Serena X Male Reader: What Ca...

By Super_Human456

60.8K 1.9K 612

Sure you two may have grown up together, but that doesn't mean it is always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes... More

Meet Cute
The First Catch
New Goal, Same Friends
Let the Journey Begin
Hello Champion
The Worst Day
Now What?
Back Together
We're Bringing Them Back, Baby!
The Agent
The Club
Catch Up
Morning Party
One on One Day
Trevor the Better
The Hunt
The Dancing and the Dreaming
Because I Love
Drunken Rage
Ace County Shelter
Talking it Out
Choices Beware
Going to Therapy
What Makes You Happy
Moment of Weakness
Never Going to Let You Go
New Tomorrow (Epilogue Part 2)

New Adventure

2.6K 79 12
By Super_Human456

Serena had spilled you everything. Albeit it was after she had a slight emotional breakdown and Olympia had entered as well with Officer Jenny to get more info out of her. So, while she was having her breakdown, you just held her close. There wasn't much else either of you could do as she was just crying. Once she did calm down a little bit, she was able to explain everything she could to the cops, a few lawyers, and to some friends, including yourself.

As it turned out, Serena and Solomon met a couple of months after the old friend group broke up. She was in a funk, thinking no one wanted her to be around and so, when Solomon opened himself up to her, she took it, not realizing who he was or his past relationships. Well...essentially something worse. Especially when Jenny got both a search and arrest warrant. And got brutal.

As it turns out, Solomon was a controlling predator, and...yeah. His "exs" didn't go anywhere outside the property for years. So, he was charged and Serena's account was noted for the court trials. You, meanwhile, just stayed in her room until later on in the evening, only leaving to go grab some food. So, when you came back into the room with half a grilled cheese in your mouth, Serena turned her head from the window and back over to you.

You both looked at one another for a few moments until you crunched down on the bread and let the other half of the sandwich fall into the little box below your mouth. As you chewed, swallowed, and whipped your mouth clean of the crumbs. Meanwhile, Serena said nothing and turned back to the window. You walked over to her bed and sat the food down on the table beside her, only taking out a cookie.

(Y/N): I got you something.

Serena: You don't need to be so kind.

(Y/N): True. I don't. But I want to.

Silence once again. You sighed a little and moved to the base of the hospital bed.

(Y/N): You sure I can't at least get you something other than the cookie? They really do have a good selection of food down there. Nothing perfect, but it's alright.

Serena: I'm fine. And the cookie is yours too. You paid for it. You deserve it.

You looked at her with the intention to say something. You wanted to say something. But every single thing that filled your brain just resulted in a worse outcome. You didn't want to offend her. But you also wanted to show your support. So, that left you with silence as you walked back over to your food and went to eat it, still ignoring the cookie.

Serena: You can go if you want. I'll be alright.

You sighed and sat down beside her. You let your food rest on your lap as you tapped two fingers together. You sighed before you turned over to face Serena again.

(Y/N): Listen, I know you are a tough cookie. I mean for crying out loud, you are a gym leader. But...rank and status don't mean much unless you got a friend by your side.

Serena looked back at you but slowly turned back and looked out the window again.

Serena: You probably have work.

(Y/N): I don't. I quit. I was going to restart my journey.

Serena: What?! Why?

(Y/N): Let's say it was a life crisis. I needed a change of pace. And I think that going out there could have worked wonders for me. The boys and Axew and I have been training all week. And I think maybe you could use the change as well. Get on back out there. Just battle and have some fun. Maybe...maybe see the old gang again.

Serena: Like they want to see me.

(Y/N): I wanted to see you. If you want to make amends, then get off your butt and do something about it.

Serena: Do you think I haven't tried! I want to have friends again! Friends that understood what I was going through! Who I grew up with! People I can love and support and love me back!

(Y/N): Then let's go!

Serena stopped talking and looked over to you. You stood up and moved to stand beside her.

(Y/N): You. Me. Our teams. Let's go. I know Trevor still works with Sycamore. We go there and we start with him. Tierno is still traveling due to his act, but if we can get a schedule, then maybe we could-

Serena: Stop! Just stop! (You did so) I can't just leave! Not my post! And not now! I need testimony and-and-

(Y/N): Then you can join me when you're ready.

Serena: We could leave together...

(Y/N): About that...I may have bought a storage unit and moved all my things into it and sold my apartment...

Serena: ...Why?

(Y/N): I'm going on a journey and quit my job. It will be another week until I can file for unemployment and then I'm long gone. Might as well take care of it here and now and get it over with.

Serena sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose a little. She turned back to you and you slowly gave her a large smile. She laughed a little bit before looking up at you from her bed.

Serena: Same (Y/N). Different age.

(Y/N): Hey. I'm not that impulsive. Besides, do you want to video edit for 15 hours every day for the past 9 months? No! Because it bloody sucks!

Serena giggled a little bit before looking back at you.

Serena: You are an idiot sometimes.

(Y/N): Well, this idiot did run out at 3 AM to find his pokemon. Seriously, I have no idea how I managed to operate that day with 2 hours of sleep.

Serena sighed a little, a small smile on her face as she turned away from you to look back out the window. You got up and wanted to place a hand on her shoulder, but given the trauma, you sought it best to step away. You moved back to the base of the bed so were standing at an angle to look at Serena. She slowly turned back to you and you offered up a smile towards her.

Serena: I know you said your apartment was up for sale, but it's still on the market right? Just so you have a place to sleep tonight.

(Y/N): ...Sure. We'll say that.

Serena: You don't have a house anymore, do you?

(Y/N): It...may have been bought while I was out training and I need to move out by the end of the week.

Serena: You can still sleep there, right?

(Y/N): More or less.

Serena: Then get home and get some rest. You need it.

(Y/N): Look who's talking.

Serena looked at you, a little annoyed as you chuckled a little bit. You looked back at her and stopped laughing and gave her a straight lace look.

(Y/N): It's a joke. You're supposed to laugh.

Serena: I'll pass.

You nodded a little bit as you shoved your hands into your pockets.

(Y/N): You sure I can't get you anything to eat at all?

Serena: I'll be ok. I appreciate the offer though.

(Y/N): Of course.

You guys stayed there in awkward silence again. You sighed a little before you began to walk to the door to leave. You stopped once you reached the door and turned back to her.

(Y/N): Hey. (She looked over to you) I...I'm happy you're ok. Physically. We'll work on the mental part. Together. ...Is that...ok?

Serena: Yeah. Of-of course. I just...the last time we met-

(Y/N): I know. But like I said, I do want to try and make amends. So, for whatever it is worth, I'm here. To help you. And maybe even help myself a little bit.

You looked back to her, expecting to see her a little annoyed, trying to help yourself given her troubling time. However, she gave you a smile and a nod.

Serena: Of course. It''s what friends do for one another.

You looked back at her and blinked a few times before smiling and nodding once.

(Y/N): Get some rest. You need it.

Serena: Likewise. And...thank you. For everything.

(Y/N): Of course.

With that, you closed the door and called it a day there. Things had been slowly moving over the next few days. Serena was kept at the hospital for some time as Officer Jenny would come by and continue to gather evidence with some of the lawyers representing the girlfriends of Solomon. Meanwhile, you barely were able to hold onto your place for just a little longer since the new tenants had to take a few days to move in. Still, by the end of the week, you were left with no home so you ended up living at the shelter nearby the pokemon center.

So, about three weeks later, Serena was able to leave the city and the gym without consequence. The lawyers had gotten enough of her testimony and the cops as well, enough to criminally charge Solomon with 15 accounts of kidnapping, 5 accounts of domestic violence/abuse, and 3 counts of fraud. But aside from all of that, Serena was freed and that was what you cared the most about.

One day while you were training at the pokemon gym's secondary arenas, you heard the door open. Quickly, you spun around and saw Serena walking in. She gave you a faint smile as you walked up to greet her.

(Y/N): Hey.

Serena: Hey.

(Y/N): Feeling any better?

Serena: A little bit. I mean, it's not much, but hey.

(Y/N): Well, maybe we should get you some consoling and-

Serena: Already in it. Been seeing a therapist since this whole thing came to light.

(Y/N): Ah, I see. So, what's up?

Serena: Well, you said you wanted to retreat your journey and did offer me a spot there.

(Y/N): True. And?

Serena ignored you and walked to the other side of the arena. She tossed out a poke ball and out came Meowstic.

Serena: You still have a badge to earn.

You nodded and grew a small smirk as you retracted your team with the exception of Greninja. You entered a small stance with your partner as together, you stared down Serena and her pokemon.

(Y/N): Loser buys first round?

Serena: Works for me.

And so, the adventure starts anew. 

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