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By JisforJ

12K 231 10

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465 9 0
By JisforJ


" anyway, how could you be pregnant when your still a virgin?"

" I don't know what you mean" i said and scoffed it off hoping she'd shut up about it

" come on Everdeen, you really want me to believe that you've had sex before? Please I know a virgin when I see one" she said and I went darker

" what makes you think I'm a virgin huh?" I asked and she laughed

" oh Katniss your not fooling anyone, you don't need to lie to me. Not like I'm going to judge" she said and I sighed

" fine! Yes I'm a virgin, but that doesn't mean I've never done other things. I've done more than just kiss by the way" I said and she raised an eyebrow

" oh you and bread boy have done stuff!" She said and I shook my head no

" Nope not Peeta, before I was reaped for the games" I said and her mouth dropped open looking for more information

" well come on tell me"

" fine, I was fifteen and she was sixteen the year above me in school. I had the biggest crush on her and she had one on me too, I brought her to the woods to hunt with me and we said how much we liked each other. We kissed and you know, but her parents found out that she was with me and wouldn't let her see me again" I said and looked at Johanna again

" what was her name?" She asked me

" Rosie Drew, she was beautiful. She had blonde hair and deep brown eyes, she was one of the popular girls when we were in school and I was totally shocked when she said she liked me, my fifteen year old heart nearly exploded" I said and we both laughed

" how come she couldn't see you again?" Johanna asks

" her father was high up with the Mayor and didn't want his daughter, his princess becoming a lesbian with a coal-miners daughter. She always said that she'd see me anyway but when we were in school she wouldn't even look my way, I could tell she didn't want anything to do with me and listened to her father" I said and picked at my finger nails

" did she make it here?" Johanna asked

" I've seen her once, she didn't see me. I seen her father and he gave an awful look, but I couldn't care"

"wouldn't of taken you as the girl to be into girls Brainless" she said and smirked with those eyes that you could get lost in

" there's a lot of things you don't know about me Mason" I said and she didn't lose eye contact with me

" but as you said 'that's a secret worth keeping Brainless' so I'm gonna keep this one until you wanna share your one" I said and she groaned

" played me at my own game Everdeen, well played"


" how are you feeling now?" She asked two hours after it

" better, I don't know what hit me" I said as we sat in my bed

" it looked like you spent all night drinking and that was the leftovers" she said and I laughed

" god it was weird" I said and we laid in silence

The silence wasn't awkward it was nice actually, she was scanning over a book that I gave her and I was playing with the hem of my jumper.

Having Johanna room with me has been going ok so far, she could've had any opportunity to kill me and I'm surprised she didn't to be far. It's enjoyable having someone with me to keep me company and help me when the nightmares get the best of me.

The feelings I have for her have intensified, the way she helped me when I'm puking and not making fun of me or smart comments made my heart flutter, she could've stayed in the cafeteria and ignored why I ran off but she didn't. She came and helped me.

" you know, if someone told me two weeks ago that I'd be rooming with you and not trying to kill you id tell them there's not a chance. But here we are Everdeen, not killing each other. Yet" she said as she closed her book

" id have the same reaction, I mean I always thought you were cool but I wouldn't of expected this" I said and she smirked

" what else did you think about me Brainless?" She asked and I smiled

" when I watched your games, I could tell you were acting. You just gave the look of power and destruction. Nobody thought the same, Gale thought you wouldn't make, but I protested against it. When you went blood thirsty on those tributes I wasn't the least bit shocked, I knew you had it in you. I always thought you were so cool after that, thirteen year old me would constantly rave to Gale about, he threatened to kill me if I mentioned your name again, of course he was joking. When you came to Twelve on your victory tour I was standing in the front of the crowd straight away, I couldn't miss that" I said and she looked so happy

" Damn twelve didn't know I had that effect on you, I think you could've been the only one" she said and dryly laughed

" no way, I was rooting for you over the district twelve tributes. What about my games?" I asked and turned around to face her

" well when I seen you got an eleven I was impressed, I had high hopes for you going into the arena, many people did. The thing that made me hate you was the tacky romance act, I mean I applaud people who actually believed you and Bread boy but you didn't fool me. You had the capital fall in love with you both" she said and my eyes fell to the bed

" but you did what you had to do to survive, so did I" she said and my eyes rose again looking back in hers

" surviving was my only option"

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