
By ThrillerGal

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Money, sex, power, revenge- These are the things that make the world go round in Encino. Althea Jackson has... More

All In The Family
Better Left Unsaid
Monkey Business
Cain Vs Able
A Kiss Of Death
The Songs Of Bilitis
Teenage Wasteland
It's His Party
Blood And Water
He Ain't Heavy; He Ain't My Brother
The Prodigal Sister
Welcome Back
The Promised Land
Get Out
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Something New
Mr. Telephone Man
Barbeque Blitz
Ties That Bind
Good, Bad, & Worse
Enemy In the Camp
For Immediate Release
Turning Tables
The Cocktail Party Effect
Happiness Is a Warm Gun
Two Weeks Notice
Comings And Goings
Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot
More Things in Heaven and Earth
The Sound of Silence

Curiosity Killed The Rabbit

380 12 31
By ThrillerGal

"Baby, get up,"

Althea withered between the sheets as Michael peppered soft, gentle kisses along her neck. The duvet was warm and she kept her eyes sealed shut, hoping to savor a few more minutes of sleep.


Her husband nipped at her earlobe before she turned on her side with a sigh of surrender.

"What, Michael?" Althea croaked as she blinked the sleep out of her eyes.

The red digits of their alarm clock read seven-fifteen and while Althea usually woke up not too long after, she couldn't quite figure out why her husband was so eager to wake her up.

Michael smiled as he brushed some hair from his wife's face.

"Get up, get dressed, and meet me downstairs. I've got a surprise for you,"

The promise of a surprise managed to rouse Althea from her sleep, and she did as her husband instructed, putting on very little makeup before heading downstairs.

She could smell the sausage cooking in the kitchen and Kathrine and Joseph sat outside on the patio with a cup of coffee and the newspaper, waiting for the rest of the family to come down for breakfast.

Michael stood by the front door, dressed in jeans and a cardigan with a mischievous grin on his lips.

"This better be a very good surprise, Michael," she chided. "I could have used those extra few minutes of sleep, ya know,"

Michael chuckled.

"You're gonna love it. C'mon,"

He pulled open one of the mahogany doors, letting his wife out first before he grabbed hold of her hand and led her towards the garage. Any curiosity Althea had melted away at the sight of the shiny, red Rolls Royce convertible parked right in front of the garage.

"Ta-da!" Michael announced.

Althea could hardly believe her eyes and her mouth grew dry and absent of words.

"This- this is mine?" She stammered, her brown eyes wide with surprise.

Her husband nodded.

"All yours, baby," Michael grinned as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I figured there's no reason to be waiting at home for me all day. Now you can go wherever your pretty little heart desires,"

Althea ran her hands through her hair in disbelief. She was still used to seeing luxury vehicles come and go through Hayvenhurst. She could hardly fathom the idea of having her own.

"But, Michael, this must have cost a fortune-"

He held up a hand to silence her.

"Don't you dare. You're worth every single penny,"

Althea grinned so widely she was sure her cheeks would burst from excitement.

"It's beautiful, Michael! I love it! I love you!"

She leaped into his waiting arms and kissed him deeply and Michael figured he'd buy Althea a Rolls Royce in every shade of the rainbow if it'd guarantee she'd kiss him like that every day for the rest of their lives.

"What is all this racket?" Joseph yelled as he and Kathrine rushed in the direction of the noise.

Kathrine let out a sigh of relief when she noticed her son canoodling with his wife.

"It's nothing, Joe," She smiled. "Just love birds doing what love birds do,"

Even when they'd pulled apart the love birds hardly noticed the watching elders.

"Let's take it for a spin," Michael urged, placing the keys in his wife's hands. "I know a great place that does champagne brunch,"

Althea grinned, pressing another kiss to his mouth before rushing over to her new vehicle.

"You kids have fun, now!" Kathrine called.

With the beep of the horn, they were off, riding with the convertible top down and the morning California breeze rushing through their hair. Althea finally had the keys to a sense of independence in the Jackson world.

"Y'know, I still remember the day you first walked into the office," Michael grinned as he cut into his omelet. "You were lookin' so pretty, you had on this fantastic dress on, and you just had this glow. I just knew I had to talk to you,"

Althea sipped her mimosa with a small smile as Michael took her hand in his.

The elegant brunch spot with white tablecloths and fresh lilies was a nice bonus to the surprise of the morning but the excitement of it all was starting to wear off and a strange sense of guilt was settling in.

Althea couldn't stop her mind from drifting off to the events of the previous weekend at Whitney's celebratory dinner.

It was all so strange. She'd only meant to accompany Michael and congratulate the latest addition to Jacksounds Records but had only ended up getting hit on.

It certainly wasn't the first time anyone had come onto her, but it was definitely the first time a woman had done so, making it all the more perverse. Whitney had tricked her into thinking they could be friends but her friendly demeanor was only a cover-up for an ulterior motive.

Althea knew she couldn't tell Michael- it'd be too confusing, and she wasn't even sure he'd believe her. Then there was the possibility of ruining Whitney's contract and the first successful record deal that Michael had initiated.

Throughout the duration of their relationship, Althea had never kept a secret from Michael and for that, she felt dirty and undeserving of such spoiling.

"I had my eye on you too, except I thought there was some rule against fraternizing with interns," she giggled.

Michael chuckled.

"So, I broke that rule," He reached for his glass of orange juice. "But I've never been happier,"

Althea leaned across the table, planting a sweet kiss to his mouth.

"Me, too,"

She suddenly glanced down at her watch.

"Don't you have to get going for work, honey?"

Michael smirked.

"Not if I don't want to. I'm enjoyin' time here with you,"

His wife giggled.

"I guess we could stay awhile,"

The couple enjoyed the rest of their breakfast and when Althea drove up to Jacksounds Records, Michael did not want to leave.

"Should I drop by to pick you up after work?" She asked sweetly as Michael unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Nah," he grinned. "I'll hitch a ride with Jermaine,"

Althea made a face and Michael giggled.

"As you wish," she replied. "Now gimme a kiss,"

Michael leaned over, pecking his wife's lips before hopping out of the car.

"I love you. See you at home,"

Althea waved to her husband and slowly backed out of the parking lot. Now that she was driving a luxury vehicle, she knew she had to be extra careful. The car was far too expensive for even the tiniest scratch.

She adjusted the radio as she headed for the parking lot exit, hoping for a nice drive home when a very familiar-looking Rolls Royce blocked her in, causing her to slam on the breaks.

"Asshole!" Althea shouted, resting the palm of her hand on the horn.

The driver's door slammed shut and Jermaine strode over, hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face.

"Well, well ,well," He chuckled. "Look at you, sister-in-law. Ridin' in style. What'd you do, steal that off a lot?"

She rolled her eyes.

"The only thing I stole was your brother's heart and you can't seem to get over that. Now get out of my way," Althea hissed.

Jermaine scoffed although deep down he knew it was true. Althea had a certain hold on others that he'd never witnessed before. First, his brother and then Whitney. He was so used to holding all the power and anyone who challenged that was an immediate threat.

"You think you're so clever," he huffed.

"That makes two of us," She retorted. "Only one of us isn't as smart as they think they are,"


After dropping Michael off, Althea headed straight for Hayvenhurst.

With a vehicle of her own, she could now roam around Encino, looking for more dirt to shut up Jermaine but the day had been so wonderful so far she didn't want to waste it on the man she despised.

The house was eerily quiet when she arrived home. Usually, Opal would be preparing lunch and Kathrine would be in her garden, but neither was present in the main living quarters.

Stopping in the kitchen for a cup of tea, Althea noticed a letter sitting on the counter.

Went into town with Opal to get groceries for dinner. Stacy's at playgroup and lunch is in the fridge.


She was still far too stuffed with Eggs Benedict from breakfast to eat lunch at the moment, so Althea figured she'd do some reading by the pool.

Althea headed upstairs to get her novel from the bedroom when she heard a clatter coming from the wing where Jermaine and Hazel stayed.

Since she'd moved into Hayvenhurst, Althea and Hazel had never said as much as hello and goodbye to one another. She wasn't even sure that she liked her but still, Althea couldn't help but be alarmed.

"Hazel, are you alright?" She called loudly.

There was no response, not even a stir.


A sour feeling settled in Althea's stomach, her mind racing with all the possible negative scenarios. She held her breath as she crept towards the door, the cold of the golden doorknob stinging her fingertips.


The sound of the door creaking open was almost deafening and Althea's eyes fell straight to Hazel's figure splayed on the hardwood floor.

"My goodness!" she gasped, rushing over to her sister-in-law's body.

Althea's hands shook with panic as she pressed two fingers to Hazel's neck, feeling remotely relieved at the faint thumping of a pulse.

Standing to her feet again, Althea snatched the princess phone off the nightstand.

The paramedics were already hauling Hazel into the van when Kathrine and Opal arrived back at Hayvenhurst.

"What happened??" Kathrine asked, frantically as she rushed over to Althea who sat on the mansion's front steps.

The scene was all so incriminating, and Althea feared that any progress she'd made with her mother-in-law had been ruined.

"I-I came home and she passed out. I think she fell," she stammered standing to her full height.

Kathrine pushed the bag of groceries into a confused Opal's arms.

"Althea, she can't go alone. We've got to get to the hospital,"

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law loaded into Althea's new convertible, following the paramedics' van.

The emergency room was cold, quiet, and wearisome, smelling of rubbing alcohol and sterile bandages. Althea knew the smell all too well and it brought her back to the times she'd say at her granny's bedside while she wasted away.

She wanted nothing more than to go back to Hayvenhurst.

"I'm sorry I'm no fun, Ms. Kate," Althea spoke, tapping her fingers against her warm cup of tea. "I don't really like hospitals,"

Kathrine tore her gaze from the daytime soap playing on the waiting room television to glance at her daughter-in-law. Her doll eyes gleamed with worry and fear, and she placed a comforting hand on her knee.

"It's alright, sweetheart. Everything is fine, you did the right thing," she replied.

Althea sighed.

"Why do I feel so horrible?"

"Baby, you're okay!"

At the sound of her husband's voice, Althea perked up. Michael rushed up to his wife and mother, Jermaine following close behind.

"Michael!" Althea exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so glad to see you,"

Jermaine rolled his eyes at the sight of the couple embracing.

"What're you hugging her for?" He barked at his younger brother. "She's not the one in that room my wife is!"

Kathrine stood up.

"Jermaine, stop it," his mother chided. "Can't you see the girl's all shook up?"

Althea glared at Jermaine as she cuddled up to Michael.

"I don't care, Mother," Jermaine sneered. "I bet this is all her fault, anyway. All she's done since she got into this family is manipulate and scheme. She's nothing but a stupid whore!"

Michael snatched away from his wife, forcefully grabbing his brother by his lapels.

"Call my wife out of her name one more time and I swear Hazel won't be the only Jackson in a hospital room,"

The tension between the brothers was so distracting, none of the four had noticed the nurse approaching.

"Which one of you is the husband of Ms. Jackson?"

With an agitated sigh, Michael let Jermaine go and the elder Jackson cleared his throat while smoothing his suit jacket.

"That would be me," Jermaine spoke.

The nurse nodded curtly.

" You can see her now if you wish,"

Jermaine stole another glare at Michael as he followed the blonde nurse to Hazel's room.

Michael wrapped an arm around Althea while pressing a kiss to her hairline.

"I bet you two haven't had any lunch," he spoke. "C'mon, I'll get us a couple of sandwiches in the cafeteria."

Meanwhile, Hazel lies in her hospital bed, her head thumping and her throat dry. She'd hardly remembered the events that led her to feel so low.

A soft knock sounded on the door.

"Come in,"

The smiling blonde nurse from before had returned this time with Jermaine in tow.

"Your husband is here," she announced cheerily. "The doctor will be with you shortly,"

Hazel glowered at her husband as he closed the door.

"Don't come another step closer," Hazel hissed. "I don't want you here,"

Jermaine sighed.

"Damnit, Haze, don't do this! Mother called and I was worried,"

His wife laughed dryly.

"Sure you were. How long did it take you to tear away from one of your sluts before you got here?"

"I was at the office with Mike," Jermaine protested. "He can vouch for me,"

Hazel folded her arms across her chest with another weary sigh.

"Just go,"

Jermaine stormed out of Hazel's room, hardly bothered by her sour mood and like clockwork, the doctor entered.

"I'm Dr. Grayson," the handsome bearded doctor greeted. "I understand you've had quite the fall,"

Hazel just nodded, reaching for the cup of water at her bedside.

"Tell me, Mrs. Jackson, have you been experiencing any symptoms like fatigue, nausea, frequent urination?" he continued.

"Yes," she replied. "I'm a healthy woman. That's abnormal, isn't it?"

A small smile settled on the doctor's lips.

"Not for a woman of your condition. Mrs. Jackson, you're pregnant,"

Hazel nearly choked on her water.

"Pregnant? Forreal?"

She spoke more out of shock than ignorance. The suspicion had been looming in her mind for days as she hunched over the toilet in the wee hours of the morning, praying that her sickness was nothing more than just disagreeable dinner and a bad hunch. Now here a medical professional was giving life to her worst nightmare.

Hazel had never wanted a child in the first place. She'd grown up an only child and never cared for baby dolls and other domestic duties. She'd been pampered and spoiled but neglected. The carefree life of shopping and spa days that her mother indulged in seemed more attractive than motherhood, but she'd made a bargain with Jermaine when they'd married.

The Jacksons were big on heirs.

After Stacy was born, they'd never planned on having another and Hazel had managed to keep it that way for four years. Now here she was, pregnant with her nephew's baby.

"Absolutely," Dr. Grayson replied. "You're a healthy six weeks. All you need is a little rest and some vitamins, and you'll be good as new,"

"I'd like to have a moment alone please if you don't mind,"

The doctor flashed a small smile and left the room. When the door closed behind him Hazel felt as if the room was sinking in. Her marriage with Jermaine was already crumbling, it was only a matter of time before their empire collapsed. 

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