sex therapy || chanlix

By namjoonsstudent2

711K 21.6K 54.7K

"have you ever even touched yourself?" - b.c. "...i'm just an inexperienced virgin." - l.f. a/n desc; lee f... More

[ ɪɴᴛʀᴏ ]
#1 Genophobia
#2 stalling
#3 Sex Therapist
#4 Masturbation
#5 Paired
#6 humping
#7 puppies
#8 blindfolded pleasure
#9 friends
#10 absence
#11 fervor
#12 trust
#13 prompting
#14 nexus
#15 stargazing
#16 joyous forenoon
#17 reticence
#18 solitary
#19 conjoin
#20 ebullient christmas
#21 stipulation
#22 commemoration
#23 safewords
#25 serendipity
#26 emotive
#27 bagatelle
#28 colloquy
#29 concupiscent
#30 bitter valentines
#31 pique
#32 senile
#33 alternative
#34 diffidence
#35 stoned
#36 prerogative
#37 candied
#38 doxy
#39 gospel
#40 divulgence
#41 edging
#42 ending

#24 deception of love

12.1K 403 727
By namjoonsstudent2

'playing with hearts'

•:*✿.': ✿.︎-*✿.;.✿': ✿.︎-*✿.:•

"what if they hear us.."

that was a oblivious question brought into consideration. from the loud speakers blaring out every nuisance besides itself, to the amount of cheers and shouts piercing through his mansion, it was by far impossible or too carefree of anyone to spot the two seats at the bar with empty slots taking their place.

"we're just gonna have to be quiet, then."

not buying his excuses, minho's anxiety was devouring him in trepidation. he watched him eagerly search his pockets for what felt like a hunt for a condom or lube, but throughout the time, all that clouded his mind were the consequences. they were out of human instinct, who wouldn't worry about the side effects while committing something wrong?

"i don't know about this, jisung."

getting shut up pretty quickly, he could tell jisung wasn't in favor of his complaints. the caramel haired stared past his dusky irises, stealing a peck on the lips hastily before glaring as a sign of warning.

he left a trail of alcohol lurking on the softness of his lips. minho already felt aroused, maybe it was a trick of his own alcohol intake he had before he managed to bump into jisung, but whatever it was- he didn't want it to stop.

"bingo." the brunette smirked, victory playing on his pride as he eyes the bottle of lube in his palm. it wasn't a lot, but everything in his system set of overdrive, didn't make him seem to care so much.

"here." tossing the small strawberry scented lubricant towards the other dark haired, he held a firm grip around the object, simultaneously catching ahold of it single handedly. a sense of dizziness made him feel eager as to how things would progress, he glanced back at the clumsy brunette struggling to stand straight without the support of the cabinet near the door of the room they were presently in.

"go lay down." he commanded in a soft, but stern tone, the younger agreeing submissively.

as soon as he complied and the his back met the mattress, the older was quick to hover over him, his elbows digging an indent in the soft mattress as he keenly examined the male below him.


the tranquillity lacing in minho's eyes were quick to transition into something not so innocent when he heard the brunette whine that name under him. many people, even felix, used to call him with honorifics, yet when jisung's pretty little mouth moaned it out like that, it made heat rise through his veins.

"just kiss me already."

that sealed the deal for minho. so without wasting a second for contemplation on how alcohol had taken control of their entire senses, he pressed their together. much to his distaste, he could feel close to nothing during their kiss. no matter the roughness, no matter the wet sounds sputtering through their messy kiss, minho could feel absolutely nothing but his mind riding off for the crave of satisfaction.

all he knew was that he wanted jisung.

being pushed away by his shoulders, he was forced to pull out. his vision growing fuzzy from the sight of the a flushed, red-cheeked and messy haired jisung panting below him.

the liquor had by-passed both their senses to which they didn't care if they felt little to no sparks between them. hungriness and desire absorbed their moment, lust making each of them concealed towards the wrong and rights of them being together.

minho's lips were quick to trudge towards the exposed parts of skin of the brunettes neck, specially using only his tongue to plant wet kisses down his collarbone.

unfortunately, he felt the collar of his shirt restricting him moving further, not minding it as much of a difficulty as he briskly undid them with down to expose more of his torso.

attaching his wet kisses back at the display of his collarbones, jisung let out a louder shrewd moan when he felt the older palm him through his jeans.

"ahh- hyung.."

chuckling darkly, he liked the younger submitting without a fight, especially getting whiny when he barely laid a hand on him.

"be quiet sung, don't want anybody to hear us, do you?"

desperately biting the tip of his tongue, he tugged at the older's brown locks, "n-no, but i'm sure you want them to."

cocking an eyebrow, the dark-haired felt more intrigued at his response. "you're right." he hummed in amusement, "not everyone can read me that well."

jisung scoffed, his pride taking a toll even if he legitimately let the darker brunette dominate him, the alcohol buzzing in his system made all his emotions pour into the tension stringed between them.

"you're really oblivious, hyung." he protested, his breath sharpening at every time the older squeezed his dick, "i could read you and your intentions like an open book, if i wanted to."

"is that so?"

his response was cut off he could even deliver it properly when the male's hand slipped inside his jeans. he moaned while arching his back at the feeling of his cold, shivering hand rubbing against his length.

"you really think you know hyung well?" minho tuned his words out, his free hand ushering to grasp around his neck, but he still had in mind to hear jisung out.

"y-yes." jisung affirmed, "your eyes say it all.."

a scornful laugh escaped his lips, immediately regretted when minho's hand had taken a clasp against his neck, applying pressure at the slightest.

"y-you think i don't notice how you're always eye-fucking me?" jisung blamed the alcohol for his boldness and pride that was pushing minho to the edge, but it didn't stop. his system was way too high to stop a give a thought before he spoke, especially when the male he desired was on top of him.

"i would fuck you at every instance if i wanted to." minho hissed, immediately tightening his grip around the male to watch him choke at the remembrance of a certain blonde. "it's just- your boyfriend."

"i d-don't have a boyfriend." jisung shallowed his breath, trying to conjure the best words he could despite minho's hand choking him simultaneously.

"at least not tonight."

smirking, he loosened his grip around the younger's neck, his fingers leaving an indent on his skin as jisung just stared up at him through his not-so-innocent gleaming coruscating eyes.

inching back in, his lips were licked to moisten them before he could conjoin them with jisung's, ready to continue their make-out session as if their life depended on it.

unfortunately for him, the sound of the door clicked open right when he lips ghosted by the younger's, immediately shooting a glance towards the shuffling noise.


minho thought, were they caught? was jisung too driven by the alcohol to not have enough mindfulness to lock the door? okay, never mind, that didn't seem like something a drunkard would do.


scrunching his eyes, he noticed a familiarly smaller framed male with bright red hair and a look of mischief. skepticism played on his expression as he entered through the door and landed his eyes upon them. not having a clue on who had entered, all he knew was that the same male had to be familiar with jisung.

"jisung?" he recognized, immediately widening his eyes and gasping, feigning shock. "well i certainly didn't expect you to be here..especially with someone that's not you're boyfriend."

minho couldn't tell if the latter was actually shocked or pretending to be so after spotting jisung and him. but from the way jisung's expression flushed pale and was set into pure panic at the mention of his boyfriend, that's when minho already felt like he radiated a negative energy.

"jeongin, please." he huffed, his sweaty palms clutching desperately at the material of minho's shirt in search of safety, even if at that moment minho was just as helpless as he was. "don't tell him, please."

shaking his head, the red head was quick to close the door behind him to not let anybody else spot the two of them in their peculiar position.

"i won't, i'm not a snitch." he giggled, eyeing the two of them mentally relaxing a bit on his words.

however, his next sentence was just enough for their anxiety to rise yet again.

"but i'll need something in return."

gulping, jisung was yet again fiddling with the cuffs of minho's sleeve. the fact that it just had to be jeongin to catch the two of them in the act made his life flash before his eyes. he knew jeongin was capable of things far out of his reach, so he chose to hear him out instead of just shooing him away without the confirmation of his trust.

"okay..what is it?"

a wide grin displayed on the red hair's lips. one that had many intentions masked underneath it, jisung being well aware that these intentions could vary from profitability or loss. he knew the youngest would sacrifice anything for the sake of his own good. but that wasn't his concern. all that he needed now was to keep him and minho a secret.

"i haven't made my mind up on that actually." he shrugged innocently, "let's talk about it later, both of you can continue."

for a second jisung thought he was kidding or that he'd immediately ask him to tell hyunjin, but to his surprise jeongin did leave them alone. he turned right on his heels and shut the door on the way out.


minho's soft voice cooed out to him, snapping him away from the trance he never knew he was in.

"you look worried."

in all actuality, he was. yes, he was drunk but that didn't mean the scars jeongin left in his life didn't freak him out.

a warm hand running through his hair, and cupping his cheek made his anxiety at least a little but more comforted.

"forget about him, sung."

that was near to impossible but when he locked eyes with the pair of dewy, fulgurating seeped irises full of concern. he knew that alcohol would take the best in him.

so with a weak span of his memory and the guards of all concerned let down, he pulled minho towards him at the slightest bit, bringing him into yet another heated kiss.

•:*✿.': ✿.︎-*✿.;.✿': ✿.︎-*✿.:•


whipping his head around, the red haired mistakenly managed to bump into the particular blonde that was wavering in his mind after the scene he'd witnessed behind him.

"hyunjin." he smiled.

he could tell the taller blonde was skeptical on the smile wearied on his face, since a part of him was aware it was weirdly wide and mischievous grin.

"have you seen jisung?"

raising a brow, he pretended to be absolute clueless, shaking his head. "haven't heard from him in a while now."

"that's weird, he was with you a while ago."

jeongin shrugged innocently, his lips pressing into a thin line. "he said he wanted to greet more guests so he ran away without me."

perhaps jeongin was being too nice by not telling hyunjin to just check one of the occupied rooms where the two were fully wasted and using themselves upon each other, but he remained clueless on it. a simple reward for keeping them a secret was all that he could've thought of.

"well, do you have any idea which way he went?"

he shook his head yet again, examining how the blonde's expression fell into a defeated sigh. without having to admit it, he found a small bit of pity stringing his heart.

"well, it's not like he matters anyway."

jeongin had to admit it, that was a dumb phrase of comfort, in fact he didn't even think it radiated anything but comfort. all he knew was that he disliked seeing the blonde with his face in a frown, but still remained clueless on how to cheer him up.

"what?" hyunjin questioned, his face more crinkled with confusion and offense. why would his boyfriend not matter to him?

huffing, jeongin would it annoying how he couldn't muster up a single piece of advice that would cheer him up.

"nothing, just- do you want to get out of here?" he finally inquired, "we could search for your boyfriend if you'd like."

though, hyunjin was a bit taken aback by the request of sudden kindness from him, he really did need it. the past minutes have gone agonizingly slow in hopes to find the caramel haired so he was glad that jeongin would lend a hand.

"sure, if you don't mind-"

"i don't." jeongin quickly cut off, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging them out of the congested mansion.

eventually they were standing at the porch in front of the house, the faint sound of music still echoing around, but overtook by the grasshoppers chirping in the grass.

jeongin found it peaceful how the night breeze brushed past his skin and hair, setting his heart ablaze but calming at the same time.

"it's way more peaceful out here."

the comment made him trail his eyes towards the blonde looking over to the full moon emitting soft light upon his smooth skin.

jeongin didn't intend to stare- but that's just what he did. he felt a smile crawling at his lips when he took note of the ethereal looks the blonde undeniably had. when did hyunjin get so attractive?

it suddenly struck him that he was being cheated on. and jeongin would scoff at the statement if he heard it without any context. how could anyone even think of cheating with a boyfriend like him? he's just too..perfect.

"are you just gonna stare at me?"

snapping away from his trance, he immediately flushed in embarrassment. the taller had caught him staring which wasn't something a person like him would ever do. he was an anti-romantic, and never craved for anything that involved feelings, but seeing hyunjin's attractiveness didn't make him want whatever was in his pants, he rather just admire the allure the blonde radiated.


the cold-hearted, and known to be devil, jeongin, was stuttering? he mentally slapped himself to stop feeling the eruption of butterflies winging in his insides.

a chuckle tuned into his eardrums as the blonde found his demeanor amusing and cute. he also noticed how jeongin was crossing his arms and rubbing himself to keep himself warm, mentally alarming himself to take off the jacket he once wore.

draping the material over the younger's petite shoulders, he watched at how the pink blush couldn't be masked despite the lack of proper lighting.

"you looked cold.."

biting his lip, jeongin couldn't feel his tongue. you know that phrase? cat got your tongue? that's exactly how jeongin felt himself getting stuck at. he couldn't find the right words to phrase how he felt.

someone had given him their jacket! it felt unreal. it wasn't much of an act but it still radiated affection. just like how the actors in movies would lend their jackets to actresses when their cold, he too was experiencing it himself. what he once used to watch on romance shows, was now all happening to him.

was hyunjin his assigned hero?

glancing back the blonde, he subconsciously stared at him with amazement. without the jacket he looked more bulky, yet he had a slim waist. jeongin was sure he was packing just through the thin material of his clothes, but for some reason he wasn't turned on. he was rather..dazed.

why did jisung's boyfriend become so attractive?

"do you wanna go for a drive?"

again, he realized he was staring but immediately snapped away and noted to not be so bold about it. but he nodded, a drive didn't sound that much of a hurdle. plus, it would keep hyunjin distracted until those two were occupied.

it totally wasn't because jeongin wanted to spend more time with him.

"i can drop you home if it gets too late, yeah?"

smiling he agreed to the plan without any objections. he sunk himself into the large material of hyunjin's jacket, following the blonde towards where his car was a parked, a single thing kept replaying back in his mind.


he reminisced how hyunjin's tall frame engulfed a jacket around him. he reminisced how the blonde chuckled everytime he made a fool of himself, and he found himself smiling at every intimate convenience.

apart from it all, he still remembered how jisung would be owing him for keeping him and a random guy a secret. jeongin didn't know much about him, or even his name. all he knew was that jisung found him fairly more attractive than hyunjin and that confused him.

the male didn't look anywhere close to hyunjin's ethereality (in his opinion at least), he even lacked in height. he found it bullshit and blamed the alcohol for jisung's distaste in men.

but he had to stop himself, was he actually conceding hyunjin as attractive?

he blushed.

there wasn't a doubt that he wasn't attractive. but jeongin still didn't want to admit it. so played it out by wondering what jisung could do for him.

he knew the caramel haired was close to chan, and that felix would be involved to. something about felix's innocence that ironically had to be linked with chan, made things more interesting him for him to get involved.

he wasn't that close to jisung, no, but chan and him had a fairly decent connection even if he never desired the red haired presence.

something about chan's overprotectiveness with the brunette made it amusing.

'did he catch feelings again?' he internally asked, scowling at the thought, 'pathetic.'

he could tell it had to be felix, just at how innocent and oblivious he displayed himself. he was fit for chan's ideal type, and that made him grin.

however, his mind couldn't get off at how hyunjin was being cheated momentarily, so he stopped to think about it.

eventually, he thought of it as deep as he could, his decision coming a cease at a particular thought which made him smirk.

•:*✿.': ✿.︎-*✿.;.✿': ✿.︎-*✿.:•

word count; 3,051

!daily reminder¡
"it's okay to cry." - 🐺🖤

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