Glee- Santana's younger sister

De jessjbug

23.9K 280 89

Santana Lopez has a younger sister Brynn Lopez Brynn is starting high school she is going to the same high s... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not an update
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Not an update
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not an update
Chapter 32
Should I continue
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Not an update
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Not an update
Chapter 39
Not an update
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Not an update
Chapter 42
Honest Opinion

Chapter 31

218 3 0
De jessjbug

Quinn's POV

I woke up the next morning with a weird feeling, I can't say for sure what it is but it just felt weird. I got out of bed and started getting ready for school. Santana was still asleep so I let her sleep and went to go see if Brynn was awake

Brynn: hi

Quinn: hey I was just seeing if you were awake yet

Brynn: yeah I have been for a while now

Quinn: are you okay?

Brynn: I don't know I just have this weird feeling

Quinn: I do too but I'm sure everything will be fine

Brynn: yeah

Quinn: want me to braid your hair

Brynn: yes please

I went and sat on Brynn's bed and she sat in front of me, I braided her hair

Quinn: okay you are done

Brynn: Quinn?

Quinn: yes

Brynn: did Santana tell you

Quinn: tell me what

Brynn: what my dad did

Quinn: yes

Brynn: do you think he did it to her too, she said if I didn't tell her then he would leave her alone

Quinn: I don't think he did the same thing to her

Brynn: good, I did everthing he said so he would leave her alone

Quinn: your a very brave girl Brynn and I hope you know how much your sister and I love you

Brynn: I love both of you too

Quinn: hey you finish getting ready I'm going to go see if your sister is up

Brynn: okay

I gave Brynn a hug and then went mine and Santana's room

Quinn: morning

Santana: morning, I have to go make sure Brynn is awake

Quinn: I just came from her room, she's awake and getting dressed. I just finished her hair

Santana: I love you

Quinn: I love you too

Santana: thank you for taking us in and for loving Brynn

Quinn: San you don't have to thank me, you and Brynn belong here and I will always love her and you

Santana: I love you too

Brynn came to our door and knocked

Quinn: it's open sweetie

Brynn walked in

Santana: are you ready baby?

Brynn: yeah

Quinn: let's get going I'll drive

We all went out to the car and we got in. Brynn was extra quiet on the way to school

Santana: are you meeting with Miss Pillsbury this morning Brynn

Brynn: yeah but will you go with me

Santana: of course I will

Once we got to the school Blaine and Mia met us by the doors

Santana: Brynn and I will catch up with you guys in a little bit we have to go do something

Blaine: okay see you both in Glee club

Quinn: text me

Santana: I will

Santana's POV

I took Brynn's hand and we walked to Miss Pillsbury's office

Miss Pillsbury: good morning Brynn good morning Santana

Santana: good morning

Miss Pillsbury: come on in and have a seat

We both went in and sat down Brynn kept ahold of my hand

Miss Pillsbury: So Brynn you and I talked about you telling Santana did you tell her

Brynn looked down and nodded

Santana: she did tell me, we talked about it and I told her I was very proud of her for telling me

Miss Pillsbury: You see Brynn she wasn't mad at you, your sister wants what's best for you just like Mr. Shuester and I do

Brynn: I know

Miss Pillsbury: have you told her the other thing yet

Brynn: no

Santana: tell me what Brynn

Miss Pillsbury: you can do it Brynn, I'm right here

Brynn: I'm not your real sister

Santana: what do you mean

Brynn: mom's sister is my mom

Santana: how do you know that

Brynn: dad told me

Santana: what did he say

Brynn: that he didn't want me, they took me in when I was 3. He said my real mom and dad didn't want me and I ruined their life

Santana: you did not ruin their life, I know I'm only 3 years older than you but I remember things a little differently

Brynn: so you knew about it

Santana: yes but I never saw you as my cousin, you were always my little sister

Brynn: you will always be my big sister

I pulled Brynn over to me and hugged her, I hadn't realized that she knew mom and dad adopted her

Santana: do you want to know what I remember

Brynn: yeah

Santana: mom and aunt Sarah were really close, she was always at our house or mom and I would be at her house

Brynn: what happened to aunt Sarah and uncle Leo

**Possible Trigger warning**

Santana: Uncle Leo wasn't a nice person and was in jail a lot, leaving aunt Sarah alone with you most of the time. You were almost 3 and a half when uncle Leo got out of jail the last time. Aunt Sarah had stopped talking to mom and we hadn't seen you two for several months. One day after mom picked me up from school she decided she wanted to go check on you and aunt Sarah. When we got to the house uncle Leo had just left. Mom and I found aunt Sarah passed out drunk on the couch and you were in your room crying. Mom was trying to wake aunt Sarah up so I went into your room and found you sitting on the floor crying. You were covered in brusies. I picked you up and took you out to mom. Once she saw you she told me to go in your room and get your things.

Brynn: what happened

Santana: mom called the police, they arrested aunt Sarah and uncle Leo, mom then called dad to tell him and he insisted that mom bring you home with us

Brynn: so they did care about me

Santana: they did baby

Brynn: how did I get the bruises

Santana: aunt Sarah said uncle Leo caused them and uncle Leo said that aunt Sarah caused them. But they both said they were drunk

Brynn: was that the first time they did that to me

Santana: the doctor at the hospital says no it wasn't the first time, it had been going on for a while

Brynn: why don't I remember any of this

Miss Pillsbury: you were only 3. Not to many people remember things from that long ago and you had probably just learned to not even think about it

Brynn: what made dad change and treat us the way he did

Santana: I think it was because he lost his job and then he started drinking

Miss Pillsbury: alchole can do some damage to people

Brynn: why does mom not like me

Santana: I don't know

Brynn: you don't hate me do you?

Santana: I could never hate you Brynn, I'm so glad that your my sister the day that mom and dad adopted you was the best day of my life

Brynn: really

Santana: really, I always wanted a little sister and then I got you and I'm so glad that I did

Brynn: I'm glad that your my big sister

Miss Pillsbury: Brynn why don't you head to class, I need to talk to Santna for a little bit

Brynn: okay

Santana: I'll see you in glee club

Brynn: okay

Brynn got up and I gave her a hug and she left going to class

Miss Pillsbury: so your social worker called and talked to me yesterday

Santana: oh

Miss Pillsbury: you still have temporary gaurdian ship of her, but you and Brynn will need to be at your dad's trial tomorrow

Santana: oh, I didn't think it would happen that fast

Miss Pillsbury: the lawyers want to get this over with as fast as they can, they don't want to have to put you and Brynn through this longer then they have too they want you girls to start healing

Santana: good I want Brynn to be able to be a kid again if that's even possible

Miss Pillsbury: I know, would you like Mr. Shuester and I to come with you girls tomorrow

Santana: yes please, would there be any way to let Quinn have the day off tomorrow too

Miss Pillsbury: of course, is there anyone else you would want to be there

Santana: if Puck could be there then that would be great

Miss Pillsbury: I'll talk with them and let them know

Santana: thank you

Miss Pillsbury: your welcome, come find me if you need anything else today, I'll check on Brynn too

Santana: thank you

I got up and walked out of her office and walked to my math class where Quinn was waiting for me

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