When the storm comes

بواسطة Bad4Lov

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Last updated on (September 6, 2022). Find out what happens when one of the most famous gospel singers of the... المزيد

Author's Note (Introduction)
Get thee behind me Satan
A Knowing Spirit
The Sisters know
Kill. Steal and destroy.
To love and protect
Leave it all behind
The Sessions
Thy hath Holy Hands
Introducing Quintella
Crossing Over P1.
Crossing Over P2.
Snakes in the Church
Plant the seed
Who's at the door?
My wife
She's Back
The Surprise
She hates me.
The hard truth P1
The Hard Truth P2.
Karen and Kierra P1
Saving Karen
Karen and Kierra P2
Karen and Kierra P3
Mama K: The authority P1.
Mama K: The authority P2
Karen and Kierra P4.
Talk it out
Demon Time
The sisters
A hard pill to swallow
For the love of her
The Sessions P2.
I slipped
Cast List
Telling the sisters P1.
Telling the sisters P2
Telling the Sisters P3
The Sisters tells All
Demon Time P2: Drew's Revenge 😈
Forgiveness in question
The Sisters P.O.V
Visions of Raptures
The Full truth
The Sisters P2
Who's Child Is This?
In the case of Faith
And the results are...
Tamela vs. Tammy
A woman scorned P1.
A Woman Scorned P2.
Big Mouth Tammy
Letting Go
Aunt Jacky's
The Birthday Girl
Detroit vs. the Sheards
The Last session
Faith's Mother
Welcome Home
Vacation Time P1.
Vacation Time P2
A mini retreat
Vacation Time P3
Demon Time: Broke Pussy
The after show
Back home
Blessed & Highly Favored P1
Happy Family

Blessed & Highly Favored P2.

1K 25 69
بواسطة Bad4Lov

Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters .

Notes: New life is welcomed into the world of the Sheards and Karen sings again as apart of her testimony.

~The music that will be played are in the chapters. Just so, it can be easier to get too.

TW: Mentions of depression, suicide, guns, and sexual assault this last chapter might be emotional.

It had now been a couple of months since, Karen's pregnancy progressed and no set backs came about since the first time she had the seizure. So, they hoped that it was only a one time thing after she was released from the hospital. After she was released almost immediately she was placed on bed rest not only because of her disorder but because of her age and her history of having complications during delivery with each one of her pregnancies. So, she literally had to take it easy and even though she was calm going to church she had to stop that as well due to the rumors that would come about every now and then due to some hateful church member. And her family didn't want her to stress out like the last time and even though she was building a relationship with Faith. Faith's visits had to stop which made her distraught about it and she felt like she had made her mommy sick again.

But as always, Jacky and Tamela was there for her comforting her. Of course, Karen felt bad that Faith couldn't stay with her as she had just gotten used to yet again another house. But it had to be done. She just hoped that it all was worth it end in the end and that her family could come back together as one. Since she too was getting used to the idea of Faith staying over.

Fast forward to 5 months later Karen was finally taken off of bed rest as the most riskiest stage of her pregnancy was done with but she still had to take things slow which meant she could only go to church if she was comfortable enough to do so. While laying in bed she was writing about all the things that transpired in her life and all of the poor decisions that she made and fights that happened due to her disorder and how she actually did lose her mind not once but twice because of what happened in her childhood and adulthood.

Suddenly, a new song came to her with a melody and this made her realize that she hadn't even sung with her sisters since she's been back to church and she missed it. This wasn't like the last time when she ran off on stage due to her not being ready to perform after she was attacked when Tammy forced her up to up their prematurely. But this was something different she felt like she needed to sing this as it was apart of her ever growing testimony. And a few months later right before her due date the song was done.

When Karen was finally nine months pregnant every one was on edge waiting for the babies to come. Then, it finally happened as Karen felt something burst in between her legs making her yelp. "Ooh." She said slowly but quickly siting up in bed with one hand on her stomach waking up her husband.

"Drewww." Karen said frantically shaking Drew awake in bed. "What, What??" He asked drowsy yet alert as he popped up knowing that the babies could come any minute now.

"Drew it's it's time the baby is coming." She said holding her stomach and her back as she felt a sharp contraction hearing her yell out in pain as she tried to rub her own back for relief. But failed miserably and groaned in frustration. So, immediately Drew got of bed getting ready. "Alright alright I'll go get the bags and get ready to go too the hospital." Drew said as Karen was still stuck in bed trying to breathe through a contraction while gritting her teeth.
Then the next minute she knew she started crying it hurts so much. She cried placing one hand over her face. And Drew felt so bad for her. "Ughhh, Drew call Jacky." Karen said still groaning as she sat up on the bed still unable to really move.

"I need my big sister." She whined as she was in an immense amount of pain and Drew called right away after he got the bags. "Hello?" Jacky said as she answered the phone. "It's time!" Drew immediately said. "What?!" Jacky in shock and then realizing that her sister was in labor. "Her water broke?!" Jacky asked as she was almost about to hang up the phone to leave.
"Yeah yeah get over here or meet us as quick as you can at the hospital she needs you!" Drew said hanging up the phone and Jacky called, Dorinda and Doe called, Twinkie.
It was about ten minutes later when the sisters finally made it to the hospital.

"Where is she?!" Jacky asked as she saw, Drew after going to the front desk. "She's in the paternity ward having a hell of a time with this baby." Drew said. "Take us to her." Jacky told him and he did as told.

When they saw Karen through the window they smiled softly knowing that she was about to bring new life into the world. But they also knew she was in great pain as they heard her mid-scream.

"Baby sisterrr." Jacky said coming into the room while, Dorinda and Twinkie was behind her. "You camee." Karen said as she tried to smile. "Yeah we wouldn't miss it for the world and plus you needed me so I'm here." Jacky said holding her hand and why did she do that? At first she was just being affectionate until, a another contraction suddenly hit Karen and she almost took off Jacky's hand making Jacky feel like she was in pain.

"Dang girl." Jacky said taking back her hand. "Uh, sorry." Karen panted feeling her lower abodmn I need for these babies to come on out of me." Karen said, "My vagina burns so bad." She whined as she almost started to cry. "Awee sis you know that means that it's almost time." Jacky said wiping the sweat from Karen's forehead that was falling. "This baby feels like it got Drew's big head." Karen cried out and Jacky tried not to laugh so, she just broke a smile because she knew, Karen was about to cuss him out and this time it wasn't because of her disorder.

Once it was time, Karen asked for Jacky to be there for moral support and to watch over everything as she was pushing.

"PUSH!!" The doctor said and Karen screamed out in pain. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" Panting after she was done pushing for what seemed liked the thousandth time. "Ughhh someone please-please tell me I'm almost doneee." Karen cried out needing to be finished. "Not quite but you're almost there with the first baby." The doctor said and Karen almost cried "What do you mean first baby?!" Karen literally cried as she wanted to kill, Drew at this very moment. "It seems like another baby hid behind the first one." Her doctor said smiling towards her even though Karen wasn't in the mood for smiling. "This hurt worst than the other times." Karen wept and Jacky just rubbed her sisters back for comfort and for at least some type of relief. "That epidural wasn't shit." Karen wept remembering how she felt pain way before she started pushing when the nurses had first administrated to her and the pushing felt similar to her earlier contractions as their was no difference this time.

And Jacky just rubbed her sisters shoulders for comfort and so she could some type of relief.

"Okay on the count of 3" Her doctor said again ready for Karen to push again screaming at the top of her lungs until the first one was finally out of her. "Aweee it's a boy!" The doctor said as they cleaned him off letting Karen hold him for a little bit until she pushed the other one out. But Karen cried. "I can't do it." She wept feeling as if she couldn't get this second baby out. "Come on, baby you're almost there. Just think about holding them and being a full family." Drew said trying to help. "BITCH I CAN'T THINK WHEN I'M IN PAIN!" Karen yelled at him hitting him on the side. "And that's for knocking me up!" She cried out as Jacky tried to stop, Karen from turning or closing her legs because the pain was terrible.

And then she screamed again pushing out her second twin. "OH GODDDD AHHHH!' Karen screamed out in complete pain and she had to push for another three times with explicit and threats directed towards, Drew. "I'M A CUT YO DICK OFF AFTER I'M DONE DREW!" Karen shouted at him and Jacky just looked the other way while she was still holding her sister's hand and the doctor tried not to laugh after hearing that threat from so many wives over her years of delivering babies.

Once she pushed the last one out it was like everything froze for her.

"It's a BABYGIRL!" And suddenly, Karen cried happy to be done and happy to have two healthy babies even though this pregnancy has been her most stressful one.
The nurse handed them to her for skin to skin contact as Karen was filled with tears of joy and love. She was so relieved that her babies were okay. "They're okay." Karen softly cried over her babies while she held them getting that skin to skin contact and Jacky cried too. "Yeah, they're okay." She said wiping her tears with a tissue.

Five months later:

It was a Sunday in church as Karen was giving her testimony one that had long been overdue.

"I haven't been back behind this podium for a long but I just want to take some time and give a testimony about how good our God is." Karen said as the congregation said, "Amen!" As she continued on. "About almost two years ago, I came home unsure of how everyone would receive me because of how I left and while I was gone for those near 7 years I was going through a lot of trauma from my childhood that had been tucked away untouched but it was boiling inside of me." She said and some of the members said, "mmhmm."

"But the childhood trauma isn't what made me leave that was just the tip of the ice berg of me having had enough and not talking about it openly like I should have." Karen said, "What made me leave as some of you may know was that I was attacked many times in this church and outside of this church by a Deacon who is no longer here and on one of those occasions a gun was pointed to my back by that same, Deacon and from that attack came a gift that I was unsure about keeping full-time I was so indifferent and bitter about what happened I couldn't see the blessing that came from this gift because that tool of Satan was still here clouding my vision he was still here taunting me as if God would not avenge me." Karen said as she talked about Faith. "And from that attack opened up a disorder that had been forming since childhood. It's called, "IED" It nearly destroyed my family if I didn't get the professional help I needed while I was going through depression and suicidal thoughts. I can count on both hand the number of times when I tried to take my life but God!" Karen said, pointing up to the sky towards, God.

"God has kept me here through it all with a faithful husband. Y'all I love my man not once has he left me even when I was not in my right mind, when I LITERALLY lost my mind more than once. This man of God still did not leave me, he did not forsake me, nor step out on our marriage. He even dragged me back home when I thought I was finna go somewhere to God knows where and that was after I had just came back home." Karen said, "I'm a be real for a second can I do that?" Karen asked and they went on and said, "Yeahhh!" waving their hand at her. "I had not one but two mental breakdowns when I came back home the last one being where I busted up everything that was in our house. Everything needed to be replace. I could not take what was happening to my mind, body, soul and spirit. But our God is just so, faithful that not one of my kids witnessed what was in the midst of me having that mental breakdown. I'm so grateful for my sisters even though I have fought them and they have forgiven me they watched over my kids for me when I was not myself. God has renewed not only my home but my Spirit as well." Karen said and Dorinda shook her head yes hard and the crowd was giving out Amen's after Amen's.

"I can't tell y'all all my testimony in one day but it's just too much for what this church might be surprised that I have gone through. I couldn't sing for the longest time because my spirit was just that crushed and broken. But during my pregnancy God gave me a reason to sing again. He gave me a melody. But when I just sit back and think about it and cry what God has brought me through this is exactly why I wrote this song to just give Thanks, Honor, Glory, and Praise to God for keeping me because He didn't have to do it." Karen said getting emotional. "I couldn't tell it all if I tried." Karen said as the music started to play.

(I'm a just use this performance cause it's the best one besides her Finally Karen album I was gonna have the other one where she was wearing the white dress but this one just fits I think.)

When Karen was done with the song there wasn't a dry eye in church as she received a standing ovation.

She made her way back down to the pews to go sit with her babies including Faith who didn't mind being a big sister but it she greatly, disliked it when she had to be away from her mother those couple of months. But Karen hoped that when she was older that she would understand why things were the way that they were for now. But she turned her attention back to the Bishop who had begun preaching.

"Wasn't that a lovely, testimony that my wife gave?" The Bishop said shining light on Karen and all that she has gone through. "God is just so good. He has truly kept my family through it all." Drew said as he went on with his sermon and by the time he was done it was now time for the sisters to sing the song as everyone was glad to finally see Karen back on stage with her sisters again as a full group.

After the sisters finished their song that Karen wrote for the group they had a standing ovation. Once church was over, Karen was carrying her five month old twins in their car seats as the church members would be all over her babies. "They're so adorable." They cooed at her. "You have some cute kids all your kids got good looks." Another lady said playing with the babies. "Mmhm thank you." She said with a nod and smile as she was ready to go home.

When they finally made it home and had dinner, Karen laid back in their bed ready to sleep as she looked at Drew getting in. "Today was a long day." Karen said in a low voice. "Yupp but I did not mind since our house is in order." He said planting a kiss on his wife's lips. "We have our kids and I have my wife back even though some things have changed my love for you would never." He said brushing a soft hand against her cheek making her smile.

"Do you think we could have just one more?" Drew asked her and Karen playfully pushed him rolling her eyes. "Drew, I'm gettin' to old too have more babies." Karen said as she playfully sighed. "But I'm not to old to keep puttin' them in you tho." He said bringing his wife closer to him in a hug and cuddle. "Drew." Karen lightly giggled as she felt his lips on her neck. "Are you tryin' to get in my pants again after I just had twins?" Karen asked him playfully eyeing her husband. "Maybe why would that be a bad thing?" Drew asked with his eyebrows arched not really caring. "Drew we need to wait until the twins are at least one." She said as his lips went right back to her neck. "Nahhhh I don't wanna wait." He said pulling her closer to him even more as he was now hovering over her giving her love marks.

"Drewww." Karen said moaning in pleasure. "Yes, baby." He said in his deep sexy voice. "Let me just make this clear." Karen said as she was moaning. "If you get me pregnant again I'm cussin' you out so, you're gonna have to find a way to pull out." Karen warned him as he just kissed her on the lips making her moan and whimper some more. "That's fine by me you can cuss me out all you want too in nine mo' months." Drew said not caring, "because you don't let me pull out no matter how hard I try." He said as his hand went up underneath her night gown shirt flicking a nipple as it made her pout her lips in more want. "Ooh, Fuck it." Karen whined giving him more access to the side of the neck he was kissing.

"Fine then, Drew Fuck me. Just don't cum inside me." Karen said knowing goodness well that was gonna be hard for the both of them to not do as his kisses was making her dizzy with lust.


So, that's the end of the story! YAYYY!!!

I would just like to thank this fandom because finding a plot was hard to do when everything seemed like it was already taken and this is literally my biggest story yet. To be honest, I almost deleted this story on the 11th chapter because it was just so slow and I thought it was gonna flop because usually my stories don't catch on this fast. But I was surprised that it didn't flop and it stuck like gritz so, yay lol. I wasn't expecting my story to be this long either because usually it's like 30 chapters tbh. But this was huge for me.

So, with that being said don't give up on your own work just keep at it because I used to be really bad with updating when I was a teen because I would lose motivation and leave it undone because I just got no where with it until I came back years later and was surprised that some of my older stories caught on but it wasn't until after years of me not messing with them. And plus, I'm a late bloomer with literally everything and irl so, you literally need patience.

I also, didn't want to give Karen "DID" since that was done before and so, I went another route and with actually having OCD, I kinda knew about IED (which I do not have). But I just slid that in there with decent information to have a completely different story line. Since that wasn't done before. I might do a story with her having DID but it's like all the good story lines are taken for that. Unless, I make her absolutely insane.💀

And I usually only do prompts for Benley. But I might do it for KCS if it's not already taken. But yeah this has been a new experience so, far with coming back to writing after taking a long break because I came back to writing. But I wrote Benley stories first and then switched to KCS after I missed reading KSK stories. But when I started writing Benley stories that's when my work was actually getting noticed and I was shocked then too cause I used to flop a lot before I wrote any Benley fanfics. So, it took a longgg time for my other work to be successful.💀

But anyways I had to write about my baby, Karen first since I loved her first when it comes to TCS. Y'all must understand this now, Karen can do no wrong in my eyes 😭.

Also, I try to be nice in the comments and what not. I'm not gonna jump on nobody unless someone is like being really out of line and if a comment was super uncalled for. But even then, if a comment is uncalled for I just delete and mute now. But I haven't had to do that. So, that's good.

But thanks for all the love and support this was fun. I might do it again!

Until next time, see ya later!


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