A Great and Confusing Relatio...

By sugarjet

1.3K 51 21

A collection of one-shots featuring the characters from my story A New Way of Life More

The First Meeting
Morning Together

A Valentine Surprise for All

176 18 9
By sugarjet

A/N For those of you who don't know and to lessen the confusion, Serena and Nico both have nicknames for Matthias. Serena' s is Mattie and Nico's is Thias. Hope that helps.


I move around the kitchen humming to myself. I'm not usually the one that cooks, but I thought I'd do something special tonight seeing as it is Valentine's day. Mattie' s mom kindly offered to take the kids tonight so that we could spend it without them underfoot. His mom couldn't be any sweeter. I want everything to go smooth this year. We have two new members of our family this year, so it has to be special. I just hope my dinner turns out great.

I smile as familiar arms wrap around my waist and Nick kisses my neck. I turn around to greet him. Yes, Nico is one of the new members of our family. Matthias had been seeing him behind my back for a year before I found out, but that's in the past. Things couldn't be greater for us now. I now have two wonderful men that love me and three wonderful children.

"When did you get in? I didn't hear you." He laughs at me. He seems especially happy today, and that's saying a lot. Nico's usually a happy bubbly person.

"Of course you didn't. You've been in your own little world, and I had to sneak my gift in anyway." I perk up at this.

"Gift? What is it? When can I have it?" He's laughing again a He places a figure over my lips.

"Shh. Not until Thias gets home. It's for everyone, though I'm sure Thias will be extremely happy with it." I could have sworn I heard him mumble something about two little boys enjoying it also, but I could have imagined it.

"Where is Thias a anyway? I thought he'd be home by now."

"I think he had to go and grab some last minute stuff." Just then we hear a shout from the extra bedroom and Nico's eyes go wide.

"That sounded like him." Nico looks like he doesn't know rather to panic, laugh, or cry. I can only assume he hid his present in there.

"Stay here. I'll go check on him." He takes off before I can even say anything leaving me shaking my head. I can here their excited voices all the way in the kitchen though.

"Nico, what in the--" Mattie starts, but he's cut off by Nico's high pitched squeal.

"Thias! Oh my gosh! It's so.." Mattie starts to shush him and then there's some whispered conversation. I'm getting too curious for my own good now.

"Guys, is everything okay?" It's Nico that answers me and he's clearly laughing.

"Oh yes, everything's fine, we'll be there in a second." When they come back even Mattie looks like he's bouncing off the walls, which definitely isn't normal for him. He gives me a huge kiss as a greeting then sniffs the air.

"Is something burning?" I gasp. I forgot about the food! This is why Nico usually cooks. I'm just no good at it. I really wanted it be be special though. I start crying as I pull the meat out.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sure it'll be fine." Mattie just raises his eyebrow letting Nico know he's not so sure about that an I give as watery laugh when Nico smacks the back of his head.

"Be nice!"

In the end the meat was burnt, the potatoes undercooked an the veggies overcooked and I'm practically sobbing. Nico's standing beside me rubbing my back trying to comfort me while Mattie just stands awkwardly by. Guys are so hopeless sometimes.

"I ruined it!"

"Serena sweetie, it's okay. It's just dinner. It's fine."

"No, it's not. I wanted everything to be perfect for us tonight." Nico looks up at Mattie for a second and Mattie just nods and joins us.

"Of course it will be Serena. How can it not be with the three of us. We'll just see if we can get a table at some fancy restaurant then we can come back here and show you our presents." I perk up at the mention of presents and Nico smiles. I'd almost forgotten about all the commotion in the extra room earlier.

It took us 45 minutes of calling around before we finally found a place and I was starting to feel a bit upset again. Dinner was nice, but I was still thinking of the ruined one at home the whole time. Mattie and Nico did their best to distract me an keep me laughing. I can't help but love them for it.

When we get home I start getting excited again. Presents! I'm so excited in fact I have a hard time opening the door and even Mattie is laughing at me.

"Hold on Serena. You'll just have to wait in the kitchen until we are ready for you."

"But, I don't want to wait." He throws his head back and really laughs now.

"Please sweetie? Just let us get ready for you." Now I'm really curious and just nod obediently.

In less than five minutes Mattie calls me in the room. I walk in to see both of them struggling to hold something behind their back with huge matching grins. Nico speaks first.

"Now you get to pick who's present you want first." I stand there looking back and forth before finally deciding.

"Nico's." He grins even bigger if that's possible and pulls his yapping bundle from behind his back. Wait, yapping?

"A puppy!" I squeal and as I do something jumps at me coming from Mattie and I only get the chance to see another ball of fluff before catching it.

"What?" Mattie laughs.

"I guess she wanted to be a part of the commotion too. I look down at the cutest little kitten I've ever seen.

"A... kitten?" I look at both of them in question.

"What's going on?"

"Well it seems Mattie and I had similar ideas about presents. Do you like them?" Nico asks me nervously. I now have a smile to match their previous ones.

"I love them! Oh and the boys will be so excited when they see them." They are smiling again also.

"Yes, and the new baby will have two animals to get used to and hover over her." We all three start laughing.

"So Serena, did tonight end okay after all?" Nico asks later that night when we are all cuddling in bed, including the pets. I smile up at him and respond.

"Yes, it was perfect."

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