North Shore South Shore

Av KristinSample

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Kylie Baines is a college senior by day but by night she's Styles Baptiste, niece and unlikely right-hand-wom... Mer

North Shore South Shore (Prologue)
Chapter 1 (Kylie) Deep Breaths
Chapter 2 (Colette) Squad Cars
Chapter 3 (Ben) Diet Coke, Anyone?
Chapter 4 (Kylie) Old Friends & New Lives
Chapter 5 (Ben) Meet the Tracys
Chapter 6 (Kylie) Honor Student
Chapter 7 (Colette) Dinner Plans
Chapter 8 (Ben) Kylie's Back
Chapter 9 (Kylie) Shaking in My Boots
Chapter 10 (Ben) Wouldn't It Be Loverly?
Chapter 11 (Matt) Trapped
Chapter 12 (BEN) Back to the North Shore
Chapter 13 (Matt) Father-Son Bonding
Chapter 14 (Colette) Meet Styles Baptiste
Chapter 15 (Kylie) Reunion, Almost
Chapter 16 (Matt) Three's Company
Chapter 17 (Ben) Threatening Gestures
Chapter 18 (Colette) Diving into the Wreckage
Chapter 19 (Kylie) An Early Birthday Present
Chapter 20 (Ben) Mending
Chapter 21 (Colette) Tete-a-tete
Chapter 22 (Ben) Meditations
Chapter 23 (Kylie) Thanksgiving Morning
Chapter 24 (Colette) Overcooked
Chapter 25 (Matt) Mix Tape
Chapter 26 (Kylie) Expectations
Chapter 27 (Ben) A Night at The Saddle
Chapter 28 (Colette) Dessert at The Dip's
Chapter 29 (Ben) Spring Fling
Chapter 30 (Kylie) Engagement Party
Chapter 31 (Ben) I'm Marrying a Tracy
Chapter 32 (Matt) Things Get in the Way
Chapter 34 (Ben) The Two Kings
Chapter 35 (Colette) A Mother's Vengeance
Chapter 36 (Kylie) Just Me and My Thoughts
Chapter 37 (Matt) Why Do I Even Bother?
Chapter 38 (Kylie) Retribution
Chapter 39 (Colette) Coming Clean
Chapter 40 (Matt) Not Too Late
Chapter 41 (Ben) Group Projects
Chapter 42 (Colette) Wishful Thinking
Chapter 43 (Kylie) Auld Lang Syne
Chapter 44 (Ben) Case Closed
Chapter 45 (Kylie) The Funeral
Chapter 46 (Matt) Two Cents
Chapter 47 (Ben) Alone Time
Chapter 48 (Colette) A New Leader
Chapter 49 (Kylie) Some Closure
Chapter 50 (Ben) The Right Fit
Chapter 51 (Kylie) Never Going to Happen
Chapter 52 (Colette) The Bridal Shower
Chapter 53 (Kylie) A New Man
Chapter 54 (Matt) Speculating
Chapter 55 (Kylie) Exposed
Chapter 56 (Ben) Aftermath
Chapter 57 (Colette) The Rehearsal Dinner
Chapter 58 (Kylie) Let It Go
Chapter 59 (Ben) It's An Ending At Least

Chapter 33 (Colette) Complications

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Av KristinSample

Chapter 32



Mom and I stood at the bar sipping Godiva martinis. Mom felt rather indulgent "drinking" her dessert but I insisted that she order one. They are totally awesome. Chocolate plus Vodka equals heaven.

Plus mom needed a strong one. She'd been looking over her shoulder for Brice all night. I was pretty sure that Brice was at the engagement party already. He was just avoiding us like the wimp he was. The party was going on in three adjoining rooms and there had to be at least 250 people there. It wasn't hard to avoid people if you really kept at it. Perfect strategy for a wimp-ass douche like my older brother.

As mom looked around doing reconnaissance she didn't notice that Jacquelyn Tracy had slipped into our circle.

"Erica!" She sang the words, "I see you're trying one of those Godiva martinis. Aren't they divine?" I thought to myself—Jacquelyn Tracy might just be drunk. The only time rich North Shore people remove the collective sticks from their asses is when they are inebriated.

"Yes, but I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow in yoga class," Mom tried to smile but I could tell she felt awkward. Neither of us wanted to talk to Siobhan's mom. Plus Jacquelyn was just talking to us to be diplomatic.

My mom had been uncomfortable all night. She kept looking at her watch. She said once or twice that everyone was staring at her and that she wished Dad were here. Then when I stayed around she just said to go and be your friends instead of hanging out with an old lady all night.

Jacquelyn laughed in agreement, "You're telling me. I have tasted just about everything we have here tonight."

"Oh, but Jacquelyn, you always look fabulous."

"Thanks. But do you know what my secret is?" She leaned and smiled gleefully, "When I throw a party or a dinner, I always order food I don't like. But I left half of tonight's menu up to Siobhan so my plan was foiled." She said it like she figured out how to make cars run on water or something. Like it was this big dieting discovery. Maybe you should write a book, lady. Jacquelyn Tracy's Guide to Surviving on Vodka and Pompousness. Best-seller list.

Mom put down her Godiva martini. She probably didn't want to throw it up. She tried to be cheery, "Well, everything is fantastic, Jacquelyn. You always do such a nice job."

"Thank-you. Are your children enjoying the party?" Jacquelyn asked but she didn't give a crap if me and Blaise were having a good time. She thought our family was a circus act for her friends to talk about over cold salmon and bloody marys that week at the country club.

Mom smiled at me and pretended not to notice what a complete bitch Jacquelyn was, "Yes, they are. Colette loves your decorations and Blaise seems to be enjoying catching up with your eldest Sean."

"And Brice? I haven't seen him yet," Jacquelyn knew the full gravity of the question. Like I said. Bitch.

"I have not seen Brice yet tonight," Mom replied quietly.

"Really? I'm sure he'll make an appearance though." Jacquelyn looked at her watch, "Ben is, after all, his brother-in-law."

"Yes, I'm sure he'll be here."

"Of course he's probably working late. You know how lawyers are when they have a big case," Jacquelyn said flippantly. Did I mention how much I hate this woman?

"Yes, this case will cost him dearly," Mom rallied herself, determined not to appear broken in front of this pompous bitch.

"And, oh, it must be so difficult for you," Jacquelyn took mom's hand and did her best to come off concerned. I wanted to punch her square in her perfectly redone nose.

"Of course it is, Jacquelyn." Mom was about to say something else—maybe something to the effect of go fuck yourself. At least that's what I would've said. But Blaise came up behind us and grabbed my mother's arm. She almost dropped her half-full martini glass, "Blaise, what is it?"

He was texting. He didn't even notice Jacquelyn. In fact, he practically pushed her out of the way.

"Pigs are on their way. Go get the coats and get the cars. Where's Kylie?" I was in the middle of enjoying his dismissal of stupid Jacquelyn Tracy when the words snapped me back to reality. Holy shit! Cops?

Mom almost walked through Jacquelyn Tracy who was getting ready to say something that would come off concerned but be degrading and rude. My mother shoved her aside, "Excuse me, Jacquelyn. Enjoy the rest of your night."

As we left the bar area, I heard Jacquelyn huff, "Unbelievable...I need to find Gunner."

"I'll find Kylie," I said to Blaise as we moved through the stuffy party guests. This shit was getting real.

Blaise took the valet ticket out of his pocket, "Get my car too."

"Why are the cops here? How did you find out, Blaise?" My mom was trying not to panic. But each step closer to the door just brought on more panic. And people started noticing us move through party.

"They're coming for Kylie. I just got a text from my guy on the force." He explained then barked at me, "Where is Kylie? I'll get her. Not you."

"I think she's with Matt Tracy," I wished I didn't have to relay that information. Blaise's face turned beet red. But Kylie chose the wrong side. She was supposed to be with The Dip. That was the plan. Not Matt Tracy. She whatever lecture she had coming from Blaise.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He shouted as we walked into another party room, slowly moving closer to the exit. A bunch of people turned to look at who cursed. Blaise didn't care. Mom broke off from the group to go to get our coats. I followed Blaise. My brother was like a bull, He moved guests out of his way with not so much as an excuse me.

Then Blaise found Ben Carrick, "Yo, where's ya boy?" He got right up in Ben's face. Ben looked like he just shit his pants. My brother was bigger than everyone. He worked out like six hours a day, had a reputation for throwing people through windows (true story), and was the son of public enemy number one. Ben had like two seconds to come up with a correct answer.

But I always knew Ben was dumbass. He stepped away, "Bro, calm down. Who are you talking about?"

Blaise grabbed his lapels, "I'm not your bro. Where's Matt?"

"Why do you need him?" Ben squeaked. Was he completely retarded? My brother was milliseconds away from ruining Ben's face. Blaise talked with his hands and apologized later. Much good a broken jaw would do at the Long Island wedding of the century.

I stepped in between them before this got worse, "We need to find Kylie. So where is Matt?" I tried to be calm but I was shouting at Ben too.

"I think he's in Gunner's office."

Blaise's patience was nonexistent, "Where the fuck is that, rich boy?"

I pulled Blaise away before Ben could think of something smart to say. I don't think Ben Carrick realized how insanely lucky he was that I kind of liked him. He wouldn't be saying smart-ass things with his jaw wired shut for two months.

"I know where it is." I said to Blaise. "I saw them go that way."
"Isn't that fucking romantic? She's fucking around with some tool she dated in high school while real shit is going down."

We were halfway down the hall when we heard the commotion behind us. I peeked through the curtains to see the red and orange lights of police cars mix in with the Christmas lights. It was the dead of night and you would never know from how many lights were on outside. Before I knew it Blaise was running down the hall and pushing men and women out of his way.

By the time I caught up, Blaise was outside walking toward the cops. I prayed he wouldn't do anything stupid. I was terrified because I knew he would. Shit.

I got outside and felt like someone punched me in the gut. The cops were putting Kylie in handcuffs and in the middle of Miranda rights. There were six officers there along with Gunner and Matt. Gunner stood there like Kylie was some vermin going with Animal Control. Matt stood there like the fucking tool he was.

One of the cops apologized to Gunner about having to interrupt the party. Gunner just smiled, "It's no problem at all, officer."

Matt was dumbstruck, completely speechless. I was more pissed at him than his father. He offered her no protection whatsoever. But I was sleeping with the one person who could protect Kylie. All of a sudden I started crying. Maybe it was my fault she was being arrested. The Dip would have gotten her out of this shit before it even went down.

"But why am I being arrested?" Kylie asked. No answer. One officer pulled her arms behind her back forcefully and slapped on the cuffs. She winced a little as he tightened it.

"Ms. Baines, it's in your best interest to keep quiet." Another officer said, condemning her for an unnamed crime.

I caught up to Blaise, "How can they arrest her? What for?" I was bawling like baby.

"I think you know what for, Colie. Don't be stupid." Blaise was pissed. Then he put his hand around my shoulders, "If they have probable cause, they can arrest her. Brice probably has a statement from Mark." He whispered carefully as to not let anyone else here. I looked up at him. He started walking away then turned back, "Stop crying. Now."

Then Blaise stepped through Gunner and Matt, pushing Gunner out of his way. He roared at Kylie who looked like prey about to be eaten, "Kylie! Listen to me. Don't say anything! We'll get the lawyers down there ASAP."

I could see Kylie's head nod in agreement. She looked a little relieved when she heard the word lawyers. A little. I started to compose myself too. But the night was hell-bent on getting worse.

One of the officers was a little overzealous. He strutted up to Blaise—all piss and vinegar, "And who is this? Blaise Baptiste. The tough guy."

Another cop joined in, "Yeah, don't worry Styles. This genius here will get you out in...well, in a few years."

And another, "But don't worry, honey. You'll still look as hot as you do now. I bet you're pretty used to handcuffs." He looked her up and down. I wanted to scream at them. But all I did was cry. What a screw-up I was.

"Hey, shut the fuck up!" Blaise stepped towards them then noticed Kylie furiously shaking her head.

Mom ran up and grabbed Blaise's arm. "No!" she yelled at him. I joined in and grabbed the other arm. If Blaise's friends were here, they could hold him back. I prayed to God he didn't fling me and my mother on the floor. Blaise was about to make sure one of these officers got killed in the line of duty. And get himself killed in the process. My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest.

"What are you gonna do? That's right, asshole. Nothing." The officer laughed and turned back to the others, "I don't know you guys," he leered at Blaise, "I think we should search Miss Baines here. Considering her history and her family's record, we should probably be extra careful."

"Yep, she could be carrying a baseball bat or something," another one laughed. The officers all sniggered. I fucking hate cops.

"Who knows what's she's hiding in this tight little dress," The officer who was standing closest to Kylie said as he started to feel the sides of Kylie's back and down her legs. He then put his hands up her dress slowly—painfully. The pig felt all around the inside of her thighs.

She took short shallow breaths through her mouth and tried unsuccessfully to fight back tears. I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks. This was absolutely humiliating. I thought about that time in the car—when she told me about the rape.

Then I looked at Matt who was looking at the floor. If I didn't know better, I think he was fighting back some tears too. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Gunner and Jacquelyn Tracy. To them, we were getting what we deserved. It was all over their faces.

Blaise pushed me and mom off of him. I fell to the pavement. He hollered, "Let me go! You motherfuckers! You fucking pigs!" Blaise spit in an officer's face and turned to another. He landed at hard right on the officer's jaw and was starting to work on the rest of his face when another cop hit him in the back with a nightstick. Then another nightstick. And another. All they needed was an excuse. I'll never forget the scream that came out of my mother's mouth. Or maybe it came out of mine.

The blood started streaming out of my brother's face. They didn't stop until his body stopped moving on the floor. Holy Shit—I thought to myself—he's dead. Blaise is dead.

I got myself to all fours and looked up at group of navy blue bodies surrounding my brother. He wasn't dead. Thank God. He wasn't. He just looked like shit. I wished I had a gun.

It felt like hours had passed before I watched my brother get put in the back of another squad car, blood all over his swollen face and the front of his shirt. He needed a freaking ER. He wouldn't see one for at least a few hours.

The cars pulled away. People were all talking. No one even looked at me and mom.

"Okay, the show is over." Gunner said like he won a fucking war. What was this guy's problem? Either the cold or Gunner drove everyone back inside pretty quickly. Now they could talk about the beating in the comfort of a warm house.

I wiped tears from my face and walked over to my mom. Should I know what to do? Should she know what to do? The two people who were usually in charge just got taken away in squad cars. Shit.

We waited in the freezing cold for another ten minutes after everyone left. We just stared at each other. Total silence.

Blaise's car showed up first. When the valet guy handed me the keys, Mom ordered, "Go home. I'll be right behind you."

I started to the car but this wasn't over yet.

Gunner walked up and addressed his sister, "Leaving so soon, Erica?" Evidently, he stayed outside on the porch to make sure we were thoroughly defeated. Who does that to their family? Oh yeah, Gunner does. And my older brother does too.

"You bastard! You called them!" She tried to slap her brother but he caught her wrist mid-air and held it.

Gunner laughed, "Do you think that the police department would dare interrupt an event at my house for something trivial? Your niece has gotten herself into serious trouble."

"You know damn well she had nothing to do with Denis's charges. Let go of me." My mom tried to tear her wrist away but he held it even tighter. I felt paralyzed. I clutched my stomach.

Gunner gritted his teeth, "Do I, Erica? How can you be so sure? For all I know you've brought a criminal into my house tonight. This is my daughter's engagement party and look at it!" He turned my mother around to see the people who had gathered at the windows. Inside but still interested. "Look AT IT!"

Mom broke free and shoved her brother out of the way. He put his hands on his hips and watched her moved toward her car.

I wanted to drive my mom. She was so rattled. But we had to get both cars off Tracy property. Because I don't think we'll ever be coming back onto this property again. So I walked sluggishly toward Blaise's Aston Martin.

As mom motioned me to go ahead, Brice's car pulled up. I don't think my heart could beat any faster. I practically ran to catch up with my mother who was steps way from Brice's car.

"Mother," he said warmly. The prick probably just got word of the arrests.

Mom shook her head in disgust. She smacked him across the face then spit at his feet. "You are a disgrace to your family." 

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