By BarbzzyBooks

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"He'll never embrace you the way I do." he murmured into my ear, his voice trailing away. I tensed as his war... More

~ Summer of 2002 ~
Chapter one - High School
Chapter two ~ Mixed Emotions.
Chapter three ~ Party.
Chapter four ~ Blood Shed Tears.
Chapter five ~ Hospital
Chapter six ~ Confusion
Chapter seven ~ Missing
Chapter eight ~ Bleeding Heart
Chapter nine ~ Perfectly Destroyed
Note from Author!!!! ^_^
Part Two of Kismet Affection....
Chapter ten ~ Fresh Start
Chapter eleven ~ New Feelings
Chapter twelve ~ Secret Ocean.
Chapter thirteen ~ Like the wind
Chapter fourteen - Confrontation
Chapter fifteen ~ Rebirth
Chapter sixteen ~ Melody (part one)
Chapter sixteen ~ Melody (part 2)
Chapter seventeen ~ Sunrise
Comment Love...
Chapter eighteen ~ Race Me
Chapter nineteen ~ Fully Alive.
Chapter 20 - Night out (Part 2)
Chapter 21 ~ Farewell
Chapter 22 ~ Mother's Return
Chapter 23 ~ Uninvited
Chapter 24 ~ Old Times
Chapter 25 - Proof
Story update.
Chapter 26 - A single Kiss
Chapter 27 ~ Dreams of Long Ago

Chapter twenty ~ Night out (Part One)

110 1 1
By BarbzzyBooks

- Suri - PART ONE -

“We should get back. They are probably wondering where we are.” David said, glancing at the closed door. I could hear faint laughter coming from behind it and I knew he was right. We have been gone for a while.

I nodded. “Move it, I am hungry.” I said with a grin. I chuckled when my stomach growled, agreeing with my words.

David laughed heading to the door. “I see your appetite for food hasn’t changed one bit.”

“Hey . . .” I said giving him a push. “You might be toned but inside, you are a fat boy with his chocolate cake.” I shot back at him and closing the door behind me.


We both looked at each other, a humor expression crossing our faces before we both burst into pure laughter. It was nice to laugh with an old friend. David and I have not picked on each other for ages. The feeling to laugh with meaning, it felt great.

“Oh great, the pizza is here.” I said entering the kitchen, David right on my heels. I smiled when my eyes met with Greg’s alluring stare. He wore a beautiful smirk that made my heart jump in my chest. Without thought, I walked to his side and wrapped my arms around his waist. He did the same as I planted a warm kiss on his cheek.

“Is everything alright?” Greg whispered into my ear.

“Yeah,” I whispered back. “I just had to check in with Liz.”

“Oh gosh, I am sorry. I forgot to remind you.” Greg frowned apologetically.

“It’s okay.” I assured him with a smile. “She wasn’t angry.” I said, and brushed away some lose hairs that strayed over his forehead.

He smiled down at me and just as he was about to kiss me. I heard David say, “Alright let’s eat.”

I pulled my lips away from Greg’s and looked back at David. He gave me a playful wink and turned away. I rolled my eyes. For saying he does not get along with Derek, I would say he is still on his brother’s team.

“Let’s eat.” Greg said pulling me to the kitchen table.

I just shook my head and followed. Boys these days, they never know when to grow up and quit the rival.

Later after dinner, we all sat in the theater room. David had put one of his favorite movies on and here we sat in the dark. I slouched against Greg’s side and one hand over my stomach. I forget if you eat too much pizza, you can get a nasty stomachache. Although part of me did not care how full my stomach felt. I was just thankful to feel happy for once in my life.

Nick sat beside us with Rachel. They were making out like two hot couple in movie love scene. I think I heard a quiet moan too. Greg was fighting his smile, pretending to watch the movie and running his fingers lightly over my thigh.

I glanced over at Rachel who stood, pulling Nick up with her. “I think we’re going to head out.” Nick said, wrapping his arm around Rachel’s waist. I looked down at my clock. It was ten minutes to till.

“It’s early.” Nate said from behind us.

Rachel’s cheek flashed a bright red and it was obvious they had other things in mind.

“Yeah us too,” Cam, Rachel’s brother said. “We are going to hit the night club.” Cam said, stretching his arms.

“Which one is that?” Tony asked turning on the lights. I squinted my eyes from the brightness. Jeeze a warning could have been nice but yet again were dealing with Tony here.

“It is a brand new club they opened four weeks ago. Alley Cats I think it’s called.” Cam told him.

“Really, well I’m down. I need me some action tonight.” Tony said rose from his chair.

I rolled my eyes. I feel bad for any girl who gets in his path. Tony is an awful heartbreak. When I was younger, I remember hearing stories about him. Awful rotten stories girls would say about him. I see things have not changed. Vagina is his destination and if any girl gives him the eye, they become his target. I shook my head. I wonder if hurting girl’s feelings is a game to him.     

“You guys coming?” Cam asked Nick and Rachel.

“Sure,” Rachel quickly agreed looking over to me.

“I’m staying in.” I said directly to her. Her eyes were wide and pleading.

“Please Suri.” She made an irresistible puppy face and jumped on top of me.

“Ah.”  Greg choked out as our weight pressed down on him.

“Say yes.” Rachel said wrapping her arm around my neck. I started to laugh.

“No,” I objected.

“Say yes or I’ll tickle you to death.” Rachel threatened, trapping me so I couldn’t escape.

“Rachel.” I laughed as she slowly started to tickle me.

“Suri say yes. I am dying under here.”Greg said.

“What, no.” I choked through more laughter that built in my stomach.

“Then I have no choice.” Rachel beamed and she started to tickle me.

I burst into laughter as I wiggled under her. “Rachelllllll.” I shouted through pure laughter.

“Say yes.” Rachel grinned evilly.

“Suri.” Greg’s voice said, as he tried to wiggle out.

“Ahhh . . . okay, okay, I will only go if David goes. That’s my final decision.” I said through crying laughter.

I watched Rachel glance back at David. She smiled triumphantly at him, waiting for his answer. I could already picture David’s face in my head and sensing a big fat no coming. David’s no would save me from doom.

 “Alright I’ll go.” David agreed.

My mouth dropped in disbelief. What a letdown. I could not believe David agreed to go to a nightclub. Rachel jumped up in joy, doing a little victory dance. I looked back at Greg and he wore a soft smile. I am sure he saw that coming. I shook my head and stood up, reaching for a pillow. I charged it at David.

He laughed, dodging the pillow with his hand. “Don’t be mad. You said you’ll go if I go.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I took Rachel by her hand and led her out the door. “Clean this room up and turn off the TV.” I told them like a mother would. I heard grunts and groans and smiled. Boys will be boys.

“Where are we going?” Rachel asked.

“My closet,” I smiled back at her.



“Thirty minutes you got.” I heard Cam shout as we raced up the stairs.

It had to be forty minutes later Rachel and I came bouncing down the stairs. She and I were dress to impress and ready to party.  I think the last time we party like this was when May was around. That horrible night I experienced. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and regret my decision to go. Someone could be watching us from far. Worst, something bad could happen to us.

Maybe this was not a great idea after all. I tried to keep as calm as possible and not let my nerves showcase how I truly felt.

“Wow, you girls look smoking hot.” Tony shouted when we came down stairs.

“Shut up Tony.” I said and gave him the finger.

“Shut up Tony.” Tony mocked my voice with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and waved him off. “Idiot.” I murmured to myself.

“We ready to go.” Cam asked. He appeared washed up and smelled like a bottle of cologne. There is nothing better than a boy who smells good. They all did. Maybe they left to get dress and came back.

Rachel nodded and took Nick’s hand. “Let’s go. I want to dance my butt off” She said eagerly.

“Uhh, can I speak to you really quick?” I whispered to David when everyone began to fill out.

“Sure.” David agreed.

“I’ll meet you outside in sec.” I told Greg. He nodded to us both and closed the door behind him.

When I knew we were alone. I let all my fear take over me. My breathing felt like I just ran a marathon and I felt like I was about to faint right this second.

 “David I can’t do this.” I instantly freaked and started to pace back and forth. “What if something happens? Worst what if Derek is there?”

“Suri relax.” David said smoothing. He pulled me to a stop and looked down at me. “Nothing is going to happen. No one will touch you. My team will be there. Cam and his friends will be there and you have Greg. I’ll be close by.” David lifted his shirt and revealed a gun strapped to him. My mouth dropped into a perfect o. David cannot be serious. “As for Derek, that is out of my control.” He added.

My eyes narrowed in on him. Even though I felt a wave of safeness wash over me, I still managed to scowl at him.

“What?” David smirked, arching eyebrow.

“That’s not what I meant. You and Derek were close. You have not seen him in years, David.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Oh.” David muttered, turning away. “I am not sure.” I could hear the hurt in his voice. I knew David had thought this over as I have. Seeing Derek would only flare more rage in him. 

“David you don’t have to go. Heck, I don’t want to go. We can go somewhere else. Rachel would understand and Greg wouldn’t mind—”

“No, that’s not necessary. Derek dropped us and stopped believing in the words he once told me. Words that have scared me and words I am living up too.”

“What are you talking about?” I stared confusedly at him as he kept his back to me.

David sighed. “The day you almost died. Derek was there. He didn’t take an ounce of sleep. He told me not to give up because if it were you missing, he would not rest until he found you.” David said looking over his shoulder.

I dropped my gaze as my heart swelled. That was the Derek I grew to love and it broke my heart to hear those words coming from David.

“But that boy died the day he decided to believe my girlfriend will never come back.” David said through his teeth. There was a new coat of anger washing over his face. I didn’t realize the seriousness to situation between David and Derek. If we ever got through this and David brought May home, I know David would have a hard time forgiving Derek. Things will never be the same.

“Come on, let’s go.” David said, dropping the subject just like that.

I didn’t bother pressing for more details. David frustration was over the edge, passed the limit and I didn’t want to see him angry anymore. I just wanted to enjoy the time I had left with him before he had to go. Tonight I would push my fear aside and just have a good time. 

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