Tuning Hearts

By introvert_2001

10.7K 502 53

Cover Credits: @AMBER_0501 I woke up with a smile and looked around. The white canopy gave me a hazy look of... More

Into A New House
The Job Chaser
ARJUN- the rockstar
The Pestering
It's An Yes!
No Special Treatment!
The Corrections
A Kiss Perhaps
Her Objectives
The Sickness
The Proposal
The Rejection
Intended Ignorance
The Intimacy
The D-day
Your Baby
Part 2

The Secret Stalking

253 21 2
By introvert_2001

Arjun's POV:

" Sarv sresth Hindi film, Nidar ke sangeeth nirdeshak, Arjun Dalvi ko Rajat Kamal Diya jata hai. This is to honour him for the excellent music direction in the film Nidar, a fictional fantasy film." The host announced and I got up from my reserved seat. This is what I want. I went to the President and joined my hands in respect. She nodded in acknowledgement and handed me the certificate and the Silver Lotus Award.

I walked down and sat in my seat. The film actors, directors and actresses around me congratulated me and I smiled gently at them. The ceremony went on for the next two and a half hours while I patiently waited for it to get over.

I packed my luggage and my friends called me. Raghav and Ramit looked excited while Roshan gave me a goofy smile.

" Congratulations. And the party?" They asked and I nodded uncertainly. If I invite them, they'd ask for Arohi as well.

" Your girlfriend is also coming. Isn't she?" Ramit asked.

" First of all, she is not my girlfriend Ramit and second of all, she is not coming. I don't entertain my students." I gritted while the staff took my bag and locked the door.

" She is not your girlfriend. ACCEPTED. You won't entertain your students, that is why she is your only student." Roshan sang and the remaining two chorused. I just want to bang my head right now. I half screamed at them and the staff looked at me like I've grown 3 heads. I cut the call immediately and smiled at them awkwardly.

I checked out from the suite and handed them the suite keys. The receptionist mumbled a small congratulations with a smile and I said thank you. I cab dropped me at the airport and I boarded my flight. By the time I reached my little home. It was 7:30 pm.

Never in my life did I think that I'd stalk over someone, and that too Arohi. I peeked inside her room from the small window and she looked lifeless going through some musical notes. She sat in front of her Casio and pressed a key. Her lips wobbled and my heart pinched. Tear after tear rolled down from her eyes and she kept on playing the notes. The notes are heart wrenching and I'm sure, she is the one who wrote them. My eyes turned wet and she was mumbling something to herself.

I left from there to my room and freshened up. Her teary face is still not going from my mind. I took a deep breath and wore a t-shirt and a short. I knocked on her door and she opened it. Her eyes twinkled looking at me and a small but beautiful smile adorned her lips.

" Congratulations Arjun." She whispered and my heart leaped.

" You didn't come to class today," I said and acknowledged her wishes.

" I thought you might not return today. So, I didn't come. I'll just freshen up and join you." She whispered and closed the door in my face which is a shocker for me.

She came to my studio in 10 minutes along with a few papers. I didn't even ask her to start and she sat in front of my piano. She started pressing the keys effortlessly and my heartbeat rose. Her music is creating havoc inside me. The pain she is carrying inside her is unveiled in this manner.

" Arohi stop," I mumbled with wet eyes but she kept on playing with her eyes closed.

It's paining me. So freaking much. I went behind her and placed my shivering hand on her shoulder and she still kept on playing.

Soon the music came to end and my insides are shivering. She started another one and a small cold smile formed on her lips. The music sounded so cold and sad. That is sending chills down my spine. I have never heard a piece of music that is so soul-piercing. I felt like crying and the tears left automatically without my contest.

" Arohi, please stop." I pleaded but the music kept on playing.

The notes are soft and sharp bringing goosebumps all over my skin. I curled myself on the sofa as my body started to ache. I looked at her and her whole posture looked dead like she lost everything, the purpose to love. The notes are written with sorrow.

" STOP," I screamed and she flinched opening her eyes. She withdrew her fingers from the piano's keys and looked at my red eyes.

" I excelled. Didn't I Arjun?" She asked walking closer to me. Her cold and monotonous tone scared me. No doubt, she turned beyond perfect that any film producer takes her without a second thought. She turned to leave but I am consumed by so much fear that she might become like this.

I sat on the seat and harshly pulled her onto me.

" Play along Arohi," I mumbled on her shoulder.

" Leave me, Arjun." She whispered broken.

" Fucking play." I roared playing a heart-melting number of mine. Her breaths turned rugged. Tears kept flowing from her eyes and fell on my hands. She hurriedly withdrew her hands and wiped her eyes. I grabbed her slender hands and put them back on the keys.

" I can't do this Arjun." She sobbed and her whole body shook. My body is aching seeing her cry. Tears slipped from my eyes and I hid my face behind her back. Our fingers stopped on the piano and our tears flowed together in agony.

" Please accept me, Arjun. My heart is breaking slowly." She asked me with so much pain that made me break in front of her.

" I'm sorry. I can't." I whispered near her ear. She turned back and gently captured my lips. She sucked me gently as the bees are in search of nectar, just the difference is, she is searching for my veiled love. I felt every emotion that she is pushing at me. She gently pulled away and is still hiccing up. Her red lips are shivering and I held her secured from falling. Our eyes are screaming in agony, one for love and another to live for that love.

" You'll be hurt Arohi. Stop getting your hopes high." I pleaded and she immediately got up. She slowly took her steps away from me and ran to her room. I was unable to say anything other than see her go away from me.

I waited for an hour and sneaked into her house. She slept and the tears are all over her face. I slept on her bed and pulled her closer.

I love you, but I can never be with you Aru!

With Love❤️

Word Count: 1148.

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