Marrying the professor

By may00m

577K 16.5K 1K

Elena Parker is in her second year in college, she stays with her roommate Laura at the girl's dorm. Most of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Author's Note 3
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thank you
New Story
Loving The Anti-fan

Chapter 27

11.8K 360 14
By may00m

Elena Parker POV:

There is a gold dress and a pair of black Louboutin that has been staring at me for nearly an hour now, and I'm staring back. 

I chewed on my lips, debating whether should I accept this or not. All I knew is that I came back from classes to find a big brown box with a red tie on top, resting on the bed. Without a thought, I knew exactly who left this here. It's Adam, but what for? 

An arm snaked over my waist and another on my shoulders. My back is pressed on his chest. His scent announced his presence behind me. "Hey beautiful," his deep voice announced near my right ear. Chills ran over my spine, and I stilled in my place. 

"What's this for?" I gestured curiously with my head towards the box in front of me. Adam's head lightly rested on my shoulder, his breaths fanning my neck. He remained silent for a minute, "There is a wedding to attend." 

A wedding? my eyebrows furrowed when I realized whose wedding he is referring to, and my stomach can't help but flip in uneasiness. I very much don't want to go and I don't know how exactly I'm going to deliver the news to him. 

"Umm..." that's all that I said. Adam groans behind my back and lightly begin to rotate me to face him. He can sense my discomfort as his eyes skeptically scanned my features. "You don't want to go?"

His question remained hanging in the air between us. I do want to say that I don't wish to go but looking at his amazed look revealed his surprise as if he didn't expect me to refuse to go with him. So I swallow my discomfort and force a smile on my lips, "I just didn't know that I was invited." 

"Why wouldn't you be invited?" Adam said kitting his eyebrows, his thumb caressing my shoulder. He added, "You are my wife, of course, you are invited." 

"When is it anyway?" I asked. 

Adam's hand scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. A silly smile on his lips, "Seven hours from now," he sheepishly said. 

My mouth gaped in startle, "You serious? I thought it will be next month." 

"Yeah, well. They hastened it," he simply shrugged his shoulder. I really can't believe him right now, couldn't he just tells me earlier. "So you are telling me that I have seven hours to get ready and attend your best friend's wedding," I exclaimed. 

I mean seven hours is more than enough to get ready, it's just that I haven't prepared myself mentally. That night at his family's mansion was more than enough! Great just great! 

Adam was about to say something but his phone ringing tone drifted his attention. His hands dropped to his jeans pocket. He looked at his screen and his features immediately shift to a blank canvas. Lips pressed in a thin line, he left the room. 

What was that about? I shrugged my shoulders helplessly and carried on my staring session at the dress.

Taking the dress out of the box, I slenderly raised it in front of me. It sparkled with a few gems that were lined on the waist. The top was strapless. A long split arose on the left side all the way to the thigh area. There is no way I'm wearing this. 

The black patent leather shoes with their red soles stared at me, and I can't help but sigh. It's indeed gorgeous. But it's an expensive one, and I shouldn't accept it. Even though my relationship with Adam is quite close and sincere, it doesn't mean that I forgot about this deal coming to an end. 

I love Adam, yes. But I never said it to him, nor did he expresses anything similar. We made love, we kiss but that doesn't change anything. Even if my heart leaps in pain, every time I remember our deal. He never said anything about it and that doesn't mean he won't. 

And expensive gifts won't be appropriate, I already owe him the tuition fees. "It's that bad...... huh...... I get it," I heard Adam's voice lowly whispering on the phone. I stilled in my place, is he okay? 

Bad news?

Moments later he came back but not like he was a minute ago. This man looks cold and stiff, his eyes held no emotion. He blankly looked at me, his voice frosting with ice, "Get ready we will leave at 5." 

I studied his face for what felt like ages. Even though I know that staring at him won't magically tell me what caused his mood change, I still did it. He looked different, distant, and cold. That call did something. Who did he talk to? 

"I'm not going," I found myself saying looking straight into his eyes. Adam's features don't weaver, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned towards me. "And I'm not asking," his eyebrows shot up. 

I looked at him unfazed, "Neither do I." 

"Listen here dear wife, I can drag you by myself and slide that dress on you whether you like it or not. And believe me, you won't like it. So be a good girl and go get ready, I like my things to be beautiful and shiny," he demanded clenching his jaw. 

Who the hell is this man? I don't recognize this male that stands in front of me. No! It's my fault to be ignorant about his true self. Silly of me to fall for his plays, and like a fool, I gave him my heart. It's the call, he became like this after a freaking call. 

"What was the call about?" I asked knitting my eyebrows. What made him like this? 

"Someone reminded me of matters that I recently forgot about," he answered coldly. Mysterious words as always, now what the hell does that mean? I narrowed my gaze at him, "I'm not one of your things, Adam." 

"Just go and get READY!" he shouted making me flinch. My eyes widened in startle, his attitude reminded me of memories of the past. Memories that I long time ago buried in my hometown. Blood ran cold in my vines. He nearly looked like him. 

I stepped away from him. Terror surely painted on my face. Please don't be like him, Adam! Please. Adam's stare softens for a second but he quickly masks it off and flees out of the room. My eyes burned with tears but I refuse for it to fall. 

I blink once, twice, and a couple of times until I can't sense my tears. Why every time I feel a sense of happiness something happens to deprive me of it. Okay, maybe I'm being a little bit dramatic but he doesn't have the right to command around. 

Grabbing the dress, I nearly tore it apart in frustration. Taking a deep breath, I went to the bathroom to change. Sliding off my black shirt and jeans, I zipped down the dress. Slipping in it, I tried to reach for the zipper to close it but couldn't. 

I struggled a few times trying to zip up the dress, and all my attempts failed successfully. If I was able to hold my tears minutes ago, I don't think I can do it again. Sobs escaped my lips. There is no way I'm asking for his help. 

I helplessly gave up and exited the bathroom. A few tears rolled on my cheeks, I quickly brush them off. Marching to the living room, Adam was standing near the window gazing at the outside. 

He senses my presence and looked at me. His gaze marched over my body, a thing that made me furious. I don't know why, it just did. "I couldn't close the zipper," I said rubbing my bare arms, avoiding his intense gaze. 

Adam nodded and swiftly stood behind my back. His chilly fingers lightly touched my back. Hot breaths fanned my nick. Slowly the zipper raised up as his hand reached for my hair and toss it to the side. I stopped breathing. 

I stilled at my place, and so did he. No one moved for a few minutes but then I forced my legs to move and hardly made my way back to the room. Damn it! I'm mad at him so I need to focus on my anger. His touch shouldn't affect me like this. 

Looking at the long mirror, the gold dress hugged my body. I slenderly touched my hair, thinking what to do with it. Heating the curler I began to style it. My reflection on the mirror looks miserable. 

I finished my makeup. Brown eyeshadow, wing eyeliner, and red lipstick. A classic look. Though I don't feel good at the moment, I can't deny that I looked decent. Gazing at the pair of heels for a while, I put them on. 

Adam came out of the other room in a black tuxedo. His hair was brushed and styled perfectly. He stood like a model who walked straight out of a Vogue magazine. I could feel his gaze burning me.  

But he kept his cold attitude and so did I. None of us uttered a word as we walked together to the door. Adam locked it behind me as I waited for the elevator. A man was standing by my side, his face was familiar since I saw him a couple of times in the building.

We shared a random conversation once, he probably said his name. Was it Sam?  

He scanned me from head to toe and I ignored that by casually looking at our neighbor's planet pot. Adam stood by my side now, and from the corner of my eyes, I saw him glaring at the man giving him death glares.

Entering the elevator, Adam stood closer to me while who I assume is Sam rested his back to the opposite wall. "So how is life, Sam?" I casually asked with a small smile. Adam looked at me in confusion. 

"Oh, you remembered," Sam awkwardly said before adding, "Good, how about you?" 

"Great," I said. Well, not really. 

Adam's gaze wandered between us, and if it was possible he would burn the poor man to death. I barely was able to hold my giggle, but I manage to. Reaching the parking lot, Adam got into the car. He didn't even bother opening the door for me. What a gentleman! 

But the look on his face somehow satisfies me, making me feel better. He is so jealous that a red flush painted his neck. His hand tightly gripping the steering wheel, we marched through the street. 

The sun is setting on the horizon, bleeding the sky with a crimson light. Neither of us says anything for the rest of the ride. I could feel Adam stealing glances my way from the corner of his eyes from time to time. 

We are off to the wedding of Chase and Caytlin and I can't help but pray that nothing goes wrong further than this. May everything goes right, even if there is a gut feeling telling me otherwise. 


Hey, lovelies, I'm back and this time it wasn't a long absence. Anyways, what do you think about this chapter? What's wrong with Adam? How about the wedding? This chapter is dedicated to my lovely readers who are always supportive, love you guys! Please comment and vote. Stay safe. 

Love ya 💕

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