Prototype Hero

By Mercury_Sol

3.7K 63 21

A virus breaks out in and Musutafu city was ground zero, where a young man named Iuzku Midoriya lived. This v... More

Chapter two: Falling down
Chapter three: Type positive
Chapter Four: Old Friends

Chapter one: Wake up!

610 16 7
By Mercury_Sol

A pain is shot throughout Izuku's body waking him up. He gasps as he opens his eyes but quickly closes them. Having been asleep for a while he presumed. His hearing wasn't any better with only being able to hear a ringing sound.

Giving himself time to adjust he feels someone poking his stomach. "Hey! Are you alive!?" A feminine voice called out. Having his sense come back. He sits up having been laying on the ground and looks around,

Some buildings are on fire, cars are destroyed, and the sky is blocked by smoke. Looking down on himself he sees his clothes are ripped and there are patches of blood but he had no injuries.

He was then hit with a massive headache-causing him to hold his head in hopes of subsiding it.

"Hey, are you okay!?" The voice calls out to him again. He then looks to where the voice came from only to find out it was a girl right next to him. 'A hero?' He assumed. "Answer me! I've been trying to wake you up for like 5 minutes already! I even had to burn you with my acid to wake you up!" She wined.

Getting a good look at her she had pink skin, pink curly hair, horns, a face mask that she wasn't wearing properly, and a blue and purple panther camouflage outfit on.

After looking her up and down there was only one thing he could say. "Boobs." She looked down at her chest then back at him. "You damn pervert! I thought you were dying!" She whined while shaking him.

"Please, don't shake me! My head feels like it's splitting apart." He tells her and she stops. "Well, you better go to U.A. They are making it a safe zone for all civilians to escape the infection." She tells him.

"Infection? What are you talking about?" Izuku asked her. "They're saying some kind of virus broke out and it's turning some people into like zombies and stuff. The heroes are working around the clock to help everyone, so we need to get out of here." She tells him.

"Zombie, heroes, mom. My mom!" He said getting on his feet which were a bit wobbly. "My mom she's..." He fell on one knee. "Hey, don't move too fast!" The girl said as she went about to help him up.

He pushes her and starts running. "Wait!" She shouted as she was pushed back by the force of his running. Izuku looked back and was shocked that he ran half a block in less of a second.

"What the f#ck?" He said as he kept running at such incredible speed. His house was a little far ahead but running at this speed he'll be there in a few seconds. "What is happening?" He asked himself.

Seeing a couple of cars up ahead blocking his path. Izuku was going to just try and jump over them, but what he didn't expect was to jump high in the sky to be above the buildings. Izuku was in awe at his abilities.

But what he didn't think about was how he would land. Quickly plummeting to the ground, Izuku braced for impact. He crashed into the ground and bounced a few times while leaving crater-sized holes behind him. Skitting on the floor before coming to a complete stop, he sat up.

To his surprise he was fine. Sure it hurt like hell but considering he's not a pancake as most people would be from falling at that height, he'd consider this to be amazing. But it didn't stop there.

The pain he felt subside as he started to heal instantly. "What is happening to me?" He said as he got up and continued running home. The rest of the way there was no hassle. Once he turned the last corner he saw something he wished he'd never see.

His mom was being eaten by a group of people.

His whole world shattered. He stood there not being able to move a muscle. Everything felt as if it moved in slow motion. His heart started to beat fast pumping his blood. His foot dug into the ground as he lunged forward, punching the closes one to him.

His punch was so powerful he completely obliterated his victim. The other people if they can even still be called that. Started to run at Izuku. But he didn't care. He swung at another one's skull shattering it and killing it instantly. Another one came at him from the back. Once it was close enough Izuku turned around and kick it in the chest sending it to a crowd of those things.

Two of them ran at him at the same time but Izuku just grabbed them by the head and squash them, killing them. Not giving him a second, the rest of those things piled on Izuku. Biting and scratching him. Izuku thought of the only way of getting rid of them.

He bends down slightly while trying to ignore the pain, he leaps in the air as high as he could then let gravity do the rest. He smashed into the ground causing a massive shockwave. Killing everything around him.

Standing up, he walked to his mother as his wounds healed. His cuts were closed and his bones were fixed. He stood in front of his mother. It was a gory sight but he couldn't look away. He sat next to her.

He holds his head trying to make sense of everything. "This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a dream. this is-" He keeps repeating until memories of this morning come to him.

He remembers walking home from high school but stopped when he saw heroes, and then there was an explosion. Or was there an explosion first then the heroes showed up? It's all just a blur to him.

He looks up into the sky and sees nothing but smoke. Just the other day everything was fine.But everything was in ruins. Izuku started to wonder where he would go but then he remembered what the boob girl said. "U.A, huh?" 

Izuku got up, looked at his mother one last time then started to walk towards U.A. There were a million things running through his mind but only one did he want answered for. "Who did this?" He whispered as he walked past dead bodies on the ground. 

Rage was building up inside of him. He was going to find who ever did this, no matter who it was, or why they did it. He was going to make them pay. "I'll f#cking kill you." He said to himself as he disappeared into the city. 

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