Abused RWBY x Big Brother Rea...

By JD_rules02

138K 1.9K 2.2K

Team RWBY were abused when they were just kids by who they thought were their family. So they each decided to... More

Bio and Family
Meeting the Girls
The (L/N) Family
Initiation Day
Initiation Day Pt. 2
First Day
Dealing with Problems
Mystery Person
The Search
Food Fight and Master Plan
Day Off

Family Time

5.7K 71 22
By JD_rules02

It was a peaceful Friday afternoon for team RWBY as they were in their dorm trying to stay busy as they were bored. Well except for Ruby, for she was currently drawing something in her notebook. And that currently a new weapon design for her brother. You see the reason as to why she is doing this is because... well... why don't we go back to the day of initiation right after (Y/N)'s speech.

*Flash-back to the Initiation speech*

After the speech, (Y/N) walked off somewhere with Ozpin and Glynda. After about 5 minutes of conversing with the other students, team RWBY went to go look for (Y/N) and celebrate with him.

Yang: Where did Onii-chan walk off to?

Weiss: No idea. He just walked out with Professors Ozpin and Goodwitch.

As they were about to round a corner they started to hear someone coughing. This makes the girls curious as they start to round their heads around the corner and what they saw horrified them. (Y/N) was leaning up against the wall and coughing up blood into a hanker-chief with the professors trying to support and help him.

Glynda: (Y/N)... are you alright?

(Y/N): *COUGH!* Yeah I'll- *COUGH! *COUGH!* I'll be fine. (Spits up blood)

Ozpin: *Sigh* (Y/N)... how many times have we told you not to go overboard with your breathing style? You really need to utilize dust more.

(Y/N): I know, I know. I mean don't get me wrong I can use any weapon, I mean hell I had to teach my sisters how to use their weapons. But when I use my breathing techniques with other materials that isn't made out of the same material like my katana and kunai, they melt like butter. So what do want me to do Ozpin? Just stand and do nothing? Become a bystander and watch people die? Well no thank you, I'll take my chances of dying from exhaustion.

(Y/N) then walks off leaving the professors behind. Ozpin sighs and motions Glynda to follow him to makes sure he heads to the infirmary to make sure he is alright.

Ozpin: *Sigh* You four can come out now.

This startles the girls as they ask themselves how he knew that they were there. But they just decided to accept it and head over to him and see what he has to say.

Ruby: Yes Headmaster?

Ozpin: I have a request for you four.

Yang: And what's that sir?

Ozpin then turns around to face team RWBY with a serious look which made the girls even more curious but yet scared of what the request might be. He then started walking away and motioned them to follow him. Once they got to his office the girls stood in front of his desk as they stated to get impatient as Ozpin opened up his desk and pulled out a small chest with two chunks of a certain ore that the girls didn't recognize. Weiss walks up to the ore to take a look at it and picks up a chunk to inspect it.

Weiss: It's warm. What is this?

Ozpin: This is nichirin ore. The same ore that your brother used to create his weapons.

RWBY: Whoa!

Blake: But... I thought this ore was mined out of existence. How did you find this?

Ozpin: Well ever since I first saw and inspected this ore, I knew that it would be mined out for it's dexterity and warmth that it holds due to it being found on mountains and being exposed to the sunlight. So I decided to keep a little stash for myself for Mr. (L/N) because of the fact that he relies more on his breathing technique.

Yang: Yeah.... we saw and heard that whole conversation.

Ruby: We had no idea that he was having this issue. But I can think of why he would keep this secret from us.

The girls go quiet as they start to wonder how long (Y/N) has been like this. Ozpin looks at the team and feels sympathy for them as he too has kept secrets from people. As the girls keep thinking and pouting, Ozpin grabs their attention back by clearing his throat.

Ozpin: So ladies, what my request is to you, is that I want you four.... to build Mr. (L/N) a new weapon with these ores so that he can rely on dust more. I am doing this because I don't want to see one of my old students die again. And I know for a fact that YOU four don't wanna see HIM dead especially.

The girls nodded vigorously becoming more determined to help their brother. Ozpin smiles and pushes the crate towards them closer.

Ozpin: Then I believe it's in my best opinion that you four make this weapon.

Blake: But why us? Why not some other designer?

Ozpin: Because you four know him the best and I think he deserves a gift from his sisters for doing so much for them over the years. Am I right?

RWBY: Yessir!

*Flash-back end*

Back in the room, we see Ruby putting the final touches on the weapon design.

Ruby: Aaaaannnnnndddddd......... DONE! (Drops pencil and backs up in chair) Phew! That took quite awhile. What do you girls think?

The girls walk up to Ruby's desk and take a look at the drawings and are quite impressed with the final design of the weapon.

_WBY: Not bad./It's perfect for Onii-chan./THAT'S SO BADASS LOOKING!!!

Ruby: Swear! And I do hope Onii-chan likes it. Did you guys find a weapon smith to help with this.

Weiss: I may have found one.

Yang: Awesome! So now we can-


The girls turned to look at the door wondering who is knocking.

Ruby: Who is it?!

(Y/N): It's me girls! Is it ok to come in?

Ruby looks down at her work space that was littered with notes and weapon design specs, she then panicked by starting to try and hide the papers and her notebook.

Ruby: Uh y-yeah... come on in!

The door opens to reveal (Y/N) and Kanao with Zwei on his leash in (Y/N)'s hand. They come in and the immediate thing that (Y/N) realizes is is the mess on Ruby's desk as he becomes suspicious of this and decides to push the question on his mind.

(Y/N): Why's your desk such a mess rosebud?

Ruby: Umm.... I uh....

Weiss: I-I've been helping her with her school work. She's been having trouble with understanding some of the uh... lessons.

(Y/N): Oh ok. Well me and Kanao thought that we should all take a stroll around Vale and see the festivities get set up.

Weiss then lights up with happiness as she came up with an idea.

Weiss: That sounds like a wonderful idea! Just gives us a few minutes to get ready and we'll meet you two at the landing pad. Sound good?

Blake looks at Weiss with a confused look until she realized what Weiss was planning. Which made her smile slightly at her sisters genius plan.

Kanao: That's fine.

(Y/N): Alright cool! We'll see you girls there in 10 minutes.

They then leave the dorm with the other girls looking at Weiss with looks of confusion. Well except for Blake.

Yang: Alright Weiss, what are you planning?

Ruby: Yeah! Because every time we see that look, you sometimes have an idea of sorts.

Yang: And it usually creeps us out, so what's your plan?

Weiss: Alright! So while we're out; Ruby is going to find a way to slip away and-

Blake: She'll take the weapon design that you finished to the weapon smith while the rest of us keep Onii-chan busy with something else.

Weiss: Figured you would've figured it out my idea first. (Turns to her red and yellow colored sisters) So what do you think?

R__Y: Genius!/Not a bad idea Ice Queen.

Weiss: Stop calling me Ice Queen!

The girls laugh at Weiss being upset with her nickname as she keeps on yelling at Yang. We now see the (L/N) family, plus Kanao, were all out walking through the streets of Vale looking at the people putting up decorations and posters for the Vytal Festival.

Weiss: Ahh the Vytal Festival, oh this is absolutely beautiful!

Ruby: Wow sis, I had no idea you could smile this much. It's kinda weirding me out a little.

Weiss: How can you not be excited, this a a festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There'll be dances, parades, a tournament, oh and the amount of planning that goes into an event like this is simply breathtaking!

Yang: Wow! I didn't know you could make something so fun, SOOOOO boring.

(Y/N): Yang be nice.

Weiss: Thank you Onii-chan.

While they were all talking, Ruby saw the workshop that Blake found online that was best for the forging of the weapon Ruby designed. This was the perfect time to get away from the group and get the plans and the ore she brought, over to the store and the black smith. And now, was the perfect time to sneak away from the group.

Ruby: Hey Onii-chan?

(Y/N): (Turns to Ruby behind him) Yes rosebud?

Ruby: I um... I gotta go too the restroom real quick I'll uh... I'll catch up with you guys at the uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh............................. where are we going exactly?

Weiss: The docks.

Yang leans over to Blake with a raised eyebrow.

Yang: Why are we going to the docks exactly?

Blake: You'll find out when we get there.

(Y/N): Alright Ruby go ahead, but don't be long.

Ruby: Gotcha! (Runs off into the crowd)

(Y/N): *SIGH* She's gonna get lost in this madness. Kanao, can you keep an eye on her? The last thing I need is her getting lost and scared.

Kanao: Understood.

Kanao then walks off and follows Ruby to where ever she's run off to. As she followed Ruby, she saw that Ruby completely passed the restroom and kept on going somewhere else. That was until she saw her go into a the weapons shop. This makes Kanao confused as to why she lied to her brother about going to the bathroom.

Kanao: Hm? 'What are you up to?'

She follows into the shop and see's Ruby talking with the owner. She doesn't want to get to close otherwise Ruby might see her. But what she saw next, confused her a little more. And that was the two very rare ores she set on the table.

Kanao: 'How in the world did she get those? I thought they were mined out of existence.'

???: Hey Kanao!

Kanao: Eep!

Kanao turns around to see Sam and Lana holding hands.

(Now for those who know these characters form this anime, please don't get mad with me shipping these two. I have nothing against Karma x Nagisa shippers, I just think these two look cute and would make a very nice couple. So I say again, please don't hate and please respect my ship.)

Kanao: (Breaths in and exhales to calm herself down) Hey Sam. Good to see you as well Lana.

Lana: It's great to see you as well Kanao. What're you doing sneaking around?

Kanao motions the two over to look around the corner, and what they see is Ruby talking with the shop owner, discussing the specifics she wants done to the weapon. This of course confuses the adults as to why she wants a new weapon. That was until the shop owner asked the golden question.

Shop owner: So who's the weapon for. Because from the folded weapon that's on your back there, I have the feeling that this ain't for you.

Ruby: You are correct. This is for my Onii-chan!

Shop owner: You're wha?

Ruby: Oh sorry! That's what me and my sisters call our big brother. But yeah, this for my older brother. I wanna have this made for him because he uses his uh... "semblance" a lot and it takes a toll on his body. So me and my sisters want him to have a weapon so that he can use dust a whole lot more while also being used to the weapon style he uses.

Shop owner: How smart and generous of you and your sisters to look out for your big brother. Alrighty then, (Turns around to grab the paperwork that needs to be filled out) just need your contact info and signature please and thank you.

Ruby: Oh yeah! No problem! (Scribbles down the information) Alrighty, all done. Here you are.

As she hands the papers back to the owner, he looks over what she wrote, and what he saw shocked him the most.

Shop owner: Wait.... (L/N)?! As in "The Brotherly Slayer" (Y/N) (L/N)?!

Ruby: (Deadpan expression) 'Why can't he just be called Slayer? Onii-chan needs to fix that name soon.'

As the owner was losing his mind about Ruby being (Y/N)'s sister, the three adults were smiling at what the younger sister was trying to do for her older brother. This especially brings (Y/N)'s old teammates to tears a little bit, because they knew of (Y/N)'s condition, but they had no idea how to help him. But now that they know that (Y/N)'s sisters are trying their hardest to help (Y/N) so he doesn't exert himself as much to the brink death.

Sam and Kanao: 'Thank you Ruby.'

???: Quickly after him!

The three of them turn towards the noise, and what they saw confused them. And that was the rest of the group chasing a monkey faunus. This of course, makes Ruby come out to see what's happening and she see's her team chasing after the person which she joins in on. But the adults don't join because they're so confused with what was going on. What's happening? Why are they chasing the guy? Why IS he running away? These were some of the questions that was going through their minds, that was until they heard a bark behind them and they saw (Y/N) drinking a soda with Zwei on his leash.

(Y/N): Sup. *SLURP*

Lana: Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N): Lana! It's so good to see you again. Come here! (Walks up to Lana and they give each other a hug) So what are you guys doing in front of a weapon store?

Sam: Um well you see...

Kanao: I followed Ruby in here after she used the bathroom. Apparently she something new for her weapon and wanted to browse it.

(Y/N): *SIGH* Typical Ruby.

Sam: So why were the girls chasing that guy?

(Y/N): Well we went to the docks, saw a crime scene, Weiss started to complain about the White Fang and Blake started to defend them, then we saw that guy stow away and then ran off. And knowing Weiss, which I do, she started to chase him so she could observe him. So yea that's what is going on right now.

Lana: Wait... why is Blake defending the White Fang? I thought she hated her parents for what they did to her.

(Y/N): Oh no she hates her... "parents" with a passion. But she'll stand up for the old White Fang when they did peaceful protests. She thinks the White Fang is misguided.

Sam: And you know this because she's told you about. Do the others know?

(Y/N): No. And she prefers to keep it that way until she's ready. But I highly doubt it will be long before her sisters find out.

There was silence before there was (Y/N) broke the silence again.

(Y/N): Well it was good to see you Lana and also I never got to say congratulations for the pregnancy. I hope it goes well when it's time.

Kanao: Same here.

Lana: Thank you that means a lot to me and Sam. Oh when we all have time to spare, we should all get food or coffee together and catch up! Just the four of us!

(Y/N): I would like that.

Kanao nods in approval for the idea while Sam Just smiles at his wife's idea.

(Y/N): Come on Kanao, we gotta go make sure the girls don't kill the kid they were chasing.

Kanao: Right. (Gives Lana one last hug before they leave) See you at work on Monday Sam.

Sam: Later guys!

As (Y/N), Zwei and Kanao started walking away from the couple, they could start hearing arguing from around the corner of the street, and what they saw made (Y/N) upset and that was Blake and Weiss arguing and bickering about the White Fang. This is of course something that he should not intervene about because he can't always be there to baby his sisters so he just let it happen. As they walking behind the girls, (Y/N) could sense the tension rising between the girls that he feel like could end in a very bad way. As they got back to the school, Weiss and Blake were still arguing about the White Fang, (Y/N) sighs and turns to Kanao and hands her Zwei's leash.

(Y/N): It's probably best if you and Zwei head home first. I can tell this might get hectic soon.

Kanao: If you say so. (Tugs the leash lightly) Come on Zwei.

Zwei: *BARK!*

As he watches the two of them enter the elevator and head down, (Y/N) was about to enter his sister's room he then hears more arguing in the dorm room but this time it was getting even more heated. He then opened the door and what he heard confirmed his theory.

Blake: Maybe we were just tired of being harassed!

There was silence as the others looked at Blake while (Y/N) just sighs as he clears out of the door way.

Ruby: Wait Blake... are you saying you were-

Before Ruby could finish, Blake sprinted out the door with tears in her eyes and run's past (Y/N) as he then decided to stop Ruby from going any further.

Ruby: Onii-chan what are you doing?! We need to go after Blake and-

(Y/N) raises his hand and motions her back in the room and then he closes the door behind him. It takes them awhile for the girls to figure out why their brother wasn't allowing them to go after Blake. And then at that moment, Weiss figured it out and this makes her a little more angered at Blake and her older brother as well.

Weiss: You knew she was a part of the White Fang?! Didn't you?!


Weiss: You knew and you didn't think it would've been important information for us to know?! For all we could've known, Blake is probably-

(Y/N): Quiet!

The girls quiet down, (Y/N) rubs his temples and motions his sister's to pull up a chair and listen to what he has to say.

(Y/N): *SIGH* Alright girls, especially you Weiss, why do you think Blake kept the fact that she USED to be a White Fang member hidden away from you.

Weiss: Probably because she's ashamed with the fact that she used to be with a group of thieves and murders. Or the idea of us shaming her. Well, I don't know about (points at Ruby and Yang) these two, but Blake has definitely lost my-

(Y/N): Trust?

Weiss is taken back by (Y/N) finishing her sentence. (Y/N) just stares at her for the next minute or so as the girls start to feel scared and uncomfortable for what their brother might say next.

(Y/N): You girls wanna know why Blake kept it secret? It's because she's afraid to be shunned by her family again. When she first found out that the White Fang started using violence instead of their usual peaceful protests, she went into denial saying that they were being manipulated and mislead. And perhaps she's right, but she can't deny the fact that the once peaceful revolt, the one she use to follow when she was kid, is now considered a terrorist organization. And she wants to be able to help them and change their ways, back into the once peaceful faunus organization it was back then. But she can't do it without the love and support of her sisters. I agree and support her dream, but it's up to you three to help her and to stand by her as she tries to uncover the truth behind this groups violent acts.

The girls then look down in sadness, especially Weiss as she starts to reflect on her choice of words. She regrets talking ill words towards her sister, but she does not regret the words about the present White Fang as she still doesn't condone their actions as justifiable as well as Blake keeping something hidden from them, her sisters, locked and hidden away for a long time. But she does believe Blake is a good person and she knows that for a fact since they've all lived together for the past 10 years as adoptive siblings. And of course, Ruby and Yang want their sister back so that they can all talk it out as a family and be a whole team again. (Y/N) stands up as the girls look up at him with confused looks.

(Y/N): Now go ahead and get some sleep. You girls are going to need the energy as you search the streets tomorrow to find your sister.

Yang: What about you Onii-chan?

Ruby: Yeah. Are you not joining us tomorrow?

(Y/N): Well I'm gonna spend the night and see if I can find some leads about where she might be. But I highly doubt anyone would've seen her. She is one stealthy kitten.

He gives them all kisses on their foreheads as he turns and walks out the door. But before he closes the door he turns back and looks at them.

(Y/N): Good night girls.

RW_Y: Good night.

(Y/N) then closes the door and starts walking towards the elevator. While he does, he takes out his scroll and calls Kanao and informs her that he might be late home because he's gonna go out and look for Blake and see if she's ok. After the call, he puts his scroll away and starts to wonder how Blake is. He walks out of the dorm building and starts walking over to the landing pad.

???: Sensei!

He turns around and sees team JNPR running up to him with concerned and worried expressions plastered on their faces.

(Y/N): Hello JNPR. What's the matter?

Pyrrah: We saw Blake running with tears in her eyes. We tried to get her attention but she ignored us and kept running towards a bullhead.

Ren: We were wondering if you knew what happened?

(Y/N): *Sigh* Damn it. I had a felling she would run off towards Vale. This makes my job harder to find her.

Jaune: What happened?

(Y/N): It's a family matter. Nothing to be concerned about right now for you four.

Jaune: But.... team RWBY are our friends, no.... our sister team. We want to help out as much as possible.

Nora: Yeah! We'd do anything for them! Especially if it ends with someone's legs broken! Oooooh even if their spine if their deserving of it!

Ren: Nora calm down.

(Y/N) smiles knowing that he doesn't need to keep on his sisters all the time now that they have these new friends. Actually no....... these new siblings. Before he could say anything, he sensed a familiar precense as he looks up at the roof of the dorm building and sees a shadowy figure watching him as the person turns around and walks away, (Y/N) full knowing who it was.

(Y/N): 'Eclipse!'

J_P_: Sensei?

(Y/N) turns his attention back towards the team.

(Y/N): Alrighty then. Then can you promise me to watch after your "sisters" when ever I'm not here?

J_PR: Yes Sensei!/Professor.

Nora: *GASP!* Does this mean your our Nii-san now?!

(Y/N): *Chuckle* Sure. Why the hell not. I'm always looking forward to expanding my family.

Team JNPR then silently celebrate so they don't wake any sleeping teams up. (Y/N) smiles warmly at their behavior and realizes that they the same energy as RWBY.

(Y/N): (Sighs and chuckles) 'What have I gotten myself into.'

And done! Holy fucking shit this took so much longer than it needed to be and I am so sorry for the delay guys. I really have no excuse for my laziness other than the fact I've been tired from my airsoft hobby and ref job at my field. But I'm back and I plan to get new stories and chapters out more often as I finally found my motivation again. And for the next "chapter" I post will be and AUTHOR QnA! I know that sounds weird but I want to make things interesting and I want to see your guys questions about........... well honestly anything that I find comfortable with answering as long as they are serious questions and not anything offensive. If you do ask me anything I see as offensive I will not answer it. So I want you guys to comment me questions and in the next "chapter" I will post those questions and my answers to them. But you better hurry because you guys will only have until Tuesday, March 15 2022, where the questioning will end. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to see read your questions. Take care my rockstars and stay rockin'!

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