The angel from hell (hazbin h...

By Absol_stories

21.9K 349 140

We've all heard the old saying "With every action, there is a consequence". Well, I always thought that was a... More

Part one: The host of the rider.
Update/ability list
Part Two: Right at home
Part three: The hazbin crew
Part Four: The Devil (minor brutal/blood warning)
Part Five: Guilty or Innocent?
Part Six: IMP?
Part Seven: The truth behind the rider.
Part Eight: Valentines surprise
Part Nine: The king arrives
Part Eleven: Brewing storms

Part Ten: An old friend

1K 24 6
By Absol_stories

Jack's first instinct is to pull out his shotgun, the moment he does. He sees only one simple pale finger with a smirking lucifer who flicks Jack. Jack goes flying back and his body glitches out. As he splits. Jack lands on the ground and someone who looks like Jack, but with a flaming skeleton, body lands right next to him.

They both get up and they look at each other with shock and horror as they turn to Lucifer who's chuckling.

"Surprised? you forget that I own your soul. I can do whatever I please to you. I can just separate your little connection with my little brother and you're nothing more than an ordinary man once again."  Lucifer sneers

"Yeah right, I'm the little brother, but you're the one who was cast down here. And look where it got you. You could barely defeat me the first time we fought when I didn't have a host, and while I was completely insane. Let's see if you can do that again."  Zarathos says walking towards Lucifer but is then stopped by Jack who places a hand on Zaratho's shoulder.

"Not now Zarathos. We're not here to fight. Not here, not in the hotel. Another time."

"Speak for yourself, I'm no longer bound to you. I can do what I want when I want." Zarathos says trying to move closer to Lucifer.

"Zarathos please, if you do this it won't end well. Do you really think you can do this in front of all these people?"

Zarathos pauses, taking a scan around the room. "Danmit fine. I won't fight today, let's just fuse back together."

Jack nods and Zarathos places his hand on Jack, zarathos then walks into Jack.  a flash of light later and Jack is the only one there. 

"How interesting. Since when did you learn to do that my little hunter?"  Lucifer says walking into the hotel.

"A while ago,"  Jack replies. Lucifer walks over to charlie and gives her a big hug.

"Charlie dear! How are you doing?"  He says as charlie gives him a hesitant hug back.

"Doing fine dad. What brings you to the hotel? "  

"Simple, I wanted to see my daughter and how her little dream was doing. Is that so bad?" Lucifer asked t a half smiling charlie who shaked her head.

"No, not bad at all. Just glad to see you. And no funny business alright?"  Charlie said sounding stern as lucifer chuckled.

"No funny business at all daughter." 

"Good, then let me show you around the hotel!"  Charlie said as she took her father by the hand and leads him into the hallway.

Jack lets out a sigh of relief as he sits down  "That could have gone much much worse."

"Ya' think?" Angel says

"What happened?"  Vaggie asks Jack.

"SImple, he just rocked my shit."  Jack casually says back.

"But how? how did he do that to you?" Vaggie asks.

"Simple, he has a hold on my soul. He can control my entire body if he so chose to. I can't do anything. I'm bound to his will for the foreseeable future. And I can't see a way out."

"Well, there has to be some way you can stop that from happening. That looked freaky as shit."  Husker says

"Not possible. I've tried everything, and I mean everything. Only 1 person in the history of forever has ever been able to break the hold of the devil. He was a ghost rider like me. He was from the cowboy era. He's a legend, Carter Slade." 

"How'd he do that?" Angel asks to Jack just shrugging.

"Beats me, even Zarathos won't tell me. And he was bound to the dude. The best I can do is try to play nice with him until I figure out a way to be free from his control."

"You said that Cater Slade was aghost rider right? Doesn't that mean that he would end up here when he died?"  Vaggie asks

"Nah, he ain't here. If he was I would have found him by now. Down here my peers are amplified by all the sin and just the sheer power all the rings of hell have. I can't sense him anywhere." Jack says folding his arms

"Not to mention I ain't planning on fighting that snake for a while. He hasn't done anything in 12 years to piss me off. So I don't have a reason to fight someone like him. That and I don't know what would happen to me if I did that. I might just freaking explode in the worst case scenario."

((No, you've just got a crush and can't bear to see her hurt because of the possibility she could get hurt by it))

"Shut it! I have no crush, nor will I ever. It won't happen so just drop it zarathos!"  Jack says under his breath.

((You are a terrible liar.))

"Listen, can we just drp it? I'm not in the mood to talk about this anymore."  Jack says and everyone but alastor nods.

Meanwhile, Charlie has been showing her father around the hotel.  "And this place is where the rehabilitation center is. And over there is where I sleep. We only have a few customers but it's going strong."

"I see, tell me Charlie, has either Vaggie or yourself proposed yet?"  Lucifer asks with a grin as charlie begins to blush.

"D-dad, don't talk like that. But no, neither of us has yet."

"Such a shame, you two should really step to it. I'm starting to get impatient in the fact that I still don't have a daughter or son in law." Lucifer says with a slight frown.

"Well I don't think you'll have to worry about having a son in law. That doesn't seem possible Now or ever. So you can drop that dream."  Charlie says chuckling

"We shall see daughter, your future is still a mystery."  Lucifer says as he quickly brushes it off.  "But enough about my silly talk, Care to continue your little tour?"

"That's really it, not really much else to show. Do you want to stay a couple of days to see what we do at the hotel?"  Charlie asks.

"I have a few days to spare. Why not, it'll be fun."   Lucifer says which makes charlie get an ear to ear smile.

Charlie runs to the lobby.   "Guys! Dad' staying here for a few days!"  She squeels

((Does this count as pissing us off))

"Very much so."    Jack says as he gets up and nods.    "Neat, I just hope he isn't here to ruin your dream."

"Don't talk like that Jack, it won't happen. I'll make sure myself."  Charlie says giving Jack a stern look.

"Whatever, just keep him as far away from me as possible."   Jack says to a Charlie shaking her head.

"Nope, you're gonna play nice with him even if you don't like it."  Charlie says as walks back to where lucifer is.    "Let me show you to your room dad."

Jack walks into his room, closes the door, and punches his bed nearly breaking it in two.

"This is not good at all."

((You're telling me. If we have to do this then we don't have much of a choice. Hey, worst comes to worst we just leave and never come back.))

"Not happening Zarathos. we're not running away like cowards."  Jack says, sitting down on his bed.

((You're just too attached to these people. You need to get over your little crush and-))


((I never said who the crush was.))

"No but you implied it" Jack says

((Fair enough))

"Let's just try to play nice for a bit. It shouldn't be that bad, right? Let's just try to sleep on it."

((It's mid afternoon))

"Shut the fuck up and just relax" Jack says as he lays down onto his bed and drifts off into a deep sleep.

Jack wakes up, he sits up and rubs his eyes while yawning. He gets up and walks over to a clock. It shows that it's 12:01 AM  "What the hell!? I was asleep for over almost 6 hours!?" 

((yep, you have any pleasent dreams?))

"Shut up, I wonder if anyone is awake."  Jack says walking outside his from and into the lobby. Nobody but a grinning Lucifer who is sitting in a chair, looking into a fire. Jack walks over and sits in a chair a few feet away from lucifer.

"Did you sleep well?"  Lucifer asks

"No not really. I kinda just did it to pass the time."  Jack says casually.

"I know that feeling. Being down here for thousands of years can wear a person out. It makes them go mad. It makes them have many sleepless night and many boring nights. Especailly the ones the are forced to live in the pride ring." 

"Why are you here lucifer? What reason could you possibly have to be here?"

"Well for one, I wanted to see my daughter, see how she was doing. Ever since I shot her down on her dreams, we've been distant. "  Lucfier says with regret in his voice.

"Careful there lucifer, you seem to be going soft."  Jack says as both of them chuckle.

"Perhaps I am, But I still want to be there for my daughter. Despite my past I will not let Charlie grow up into something that might be impossible to achieve."  Lucifer says with a sigh

"You and I both know nothing is impossible. That's the truth, look at everything you've been handed. you got what you thought was impossible." Jack says with a smirk

"Oh? I thought something was impossible to achieve? And what would that be?" 

"You got your wish to be a king. look at what you've been given. Even though you were casted out, You still got your wish. He still answered your prayers."  Jack says wich makes lucifer look puzzled for a second and then he smirks.

"Yes, I suppose you are correct. What's your angle?"  Lucifer asks.

"My angle is to get out of this curse. Plain and simple, I want to just be free from this life of eternal servitude. I want my soul back."

"And you thought that if you got close to my daughter you could find a way for her to convince me to give you your soul back?"   Lucifer snarls

"No, nothing like that at all. She was just the first person in a while to show me some kindness. I'm here to help her out with her dream. My soul is something I can put on the side for a few years."  Jack says as the fire changes into a blue flame.

"I see, You know this doesn't exactly make us all good, right?"  Lucifer asks which makes Jack laugh

"Of course I know, I still hate you and Zarathos still hates you. That will never changed. But lucifer, I promise you this. If you even so much as think about trying t ruin your daughter's dreams, I'll bring down the full might of heaven and hell onto you."

Lucifer sneers at the threat  "I'm looking forward to you trying to do so my hunter. And also, stay away from my daughter's life."

"Don't need to tell me twice. for now, I just want to be her friend. I want to help her before she even thinks about helping me. I'm unfixable." Jack says as the fire gets lower

"That might just be true. Or it could be false. We will see with enough time dear Ryder."

"That's fair enough, but can I ask you one thing?"  Jack asks to lucifer getting a smile across his face once again.

"Anything your heart desires" Lucfier says gripping onto his cane

"Why me? Why did you choose me to have this life?"

"Simple, I felt a strong soul within you. Adding you to my collection just after the last term for the previous rider. I did not do this without thought. But it was you who decided to make the deal with me. Never forget that."

"No, I cannot forget my mistakes, and now I have this curse to shoulder on my own. I just hope you're happy with all the torment you have caused."  Jack says to a chuckling lucifer

"I am happy with it. I just can't wait to get back up into the living world and bring more souls down here. It's amazing every time I see them get screwed over."

"I knew that would be your answer"  Jack says as they both stare into the fire and make conversation until morning.

To be continued......

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