The Light Born in Pure Darkne...

By marvelouslestrange

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"You think I wanted this!?" I spit at him, "I didn't want any part of this. Yet I was dragged into it anyway... More

Characters & Authors Note
Chapter 1 | The Inevitable
Chapter 2 | Going Mad?
Chapter 3 | A Spare Tower
Chapter 4 | Trixie
Chapter 5 | There Are Gays Here
Chapter 6 | I Needed This Too
Chapter 7 | Mudblood?
Chapter 8 | Just Drop It
Chapter 9 | Maurauders & Friends
Chapter 10 | Alone With My Thoughts
Chapter 11 | You Are Mistaken
Chapter 12 | For My Father, Right?
Chapter 13 | Emotional Paralysis
Chapter 15 | Let Me Help You
Chapter 16 | Angel
Chapter 17 | Birthday Mess

Chapter 14 | Try Me

58 4 9
By marvelouslestrange

-Not Edited Fully-

Hey bitches, how's life? Quick note, Cedric is the same age as all of them. So he's also in his 6th year! Yeah so comment n shit <3

TW: panic attacks, severe abuse

chapter song aesthetic:
worldstar money (interlude) ~ Joji

Solara Steward

"Please, please I'm sorry" I sob, just wanting everything to stop. My jaw aches, ribs are on fire, and my back is searing. My cheeks are stained in tears as I'm begging him to stop.

"This will teach you not to be such a whore" he drags the knife down my back once more. All this because I looked at a guy 'weird'. I don't understand how nothing I do is good enough. I try so hard for him.

"I'm sorry, I love you and only you. You know that" I choke out trying to hold myself together, not giving him the satisfaction of my pain. I hear him chuckle before pressing the knife into a wound he's already inflicted, causing me to cry out in pain.

I shoot out of bed and frantically look around screaming. My entire body is shaking, I'm drenched in sweat, tears are stained on my cheeks, and my breathing is shallow and rigid. Deep breaths. Perseus. Mirfak. Algot.

"How bad?" Trix slithers her way over to me, "Bad." I place my head in my hands trying to catch my breath. "Same as always or different?" she plants herself on my lap, "Same" I begin tracing her scales.

"Go downstairs and get some water" I nod my head and walk to my kitchen. Once I open the fridge I realize I'm out of water bottles. Kill me now. I could cast a spell to give me water, but it always tastes weird.

I decide I'll sneak into the Gryffindor kitchen since it's right down the hall. Luckily, it's 2:30 in the morning so no one's awake right now. I get into their fridge and grab a water bottle. Taking a sip I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear a voice, "What're you doing here?" I jump to see who it is. Harry.

"You scared the shit out of me" I place the water on the counter.


"You're good, what're you doing awake at this time?" I nod my head towards the clock.

"I was gonna ask you the same question"

"Nightmare, you?"

"Couldn't sleep, thinking too much"


"A boy" he says sheepishly, placing his hand on the back of his neck.

"Wanna watch a movie and talk?" I offer.

"Yeah, I'd like that"

He suddenly bends down and grabs my legs throwing me on his back, piggy back style. I giggle at him as he starts running to my tower. He opens the door and sprints up the stairs.

We make our way to the living room when Trix came to find me. "HARRY!!" she screeched when she saw him. I giggled at her excitement, "Hey T" he allows her to crawl up on his lap. "It's funny, she likes you. She kinda hates everyone" I tell him, "Well I'm honored" he goes back to greeting her.

After putting 'My Girl' on, we get comfortable. "So, tell me about this boy" I turn to him.

"Well, i've kind of had a crush on him since 4th year." he smiled shyly.

"2 years!?"


"Why haven't you told him?"

"Well, I'm not sure if he likes me back. Or if he even likes guys in general"

"Hm, what's his name?"


"Diggory? Your joint-winner of the Triwizard Tournament?"

"That's the one"

"Ok tell me about him" he smiles before speaking again.

"Well, he's super sweet, his smile just melts my heart, everytime he touches me it feels like my skin is on fire, during the tournament he would help me if I was in trouble no matter what. I don't know, I've always thought that he looks at me in a longing kind of way, but I'm not sure if that's just my head making things up" he takes a breath, "I really like him. We have a few classes together and he always makes sure to sit next to me even if it means ditching his friends. I'm just scared to tell him because I don't want him to feel weird about anything"

"Har, the way you talk about him just tells me how much you like him. You get this look in your eyes when you think about him, and it kind of sounds like he's wanting reasons to be near you. I think you should tell him how you feel, before it's too late. Sure, there's a chance he doesn't feel the same way and that sucks, but what if he does? What if does feel the same way and he's scared to tell you for the same reasons. You could be missing out on the best thing you guys could have. You'll never be alone anymore Har, you're my family and I'll always be here for you." I take his hands while I speak.

"You're right. Ok, I'll tell him." he agrees. YAY, "Now tell me what's going on with you" ah, I forgot about that.

"Well life is going great for me" sarcasm, I'm great at that, "Um, my girlfriend cheated on me. Found out earlier this week, and just closed myself off from everyone. I tend to shut down when something bad happens"

"I figured something happened, but I didn't want to push. I knew you'd tell me when you were ready" he gives me a sympathetic look, "I'm really sorry about your girlfriend"

"Me too, I appreciate you not pushing."

"Of course, who all knows?"

"Sevs and Moony"

"How are you holding up with it?"

"I broke down when I first found out, now I'm just sort of numb. It hurts but not the way it should. It feels like the pain is there but there's layers hiding it if that makes sense. I've been getting panic attacks though"

"How often?"

"Enough to become a problem"

"And the nightmares?"

"I've had them pretty much every night for the past 2 years. My sister Rion was my roommate back at Ilvermorny so she was always there to help. Now, I've had to cast Mufliato spells when I sleep so I don't wake Pansy. Unless I'm here, since the tower is enchanted"

"I'm sorry Lara" he wraps his arms around me giving me a brotherly hug.

Harry Potter

I look over and notice Lara asleep on my shoulder about halfway though the movie. We spent about an hour just talking. I found out her birthday is next week, though she doesn't want to do anything; it's the first year she'll spend her birthday without Sirius, so she's not really excited. I smile to myself, happy she's at least sleeping peacefully.

My family, she called me her family. I have this protective instinct over her, despite not knowing her for long. She's the last living family I have and I'll do anything to keep her happy and safe now.

I wrap my arm around her while she shifts her head on my shoulder. Resting my head on top of hers I allow myself to drift off to sleep with the lingering feeling that everything is going to work out.

I'm woken up around 7am to the feeling of someone shaking vigorously. I look down and see Lara having a nightmare. "Stop, I'm sorry" she starts mumbling clutching my shirt for dear life, "I'm sorry, please. It won't happen again" alright that's it.

"Lara" I lightly shake her trying to snap her out of whatever hell she's in, "Lara come on" her eyes snap open.

She cocks her arm back to hit me before I grab her wrist. I grab her other wrist before she could smack the shit out of me, "Hey, you're safe" she looks me in the eyes, her breath shuddering, "You're safe. You're not there anymore" she relaxes as I let go of my hold on her.

"Harry?" she asks softly.

"It's me" she starts crying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" I pull her into a hug, "It's ok, don't even worry about it" I try to reassure her.

"What time is it?" she pulls away and wipes her tears, "Around 7" I tell her. "We should go to breakfast" she stands up, "I'm going to get dressed, you should go change and I'll meet you at your dorm" she tells me. I nod my head and make my way to my dorm room.

After changing into my school clothes I wait for Lara to come down. "Ready?" I hear her voice from behind me. She hooks her arm in mine as we make our way to the Great Hall.

"One time he forgot I was there and literally screamed when he came down the stairs and saw me in the kitchen" she laughs so hard I thought she was going to fall. We ended up on the topic of Sirius somehow.

"That's so something he would do" I laugh with her.

"Moony and I were dying. We made fun of him for weeks" she finishes when we are inside the Great Hall. I notice Malfoy glaring at me, but what's new?

"Looks like Malfoy is pissed you're with me" I wrap my arm around her shoulders pulling her into a hug.

"He's always pissed, I tend to just ignore him" we both laugh at how true that is.

She walks over to her table and I walk to mine. I sit down next to Ron and Hermione, "Where were you this morning?" Ron asks, "Out" I start eating. He looks at me skeptically before eating. I notice Cedric staring at me and I give him a small smile. Fuck I forgot I promised Lara I would tell him how I felt.

Draco Malfoy

Why is it, she's always with Potter? Was she staying with him last night?

"Is that Lara with Harry? And she's talking?" Adrian speaks.

"No it's Professor McGonagall, yes it's Potter you dipshit" I snap at his stupidity.

"Someone's got their wand in a knot" he mutters under his breath.

She walks over and sits in between Pansy and Adrian, and he puts his arm around her waist. "Hey guys" she speaks and I smirk to myself a bit.

"You're talking to us now?" Adrian asks as his eyes go wide.

"I'm sorry" she speaks.

"What happened?" Blaise cuts in.

"I tend to shut everyone out when something bad happens. It's a bad habit" she tells them.

"Something bad happened?" now Goyle is participating in the conversation.

"Yeah, um my girlfriend cheated on me" she starts messing with her fingers nervously, a habit I've noticed she does when she's anxious. Adrian pulls her into a hug, why is he so touchy?

"I'm so sorry Lara" he tells her.

"It's alright, I just needed time to process it alone" they all begin to hug her while I just continue eating my blueberry pancakes and minding my damn business.

Once they were done with whatever they were doing I finally needed to ask, "Why were you with Potter again?" she snaps her eyes to me.

"Because he's my friend. Is that a problem for you Malfoy?" she asked, her tone laced with venom. I swear she's the only person who gets away with talking to me like this. I smirk at the little minx.

"I don't care who you're friends with, just why?" I ask.

"Why what?"

"Why Potter?"

"Why do you have such a problem with him?"

"Why do you not?"

"Because he's actually nice to me, unlike some people"

"Are you sure he doesn't just want in your pants?"

"Malfoy, believe it or not, there are people who actually want to be friends with me. Just because you have to scare, bribe, or fuck your way into having friends doesn't mean that's how we all get friends" I laugh at her words. Fully laugh. The boys are all staring between us in shock while Pansy is snickering to herself.

"Watch your mouth Steward, or you'll see why people are scared of me"

"Try me Malfoy. You don't know who you're messing with." she challenges me. She's something else.


Word count: 1998

A lil tension for y'all. Is Draco messing with someone more powerful or strong than him? Anyways, vote n comment baes

Book Playlist: @/starlight_beauty_19

Ellie <33

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