
By jjuli2233447

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mmbjtrmbjytmtybjym More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
Untitled Part 23
Untitled Part 24
Untitled Part 25
Untitled Part 26
Untitled Part 27
Untitled Part 28
Untitled Part 29
Untitled Part 30

Untitled Part 14

2 0 0
By jjuli2233447

"I still can't believe she just dissapeared like that." I frowned slightly as I gave the mall entrance a quick look around for Liz, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Yeah what a shame." Y/n shrugged carelessly as she ate a familiar piece of candy.


"Don't worry I paid for it this time." I rolled my eyes at the girl and she smiled back.

"Time to go home now." She spoke a bit too cheerfully and I gave her a sideways glance. She was definitely hiding something I could feel the guilt rolling off of her in waves, and her movements were to quick and sudden as if she were trying to leave before getting caught. She was upset about something, but she was nervous and I just didn't know why.

"What are you hiding?" I narrowed my eyes at her and she let out a nervous laugh.

"W-what are you talking about? I'm not..I ..what? I'm not-"

"I'm an empath Y/n I know when your lying and right now I'm just trying to figure out what your hiding and why your hiding it."

"Ohh aha you caught me I actually didn't pay for this." Y/n laughed nervously as she threw the candy in a nearby trash can."and thats why we should leave right now." She spoke quickly and pulled me until we were out of the mall.

"Where's Sam?" She looked around feverishly and I just stepped aside and analyzed her.

"What did you do Y/n?"

"Oh there's Sam." She sighed in relief and I simply shook my head and headed towards Sam's car. I climbed in after Y/n and closed the door before Sam pulled out of the parking lot.

"I didn't do anything Sophie." Y/n spoke after a long few minuetes of silence and I simply nodded.

"Do you know what happend to Liz?"

"Who gives a fuck-" Y/n groaned and leaned her face against the window.
"Why do you care about what happend to her?" Y/n frowned.

"Why are you so upset? I'm the one who should be upset."

"Oh and why is that?" Y/n fired back and I turned and faced out the window. I didn't say anything else until we pulled up to Alexander's house.

"Thanks for the ride Sam." I spoke as I opened the car door and quickly approached the porch steps.

"Sophie!" Y/n called from behind me but I simply walked faster.

"Sophie wait lets talk about this." Y/n was out of breath when she finally made it up the porch steps.

I swung open the front door and Y/n stumbled in after me, closing it behind me.

"Sophie." She whisper yelled this time and I turned around with a slight frown on my face.

"What! What do you want." I whisper yelled back and ignored the look of hurt that flashed across her face before she playfully rolled her eyes.

"I was just going to say remember to take off your shoes and your jacket." She spoke as she kicked her shoes off and slid her jacket on the old coat rack next to Alex's.

I sighed and took them both off before heading up the stairs. I ignored the sound of Y/n's footsteps marching up the stairs behind me but immedietly froze and turned around.

"What?" Y/n frowned a little when she saw my facial expression.

"Stop looking at me like I killed her-"

"Shhh." I hissed at her and she was quiet.

"Yeah you like that?"

I heard Alex's voice again traveling down the hallway and for a moment my blood boiled.

Was he...?

"What is that?" Y/n hissed

"I..i don't know." We walked up the stairs quietly and the more noises I heard the more angrier I got.

"You wish you could have this." Alex spoke in a low seductive tone and we were right outside his door now. "I'd be all ...up ...inside you." Alex muttered so low I could barley hear him.

Who the fuck was he talking to?

"Sophie don't-"

Y/n grabbed my arm when I reached for the door knob and I glared at her.

"You want some random bitch touching da-"I cleared my thoat and rolled my eyes.

"Touching Alex?" Y/n asked and I nodded

"Thats what I said isn't it?"

Y/n looked momentarily confused before quickly nodding.


"Good girl." I smiled and playfully pat her head before frowning again.

"Now lets go show this bitch how we take the trash out."

"Okay." Y/n frowned as well and started to get pumped up and before I could stop her she had already lifted her leg up and brought it down on the door.

"Y/n what the fuck!" I whisper yelled when it backfired and she fell onto the floor.

"Sorry I always wanted to do that and I thought that I would kick the door open but-"

"Oh my god." I huffed as I pulled her up off the floor and opened the door with ease before storming inside.

"What the fuck is going on!" I yelled in anger before I had even bothered to get a good look at what was happening.

"Yeah." Y/n added nervously and basically hid behind me and I rolled my eyes but froze when my eyes landed on a stark naked Alex.

"I..." I trailed off as I looked around the room only to see that he was the only one inside. I even checked under the bed just to make sure that I wasn't losing my mind.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Alex frowned and stood up off of the bed.

"Why don't you tell me?" I fired back still confused and upset. "Who were you talking to ??" I questioned as I crossed my arms.

"Why are you two home so early." Alex walked past me and tried to leave the room.

"Baby cakes." I sighed and seconds later Y/n was standing in front of the door blocking his way.

"Really? Are you fucking serious right now?" Alex frowed as Y/n crossed her arms and when he backed away I pushed him on the chest until the back of his legs hit the bed and his knees buckled in causing him to fall onto the bed.

I tried my best to keep my gaze on his eyes but lets just say he was ....very blessed in the mens department.

Alex nodded to himself as if admitting to being caught before he reached over and pressed a button on his laptop.

"Fine I have a job on the side-"

"What kind of job?" Y/n pressed and Alex gave her a look.

"Well maybe if you'd let me explain I'd be able to tell you." He spoke in a low tone and I looked away from his toned body.

He's naked...oh my god...he's completely naked...and he looks good.

"So basically." I cleared my throat akwardly "Your like a cam boy?"

"Something like that." He smirked and I swallowed at the dryness in my throat.

"Whats wrong girls? Am I that bad looking?" He smiled and let his golden brown curly hair fall into his face. I involuntarily looked at where his hand was traveling and by then it was too late. His hand was wrapped around his dick firmly and the look on his face said that he knew he looked good.

My eyes flickered over to Y/n and she was just as frozen as I was.

I slowly backed away-

"Get your ass over here little girl!" Alex demanded aggressively and my heart beat doubled.

Y/n squeaked when he started to thrust his hips in a very seductive motion.

"Oh my god." I spoke in a shaky voice as I stood by the door.

"I won't ask again." He tilted his head with a small smirk going across his face and I slowly approached him not knowing what else to do.

"Come sit next to daddy." He spoke as he patted the empty space on the bed next to him.


"And you sit on daddy's lap Y/n." Alex had only let a few seconds pass before he snatched me over to him and placed me on the bed next to him. Then he grabbed Y/n and sat her in his lap.

"I'm going to need you guys to start moving quickly when daddy asks you to do something do you understand me?" Alex spoke im a serious tone.

I nodded and Y/n mumbled something along the lines of 'okay'

"Thats not what I want to hear." Alex frowned and squeezed my thigh with a firm grip.

"Do you guys understand?"he spoke as he leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"Sit on my face kitten."

Part of me thought that I was imagining all of this so I ignored what he said and simply stared at his large hand that gripped my thigh.

"Don't make me repeat myself little girl. Sit on my face and tell daddy how your day was." he spoke in a firm tone and I watched as he layed down and ran his hands up and down Y/n's sides.

"We're waiting." He smiled a little to himself as he bit on his bottom lip and squeezed Y/n's butt. I could tell she was just as nervous as I was but the look on her face was telling me what I was already thinking.

Just do it



Laters baby😏

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