into the locker room.

Calem POV

I stood in the locker room. I was the first one here, as I wanted to be. I placed my things there and then went over what I wanted to say in my head. I need to speak to the team one last time before this. Serena gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I'm going to go get my seat, you got this." I smiled, "Alright. Thanks." She smiled back and then walked off to go find her seat. Just then, the rest of the team arrived almost at once. They all sat down and sat in silence. There was so much nervous energy in the room. I noticed that Ethan was on one knee in the corner. He looked really nervous. I knelt by him, "Hey Ethan. You alright?" He took a deep breath, "Yeah... I'm just... this is everything I have ever wanted. My heart is gonna come out of my chest..." I grabbed his shoulder, "Calm down. This isn't any different from any other battle. We go in, we take care of business. We calm our nerves and that puts us one step ahead already." He looked to me and took another deep breath, "OK. I'll try. Thanks." I nodded then walked up front of the team and went to clap my hands, but the whole team already looked to me expectantly. I smirked, "Heh. Guess you guys already know the drill... you know I always want to say something before the big one." They all laughed quietly then refocused on me, I smiled, "Welp. This is it. The last dance. We've been through it all. The amount of lows and highs we've been through is enough for any one lifetime..." The team nodded as I grouped my thoughts, "... And that's why I'm so proud to be the captain of this team. It has always been, and it will always be the greatest honor I have ever received. I... I know a lot of us come from broken families, from places of hurt where it seems like nobody has our backs, but, personally, over this year I feel as though I have a new family. A band of brothers and sisters who truly care for each other, and want nothing but the best for each other. A group of people willing to put others above themselves." The team nodded, I smiled, "and I don't know about you guys, but I'd take this roster over the so-called best over on the other side, they might have raw talent sure, but we have something much deeper. Something much better. And I know we can show it today." I sighed, "So this is my final charge to you. Leave it all out there, battle so hard that there will be no regrets for the rest of our lives!" I raised my voice and yelled, "... Our dreams are right there! All we have to do is catch them! And run over anyone in our way! SO LET'S GO!!!" The team jumped up and yelled, I chuckled, I think I've got them fired up, now let's get out there and do this thing.

Commentators POV

"Good evening Ladies and gentlemen! Today is the day that so many people around the world look forward to! The International Collegiate Pokemon Battling Championship matchup is finally set between the number one seed, Mauville University of Hoenn, and their opponents, the Cinderella story of the number six seed of the traditionally bottom feeding Pasio University. Spearheading each side is a graduate of Anistar City High School, and members of that renowned championship team from 3 years ago. So you have to think that there's some sadness that they have to face old teammates on the other side right?"

My partner shook his head, "Not at all, let me tell you, from what I hear, there is no love lost between Calem and Matisse, that interview Matisse gave wasn't to build hype, it was real. Those two genuinely have bones to pick with each other." He motioned to the video crew, "We have a video from yesterday that somebody took of them having a confrontation yesterday, it wasn't pretty."

The video showed of Calem and Matisse and Grant exchanging words at the local Pokemon Lab, Elio was also involved but the video crew had to blur him out because he made some er... Interesting sign language let's just say. We let the video play through then I spoke, "Yeah. There's definitely a conflict there. Lots of promises made for the outcome of today." My partner nodded, "For sure. First taking the field now will be Pasio University, let's see if Elio has another flashy entrance up his sleeve." Just then, as if to answer my question, "The Call" hit the stadium speakers and the Pasio faithful in the evenly divided crowd yelled their support.

Elio and Calem ran out with their pointer fingers (Thankfully not Elio's usual) pointed at the sky. Fireworks launching and booming as he ran pay them at the climax of the music. The rest of the team followed, running out to loud cheers, "And here comes Pasio! Big underdogs today, but that's nothing new to them, let's see how this goes for them."

Calem POV

I gave high fives as each member of the team passed me, then I gave Brendan a shoulder bump as he got to me. We stood in a straight line facing where Mauville would be coming from. Seconds later we heard the famous Mauville marching band start their fight song. Moments later as the music and cheers reached a peak, Mauville walked out together in their stark Red and Black jerseys, Matisse at the head. They walked forward and stood on their side, also in a line. The call was made, it was time to send the first 3 out from each side. I motioned for a huddle, once it was formed I looked around, "Alright, I'm saving the usual starters for last today, that means I'm leading with Ethan, Hilda, and Hilbert._ They all looked at me and I continued, "Can you guys handle that." They each nodded silently, I then slapped the backs of the two people next to me, "Great, make their lives miserable." The three of them walked up slowly, Hilda stopped midway to give Hilbert a tight hug. They separated and stood across from the 3 opposing trainers from Mauville. The crowd cheered and I looked to the scoreboard.

It's go time. Come on guys. You can do it.

Ethan POV

I took several deep breaths, then looked to Hilda and Hilbert, "Want me to shot call?" They nodded, and I looked across from us, "They've got high damage potential, but they're also glass cannons, do what you have to, take some shots but make sure you give them back, ready?" They nodded. I turned to face the opponents and smiled, "Let's see what you've got!" The referee raised his hand, at the drop of his hand, the war begins. The hand dropped and the crowd noise was deafening. No chance to adjust on the fly in this kind of environment. I yelled to Typhlosion, "Eruption let's go!" He did as he was told and the volcanic rocks launched toward the Mauville team, the 3 pokemon skillfully avoided it, that's not gonna work, they're too good to take attacks with no set up. I saw Hilda and Hilbert moving together trying to do something, I yelled to look out as a moonblast from the Altaria shot near them, they both managed to avoid it, then went back into the fray, I thought for a moment, maybe if I isolate their biggest threat, they can handle a 2 on 2. I had Typhlosion move in to fight the Infernape, they tussled, but the Infernape delivered quick punches and sent him away quick. I checked on the Unovans, and saw as Hilbert landed an aqua jet on the Altaria, doing a little damage. I refocused and once again moved to distract, but Typhlosion was grabbed from behind by the shadow sneaking Gengar, which threw him forward and hit him with a shadow ball. That was it. I knelt down in frustration.

Calem POV

Darn! I shook my head, and the team came back to the huddle, I thought for a moment, "It's good, it's fine. It's not a waste if we learn something, What are we seeing out there? Don't be shy." Ethan pointed, "The Gengar is stalking for isolated targets, pack in tight." I shook my head, "Right, but we need to get that point back, making us fish in a barrel for moonblast and shadow ball isn't exactly-" I felt a hand firmly grab my shoulder and turned to see Elio with a confidence in his eyes. "Leave it to me cap, I can figure something out." I sighed, "Are you sure?" He nodded, "Sure." I motioned my hand to the field, "Alright. You three. Take what was just said, apply it." They all nodded and jogged back out.

Pasio University vs Mauville of Hoenn

1. Ethan Typhlosion X Jack Altaria
2. Hilda Emboar Elliot Infernape
3. Hilbert Samurott Kayden Gengar
4. Elio Primarina ???
5. ??? ???
6. ??? ???

Score 0-1
Scoring plays:
Kayden>Ethan 0-1

Hilda POV

Ok. Rough start, we can do this though, it's not over. The Battle restarted and immediately the same things continued, the Altaria and Infernape were pressuring us hard, Elio packed in close with us and used Sparkling Arias to deflect projectiles and buy us time. I saw the shadow of the Gengar behind Samurott and yelled to Hilbert, he reacted quickly and got out of the way in time, allowing Elio to drill it with a Sparkling Aria, he yelled over, "Good stuff!" Then went back to protecting us. Mauville convened, then moved the Gengar to attack Primarina, which distracted it from protecting us and put it in a dogfight. I moved out with Hilbert and we landed some attacks on Infernape, but I wasn't paying attention and Altaria drilled Samurott with a clean Moonblast, and that was it.

Calem POV

I slammed my fist on the ground. Then looked up as Elio, Hilda and Hilbert ran back. I looked at Elio, "I thought you had this!?" He remained calm and answered simply. "I do." I threw my hands up, "You're just playing projectile defense, I need you to get some points back!" He shook his head, "Brendan, mind coming out next?" Brendan nodded, "Sure." Elio looked to me, "I know it looks bad, but just trust me ok?" I sighed, then recollected my self, "Ok fine. I trust you.

Pasio University vs Mauville of Hoenn

1. Ethan Typhlosion X Jack Altaria
2. Hilda Emboar Elliot Infernape
3. Hilbert Samurott X Kayden Gengar
4. Elio Primarina ???
5. Brendan Sceptile ???
6. ??? ???

Score 0-2
Scoring plays:
Kayden>Ethan 0-1
Jack>Hilbert 0-2

Elio POV

Alright. The set up is done. Now for the payoff. The Battle restarted and I continued the same protection I usually did, I yelled to Hilda and Brendan, "I can hold this for a while, count to 10 in your heads and bounce back when you get there!" They nodded and we waited patiently as the moonblasts and shadow balls were continuously intercepted by my Sparkling Arias. The seconds in my head counted up... 10! At that moment, the Sparkling Aria that would usually intercept the Moonblast swung way off course and darted right at the Altaria, the moonblast missing Emboar and Sceptile as I called. The Sparkling Aria connected flush and I threw my hand forward, which is a signal Brendan understood, I had Primarina use a mostly harmless Hydro pump to propel Sceptile into the air, where he rained a Leaf storm down on Altaria and that Gengar than came out, freezing it which allowed Emboar to Flame Charge the momentarily stunned ghost Pokemon. I scanned the battlefield... 2 down! I pumped my fist, then ran over and chest bumped Brendan and high fived Hilda. That's Pasio battling right there. I strutted back to the huddle and held my Arms out, flapping them up and down to Garner more cheers. I tipped my hat to Calem, "So? Glad you trusted?" He chuckled and shook his head, "You're an anomaly Elio." I nodded, "I know. I should've probably communicated that better, but I have a bad knack for showmanship." Calem nodded, then we huddled up, "Ok! That was good, don't come out doing the same, we gotta change it up, they've got two of their best coming in now, so don't sleep!" I looked to Calem, "You think Grant?" He nodded, "Yeah." I smiled, "He'll get his."

Pasio University vs Mauville of Hoenn

1. Ethan Typhlosion X Jack Altaria X
2. Hilda Emboar Elliot Infernape
3. Hilbert Samurott X Kayden Gengar X
4. Elio Primarina Grant Toxtricity
5. Brendan Sceptile Wally Gallade
6. ??? ???

Score 2-2
Scoring plays:
Kayden>Ethan 0-1
Jack>Hilbert 0-2
Brendan>Jack 1-2
Hilda>Kayden 2-2

Brendan POV

I walked forward and saw the formerly timid green haired rival of mine step forward to meet me, he smiled, "I've been waiting to beat you for a long time." I shook my head, "Not happening." I looked across and saw Elio and Grant, Grant smirked, "Glad I'll get to be the one to expose you." Elio shrugged, "Go for it." We stood still with baited breath and waited for the referee to start us again.

Let's do this.

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