Next Target: Clint Barton

Od HiddenStoriez

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What happens when Yelena Belova returns to a world void of her older sister: Natasha Romanoff? When she decid... Více

1 - She's gone
2 - "It's okay."
3 - "Her name was-"
4 - She was my friend
5 - I miss her
6 - No choice
7 - Sisters
8 - New threats
9 - Magneto
10 - Losing the fight
11 - We'll meet again
12 - Friends
13 - What have I done?
14 - Really here
15 - "Was it love?"
16 - Not a monster
17 - Too late
18 - Assemble
19 - Final battle I
21 - Final battle III

20 - Final battle II

273 12 13
Od HiddenStoriez

"Well if it isn't the Sorcerer Supreme himself." Agatha teased then bowed mockingly.

"Actually that's Wong, turns out being blipped for five years makes it so you're ineligible for the position." He answered with a salty smile.

"You know I expected to see you at Westview. Too bad you never showed, cause then maybe you'd know that your tricks won't work on me." She claimed, then engulfed them with her magic.

The walls of the mirror dimension began to crack until they shattered. Strange was blinded by the bright lights that followed and when he opened his eyes again, they were both back in the real world.

He couldn't see her but heard the sound of clothes flapping in the wind behind him; he turned and saw Agatha floating in the air, purple orbs of magic in both of her decayed hands. He sighed loudly and put his head down.

"It never works on Dark Magic users." He complained to himself, somewhat annoyed.

"I've been powered by the deaths of countless witches. Not even a sorcerer as powerful as you can defeat me."

"Yeah, well, you're just another day's work for me." He deadpanned as he summoned mandala shields to both of his fists.

He conjured up two Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and whipped one towards her; she blocked it with a purple shield of aura, but was caught by the second one. The second metallic band wrapped around her hand, Strange held her there and pushed a fragment of the mirror dimension towards her; a trick he'd used on Thanos.

She stopped the wall of mirrors with one hand and shattered it with a flick of her wrist. The shards flew across the sky before turning back towards the sorcerer. They flew through the air towards him, leaving a purple trail behind. Strange summoned Shields of Seraphim all around him, releasing his hold on Agatha in the process. She kept the pressure on him by blasting him with another ray of purple magic, but he was able to absorb the power with one of his shields.

He shot back by using the Sevens Suns of Cinnibus. Agatha encased the rays with an orb of magic and began absorbing them. She used the energy from Strange's spell: manipulated them into another physical form. She separated the one big orb into smaller ones; they began growing legs, a tail and a wolf-like head. Only they were made up of magic, their bodies didn't look like that of a real animal, they were formed purely of the purple and bright orange aura from the two spells used to create them.

Agatha had used the burning energy from Strange's spell to create her version of hellhounds; purple with burning orange eyes. At least two dozen of them were running towards Strange now. He used his cloak to levitate and created doubles of himself with the Images of Ikkon. All of his doubles formed Eldritch Whips and caught the dogs. The energy from the whips burned right through the hounds, killing them and turning them into nothing more than tiny atoms. Meanwhile the real Strange had his whip entangled around both of Agatha's arms.

She broke free and blasted him away then flew after him.

Meanwhile, on the far end of the battlefield, Peter was working on webbing up all of the Outriders to help ease the attacks on the Wakandan warriors when he saw Doctor Strange get blasted. He was ready to swing towards Strange when his spidey-sense warned him of an incoming projectile. He spun around and used his webshooters to catch the goblin bomb that was three feet in front of his face.

He wasted no time throwing it high into the air where it could detonate without hurting anyone, he then heard the faint "whooshing" of a glider and backflipped right over it. He was face to face with Harry Osborn.

"It doesn't have to be like this Harry." Peter told him sincerely.

"You killed my father." He said in his distorted Goblin voice.

"No. It wasn't me."

Harry activated the blades on the sides of his glider and began racing towards him. Peter jumped over it and webbed Harry's hand to the ground while in the air. Harry tore right through the web and turned the glider around to chase after Peter who was jumping and flipping all over the place to dodge the blades. Peter ran up the destroyed concrete of what used to be the Quinjet runway, leaving a trail of webs in every direction. He ran in a circle until he was back where they started and jumped up to one of his webs and used it to slingshot himself up into the air. He stuck a web onto Harry's chest while he was in the air and used it to pull the two of them together.

He landed on Harry's back and tried to subdue him while Harry squirmed around to get Peter off. Peter grabbed the underside of Harry's chin and pulled his head upwards to try to get him off the glider. Harry reversed his glider and slammed Peter into the cement wall behind them; Peter lost his grip from the blow and fell off. He quickly bounced off the wall to a line of web in front of Harry, grabbed it and spun around to kick Harry square in the chest like a gymnast on an iron bar. Harry fell off the glider, but not before hurling a bomb Peter's way.

Peter barely landed on the ground when the bomb went off besides him and caused him to fly into the graveyard of cement next to him. Harry's glider came rushing towards him. He tried to get off the ground but wasn't fast enough, so he closed his eyes and tried to cover his head.

He never felt the hit, instead just the sound of rings echoing and the glider being destroyed. He opened his eyes to see five magical rings floating back to the forearms of their owner. He looked at the man standing in a battle stance in front of him; he was asian with black hair and was wearing a black and red suit.

"Oh, hey." He started as the man offered him a hand off the ground. "Um, I'm Peter Parker." He said sheepishly while offering a handshake.

The man shook his hand and offered him a friendly smile. "Shang-Chi, nice to meet you."

"Woah, those things are awesome." Peter announced excitedly while admiring the glowing rings on Shang-Chi's arms.

Shang-Chi chuckled and pointed to Peter's web-shooters. "Those are pretty cool too."

"Guess it's time for round two." Steve shouted to Magneto.

Magneto smiled and extended his hand to throw a metal rod to Steve. Steve blocked it with his shield and ran towards Magneto. He could see out of the corner of his eye, T'Challa to his right also running towards him. Steve threw his shield at Magneto, who blocked by holding up a flat piece of metal in front of him, but it did leave him open to T'Challa, who lunged at him full force and dug his claws into Magneto's arm.

Magneto groaned in pain but flew up and managed to shake the king off of his arm.

Magneto took a giant thin sheet of metal and wrapped it around T'Challa's body, leaving just his head exposed; he did the same with Steve. He forced the metal to wrap tighter and tighter around the two, suffocating them. T'Challa managed to cut through pieces of the metal by slashing at it with his claws which helped to release some of the pressure, but Steve was just stuck there.

"Shuri!" T'Challa shouted into his comms.

Shuri and Okoye ran as fast as they could through the battlefield to get to T'Challa and Steve. "Coming brother!"

When they saw Magneto, Okoye attacked first by throwing her spear; Magneto dodged but was hit full-force by the sonic blast that came from Shuri's vibranium gauntlets. He fell to the ground and covered his ears while yelling out in pain. T'Challa cut through the metal while Steve used his arm strength to pry it back and off of him.

Shuri kept the attack going on Magneto but before the four of them even knew it they were surrounded by a mob of Chitauris, Gorilla's, Outriders and Sakaarans. They all formed a small circle, back to back so no one would be exposed on any front. Magneto gracefully levitated from behind the mob and focused his powers on the magnetic sediments in the dirt, creating a small and powerful dust storm around the four of them. They tried their best to fight off the aliens while having their vision impaired by all the flying dirt and metal; they were beating the aliens but knew they couldn't keep it up for much longer. Wanda had to hurry, and not just for Steve's group.

Thor was also having a hard time. Hela fought him with her sword; an old style fight like the ancient vikings, well almost. They fought with their weapons but used their powers as well, Thor would try to zap her with his lightning and Hela tried to use her magic to subdue him as well.

Hela jumped up and swung her sword down towards Thor's head. He brought his axe up and used the top of the handle to block the blade near its guard

"You know, you're just like Loki. Neither one of you is willing to die the first time." Thor smiled as he slammed his axe into the ground, causing streams of lighting to come up from the earth.

She crossed her swords in an "x" pattern and blocked the bolts of lightning. "Seems like someone is missing the family." –She made her swords disappear and formed two green flames in each of her palms– "Shall we have a reunion?"

A ring of green flames spread across the battlefield and three Berserkers came to Hela's aid. They began glowing green and shape-shifted into three familiar shapes. They took the forms of Odin, Frigga and Loki, though they still looked like they were walking stone statues.

"Loki?" Thor stared into the Berserker's cold, green eyes; he knew it wasn't really his brother but he was still mesmerized by it.

Hela smirked at her brother, he left himself open to her. While Thor was busy staring at the fake Loki, fake Odin snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the back with his three-pronged spear. Thor cried out and dropped to his knees. His "mother" walked up to him with a dagger and held it to his throat; he knew it wasn't really them but he couldn't help but submit to them. This was a different kind of torture and Hela knew it, he was surrounded by the people he missed the most –the people who would now kill him.

Bruce ran in and uppercutted the fake Frigga as hard as he could, her body shattered to a thousand stone pieces. Next, Rhodey flew in and blasted fake Odin with one of his missiles, causing him to shatter too. Bruce and Rhodey began focusing their attacks on Hela and Thor was left to deal with "Loki".

It looked just like Loki; the Berserker, apart from the stone texture. Everything else though was there; his twin daggers, his helmet, even down to the details of his armor. Thor began charging up his attack; bolts of electricity radiated off of him and his eyes turned blue. The Berserker spun its daggers in its hands like Loki did; Thor held his axe in both hands by the wooden handle and looked into its green eyes.

"I know it's not really you, brother. But... I miss you." With that final word he threw his axe full force at it.

The Berserker dodged the flying axe and ran full speed at Thor; it swung its daggers through the air, trying to decapitate Thor, but Thor slid on his knees under the blade and caught his axe right as it was flying back to him. He jumped up and swung his axe right through the Berserker's torso.

Thor looked back over to Hela, Bruce and Rhodey just in time to see her stab Bruce in the thigh. He threw his axe at her, she caught it with her magic and threw it back at him. The axe hit Thor hard but didn't pierce his armor, he would just be left with a giant bruise on his chest the next day.

Rhodey flew above her and blasted her with another rocket, she held up her cape and blocked the missile, then jumped up, grabbed Rhodey's leg and flung him away; She brought out one of her swords and threw it after him. He hit the dirt hard, only having enough time to watch the sword sail in a straight line toward him. He saw a flash of red and blue and before he even knew it Tony was in front of him holding out his blue energy shield.

The sword lodged into the shield and fell to the ground when Tony put it away.

"I love Wakanda." Tony said knowing full well that without Shuri's improvements, the shield wouldn't have been able to withstand the force of the blade. He turned to Rhodey and helped him up. "I was starting to think you'd be a no show. Where the hell have you been?" Tony asked sarcastically.

Rhodey gave him an annoyed look, jokingly. "Do you know how hard it is to explain to the American government that the Black Widow is alive because some magic stone from another timeline brought her back from the dead."

"Fair point." Tony said in an upbeat voice and nodded.

"You guys couldn't wait another hour before sending that SOS signal? I was this close" —He held up his fingers to gesture how close he was— "to convincing them that you guys weren't dealing in some black magic voodoo shit."

"Yeah, well there's always next time. Watch out!" Tony blasted a Berserker behind Rhodey and they both flew off to help Thor and Bruce.

Bucky was helping Clint and a group of Wakandan warriors fight off a large group of Sakaarans when he saw Wanda being rushed by a Leviathan and about a hundred Chitauris. He took his focus off the fight in front of him for a minute and a Chitauri Gorilla punched him hard in the gut. He fell down and slid six feet on his back. A Chitauri rushed in and swung his scepter down but Bucky caught it with his vibranium arm.

"Barnes!" Clint shouted and shot an explosive arrow at the Chitauri.

"Thanks, Katniss." Bucky smiled and threw the scepter into the chest of another.

Clint then focused his shots onto the giant Gorilla, but he wouldn't go down in one blast; Clint just pissed it off. Bucky jumped onto its back and tried choking it out but lost his grip when an Outrider latched onto his back and pulled him off. He stabbed the Outrider with his vibranium pocket knife and pushed its body off of him but unfortunately the Gorilla was now almost on top of him, meanwhile Clint was now surrounded by Outriders. He couldn't help Bucky.

Bucky barely got the Outrider's body off of him when the Gorilla lifted up its fists to bash him into the ground. Bucky braced for impact, but all he heard was the alien's pained growl. Behind the Gorilla, a man in a dark red suit had grabbed one of the Chitauri scepters on the ground, ran up some of the debris and vaulted onto the Gorilla's back, digging the scepter into the exposed flesh and making a giant cut as he slid to the ground while holding onto the weapon.

The Gorilla stumbled and fell onto his back just as Clint shot the last Outrider surrounding him. The man in red walked to Bucky and offered him a hand up. Bucky took the man's hand and let him get pulled up.

"Thanks." Bucky said before noticing the lack of eye holes on the cowl. "Can you see through that thing?"

The man laughed and slightly shook Bucky's hand. "Matt Murdock." He introduced himself. "I don't need my eyes to see." He grinned.

"Bucky." Bucky returned.

"Barnes..." Matt filled in.

Bucky furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "How did you...?"

Matt grinned even wider. "Natasha never mentioned me?" He asked slyly; joking completely.

Bucky just turned his head, looking even more confused than before. Clint snickered loudly and Matt ran away to help others in the fight, not giving Bucky any answers whatsoever. Clint just kept snickering when Bucky turned his confused gaze to him. He didn't know exactly what Matt was talking about, but he was smart enough to deduce its meaning, while Bucky on the other hand was just stunned with confusion.

"Little help here?!" Wanda shouted into her comms while fending off a giant horde of Chitauris, Sakaarans, Outriders and Berserkers.

She was so close to reaching Jean; she could see her standing about 200 feet in front of her, but the army was determined to keep Wanda away from her.

Hope and Scott looked at each other and shared a knowing smile and nod.

"We got it!" Scot shouted.

Hope and Scott both shrunk and made their way as fast as they could to Wanda, Hope flying through the air and Scott hitching a ride on one of his flying ants. They made it to where Wanda was and programmed their suits to grow them to the largest size they could.

They both grew to 60 feet and began trampling all the foes around Wanda; they stomped and swatted at all the aliens, giving Wanda a clear path to Jean.

"Go!" Hope shouted through the comms.

Wanda thanked them and flew towards Jean's spot on the top of the hill. Hope and Scott held their forms as long as they could but had to go back to their normal sizes not long after; the fatigue was catching up to them. They shrunk back to their appropriate sizes and watched Wanda fly towards Jean.

Wanda was almost at the foot of the tall hill when Jean put up a giant wall of flames, encasing herself in the middle of the circular wall. Wanda stopped in midair before she burned herself by touching the flames. She could feel the heat radiating off the border.

"Clint, can you send a sonic arrow here?"

"On it." Clint reached for an arrow in his quill and shot it into the air. It sailed right towards the wall of flames and would've made it to the base of the hill, if it hadn't burned up before hand. The heat from the wall warped the arrow, rendering it useless.

"Dammit! The heat from the wall is preventing it from making it all the way here." Wanda told him through the comms.

"Oh! I got it!" An unfamiliar voice shouted excitedly from behind Clint.

He turned around to see a young asian woman wearing red run up to him holding a wooden bow in one hand and raising her other hand. He gave her a confused look.

"Oh, Katy." She pointed to herself and introduced herself.

"Clint." He said questioningly.

"Yeah you're awesome and all, but anyways, here." —She pulled out a weird orange arrow— "Use this."

He gave her a confused look. "You heard her, the wall's too hot for arrows."

She shook her head and smiled. "Not this one. It's a dragon arrow: fireproof."

Clint chuckled and took the arrow. "Yes!" He took another sonic arrow out of his quill and attached a piece of it to the bottom of the arrow head. "Alright now I just need to make sure that this part of the arrow doesn't burn up."

Katy ripped off a piece of fabric from her archery uniform and handed it to him. "Dragon scales." She stated simply.


He wrapped the arrow carefully and handed it back to her. She looked at him, startled and pointed to herself questioningly.

"Me? But you're the better shot."

"Not with a dragon arrow." Clint told her with an encouraging smile. "You got it."

"Alright." She took the arrow and slowly lined up her shot. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Come on, you mooch." She whispered to herself.

"Excuse me?"

"Not you. I'm quoting my mom, it helps me focus."

Clint nodded his head, though still confused. She released the arrow. They both held their breaths as they watched the arrow sail across the battlefield and straight through the wall of flames. They waited a few seconds. The sonic boom went off; Wanda and Jean both collapsed from the high pitched ringing in their heads and the wall fell. Wanda used her powers to drag herself up the hill before dropping to the ground and covering her ears, Jean doing the same.

Clint and Katy watched the wall drop from across the field; they both let out breaths of relief when they saw the flames disappear.

"Oh my god! I frickin' did it!" Katy shouted as Clint laughed and gave her a hug.

"Nice shot, kid."

It was all up to Wanda now.

The arrow turned off and Wanda and Jean both stood up to face each other. Wanda's eyes glowed red as she formed a ball of energy with her fingers and floated up, while Jean's turned bright orange as she joined Wanda in the air.

"If you do this, you'll never get them back." Jean told her.

Wanda sighed sadly. "I know..."

"Very well ."


I promise you this battle is almost over. I know, it's been taking a long time and I apologize for that, but I'm trying to include a lot of the characters in the way that I feel fits so thank you for being patient. On the other hand though, what did you guys think about the Bucky and Matt interaction, I thought it was pretty funny :)

Please leave a comment and vote if you enjoyed.

Thanks for Reading!

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