Perfection(s) Direction(s).


65.6K 1.6K 437

It takes a length of time to fall in love, especially if you've never felt it before. It takes a length of ti... More

1 - Situation.
2 - Infatuated or [In Love?]
3 - Fortunate Accidents.
4 - Unknown Ardor.
5 - Hard to Explain.
6 - Interrogated.
7 - Trust (and Ice-Cream).
8 - Understanding.
9 - The Feelings I've Experienced.
10 - Cold Comings and Date Beginnings.
12 - Fair and Square.
13 - Shoulder.
14 - Horikita.
15 - Peace Forlorned.
16 - Kei.
17 - Together.

11 - Perfection.

2.9K 89 27

"Fufufu~ You finally made it, Kiyotaka."

It had been around 10 minutes since I had gotten that text message from Arisu, and I had made it to our agreed spot - which was simply right in front of the fountain. 

And as I stare at her figure, which was illuminated by the splashing of the water behind her, I must admit that she looked quite nice.

She was wearing something that was different from her usual wear, instead choosing to dress appropriate for the season with winter wear that suited her quite well and fit her perfectly.

But the location we chose was not an ambiguous nor hidden location at all, but considering just how truly massive and open the park was - you couldn't really hide here nor set a location which was secretive or was cast away from the rest of the crowd.

"Well, I don't believe I am late considering how it is 4:PM and we both agreed to meet at 4:20; so I am actually 20 minutes early as well as you."

"You are indeed right about that fact, Kiyotaka - but I believe it is only natural that you should've come earlier than me.", she said in a both mocking and teasing tone.

"I don't even know when you arrived here, how was I supposed to know that you would appear here at this specific time?"

"That's for you to figure out, Kiyotaka." She replied back with her smug smile.

"Alright then-" I said back to her while pausing for one second, "Should we go?" I spoke once again as I reached my left hand out towards her for no particular reason (and also because I read it on the internet that this is what you were supposed to do while you were hanging out with a girl).

She stared at my left hand after I reached it out to her for a couple seconds, before smiling once more and grasping it softly with her right as her left contained her cane.

"I'd be quite happy too, Kiyotaka."

And thus, our time together began.









We had started our 'date' together rather simply, with Arisu requesting that we go to the café in order for some trivial talk and for the calm, relatively stress-free setting that was within it.

And that is exactly what it was, as the café was rather empty today with a lack of any students from either A, B, C or D; not even second years nor third years were present.

It was the perfect state for us to have some minor discussion, and what we talked about was rather insignificant as well.

Besides one.

As I was sipping down my tea, letting the taste cover my mouth and letting the texture of it slide down my throat as it created sensations in my mouth to describe its pleasure; she asked a question while putting her own tea cup down on its gold rimmed, white plate extremely gently.

"So, Kiyotaka - have you figured out the answer to my question?"

"What question?" I replied back trying to play ignorant as I blew on my tea while drinking it once more, causing the heat steaming off of it to flow towards Arisu's direction. 

"Fufufu~ Don't tell me you forgot now, have you Kiyotaka?" She asked with a smug smile, while her eyes were staring deep into mine.

In response to her question, I placed my tea cup down on its own plate and sighed - letting the air I breathed out to touch the steaming cup of tea once more; causing the liquid within to slightly ripple and form bubbles.

"I'll give you an answer by the end of the day." I tell her as she picks her tea cup back up with her right hand, holding the cups handle with her thumb and pointer finger squeezed together while she looked at me amused by my answer - with a slight amount of joy emanating off her as well.

"Then I will be looking forward to it, Kiyotaka." She said as she took a sip of her tea.

But other than that inquiry she had, there was nothing else major we have spoke about that has significance; and we continued to drink our tea in silence with us jumping in to speak about things in the occasions where we wanted to. 

This lasted for around one hour and thirty minutes until we both decided to finally leave at 5:50.

It was rather late, but Arisu wanted to do at least one more thing before we both went out separate ways. 

She requested for us to simply walk around and look at things that may pass by - be it the falling leaves or the flying birds, anything she wished to survey we would gaze at.

The falling sun dawned upon us and the night was starting to settle in with the slow, perpetual, dimming sky ravishing the world above - its faint yellow light bleeding through the trees to the far right and left of the road we were walking on.

And as our time began to dwindle more and more; I knew it was coming.

And as we were walking closer and closer towards the dorms while the wind got colder and colder, making my skin react in kind to its chill; she suddenly stood still as the clacking of her cane had reached a stop.

In turn, I had also stopped albeit a-bit further than her - perhaps maybe around 4 steps in front of her.

I turn around to her, to see her face the same as the one I'd seen throughout most of the day; but the face she had showed something different.

As if she was expecting something, as if she knew what was coming - and she most likely did.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I eyed her face.

"You know what I want." She said bluntly as her eyes bore holes into me while they burned with an emotion unspeakably bright within her.

"....I suppose I should give my answer then."

Slowly, I walk up to her with silent steps - leaving almost no trace of my presence in the spot I was in before.

I go close to her, so close in fact that I'm essentially bumping into her and slowly put my left hand on her shoulder and grasped it.

She was still staring at me, her eyes ever expectant and face as smug as ever.

I then proceeded to take her chin with my index finger, and aim it up at me.

Lowering my head and taking it slow, my lips were inching closer to her face - she showed no movements nor took any - she wanted me to take every action possible; to make sure I was confidant about my choices.

And I was confidant about what I was doing, and I regretted nothing that I was committing to at the moment.

Finally, I reached close to her face and stared deep into her eyes; their blue shining with wonder and beauty while they reflected my own.

Slowly but surely, I placed my lips on her forehead and implanted them upon it; then removed them and backed away - though my hand was still present on her shoulders even after what I had done.

However, it was clear that even though I did technically implant my lips onto her body; she wasn't satisfied at all.

She was frowning slightly, with her eyebrows tilted downwards and expression mixed.

"That wasn't good enough, Kiyotaka." She said in a straightforward manner.

"I'm not used to this, and that's the best I could do at the moment."

"No, I believe you could have gone much further."

"How so?", I inquire to her.

"Like this." 

And almost in a flash, almost in one second....

She let go of her cane and let it fall to the floor, with it cackling after it had hit the ground; while she grasped my collar forcefully with both hands and pulled my head down towards hers - making it crumple and contort as my right hand maintained its grip on her shoulder.

Despite this, her quick and arguably forceful action made me lose myself and collapse for one second, just one - but that was all she needed.

For within that one second, within that one moment...



That's all for this one.

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