5SOS BoyxBoy (smut)

By miah_anelli

189K 1.9K 1.4K

So........ I get bored at night cause I can't sleep. So I write 5sos porn in my head so now it's on paper. ... More

Can't Be Friends(Malum)
Foster Kids (Muke)
Punishment Mashton
The Hit-Muke
Help Me Please>>Lashton
I love you princess Cake
Just fuck me Muke
I love you... Mashton
The Pee Kink Cashton
This is new... All+You
Shotgunning Malum
Netflix and Chill? Cashton
Finally Found You pt.1 (ot4)
Malum ~
Louder Princess - Cashton

I Can't Speak Malum

12.5K 174 84
By miah_anelli

Sorry. Another Malum😹😹😹 but I got this idea from quantum-fags so go read her smut book👏. Okay let's begin. And just to change it, Calum is gonna have a little sister okay. Okay. I hope to make a part 2.👏👏👏👏
Michael's POV:
So I stopped talking when I was 12 now I'm 19. No one really talks to me at school,but hey, that's fine. But I do get bullied here and there, the guys bully me, say I'm just a shy girl that looks like a boy. My parents have tried everything, social places, therapy,locking me in a room with kids my age. Still, not a single word came from my mouth. I was walking down the hallway, a new girl walked to me and tapped my shoulder,

"Hi I'm Jane. Here, in case you need a girl to talk to." She handed me her phone number with a wink, I gave a small frown and handed her back the paper and walked away. I saw her run to the bathroom and some guys threw paper at me.

I reached my locker and opened the door, then I heard someone slump against the locker next to me. I closed the door to see.... Calum. Calum Fucking Hood, the hottest guy on campus, beautiful dark brown eyes, dark brown hair sort of curly with blonde high lights.

"Hi. I'm Calum." He told me with a smile, I smiled back.

"What's your name??" He asked me, I looked down at the ground and shook my head. I looked back up and he had a curios look, and it must have hit him.

"Oh you don't s- I see. That's okay, I saw you turn down that girl, I was gonna ask why but I guess now I know." I nodded, but he was wrong, I just don't like girls, they're to slutty and at this school, I doubt any of them are virgins.

"So.... What is your name. Here's a piece of paper and pen so you can write it down." He handed me the two items I wrote my name down.

Michael Gordon Clifford

"Well it was nice..." He was about to finish his sentence until a little girl maybe 12,went to his side and hid her head in his side. Who is she, wait they look alike, that must be....

"Cali, what is it??" She pointed to 3 boys chasing her. Oh fuck, James, Rick, and Damon.

"Hey Calum, we were just playing with this girl here, isn't she beautiful." They bursted into laughter, Calum turned a deep red,

"Yeah boys, she is beautiful, wanna know why, cause she's my little sister!" He told them as he hugged the girl in his arms, he picked her up and kissed her forehead,

"You boys should be in class. Next time you fuck with my sister I swear I will kill all of you. Now, you three pussies go back to class, y'all have the fucking brain span of 1 year olds." He growled sternly, they walked away talking about something.

"Sorry Mikey, these douches always fuck with the other middle school girls here on campus and they didn't know who Cali was so I guess they started to mess with her." I walked towards her and rubbed her back, she looked at me and smiled.

"She doesn't speak either." He told me, I nodded, then Cali whispered in his ear,

"Oh. Cali this is Michael, Michael, Cali." I was gonna shake her hand but in stead she gave me a hug, I smiled softly, I looked at Calum, he had a small grin on his face,

"Cali. I'll pick you up after school, now, if they fuck with you again you better tell me so I can kick their asses, Kay beautiful princess?" He told her, she nodded, I looked at her shirt as the sweater opened a lil, a Metallica shirt. Wow....

"Heh. Yeah she likes Metallica. It's cool, she also likes Green Day, Nirvana, Blink-182, Slipknot, Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, Misfits, a lot more but I can't name them all." He said with a chuckle, god he's adorable, I smiled softly.

"So Mikey..... Do your want to sit together at lunch? You can sit with me or I can sit with you, or whatever you want.... sorry, I'm not being pushy am I??? I'm sorry, it's you...." I interrupted him with my hand, I nodded, he smiled at me,

"YAY! See you at lunch Mikey!" He said booping my nose and walking away.

Oh My God, I just spoke to Calum Fucking Hood. Best day ever.

-Lunch Time-

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Cal laughing and sitting with his friends, eh, I guess lunch plans are canceled. I sat down at my table empty handed, I don't really like eating, so I don't you know, plus I need to lose some wait. I looked at Calum, he smiled and bit on a carrot, he looked at Luke with awe in his eyes, Luke turned to him and smiled, he softly pecked his cheek. No. Luke and Calum must be a thing, I looked down at my lap, I took my phone out, and I felt the table move, I looked up to see Calum holding his head in his hands with a big grin.

"Hey Mikey, I know you saw Luke peck my cheek." He said, I looked down again and started texting Ashton, he's on break, he's going to college next year.

"Mikey. Look at me please." He said trying to get a glimpse of my eyes, I looked up and gave him a 'what do you fucking want' look. He looked deep into my eyes,

"Mikey, that was nothing, we were playing. Why do you care?" He asked, I shook my head and shrugged, I placed my hands on the table, he gave me a notepad and pen, I started to write.

I don't mind, I just expected you to wait for me, ya know. Most people don't like me, you talked to me and I was surprised.

He read the paper and smile, right when he was about to speak Luke snatched it from his hands, Calum stood up as Luke read it, he smirked and laughed,

"Wow babe, you fucking serious? This dude doesn't even talk! Come back with me." He said as he kneeled down and tried to caress Calum's face but he swatted his hand away.

"I'm not your babe Luke. I never was, just leave me alone, go fuck with someone else." He said stressed but a little scared, I pulled his hand to mine under the table,

"FUCK CAL WE HAD A DEAL!" He said pulling Calum off the table and lifting him up, I saw a tear stream down Cal's face as he was tugged out the cafeteria. He never came back in, I hope he's okay, I looked at the table, fuck.

He left his phone.

So it's the end of the day and Cal and Luke haven't been seen since then, all of the sudden Cal's phone rang, Cali.

I picked up.

"C-cal where are you?"

Come on Michael say something.

"H-hey Calum is with L-Luke. I d-don't know where."

"Who is this?"


"Oh. C-can you pick me up, th-the boys are yelling at me."

"On my way."

I hung up and made my way to the middle school across the field, I saw her waiting, I walked to her and she hugged me, I lifted her in my arms as I walked to the car, as we got in I saw a tear stream down her face, I wiped it away.

"M-Mikey, is he, o-okay??"

"I h-hope so."

"Mikey. I never s-speak to anyone but C-cal, I like you, you're nice."

I smiled.

"I only speak to you."

I told her, she gave me her address and we drove there listening to Black Veil Brides, when we got there she pulled me inside her house, we were stopped by her mother.

"Ahem. Who's this?"

I didn't say anything, Cali signaled her something and her mom nodded.

"Okay. Well, if you'd like to stay for dinner you can."

I looked up and mouthed a small thank you.

"Where is Calum?" She asked

Cali looked at the ground, she walked to a white board on the fridge and put 'Luke' her mom frowned, Cali lead me to her room. We got in and sat on her bed and she played some music.

"C-Cali, what is it with Luke and Cal?" I asked her, she sighed and looked at me.

"Mikey. You need to understand that Calum isn't perfect, he gets pushed into doing shit he doesn't want to. He was forced into letting Luke blow him, he was about to fuck him but luckily Calum made him stop." She said to me, my whole heart sank. Wow, I never thought this would be true. Then we heard the door slam shut and light sobbing, I ran out the room to see Calum running up the stairs to his room.

"Go talk to him Mikey." Cali said to me.


"Don't speak then, hug him and make him happy. Please." She asked me, I nodded and walked to his room, I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I heard him sniffle out, I didn't say anything I just walked in, he looked at me and i saw him fight the tears, I walked to him and placed his phone on the bed,

"Mikey, why are you here?" He asked, I pointed to a pic of Cali and he nodded, I sat on the bed, he started to cry, I pulled him into my arms, he sobbed into my shirt. I kissed his forehead.

"He did i-it. He fucked me, he f-forced me. It hurt so much Mikey, I was a virgin. A fucking virgin, doubt you believe me but I was. It hurt so fucking much, my ass hurts, Mikey I'm sorry I left y-" I interrupted him as I rammed my lips into his, and god did it feel amazing, he grabbed my cheeks and pulled my face closer if that was possible, he split us apart,

"Mikey. I like you. But if you don't want t-" I interrupted him again as I rammed our lips together, he split us apart and ran to the door, he locked it and ran back to me, he pushed me down against the bed and giggled, he gave me a soft passionate kiss, I retuned the favor, he discarded my shirt and I discarded his, I played "We Don't Belong" by Black Veil Brides to muffle our sounds, he kissed down my jaw to my neck and to my collar, he went back to my neck and started to nibble at the skin, he found the spot that makes me weak all over, he marked a nice purple bruise and he marked my whole body, he got up to look at his work,

"Fucking Beautiful." He said as he moved a couple strands of my purple (indigo) hair from my eyes, I moved his hair from his eyes, he looked fucking gorgeous, a sweaty, Calum, hovered over me with his muscles flexed,

"Mikey, a-are you a virgin?" He asked me, I nodded, he looked scared,

"I don't wanna hurt you. Tell me when it hurts, oh wait, just push me off if it hurts." I just nodded, he pulled my pants off, along with my boxers, he looked at me in awe, I smiled, he kissed my tummy and sucked on his fingers, he pulled them out of his mouth with a pop noise, I felt my head go back, he gripped onto my thigh with one hand and slipped a finger in. I softly whined, he added another and started to wiggle his fingers around, he hit my soft spot and I moaned,

"Oh My God, fucking perfect." He moaned, he added 2 more, I moaned a little louder than I expected,

"M-Mikey, fuck, ready?" He asked pulling lube out of under his bed, it was in a black box, I just nodded, he lubed himself up, he aligned himself with my hole, his tip touching my entrance, he leaned down and kissed my lips,

"Beautiful Babe." He slowly pushed in, my body tensed in pain, I whimpered, my vision went blurry from the tears building in my eyes,

"Mikey, Shh, I'm here, I love you." He said, he pushed in all the way hitting me right there, my back arched, I gasped and moaned,

"Mmm, fuck Mikey, holy shit." He looked down at me, he had tears streaming down his face, but he looked happy, he continued his movements, the bed squeaked, we moaned loudly in unison, he hit me again,
"Mmmm, uhhhh." I let out, he continued hitting that spot harder and harder, tears streaming down my face, he hit it once more, I came with a loud moan,

"Almost t-there!" He let out and came inside me moments after with a loud moan, he plopped next to me, I turned to face him, he wiped my face with a smile,

"I love you Michael. When I looked at you walking in those halls ignoring the paper, when you held my hand at lunch, when you took care of my sister, when you came and checked on me, when you kissed the pain away."

I had to do this, I just had to.

"I love you Calum, more than words can say." I said with a big smile, he smiled and laughed, tears of joy streamed down our faces, he hugged me and I hugged him back.

We heard Calum's mum yell, we looked at each other, we stood on the bed and jumped, Cali walked in and saw us naked,

"Oh god." She said walking out, we laughed and cleaned up and dressed, we walked down the stairs and saw his mum, Cali, Mali, and his dad.

"Michael spoke as well." He said proudly, everyone clapped, Cali looked at me and smiled, she ran to me and gave me a hug, we whispered congrats to each other. After that, Cal and I were inseparable, and Cali never ran from her fears again.

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