go go squid : One Shots

By sbeueisdbsibd

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One shots about the show, read the beginning of each chapter for summery since all the chapters are different... More

the cafe rewriting
adulting 2
blind date part 2

the blind date rewriting

581 14 2
By sbeueisdbsibd

This is similar to when I rewrote how I wanted things to happen in the first chapter, I thought about how the events would play out differently if they had already been dating actually and they already liked each other. 
Again, how would the show be different if they acted more mature and their age? 

background info; everything that happened in my first rewriting chapter happened and since then they've been on a few dates hanging out when they had time, tong Nian even accompanied him on some events since they ended up having work around the same place (remember she sang for CTF and did modeling and stuff) 


Gun was nervous, he was sitting in a stranger's house and didn't like the fact that he had been basically tricked into a blind date. And the families were also there, usually, when he was forced into going to 'date' he could at least flat out deny the girl and that would be the end but now because of the families there he couldn't even do that. 
Not to mention the fact that he had a girlfriend, he didn't know how she would react nor if he should tell her about this or not. He would have told his grandfather that he had a girlfriend happily if it meant that he wouldn't have to be in this stupid situation but clearly his grandfather had set him up, so there was no chance of any of that. 
He agreed that he was stubborn about the whole marriage and dating thing but that didn't mean grandpa had to lie and decide him, it put him in such an awkward situation. 

"so, what do you do?" The lady who was the girl's mother asked, smiling and Gun had to use his full self-control to not answer 'we both know you already know it'. 

He opted to his business voice, answering emotionlessly "I own my own business" 

"yes, yes, grandpa Han mentioned something about it before, it's got something to do with video games?" 

"yes, I'm the owner of a team that plays" he answered again in his professional business voice which had no emotions. He could see the girl from his preferential vision trying to make eye contact with him, she wore very loud clothes that didn't fit the environment at all and he purposefully avoided her eyes. 
Instead, he went back to pondering what he should say to his girlfriend, it wouldn't really be fair to not tell her so he quickly took out his phone (much to grandpa Han's dismay) and texted her a quick 

"hey, my grandpa is forcing me to go on a blind date. I didn't really get a chance to tell him about you..."  - Gun

He was about to start checking his emails to avoid having to talk but he instantly got a reply 

"oh? do I have completion?"- Nian Nian  He couldn't help the small smile that formed on his face from that because he had the cutest girlfriend. 

"not at all. she looks like a disco ball..."  - Gun

"what does that mean? are you saying she's eye-catching?" - Nian Nian god, this girl. 

"no, it means she's too much also our elders are here with us, it's just awkward" - gun 

":b that's what you get for going on a blind date while dating someone" - Nian Nian

"don't worry, I'll introduce you to grandpa soon. he'll finally leave me alone" - gun

"What are you doing on that phone! everyone's talking" Grandpa Han said, breaking Gun away from his phone and forcing him to pay attention to his surroundings. Everyone was just having small talk 'have this' 'try this one grandpa Han' and Gun just wanted to leave then suddenly it happened. Two people walked into the room. 

Gun stared at his girlfriend in pure amusement as she stared at him in shock. She was wearing pajamas and the guy behind her was her brother who he had seen at the cafe. 

"Tong Nian! what are you wearing! can't you see we have guests over, greet everyone and go change!" Said the other lady whose house it was, effectively breaking Gun's and Tong Nian's staring. She seem to finally realize what she was wearing as she looked down then looked back up in horror. She was too cute, Gun thought trying not to laugh at the situation. He folded her hands over her chest and greatly everyone with a bow, before quickly walking out of the room in a hurry. 

"wait" Shit, this was her parent's house. Did they know about them dating? What should he do? She was already halfway up the stairs so he quickly made his way of the room too. 

"This is your house?" he asked, actually finally paying attention to his surrounding. she simply nodded, blushing deeply. 

"This is your date?" she asked, mimicking his question so he also replied with a nod. 

"This is awkward," she said, still blushing but now with a very worried face. 

"yea... should we tell them?" Gun asked, still not being able to shake his amusement at the situation. What were the chances of this happening? 

"we 'should' but..." they both trailed off with their sentences, awkward was too tame of a word to describe the situation. 

"It's fine, we've only been on a few dates. If you don't want to tell them-" Gun started but before he could finish Tong Nian interrupted "no-no, it's okay... My parents know I'm dating someone, it's just, not what I expected... it'll be so awkward" 

"Okay, let's tell them after you finish getting ready?" Gun asked not thinking much about it but Tong Nian blushed again, remembering her state before running up the stairs. 

Gun slowly walked back into the room, no one had heard their conversation but them speaking for so long did get everyone's attention so when he walked in, his blind date asked "what were you talking to her about?" Isn't it a bit too rude to ask that? Gun thought it's not like they were already dating or even knew each other so what was her deal. He disliked the girl more and more by the second but simply replied "nothing important"

"you two know each other?" This question was asked by Tong Nian's mother, and Gun wasn't sure how to respond, Tong Nian had been hesitant about sharing that they were dating and he had been quite rude to everyone there, did the universe truly hate him or something? 

"yes, auntie. we know each other quite well actually..." This got everyone's attention. Clearly, no one had expected that, and Gun understood why, they seemed so completely different on the surface that no one would connect them. 

"you do?" Grandpa Han asked, not being able to hide the genuine shock in his voice. 

"...yes..." Gun was praying for his girlfriend to come down quickly and take over the situation, he wasn't good at social interactions in the first place so maintaining such a situation was beyond him. 

Deciding to ignore all the string faces, Gun sat down next to his grandfather as if nothing had happened. 

"how do you know each other?" Tong Nian's mother again asked, this time she looked very different from the welcoming lady who was excitedly feeding everyone. Gun was unsure how to answer, he told Tong Nian he would wait for her before revealing but how should he answer this question? Everyone was looking at him expectedly. 

"well.. urm, we met because she did some promotions for CTF..." Gun wasn't sure what kind of an impression it would give to say that they met at an internet cafe so this was the safest answer, it was also not a lie since they did get to know each other better because of it. 

"CTF?" This time the girl who was Gun's blind date asked and Gun signed internally, it felt like an interview, but Gun did notice a shift in Tong Nian's mother, She seemed stiff and looked at him very expectedly for the answer.

So Gun decided to be a bit mischievous, explaining while not in detail but exactly what CTF was, how the game works, etc. Tong Nian soon after walked back in, now in her usual clothing. She wore a dress with a cool windbreaker, making her look very pretty and they look much better fitted to their environment compared to the disco girl. 

"Grandpa, Auntie, sorry for earlier, hello! how are you all?" She greeted sweetly.

"Nian, come with me," Her mother said, basically starting to drag her, "huh. why?" Tong Nian asked clearly confused. 

"help me with the snacks" and they were out. Her father also looked confused but turned back and motioned for Gun to finish talking, which he did quickly since he was worried about whatever would happen next. 

In the meanwhile, Tong Nian wasn't having a very good time. 

"You know Han hang Yan?" Tong Nian's mother asked her, seemingly calm but Tong Nian growing up with her very scary mother knew it was the calm before the storm so she answered very carefully next. 


"and it wouldn't happen to be the same boy you met at work that you're dating?" 

"oh... how did you know?" Tong Nian asked, genuinely interested, what had her boyfriend revealed to them? didn't he say he would wait? 

"he mentioned that you two know each other well, and said they met at work" She explained with a sigh. 
"he's so much older than you when you mentioned a guy I thought it would be a classmate, but-" Before she could finish her sentence Tong Nian had started "mom, don't make a judgment, you thought he was good for her, and besides he's really great. You just have to get to know him a little better, he's a really passionate person and I really admire him" 

"look at you, so insistent" Tong Nian could tell her mother was getting upset but continued "please, mom, get to know him a little bit first and trust me, I'm not a child, I know what's good and bad. He's a very good person" She ended in a small voice, wanting her mother's support. 

"fine, but-" 

"Maa, we should go everyone's waiting for us!" 

Back in the living room,  Han Shang Yan sat speaking to Tong Nian's father, he was interested in what Gun was walking about and actually listened instead of brushing it off and being on the computer. Gun liked her father, he seemed kind but their conversation ended as Tong Nian walked back with her mother.  Gun did, however, notice that he was very attentive to his wife, he immediately went to her to make sure everything was okay and from their faces, it wasn't. 

"hey," Tong Nian said, waving at him before taking the seat next to him. 

"what happened," Gun asked, whispering. 

"Mom, figured out you're the guy I'm dating... and she doesn't like that you're so much older" Nian answered in the same low voice.  Their age difference had been a shock to him too, so Gun understood the shock. When she said she was getting her Ph.D. he had thought she was a few years younger at most and as such had continued to pursue her but he quickly found out and it wasn't the case but since getting to know each other he wasn't exactly bothered by it either so they stayed together. Gun also always made sure he wasn't crossing any boundaries because of the fact that she was younger so the concern was understandable.

"I understand her shock" Gun responded before continuing "how do we tell everyone else?" and pointing at his date. 

"Introduce me to your grandpa?" Tong Nian suggested after some thinking.
It would be a good way, Gun thought but before he could Tong Nian's father loudly replied to his wife "they're dating?"
Gun couldn't help the slight sly smile that came to his face, at least he wouldn't have to deal with the stupid situation anymore.

"Yes uncle," he said, standing up "we're dating, I'm sorry I wasn't able to properly introduce myself earlier. I didn't know our families knew each other, or that this was your house." He bowed slightly, just to make sure he didn't seem rude.

"Oh," the said stunned father in question answered while Tong Nian's mother simply nodded, though she didn't seem happy.

"Huh? What does that mean?" The disco girl asked, Gun still hadn't caught her name.

This time Tong Nian got up and explained stating, 'we know each other, he's my boyfriend. Grandpa, sorry we meet like this. We really didn't know our families knew each other.' 

The silence in the room could be cut with a knife from how thick it was with tension and shock but it didn't last long as Grandpa Han jumped up and smiling widely started saying "really really? You two? Well, yes yes, nice to meet you"
He repeated the question of if they were serious two times and Gun couldn't help but feel embarrassed with the situation.

"How did you two meet?" He asked, making Tong Nian sit next to him.

" We met do to work" Tong Nian seemed in her natural element talking to Grandpa and charming people.
"I see, well it's good, he's older than you, isn't he? Well, he'll take good care of you."

However, Guns blind date and her family were also there, and soon after even Grandpa's excitement couldn't hide their stares.
"well... isn't this something," The mother of the girl said in a clearly disapproving tone. What Gun didn't understand was how could she disapprove of him and Tong Nian but approve of her daughter for him? 

"well, it is unexpected, haha," Tong Nian's father said trying to diffuse the awkwardness. "Maybe we should just go to the reservation? we don't want to be late" 


Tong Nian and Gun sat next to each other quietly, while the rest of the table chatted with each other penitently. The car ride had been awkward, Tong Nian's cousin who was on a setup date with her boyfriend had gone on the car ride with them and ridiculed his job, and also informed Nian Nian that she would help her find a much better boyfriend. Tong Nian had, of course, defended her boyfriend but now that they had to all be civil in front of their parents it was just awkward so not just Gun and Tong Nian but also the whole 'kids' side of the table was quiet. 

However, while the adults were talking, their situation wasn't much better, there was a certain level of awkwardness there that could easily be detected but Grandpa Han was as happy as could be. He asked Tong Nian many questions.
Wu Bai oblivious to all this and the fact that he was going to be the replacement blind date for Tong Nian's cousin joined them soon after. 
Grandpa Han received him alongside Gun, "what's going on?" Wu Bai asked, as cheery as possible for him. While he didn't like family events, he was hungry and so he in his innocence was very happy. 


what do you think? This any good? I wrote a lot for this chapter already, so it'll be divided into 2 parts,  please look forward to the next update! 

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