FLUTTER | Taekook

By jinxed_jin

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(ON HOLD) Where Jungkook meets a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. - TAEKOOK FAIRY FANFICTION Top KTH Bo... More

0 : [prologue]


145 13 78
By jinxed_jin

Third person POV

"Please Excuse the mess," Taehyung swiftly let out as they entered the old run down barn, the place being a little more messier then from the last time Jungkook had been there.

"I will never be able to get over this place," Jungkook pushed Taehyungs statement to the side, "it's just so breathtaking."

"I know," Taehyung stated proudly, landing himself neatly onto the giant mattress.

Jungkook once again admired the building, taking it all in. The hay barrels, the torn up old looking bed sheets, and even the wooden boxes.

The room also had a small off putting scent to it, but Jungkook oddly enough, kinda liked it.

"Wanna eat a peach?"

"Huh?" Jungkook was suddenly taken out of his daze by the sudden question, his gaze staring straight down to meet Taehyungs eyes.

"A peach," he repeated, "you know... what I showed you the other day?"

Jungkook felt chills run down his body, he couldn't help but notice how there was something in Taehyungs gaze that made him feel a bit uneasy.

Sort of nauseous even.

"Right now?" He questioned, still a little confused.

Taehyung bit his lip while smiling and raised his eyebrows, "yeah."

Jungkook hesitantly thought for a moment, awkwardly licking his lips as he trailed his eyes away.

"I don't know if that's really a good idea—"

"Oh come on Jungkook, you only have to try it once, and plus, it's not like you have to be back anytime soon, I thought you had time off," Taehyung complained, stating back what Jungkook had told him earlier that day.

The younger fairy awkwardly kicked the ground, clasping his hands together.

"It seems scary."

"It's not scary!" Taehyung laughed, "I'll be right next to you the whole time," he began at an attempt to comfort the fairy, "trust me, I've done this over a thousand times, and I'm perfectly okay."

Jungkook blankly stared at the other for a moment, silence filling the room before he spoke up again.

"What if I get stuck in that form? I don't wanna be a human forever, I love being a fairy."

"Oh god," Taehyung chuckled, "I know how to get out of it, don't worry, it'll be fine."

"Okay, but what if—"

"—Jungkook!" Taehyung quickly cut him off, stepping forward and grasped the youngers hands into his own, "you'll be fine."

"But if king Jung finds out I'm absolutely screwed," Jungkook continued to ramble, "I don't need him to be upset with me anymore—"

Taehyung scoffed playfully, "you're worried what that freak has to say about it? What's the worst that could happen? He'd make you work less hours or keep a higher watch on you?" He begun to rant towards the other as a small hint of anger filled his body.

The fairy shrugged, "I shouldn't even be here Taehyung," he listed quietly, "the king practically ordered me to stay away from you."

That sentence seemed to cause something inside Taehyung to snap, having him suddenly get a bit upset.

Taehyung drew in a quick breath in and dropped the boys hands from his own.

"If that's how you feel why don't you just leave?" He stepped away rudely, shoving his arms across his chest, "turn me in while you're at it how 'bout? I'm sure you'd become Hoseok's prized possession if you did that."

Jungkook was a little taken by the sudden mood change, but also a bit confused by what the other had meant.

"What do you mean turn you in? I thought you left willingly on your own."

Taehyung groaned, "I did!" The yelling echoed the room, causing Jungkook to anxiously step back with cation.

He seemed to notice the uncomfortable body language of the other, letting himself step back and take a deep breath in.

"I did Jungkook, I left, and if you don't want to be around me you are free to leave," he said in a much more calm tone, "I don't want to be making you uncomfortable if you're not used to things like this."

The flower fairy sighed, taking in all the information, "it's just so different."

Taehyung smiled a little, "the fear of being different prevents a lot of others from experimenting with who they actually are," he began to ramble happily, "do you wanna be one of the ones who are afraid, Jungkook?"

The younger thought for a moment before shaking his head slightly, "no..."

That sentence cause Taehyung to grin brightly, "then take a peach with me! Try it out, and if you hate it you and I never have to do it ever again."

Jungkook thought about it for a moment, nervously glancing around at the ground where his feet were planted.

"Just once?" he mumbled softly, slowly beginning to bring his gaze back up to stare into Taehyungs.

The older fairy nodded excitedly, "I promise."

Jungkook took a deep breath in, a small smile slowly beginning to creep onto his face, "okay Taehyung, I'll do it."

"Yeah?" He exclaimed excitedly, grabbing a tight hold of the fairy's hand once again and jumping to fly up.

Jungkook stumbled a little from the action but immediately began to flutter his wings to hover up next to the other.

Taehyung had brought them up to the top of the wooden box, then quickly skipped himself over to where the small jar was planted.

He picked it up and shoved it in the direction of Jungkooks petit, still figure.

"Take one," he nudged eagerly, even beginning to shake the jar as if a sense to make it more appealing.

The smaller fairy hesitantly began to pull his hand forward, the off feeling of his body being magnetized away, yet so attracted towards the jar confused him.

He slowly reached his hand in and pulled out one of the many miniature blue fruits.

The fairy gazed at it down in the palm of his hand before shuffling in his position awkwardly.

Taehyung did the same and pulled one out, smiling quite wide.

"You might wanna take your clothes off."

Jungkook was taken back by that, a sudden puzzled look sprawling across his face, "what?"

"Not in a weird way or anything, but like, this shit ain't a spell, it's gonna make you grow, not your clothes, and unless you don't want anything to change back into after, I wouldn't—"

"Okay okay I get it," Jungkook whispered, before beginning to awkwardly get undressed.

Once he was fully uncovered Taehyung smiled.

"You ready?"

Jungkook cleared his throat, "I guess..." and awkwardly averted his gaze.

The fairy hummed excitedly, "okay, on three?"

Jungkook took a deep breath in before nodding.

Taehyung could barely keep his excitement contained, grinning wide as he began to count down.

"One," Jungkook heard him begin to speak up, the one single word his heart race a little faster.

"Two," the word almost felt as if it was slicing through him. He knew what he was doing now was wrong but he couldn't help but to be drawn in by Taehyungs unspeakable charm.


At that word they both simultaneously popped the berries into their mouths, chewing and swallowing with delight.

The food was surprisingly sour, definitely something Jungkook was not expecting.

Once the berry was swallowed, Jungkooks reflexes caused him to make a scrunched up type of face, causing Taehgung to laugh.

"Do you like it?"

Jungkook shook his head, "no, that was awful!"

The older fairy snickered, "trust me, it's all about to be worth it."

Jungkook licked his lips and little and closed his eyes, the feeling of his body suddenly beginning to get all tingly.

The inside of his stomach did twists, and he swore his mind had gone blank for a solid couple of seconds.

And once he opened his eyes he couldn't believe what had happened. It wasn't even scientifically possible.

They were human.

They were both human.

"Oh my god," Jungkook let out, touching his face as if that had changed at all, "Taehyung, oh my god."

"Woah flower, you're a blondie now," Taehyung laughed, immediately noticing and mentioning to how Jungkooks light pink hair had turned a shade of merely platinum blonde. "It looks good, but I think I prefer the pink."

"Taehyung!" Jungkook began to freak, the sudden realization hitting him like a punch to the face, "this is insane."

"I have clothes for you!" Taehyung piped up, swiftly pulling a shirt that was seated earlier on the pillow, and ignoring any of Jungkooks whines.

He stood up and walked across the room quickly to where he had a stash of old looking clothing.

"Some of them are a bit dirty, but I wash them in the stream from time to time, so I swear it's not as bad as you think," Taehyung let out, chucking a pair of underwear, baggy jeans, and a black tee shirt over to Jungkook, before also getting changed himself.

Once they were both dressed up, Taehyung flipped around and grinned, "you look great, do you want any accessories?"

Before Jungkook even had the chance to open his mouth he felt something getting chucked at his face.

He picked up the bright red, padded clothing, Taehyung had thrown at him, holding it up by the two cups.

"What is this?"

"Oh that? It's a hat, obviously," Taehyung smiled in response before digging around in his clothes pile once again.

Jungkook curiously examined the padded fabric, grasping ahold of the tag and reading it out loud.

"What does 'DD' mean?"

"It's the size of your head," he scoffed out like it was the most obvious thing ever, "that size is a bit big for me, but you have a big head so I'm sure it'll fit you nicely."

Jungkook brought the neon piece of clothing up to the top of his head, placing it down on top of himself and clasping the clasps together under his chin.

"Oh! It suits you well," Taehyung winked, walking along side Jungkook now, grabbing the newly human boys wrist.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook awkwardly let slip, eyes trailing down to Taehyung grip.

"Follow me."

"This is crazy," Jungkook let out again, the feeling of his body being tugged causing him to stumble a little, "this is—"

"—gonna be so much fun!" Taehyung finished the boys sentence, adding his own touch to it, "now follow me, let's go."

"We aren't staying?"

Taehyung let out a laugh, "so, this is your first time going human, and you're telling me you don't wanna look around?"

"What even is there to look at?"

Taehyungs jaw dropped, "are you kidding me? So much shit! Plenty of places and human things, it's insane."

Jungkook walked outside of the barn, taking in all the fresh air.

His eyes widened, "eveything looks so different from up here... it's so beautiful."

Taehyung smiled proudly, "yeah, I know."

The brunette boy took a step forward, and while doing so motioned Jungkook forward with his hands, "c'mon, follow me."

Jungkook jumped up to go fly, but suddenly fell face first into the ground, causing Taehyung to gasp and turn around.

"Jesus Christ Jungkook," he laughed while crouching down next to the boys body, "what was that?"

"I forgot," he mumbled, "humans can't fly," he finished in agony while rubbing his head, fixing his so called 'hat'.

The older boy gasped, "oh yeah, that'll happen a couple times, but you'll get the hang of it after the first batch of bruises," he laughed a little, "just don't try jumping from anywhere high."

"Wonderful," Jungkook let out sarcastically.

Taehyung smiled and nodded, before latching his hand onto the boys bicep to pull him forward, "let's go."

Jungkook merely fell onto his face once again as he followed behind, stumbling from the action.

"Slow down would you? Jeez," Jungkook groaned, tugging his arm away from Taehyungs.

The older boy smiled, "we mustn't waste time."


Taehyung laughed, "yeah, you know, the continued sequence of existence and events that occur in a—"

"No, I know what time is," Jungkook cut him off, walking quickly, "I thought you just said we have 'all the time in the world', what's the rush now?"

"I wanna show you things before it gets dark," he began, smiling brightly, "shit ain't open twenty four seven in the human town."


Taehyung nodded, fixing his hair a little with his hands, the smooth brunette shade complimenting his skin quite nicely.

"That's odd, what if I need a new outfit, or food?"

The elder shrugged, "gotta wait 'till morning."

Jungkook hummed along, his eyes busily scanning the area they were in.

The world sure did look a lot different being merely six feet taller than he was before.

"Human clothes are so uncomfortable," Jungkook began to note, tugging at his pants in a downward motion, and fixing the padded clothing on his head.

Taehyung let out an entertained laugh, "no, we just have to find your fit," he listed, "it might take a while, but I'm sure we could do it by the end of the night if we strike lucky."

"But I miss my pedals," he frowned, "they were so soft, and pretty," Jungkook stated in awe to Taehyung, "these are just... awful," he referred to the shirt and pants.

After a couple of minutes of walking, and Jungkook constantly complaining that his 'legs were hurting', they finally made it outside a little town.

"This is it!" Taehyung squealed excited, hiding his body behind a tree, Jungkook following close behind.

The blonde boys eyes sparkled looking around from the outside of the town.

"It's so pretty!"

"Let's go," Taehyung smiled stepping forward, trying his best to not look suspicious in any way, shape, or form. While waking he dusted his clothes a little, and smiled.

"Let me give you some pointers, yeah? I've been down here plenty of times, I'd call myself a natural human expert."

Jungkook nodded listening in, "I actually have studied humans bef—"

"Firstly, do not just dally on into any building, they have these things called 'houses,' and they get quite upset if you go in uninvited," he began to state, running a hand through his hair, "only go into shops, they're the ones with big words above them."

As they walked through the town Jungkook couldn't shake off the obscene amount of stares he was getting from pass by people.

He sped up his pace a little, now wrapping his hand around Taehyungs bicep who was cut off from talking and looked over to the smaller boy who was trying to grab his attention.

"What's wrong, flower?"

Jungkook bit his bottom lip, "people keep staring at me, can they tell I'm a fairy? Do they hate me? Will I—"

"Oh hush, Jungkook, they're probably just staring at your bomb ass hat," he gleamed, "I've never seen anyone else wearing one, it must be rare."

Jungkook hesitantly looked around some more, still keeping a tight grasp to Taehyungs body, following as he stepped forward.

"Humans also have this thing called 'money', which is an odd concept to me, apparently they trade it in for other things! And the more you have the more you can trade in!" He listed happily, "but they only trade with the so called money, not leaves or other things."

Jungkook nodded his head as he listened, "yeah, I've read ab—"

"It's hard to get this money though, but humans leave jars full of it at the counters in shops, it's insane!"

The younger boy nodded, "really?"

Taehyung rapidly nodded his head, "oh yes! Let's go check it out now!" He gleamed excitedly, tightly grasping Jungkooks hand to pull him forward.

The elder has lead them into a shop supposedly called 'coffee'ngo'.

Taehyung smiled brightly, standing with Jungkook in the small line up, only two other people currently standing in front of them.

Jungkooks eyes busily scanned the room, in a state of awe at the warm feely-building. He took notice of all the paintings, boards, and decorations plastered everywhere. The walls were painted an almost pale yellow colour, and he excitedly turned to face Taehyung.

"This is so cool!"

Taehyung smiled, "I knew you'd love it."

"It's nothing like I've ever seen before! It's almost magical!"

Once the two people in front of the boys left, it was their turn to order.

"Two caramel Frappuccino's please," Taehyung smiled while holding up two fingers on one of his hands, wiggling then around a little.

"Will that be all for you today, sir?" The lady behind the counter asked, tapping into the computer screen in front of her.

Taehyung nodded, "yes please," he smiled.

"That'll be seven dollars," she grinned in response, staring at the two boys.

The older boy pretended to go through his pockets when he frowned, "could I possibly grab a napkin quick? My hands are a bit sticky."

"Of course, sir," she smiled and turned around to grab a couple, "one moment."

Once she was full faced away Taehyung leaned and grabbed a couple of the bills that were seated in the open jar.

Jungkooks eyes widened as he watched, taking in all the new information while making personal mental notes.

Taehyung counted the money in his hands and smiled, once she was back he handed her the cash, enough to be the amount they needed to trade.

"Thank you, we'll call you once your drink is ready," she smiled staring at Taehyung, not giving Jungkook much eye.

Taehyung nodded and walked over to the corner of the room to stand and wait, grinning at Jungkook cheekily.

"And that's how it's done," he let out, "sly like a snake."

"I saw what you did over there," a soft voice was heard being brought up from next to them, causing both boys to whip their heads to the left.

Their gazes were met with another small boy who was pressed against the wall, a pair of sunglasses covered his eyes, and a messy mint coloured hair-do was sat on his head.

Taehyung nervously swallowed, and shook his head, "what are you talking about?" Glaring a little as he starred over at the unknown boy, pushing his body in front of Jungkooks a little.

"With the tip jar, you stole it and then gave it to her," he said, arms crossed over his chest, "but it's fine, she gets plenty of tips from desperate middle aged men anyway," he finished.

Taehyung shook his head a little, "I was just borrowing it, where's the harm in it if I'm giving it right back anyway?"

The mint haired boy let out a laugh, a very inevitable gummy like smile plastered across his face.

"You're funny," he let out smoothly, then glancing back over to the lady at the counter, "what's your name?"

The older boy smiled a little, "I'm Taehyung—"

Before he could finish his sentence he felt a hard slap to his chest, causing him to grunt and stare down to Jungkook.

"You shouldn't just give out personal information like that, it's dangerous, you don't even know him."

Taehyung laughed, "I need to tell him things to get to know him, don't worry, I've done this before."

The older boy cleared his throat and looked back over to the mint boy while grinning.

"I'm Taehyung," he repeated himself, "what about you?"

The other boy stood up a bit, fixing his posture a little, "I'm Yoongi," he greeted back, smiling softly again.

It went quiet for an odd couple of seconds while Jungkook glared up at him, sighing in annoyance.

"Hey, Taehyung," the mint haired boy was heard speaking up once again.

"Yeah?" He questioned back, fixing his shirt a little.

The two both looked over and couldn't shake off the stupid grin the mint haired boy currently had sprawled across his face.

Yoongi nudged his head forward a little as an indirect way of pointing without his hand and scoffed.

"Why does your friend have a bra on his head?"


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