The Smile of a Chameleon

By 1beanboi00

38.6K 1.3K 1K

You find yourself admiring Camilo Madrigals, and by chance, he asks you to hang out! it's a soft and fluffy... More

A Smile, A Cafe, And An Outfit
Adventures Around The Encanto
Dinner With The Madrigals
Confession in a Shifting Room
A Few Months Later...
Love and Appreciation
Pottery with a Hint of Longing
Now That They Know
Looking All Pretty
A Wedding as Important as You
The Brightness of Love
1 Year Anniversary
Rainstorm, Windows, and The Start of a Shitshow
An Inconvenient Flame
When the Truth Leaks
We all Battle for the Future
When Words Fail
Be Who You Are
.-.. --- ...- .
Pepas room tour
The Cumulus Clouds
In the Cumulonimbus Cloud
the sign of a Cirrostratus
Fiesta Sorpresa
Luisas Room
Happy Birthday!
Just Having Fun!

The Wedding Preparations

1.2K 40 41
By 1beanboi00

  (*~A tiny bit of Dolores angst but nothing to Major~*)

after a few months of careful planning, it was finally Dolores's special day. you and Camilo had gotten up early to help set up, you start to decorate with Isabella who was yawning as she made flowers for decoration. the sun had just started to rise but there was a lot that went into preparing the wedding. knowing Mariano and his romantic was he had wanted the wedding to be beautiful, or as he said it 'As beautiful as my wonderful fiance you chuckle at the memory and continue to help Camilo set up the chairs decorating them with various coloured decorations.
"isn't this exciting! my sister is finally getting married, I remember when Bruno had given her the vision that the person she loved would be just out of reach she started crying. but now seeing her so happy with Mariano makes me smile" he said as the two of you finish decorating Isabella came around the corner and gently pat the two of your heads
"Thanks for the help, hopefully you have picked out your outfits for the wedding alrea-" Isabella was cut off by Camilo panick starting to fill his eyes as he looked over at you
"We didn't get you your outfit yet! fuckkk, ok it's fine come on Mirabel is probably awake!" the worried feeling started to fill your stomach when you realize you really hadn't planned much for yourself and only for Camilo and Dolores. you feel yourself get dragged into the house and up the stairs Casita helping you move swiftly to Mirabels room. once you get there Camilo kicks open the door as Mirabel jumps awake as she throws a shoe that hits Camilo directly in the face
"WHO'S THERE!? oh shoot camilo- sorry didn't mean to throw a show at you... you just scared me" you could hear her giggle a bit seeing she found the pouting Camilo a tad bit funny
"That was rude. no need to throw things at me, what if you hit my partner here" he huffed rubbing his forehead a bit frustrated at the fact that he had just been hit by Mirabels shoe. his cousin stretched her arms up looking at the two of you with a grin as if she was expecting you
"let me guess, you two have been so busy with helping out you totally forgot about yourself?" you look shocked and nod seeing Camilo do the same thing his curly hair seeming to still be unbrushed because it was quite early in the morning.
"ya how did you know?" Camilo asked looking at you confused, you shrug back telling him you had nothing to do with this. you turn and ask Mirabel what she had done for the two of you
"Well I just saw you running around the town for a gift for Dolores and Mariano so I assumed you hadn't thought of yourself... but no worries at all I made something for you two!" she said excitedly as she pranced over to her closet and taking two outfits off the hanger. you hear a small happy yelp from Camilo as Mirabel turned around with the outfits. you let out a small gasp of happiness as you hold the excited Camilos hand. Mirabel was holding a suit and dress which was beautifully sewn together. the two wedding outfits were matching they were made of a beautiful fabric colour that seemed to shimmer in the rising sun. they were mixes of warm blue and purple tones, a small chameleon and heart engraved into the bottom of the suit and edge of the dress. you let Camilo go and he goes over hugging Mirabel tightly
"well I knew you wanted to wear a dress and I thought a suit would be nice to match with it" she said smiling proudly as Camilo hugged her, it was clear how happy Camilo was
"thank you thank you thank you! you don't believe how absolutely happy this makes me! you are so amazing!" he said taking the dress smiling brightly as he delicately touches the fabric before hugging it. you get gifted the suit and you look at the well-crafted outfit and thank Mirabel giving her a hug. she nods and gently pets your back before pushing the two of you out of her room a bright smile on her face
"You are very welcome both of you, now go get ready! i need to change as well! we want this to be a spectacular day for Dolores so you two better behave and get ready" she chuckles as Camilo started rushing back to his room wanting to get changed. you thank Mirabel one more time before running after your boyfriend and into his room.

As you enter the room you watch as the furniture started to move farther a large mirror was placed where the little theater used to be. you giggle closing the door behind you as you rush over giving Camilo a kiss on the cheek
"aww aren't you cute Mi pequeño cisne! look how amazing this dress is, I'm gonna change so you better change to... Oooo how about once we are both done we have a first look kinda thing" he said, you agree wanting the beautiful sight of Camilo to be a special moment. he nods excitedly and theatrically bows a red curtain falling between the two of you. you laugh and ask him why he was always so theatrical. while you asked the question you started to change into the suit which was perfectly your size
"Come on it just gives life that little extra bit of excitment~" he called from the other side of the curtain. you agreed with him telling your boyfriend that all the little plays he put on were very enjoyable. even without looking you already know that Camilo was on the other side blushing. after a few minutes you finish changing into the suit and waited for Camilo to say he was ready
"Alright ready? THREE! TWO! ONE!" the curtain fell and you looked at Camilo with wide eyes. yep once again he was absolutely stunning in the dress. he smiled running over and twirling you around as the dress swayed with his movement. you can't help but laugh and hug Camilo tightly once he puts you down. after a while of hugging Camilo takes a step back to you in your suit
"Jeez, you look absolutely fabulous! you should wear suits more often!" he said looking at the two of you in your matching outfits. after a while of just talking and vibing in your new clothing, you hear a knock on Camilos door as you rush over to see Dolores her eyes clouded with worry.

"can I come in...?" she asked in her soft tone, of course you let her in and close the door behind her and ask her what's wrong. it was her wedding day she should be happy, not worried
"huh Dolores what's wrong? are you alright?" Camilo asked as well rushing over and holds his sisters hands leading her towards his bed and sitting her down. Dolores takes in a deep breath
"well i was thinking about it this morning... then i started to overthink and you know what that leads to... i was thinking what if Mariano was still not over Isabella, what if Brunos visions weren't over yet... and he won't be happy with me? i love him so much, but what if he doesn't love me back? he deserves the best and i don't know if i am the best... he deserves the world, but what if I'm not his world?" she says her eyes slowly starting to tear up as she spoke quickly. you and Camilo look at each other for a few seconds before you start rubbing Dolores back
"Dolores don't say stuff like that, you two have been dating for quite some time now. and just by looking at you i know for a FACT that he loves you! i mean the way he looks at you with that romantic ass smile just says it all!" Camilo says sitting on the other side of Dolores holding her hand. you watch as Dolores wipes her few tears away trying to calm down
"but what if he deserves someone that is so much stronger... like Luisa, she is kind and strong... maybe he deserves someone like her" it was clear Dolores was really doubting her own worth, getting married was hard for both sides seeing lots of stress builds up and many think that they aren't worth it. but you know Dolores and Mariano would be happy and perfect for each other so you comfort Dolores telling her that you know the relationship will work out perfectly
"Oh come on, you are my sister i have known you my whole life! if anyone deserves a happy marriage it's you! Mariano loves you to bits, and you love him. it's ok to doubt yourself, and trust me i doubt myself sometimes too. but if there is one thing i know for sure, its that I have the best sister ever and that she deserves the world" he smiles hugging his sister tightly you watch as Dolores teary face starts to brighten as she smiles hugging you and Camilo
"and when did i ever get the best brother in the world? thank you Camilo it means a lot... I'm excited to marry him but i guess i just overthink it... which reminds me, do you mind doing my hair for me?" she asked pulling away from the hug giving her brother a white headband for her curly hair. he nods and starts to carefully do his sisters hair a smile on hi face the whole time. you help him here and there as you gently push back any loose hairs. after a while Dolores had looked at herself in the mirror and smiled looking at her hair which had been put up by you and Camilo. she smiled and hugs you both tightly before heading towards the door
"thank you so much you two, good luck getting ready. i will see you down at the wedding" she smiled before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. once she was gone you and Camilo high five glad that the two of you did a wonderful job! after a while of doing makeup and hair on each other the two of you looked wonderful with your hair styled and makeup applied. of course, the matching outfits just pulled everything together. for a few seconds you fix each others clothing before you hear the church bells ring signaling that the wedding would start soon. Camilo takes your hand and you giggle gently kissing his hand giving him a little bow
"well you ready to go?" he asked his smile seeming to be brighter than the lights in the room. you nod your smile of pent up excitement as you and Camilo start to make your way down the stairs and outside into the morning sun knowing the wedding would start soon!

*~Authors Note~*
Hi guys! hope you enjoyed this Chapter, the Wedding as a whole will probably be around 3 chapters including this one. also hope the little bit of Dolores angst i threw in there for spice was ok :) the next chapter will probably be the main part of the wedding but we will see, i find this idea adorable so we will see how many parts it actually takes! hope this fanfiction isn't dragging on too long but at this point, it might just be something i do for fun seeing i enjoy writing these! anyway thank you MissmidnightSimp2 for the help this chapter! also AnimeForLife1912 i promise more of your idea will be in later chapters too but for now i hope this was ok! 
but thank you all for all the nice comments it really makes my day to see them :D i hope you enjoy the next chapters to come and if you have any ideas please DM me or leave a comment i love to see them! doraawasinnit thanks for the help and hype broski <3 love the cute nicknames you help me with!! i love you guys all so much and thank you for reading! i will try to keep the daily posting thing up, so hope to see everyone tomorrow!

Spanish Nickname
Mi pequeño cisne -> my little swan

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