The Clueless Cupid (Stopped)

By RubixCube89201

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"Most people get trapped in love, but I never heard love being trapped." The last thing 16, study-a-holic Jul... More

Clueless Cupid
Chapter 1: Valentine's Day Is Any Other Day for Single People
Chapter 2: If Cupid's Real, then the Tooth Fairy Should Be Too
Chapter 3: DJ Jewelz Is In the House! School, I Mean
Chapter 4: High School Sucks? Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Chapter 5: Love Trapped, Shouldn't It Be the Other Way Around?
Chapter 6: Thank God It's Friday... For Movies!
Chapter 7: American Girl Is the Girl Version of Chucky
Chapter 8: Drew-meo and Juliette
Chapter 10: Erik Mad. Erik Mad At Drew. Erik Find Drew.

Chapter 9: Having a D in Math Means Death

5.6K 367 71
By RubixCube89201

I could feel Erik's eyes staring behind me. And it's annoying me like crazy! I still hate him. He's so despicable, unlikable, ugh. I should stop before I run out of adjectives. Then a voice interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Ms. Rivers, would you like to volunteer?"

I looked at Ms. Daniels my science/health teacher.

"Volunteer for what?"

"We've been learning about the food pyramid in health. And I'm asking if you could bring some food from the cafeteria's storage room that the school left for our class."

"Yeah sure." 

"Good, you and Ms. Thomson will retrieve them together."

"WHAT!?" We both asked in unison.

She frowned. "No excuses, now hurry up and come back."

"Fine." Rozelyn said.

"Yes Ms. Daniels," I muttered.

We shuffled out of class. I made a slight glance to Erik and we both locked eyes. His eyes looked like he was pleading for my forgiveness. But I just glared at him and walked out the door. 

I opened the cafeteria storage door. Cold mist rolled out of the storage room and towards us. I shivered from the cold air. Rozelyn and I took out the number of boxes we needed. We both kept our distances  and avoided eye contact with each other. 

"Hey Juliette we need 1 more box." Rozelyn breaking our silent treatment with each other. "Get it will you?"

"Sure, whatever."

I went inside the room to find no more boxes. I was about to turn around when I heard the unmistakable sound of a metal door shut behind me. In panic I banged on the door, yelling for Rozelyn. I peered through the door window finding Rozelyn standing in front of it, smirking. I screamed the nastiest cuss words that ever came out of my mouth.

Rozelyn asked innocently. "What? I can't hear you."

"Why are you doing this!?"

"You're in my way of my Erik."

I held the urge to rolling my eyes. She can hear me the little liar.

"Rozelyn, just let me out!"

"No." She said. "You can stay here until the lunch ladies come back to restock the supplies. If my math serves me correct, you'll survive until then."

She then walked away carrying the boxes for out health class. I banged on the door some more until my hands were red from the ice that covered the door. I yelled for help hoping for someone to hear me, until my throat was sore. But it was useless, no one will be here to let me out.

I suddenly thought of Erik and how I locked him in the school's recording room. At least his room wasn't negative 5 degrees, which mean freezing. I crumpled to the floor, sobbing quietly. Every minute I'm here and my body temperature decreases little by little. I'm going to die here, 16 years down the drain. Why the sudden lost in faith, you must ask?

Rozelyn has a D in math.

Juliette hates me. Repeat. Juliette hates me. She refuses to talk to me at school. It's driving me crazy, she's driving me crazy. I want to tell her that I'm sorry and that, yes, a bit of a stalker for not caring about her privacy. But she barely looks at me. I even tried talking to her friends. But she had all of them  ignore me too.

"Ms. Rivers, would you like to volunteer?"

Juliette's eyes shot to the front of the class. "Volunteer for what?"

I couldn't help but smirk. It isn't like Juliette to daydream in the middle of  lecture.

Ms. Daniels explained to her. "We've been learning about the food pyramid in health. And I'm asking if you could bring some food from the cafeteria's storage room that the school left for our class."

"Yeah sure." 

Ms Daniels smiled. "Good, you and Ms. Thomson will retrieve them together."

"WHAT!?" Juliette and Rozelyn said simultaneously.

"No excuses, now hurry up and come back."


"Yes Ms. Daniels," Juliette muttered to our teacher.

As she left she glanced up to me. I looked at her and our eyes met. I tried to tell her, 'Please, I was stupid. Forgive me for what I did, Juliette.' But her reply was a glare in return, then she walked out of the classroom. I heaved out a sigh and slumped back of my chair.

Boy, I'm in the dog house, aren't I?

Rozelyn came back to the classroom, alone. She carried all of the boxes by herself then set them on Ms. Daniels desk. She noticed this too.

"Rozelyn, where Juliette?"

"She wasn't feeling well and went to the nurse. I think it's her time of the month, if you know what I mean."

"I see." Ms. Daniels muttered. "Thank you and you may go back to your seat."


She walked to her desk and gave me a flirty wink. I frowned, I have this weird feeling that Rozelyn is lying. I know from her data that she has this huge crush on me and hates Juliette but... Crap, it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. I wonder what happened to Juliette, but no way am I'm going to sit and find out.

"Ms. Daniels, may I be use the restroom?"

"Yes Mr. Rosetta, but-"

I ran out of the classroom before she could finish. I ran through the halls, first going into the nurses office. The nurse was startled when I came in  he room.

"Is Juliette here?" I demanded.

"I'm sorry, but she isn't."

Yup, Rozelyn really did lie.

I closed the door and ran to the school's recording room. I tried to open it but it was lock. Juliette has to be here. In a running start I broke into the room to find some couple making out.

"Uh..." Was all I could say.

"Dude, can't you see I'm getting to second base right now?" The guy demanded.

His girlfriend slapped him and stormed out of the room before saying, "Jerk."

The guy's pie chart turn from 89% to 34%. Then he shrugged and said, "I wasn't that into her anyway."

Then he walked out of the the room. I sighed, all in a day's work. I slammed the door behind me and headed to the last place I looked. The cafeteria storage room. Yup, I'm an idiot.

I sprinted to the cafeteria. I had to follow the smell of school food and easily found it. I snucked behind the tables and went into the kitchen I accidentally knocked down a stack of trays. Whoops. After bursting into room after room, I finally went face to face to a big bolt door. I touched the door, it was freezing cold. She has to be in there, she has to-

I heard sounds of someone crying. Juliette.

I banged on the door. "Juliette! Are you there!? Juliette!"

I heard a slight moan coming from behind the door. She really is in there. I opened the door and burst into the room. She sat there in the corner, looking so frail and scared. I ran to her, touching her face. She was so cold. Her lips were blue and she was very pale, she was trembling from the cold and from crying. I lifted her out of the freezing room and set her against the wall. I wrapped my arms around her, I shivered from her cold touch.

"Juliette, please say something. Please."

"Suffocating," she mumbled.

I slightly weakened our hug, but refused to stop hugging her. I put my head on hair, it smelled of vanilla shampoo.

"I'll never let go, Juliette."

"Erik, please."

I heard her sniffle. Either she was going to cry or she caught a cold.

"You could have died," I muttered through her hair.

She placed her head on my chest and agreed. "I could have died."

"Who did this to you Juliette?"

I already knew the answer but I didn't want to jump into conclusions. I want to hear it in her own words, coming out of mouth.

"Rozelyn." Her eyes tearing up.

I hugged her tightly again. "She will pay."

"No, Erik she doesn't need to-"

"Yes she does Juliette. She locked you in a freezing storage room, why do you want to forgive her?"

She said nothing. Instead she continued to tremble. I put my hand behind her head and lifted it so she can meet my eyes.


"I'm sorry Juliette."

I heard a small gasp from her.

"I was an idiot, a stalking idiot. But I'm not the type of idiot who's willingly going to let someone ignore me."

"You don't have-"

"No, I'm sorry Juliette. I so, so sorry."

Her eyes twinkled. Oh how I love her beautiful amber eyes. "Erik..."


She shook her head then rested her head on my chest, still shivering. My body tensed. I wanted to kiss her, so badly. It took me so much effort to not do it. It may seem wrong for me to steal her first kiss, but I wanted to be the one. I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back. Until I'll get her kiss, I'm never going to let her go.

"Thank you Erik." She said. "For getting me out of here."

I love you, was what I wanted her to say instead.


I'm sorry. I've been lagging, and I know it. I was so caught on with Masked Musician that I didn't bother to look at Clueless Cupid. But here it is. How was it? Did you like the drama in it? Erik saving a freezing Juliette. Adorable, no? But it won't end there. Oh no. There will be more drama coming your way, watch yourself.

I'm sorry S.A.M and Lovette and Shamu, and also my friends of watpad. I shroud have updated sooner. I know, I know. But look, I update this chapter on Valentine's Day. The Day when this story began. Cool right? If you're wondering if I have a Valentine, my answer is.


I sadly don't have a valentine. Sniffle, a hopeless romanitic lost on Valentine's Day. But I do not need your pity. Next year will come, I shall find that one sooner or later. But I'm putting my hopes on the sooner part cause I really like this... guy. But he knows and it's a little, no, really awkward when I'm around him. He just doesn't show it and hides it by teasing me. But I'll keep my hopes up. 



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