Hope You Don't Mind

By arminsburnttoast

280 50 43

AOT Armin College Au Two best friends escape their families to college together and make new friends and ne... More

Book 1 - Prolouge
Book 1 - Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The one with the mullet?
Chapter 3: Some things never change
Chapter 4: Did someone say meat?!
Chapter 5: Are those hello kitty bandaids?
Chapter 6: You were supposed to be my study partner...
Chapter 8: I want a milkshake
Chapter 9: Who got your friend high?
Chapter 10: Please Dont Cry
Chapter 11: Youre telling me that brat and I had the same idea?
Chapter 12 : You all look disgusting.

Chapter 7: Stop staring, you're freaking her out

12 4 0
By arminsburnttoast

1 - Nat
2 - Mae


Natalia walked to her next and last class of the day, the sunlight peaked through the clouds as the rain cleared. Her gaze was on the ground kicking the same pebble as she walked as her thoughts carried her along into make believe scenarios about the day to come later on.

As she walked across campus she caught Armins gaze on the bench he sat on waiting for Eren. The bench was covered in rain water but his feet hurt from business of the day. So his jacket and pants were now partially soaked. He smiled at the girl occupied by kicking a small pebble across the ground until it disappeared into the grass. Feeling his gaze she turned around and met his eyes. Feeling embarrassed from being caught he just waved and she politely smiled and waved back. Now feeling obligated, he walked up to her.

"Hey, Natalia." He said awkwardly scratching his neck.

"Hey Armin." She grinned.

"You seem in a good mood." Armin dropped his hand from his neck fully intrigued by the change in her attitude.

"Hm? Oh I don't know, I like rain so I guess i enjoyed the day. Nothing particularly upsetting has happened, and I don't have work today. So I don't know I guess you're right. I feel good." She shrugged with a sigh of relief, she thought to herself maybe she hasn't felt this decent in a while.

"I'm glad!" Armin cheered.

"How are you feeling?" Natalia asked looking over at him.

"I'm doing okay, just a long day is all." He quietly sighed with a pretend smile. Natalia pushed away her frown in reaction to his fake smile and decided she would pretend not to notice so as to not embarrass him if he didn't want to elaborate.

"Oh believe me, I get it. Are you still going tonight? I totally get if you're not since you seem so exhausted." She nodded ready for him to cancel.

"Huh? No of corse not. I'm still going. I told you I would, and Eren, so i'll keep my word."

"Oh please don't feel obligated for me!"

"No no, Eren didn't want to go by himself, he practically begged me to go."

"By himself? Is Mikasa not going?"

"If Erens going i can pretty much assume Mikasa will too. But I think he meant someone other than... well Mikasa." He chuckled.

"Oh no i get it." Natalia laughed with him. "Is there anything I can help with after class?"

"No no, don't worry about it. Seriously." He nodded. Natalia felt like she was getting a taste of her own medicine. Always telling people she didn't need help even when she was busiest.

"Okay, we'll please let me know if there's anything. Big or small." She said genuinely and honestly looking into his eyes for confirmation. He just gave her a small head nod and watched her walk to her next class.

He made it back to the rainy bench sighing as he sat back down. He sunk down enough to lean his head back as he waited for Eren.


"Mae, pst Mae!" Sasha said throwing a small piece of paper at her from behind to get her attention durning class. Mae confused and only slightly annoyed looked back. With her eye brow raised waiting for an explanation. "Are you going tonight?" Sasha loudly whispered. Mae gave her a thumbs up and turned back around. "Okay because i wanted to ask your opinion on something. Or I guess someone." She started going off.

"Ms, Braus." The professor cleared her throat and. couple people chuckled. It was true the test they had been working on they were both finished with and waiting for time to pass. But they meant it was even quieter and more distracting for Sasha to strike up conversation in the middle of class.

"Oh right sorry." 'yeesh' Sasha thought.

**Sasha and Mae**

Sasha: okay so basically i invited someone i met in culinary class and idk i just met him so i'm not sure maybe it was stupid
Sasha: oh well i guess technically i met him a couple weeks ago when we ordered that pizza
Sasha: anyways i just met him and invited him to this big party

Mae: idk i think that's kinda what college is about. meeting new people, being bold, trying new things.
Mae: i mean for most of us this is the first time we've been without parents or some kind of constant supervision, so to kinda see what life is about you have to experiment

Sasha: youre so wise
Sasha: no like seriously, you should like give people advice for like a living or something
Sasha: what's your major again?

Mae: art right now but idk i've been thinking lately, i know it's a lot to change it and i really didn't want to be one of those people who like change their major a hundred times but i'm just not sure what i'll be able to pursue with art, everyone in my class is just really amazing

Sasha: uhm... no i've seen you're art and you're underselling it. but i get not being sure what you want to do, you know you best girl so if you're not sure dw you have plenty of time to figure it out, and if you need help ik you got some good people around you

Mae: yeah ik, idk we'll see ig

Sasha: :) see you at the party!


"I'm surprised you wanna go to this." Mae said to Natalia as they freshened up.

"I don't know, we're in college now. Isn't that what people are age are supposed to do? Go to parties, get drunk, i don't know."

"Since when do you care what other people our age are 'supposed to do'?"

"I don't really, i just thought it would be fun to experience a big party like this and feel like i'm in a movie. A college party at a rich persons house with tons of people i don't know and everyone getting drunk with loud music. It sounds absolutely terrible and i'm gonna be anxious the entire time and sit in the corner. But i think it will be a fun experience you know?"

"Yeah, i mean i don't mind going it just doesn't seem like you i guess."

"Well it's definitely out of my comfort zone but i'd like to try something new for once. And if we hate it then we can just leave honestly." Natalia shrugged.

"Well, true." Mae nodded.


*Jean sucks nuts gc*

Historia: Hello!! ✨❤️ So who all is going to the party tonight? 🥳🥳
Historia: Oh, lol! Who changed the group chat name? 😂😂🤣

Jean: I'll be there
Jean: and connie changed it btw

Historia: Ohh, that makes sense lol!! 😂

Connie: i'm also going and i changed it becsuse it was funny

Ymir: this is the rare occasion where i'll agree that something connie did was actually funny

Jean: yeah whatever if i fight it you guys are just going to make it worse

Natalia: @ Historia me and mae will be there too :)

Armin: Me and Eren as well!

Mikasa: Same.

Jean: Marco is going too but ik he's busy rn so he prob won't answer

Historia: Wow!! That's amazing! Looks like just about everyone is going 🥰🥰 Im so excited! 🥳🥳

Sasha: Ahh!! sorry late response but I'll be there too

Connie: ayeooo now it's a real party 😈

Jean: so are you guys like... 🔩

Connie: wtf is that

Ymir: a screw dumbass

Connie: ohhhh
Connie: OHH??? EW GROSS NO


Jean: ???


Mikasa: wait what?


Mikasa: wait what did me and Eren do? i'm confused.

Sasha: oh nothing girl dw Jean just thought me and connie were together and i said no we're just friends like you and Eren
Sashas we were just teasing lol 😉

Mikasa: oh, i see

Ymir: lmao you guys are so dumb jesus christ 🤦🏻‍♀️

Sasha: no but seriously that's gross, besides i invited someone 😌

Connie: oooooo

Sasha: 'oooooo' is right because he's great and i'm excited so none of all bitches better ruin this.

Connie: noted 📝

Sasha: i'm serious dwarf biceps, do anything to torment or tease him and ur done.

Jean: LMAO did you just call connie 'dwarf biceps' !?!

Sasha: i did.

Jean: HELP omggg

* Jean changed 'Connie Springer' 's name to 'Dwarf Biceps' *

Dwarf : wtf you guys
Dwarf : sasha i thought we got over this

Sasha: and it was the perfect time to bring it back up
Sasha: it was funny admit you laughed

Dwarf : not funny and i didn't laugh
Dwarf : okay it was slightly funny but i still didn't laugh

Sasha: anyways see you guys later

Jean: it's even funnier because his name just comes up as dwarf

Dwarf: funnier isn't a word

Jean: 🤓
Jean: ur mom isn't a word

Dwarf: what

Mae: good one

Natalia: good one

Ymir: good one

Sasha: good one

Dwarf: it didn't even make sense

Ymir: geez you make one joke ab him and this guy loses his wits

Dwarf: no i did not i still have my wits
Dwarf: just so everyone's clear maybe you should explain what wits are
Dwarf: isnt it that one breakfast food that's like potatoes but like gritty or something

Ymir: that's grits dumbass 😀

Sasha: mmmm potatoes 🛐🛐

Dwarf: OHHHH WITTSS like the cracker

Ymir: no he's gotta be doing this on purpose
Ymir: is he bering serious i can't tell anymore...

Sasha: not even i know...

Dwarf: oh no that's ritz

Ymir: 😀
Ymir: stop smoking 🍃 before you get even stupider

Sasha: we are worried ❤️

Dwarf: IM NOT?!?!

Ymir: that's even scarier

Dwarf: whatever i don't need this. BYE.


"Okay, we'll i'll probably just try to find Mikasa since she's the only one we really know." Mae said pulling up near the driveway of a huge house with an overwhelming amount of cars.

"Hopefully they are here." Natalia frowned anxiously.

"Oh true. Maybe i should just text her?"

"We don't really know anyone there can we really just walk in? It will be so awkward."

"I know! Ugh... i'll just text Mikasa." Mae panicked

"Wait... i think that's Mikasa right there." Natalia pointed to the girl with short black hair tied back into pig tails, a red scarf, white button down shirt loosely tucked into a black mini skirt with patterned tights and platform boots, and plenty of jewelry.

Mae and Natalia jumped out of the car before they missed their opportunity and walked over to Mikasa who was clung to Eren.

"Mikasa!" Mae said and she turned back.

"Hi guys." She politely smiled.

"Hey, we might just end up sticking with you since you're the only one we really know." Natalia laughed it off.

"Oh sure, that's fine." She shrugged. Natalia looked over to see Mae and Eren into what looked to be an unofficial staring contest.

"M-mae?" Natalia laughed and Mae had no response.

Mikasa and Natalia shared a glance that they often used to share in high school when Eren and Mae would get competitive with each other.

"Come on." Mikasa said pulling Erens arm. This caused Eren to lose his focus and follow Mikasa against his will.

"Hah!" Mae laughed and followed behind them.

"Oh by the way Nat, Armin said he was going to be a little late, he got caught up with some school stuff or whatever."

"Oh okay, wait why me? Did he tell you to tell me or something?"

"Huh? Oh no I just figured you'd want to know." Eren glanced at her and Mae right after.

Even though Natalia was wondering where he was she was never going to ask. "Wait why?"

Eren slightly rolled his eyes and sighed, then after a moment he shrugged. "Just thought i'd let you know, but fine, next time i won't."

"Oh no sorry I just- sorry. Thanks."


"Hey guys!" Marco waved walking up to them.

"Mikasa... Hi! I mean... hi all of you. Hello everyone." Jean smiled and waved. Eren eyed him for a moment before continuing walking with out returning the greeting gesture. "Geez okay. Anyways, how are you two?"

"Pretty good, a little nervous but good." Mae nodded.

"Oh yeah there's a lot of people. But hey don't worry too much if you need a safety net come find us we won't be leaving any time soon." Marco assured.

"Thanks, so how are you guys?" Mae asked.

"Good actually, classes weren't too draining and we looked forward to coming here tonight!" Marco said glancing over at Jean who was looking at Mikasa converse with Historia. "Though i think this guy has seen better days." Marco teased.

"Huh? Oh sorry. Uh yeah no i'm good i'm good." Mae and Natalia laughed a bit together at Jean.

"Well i'm glad you're both doing well." Natalia sincerely smiled.

"Thanks! Back at you!" Marco returned her smile.

" Ayeee it's you guys! Jean try not to break her nose tonight okay?" Connie said walking up making Jeans face cringe at the memory.

"He didn't break it it's okay! It was barely anything don't worry." Natalia shrugged.

"Well anyways it's good to see you guys come inside, i'll introduce you to Reiner, this is his house... or his parents house I mean." Connie said leaning his head toward the house. Mae looked at Natalia as if she might oppose. Natalia shrugged and they were off to meet new people.

"Reinaahhh!!" Connie yelled walking back up to Reiner.

"Hey what's up?"

"These are my friends. Natalia and Mae."

"Oh hey guys welcome." He shook their hands. "Whoa..." He said as he shook Natalia's. Natalia looked toward Mae as a cry for help. Connie just let out laugh.

"I know know they are both hot right? Well i knew them first so i got dibs." He teased. Before Mae got the chance to destroy Connie's confidence for making that comment, Ymir was already on the job.

Ymir came up from behind him and smacked the back of his head. "Dumbass, one, don't tell someone you called dibs on them that a total turn off... especially for you. Two, don't say you called dibs on two people who are right next to each other. Three don't call dibs. It's insulting. Get your life together, Springer." She sighed and then continued to chug a beer. Connie glared at her and scoffed. Reiner laughed and placed a comforting hand on Connie shoulder.

"Ahh she got you man."

"Yeah, and she also got the girl you simp over so..." Connie fired back.

"Damn Springer." Reiner placed the same hand now over his heart to playfully express that he was hurt. "Well anyways, you two want a couple beers? He asked specifically looking at Natalia. Not in a creepy manner, but a friendly one. It just so happened to make Natalia uncomfortable out of anxiousness.

"Uh no i'm fine." She laughed it off.

"Yeah not for me either." Mae squinted at Reiner trying to place and analyze his intentions.

"Alright, just let me know if you do. Or if you need anything at all. Really anything. And uh the bathrooms right behind that wall to the left, if it's taken than there's also one upstairs, you can't miss it it's the first door. If they are both taken and it's an emergency, there's one in my room but hopefully that won't happen. But just in case, there you go. I didn't tell anyone else about it so you'll be safe there if you need it." Reiner explained.

"Oh- okay thanks." Natalia nervously yet thankfully smiled.

"Of corse." He nodded. Mae turned around and brought Natalia with her.

"What was that?" She asked with a hint of disgust.

"I don't know! It was weird right? Well i mean no, he seemed really nice. I guess i'm just not used to this."

"Used to what?" Her eye brow raised.

"Any of this really. I wasn't allowed to go to many parties in high school. My mom and... you know who... well yeah i just wasn't allowed to because i was told they were a distraction and i needed to focus on school or whatever. So i mean i've been around people at school but besides my ex i've never been hit on or offered beer or gotten a 'whoa' when i shook someone's hand. This is all so weird i feel like i'm in a movie." Natalia expressed.

"Well are you okay? You're not too anxious right?" Mae asked concerned.

"No im okay." She sighed. "Or at least i think i am."

"Okay, we'll thats good. I think. Just let me know and we can leave, okay?

"Mhm." Natalia nodded. She appreciated Mae's concern. Mae knew first hand Natalia's anxiety and her own. And she also knew Natalia wasn't always the person to be honest about feeling bad, or telling someone when she's panicking.

After a while of sitting outside talking to this person and that person Marco and Jean stuck around them a bit more. It was nice for both sides to get to know each other more.

"Hey, you guys still having fun?" Reiner came up from behind Marco and Jean placing a hand on each shoulder.

"Yeah." They all nodded.

"Great, hey uh Natalia, do you mind if i introduce you to some of my friends." He asked.

She turned to Mae like a child to her mother as if to ask permission or to see what she thought and to give her the answer of what she should do. Mae didn't have the answer and was unsure why Natalia thought she did so she just shrugged.

"Uhm, okay sure." She stood up looking behind her. Reiner took her hand which made her eyes widen and look back to Mae with anxiety and fear basically fuming out of her.

"Okay so this is my best friend Bertholdt. He's a great guy, little shy though. And this is Annie! She's a total baddass but doesn't like people too much. I kinda thought she might like you though cause... well i don't know really. And this is Pieck, she kinda reminded me of your friend but uh yeah. And uh that's Marcel and Porco, they are brothers. Marcel doesn't go to our University but he's good ole Porco here's brother so he comes around a lot. Oh and yeah guys this is Natalia."

"Uh hi." Natalia shyly waved with a nervous laugh standing a couple steps behind Reiner. Reiner slightly stepped back to be side by side.

"Hi." Pieck stared at her.

"Pieck, you're freaking her out." Porco poorly attempted to whisper.

"Hah.. no it's fine." Natalia did whisper yet they still heard.

"Nice to meet you." Bertholdt said before taking a sip from a water bottle and waving. It was awkward and Reiner, barely knowing Natalia could still feel how awkward this made her.

"I've seen you around i think we have a class together." Annie noted.

"Oh yeah... you do seem familiar." Natalia lied, she had never seen her before, if she had she didn't remember.

"Maybe psychology? Do you take Psychology?" Annie asked.

"Oh yeah i do!" It made now sense Natalia didn't recognize her. Her and Mae share that class so she usually didn't focus much on making new friends or partners there since she already had one.

"Thought so."

"The coffee shop! I was trying to figure out where i'd seen you too." Pieck said. "You work at the french cafe right?"

"Ah, Oui! I think I recognize you too. You usually get a hot chocolate and a muffin."

"I do, you're right." She nodded. Her hair was down and she wore a long pretty beige skirt with a white thin turtle neck layered with a dark green cami top.

"Yeah i remember. Well it was nice meeting you all." She nodded not quite sure what else to say.

"You too." Pieck said through a yawn.

Now really not sure what to do Natalia started to look around. Reiner now determined to find things for them to do, he didn't let her look around too long and get bored.

"Oh! Here, you should try the food! It's good uh well there's pizza of corse but Sasha.. i think that was her name."


"Oh cool you know her?"

"Yes! We are in a group chat together."

"Oh cool, okay so yeah she made this... i'm not like one thousand percent sure what it is but there's like cheese and potatoes... and yeah. There's also a fruit salad some other dude brought. Oh Pieck made these brownies but uhm.. yeah..." He mumbled off. "Oh! And these muffins made by yours truly!"

"Oh you bake? That's cool. Also muffins are my favorite! You have good taste."

Reiner forgot to respond as he just stared at Natalia as she picked up one of his muffins from the tray. He smiled at her and then shook his head out of his daze.

"I don't really bake but my little cousin bullied me last night for not having any food plans and said i should make something. So i found the box for those in the cabnit. But i think they are pretty good. I don't know maybe they are bad I've never done it before."

"You did good for not baking much before!"

"Ahh thanks..." He shrugged. "Do you want to go outside?" He asked right before another familiar blond walked through the door.

"Armeen!!!" Connie said throwing an arm around his shoulder and ruffling his hair.

Reiner waiting for Natalia's reply watched her watch the new guy as he walked around greeting people.

"Huh? Oh sorry, uhm sure. Where?" Now she was the one dazed and forgetting to respond.

"Oh never mind don't worry about it. Do you know him?"

"Oh... kind of. I guess. We went to the same high school but i didn't really talk to him much. He's in that same group chat though."

"I see." Reiner nodded and took a sip of his beer. Armin now being harassed by Connie, Sasha, Jean, and Eren, looked around for help and saw Natalia. His eyes softened and he waved at her. She waved back.

"Okay well, uhm... what are we doing now?" Natalia asked trying not to make Reiner awkward or feel left out.

"Oh, we'll i'll probably just walk around talk to some people here. You can come with or do your own thing i don't care." He shrugged but Natalia could tell he definitely did care. Though she didn't really know this person she still felt bad to leave him and unsure on what she should do. She didn't really have any desire to walk around with him and small talk with even more people she's never met. Though he seemed nice and she didn't want to be mean. Reiner let out a small laugh, he could see the conflict in her eyes and body language. "Really it's fine. You don't have to walk around with me. I'm not doing anything note worthy. In fact i'll probably be drunk with in the hour and you'll wish you just went with your friends. So don't worry about it." He said and walked past her placing his hand on her head for a brief second as he walked by.

Now she stood alone and Mae was no longer sitting outside where she previously was. So Natalia continued standing by herself waiting to figure out what to do.

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