My Guardian Nightmare

By Mondi06

45.5K 1.8K 1.4K

There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Chp. 1 - Visit
Chp. 3 - New Classmate
Chp. 4 - Lucid Dreaming
Chp. 5 - Cooking Time
Chp. 6 - Jobs are mean, in Error's opinion
Chp. 7 - Ice Cream
Chp. 8 - Food and talking
Chp. 9: Just a mother coming home... Oh, and Pain.
Chp. 10 - Breakfast after the shock
Chp. 11 - Glück
Chp. 12 - Gifts
Chp. 13 - Planning
Chp. 14 - Reintroducing: The worst person possible
Chp. 15 - Breaking down
Chp. 16 - Visitors
Chp. 17 - A tale of persuading cats and swearing
Chp. 18 - Seeking help from the outside
Chp. 19 - Someone from the past
Chp. 20 - Disturbance
Chp. 21 - Quitting?
Chp. 22 - Father-Daughter-Reunion, I guess
Chp. 23 Nightly Visit
Chp. 24 - Bonding Time
Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom
Chp. 26 - Hospital
Chp. 27 - Eos
Chp. 28 - SOUL
Special - Birthday Party
Chp. 29 - Geno's Check-Up
Chp. 30 - Shadows
Chp. 31 - New Home
Chp. 32 - Office
Chp. 33 - Further explanation about the cult
Chp. 34 - King Nightymare
Chp. 35 - Crown
Chp. 36 - Crayon Queen
Chp. 37 - Similarity between mother and son
Chp. 38 - Spooder
Chp. 39 - Removing the drug
Chp. 40- Talking about trauma
Chp. 41 - Dads are embarrassing
Chp. 42 - Medicine Time
Chp. 43 - Meeting Family
Chp. 44 - Waking World
Chp. 45 - Demise
Chp. 46 - A teasing God
Chp. 47 - Magic?
Chp. 48 - Alptraum
Chp. 49 - A super cool Adventure
Chp. 50 - Lovebirds
Chp. 51 - A crash

Chp. 2 - Cult

1.9K 64 29
By Mondi06

Yeah, that's the chapter with the cult.

"Wat?" Fresh was confused now, what the heccles is a cult?
Meanwhile, Error felt his marrow run cold at that information and cling even more to CQ.

He has heard of this cult during his history classes, as they were forced to learn it early in case they were chosen for the cult, even though it wasn't really directly said, stating that the cult were just 'rumors'... That teacher lied.

CQ rubbed Error's head slightly, while Liebemann laughed again his weird, smooth laugh.
,,Ah yes, this reaction is normal. But you know what will happen if he doesn't donate, hm?"
The man grinned slightly. Geno blinked in confusion and looked up at his mother. 
,,But- he's a child-" CQ said, while the man just shrugged. ,,Madam, I really don't care."

Error then looked up at CQ and then glanced at Liebemann. "I- I don't f-fink I wanna..."
Error nervously voiced out, hugging CQ more.
No no, it's got to be a lie, it has to be!
He doesn't even have that many possessions, they're literally poor by society's standards!

Don't ask how a second grader knows that.

Mr. Liebemann hummed slightly. ,,But you don't have a choice!"
He said, before laughing. ,,Either that or you all die! It's that easy!"
Geno grabbed a bit onto Fresh, after hearing that, looking up at the man, who grinned lightly at them.
The child coughed a bit, while CQ stared in horror at Liebemann.

Fresh then frowned at that and then hugged Geno back, glancing at Error with an unreadable emotion, who seems to be shaking a bit as he doesn't even know of what to in this situation.
He's just a kid for fucks' sake! "O-Okay..."
How could he refuse though? He doesn't want his family to die just because of his own selfishness...

Mr. Liebemann smiled and clapped into his hands.
,,Splendid! Now you just need an offer!" He said in a way too cheerful tone.
Error then blinked a bit. "I... I don't have m-much though."
Error was trying his damndest to not stutter, but ended up doing so anywyas.
Fresh then glanced up at Geno. "What do we do brah?" Fresh whispered.

Error just clung to CQ. He doesn't even have much to sacrifice really.
Well, he doesn't know if he has anything worthy to sacrifice. Maybe... His scarf would also work???

Geno shook his head. ,,I- I don't know-"
He whispered back. ,,I don't even know what's happening-"
The child seemed scared, as he looked at Liebemann.

Liebemann waved impatiently his hand.
,,Everything works, really. Don't be slow kid, we have only like until 3 am, so get your things done and come with us."

Error then carefully nodded, glancing up at his mother before hugging her nervously.
He then moved towards his brothers and hugged Geno, then suddenly, hugged Fresh as well.
Must be serious as hell if Error would hug Fresh.
After that, Error then quickly rushed towards his room to get his scarf, a scarf that was really given as a late birthday gift a few years ago.
Not that Error has a choice anymore really.

Geno looked fearful after Error, looking in confusion up at his mother. 
Liebemann hummed slightly a happy tune, while waiting for the glitched child to come back.

Soon enough Error then came back, scarf wrapped around his neck. "I-I'm ready..."
He nervously spoke. He doesn't know how they're pretty much gonna prepare him hin six hours, and frankly, he's nervous as fuck.
Liebemann nodded. ,,Good, good. Say good bye to your family, you will see them soon again... maybe."
The man said, looking impatiently around.

Error gulped a bit, turning towards CQ in worry, before moving over and hugging CQ tightly.
"G'bye mama..." Error muttered before walking towards Geno and Fresh, hugging them both.
"G'bye..." before the family could hug back though, he quickly rushed to Liebemann, he didn't want them to worry for him after all.
He can do this... Maybe.

Liebemann smirked a bit, waving at the three, before just taking Error and going away, not waiting for anything else.
Error meeped softly at the sudden hold on his hand, tearing up a bit in fear before quickly wiping it away. He has to stay strong.


Liebemann led Error to a weird place. Candles flickered lightly, as he brought Error to the place, where the offering would be.
They had put Error into a cyan and black, simple dress and had given him a crown made of palm leafs.
The smell of different spices and flowers were now on the child.

Error nervously fidgeted with the items he's holding before holding it close for the last bit of comfort he has to hold on to, softy sniffling a bit.
He's only six years old! He doesn't want to die yet!

Liebemann hummed slightly, stopping walking by a shrine-like thing.
The man kneeled slightly down. ,,Oh great being, that is higher than us all, we have someone to offer you their possession to you here. Please accept the offer and let the town in peace a bit longer."
He said in a deep voice, before standing up and withdrawing slowly.
A weird, deep singing echoed through the place.

Error nervously watched Liebemann before yelping as he was pushed forward.
He was about to nervously glance back at them, but then he remembered what they had practiced.
"I-I u-umm-um..." Error quietly stuttered, shaking a bit from under pressure.
"I b-besto-tow these... These gifts up-upon to y-you-ou, g-grea-at being..."
Error softly spoke, if he remembered correctly, he only has to wait for whoever this being is to arrive before giving the items.

Out of seemingly nowhere, goop began  to gather and a being shot out of it.
The being had a cyan, dangerous glowing eye and four sharp tentacles waved behind it.
It's mouth was a grimace, looking like it had multiple, sharp teeth, as it hissed loudly.
The being calmed down, it's mouth forming into a normal mouth, as it stared at Error.
The being tilted his head slightly, as it looked at the small child, it's cyan eye looking barely noticeable around.
It then looked back at Error, not saying anything.

Error flinched when he heard a soft cheer at the arrival of the 'great being'.
Error then nervously fidgeted a bit before taking a deep breath and then carefully handing his possessions.
"M-My gift for y-you..." The six year old nervously finished as he handed the being of darkness, his pillow and scarf.
He could feel himself tear up a bit, but he just didn't let it fall.
It was tough giving up his items, but he wants his family safe more.
Error then looked up at the being head on, just as they practiced.
He couldn't maintain eye contact though, as much as he would have liked.
None but the being would notice anyways.

He hopes that the lack of eye contact won't make the god angry... Assuming that they're a god with how powerful they look alone.

The being stared at Error for a few minutes.
Then a tentacle slowly reached out at Error, taking the scarf and the pillow.
For other eyes not visible, the tentacle rubbed quickly over Error's head, before retreating.
The being stared a bit longer at Error, before it turned around and vanished in black goop.

A loud cheering was to be heard, after the being vanished.
Error blinked in confusion when he felt the tentacle rub his skull.
He had not expected it in the slightest.
Did... Did that mean he did good? That he did it alright?

Error then quickly wiped the tears away and then glanced at the cult behind him.
They're cheering... Does that mean he did it okay...?
He doesn't know. He just wanted to go home.
Liebemann walked to Error, a grin on his face.
,,Ah, you did good! Didn't expect the great being to accept your gifts, honestly! Well! As promised, you can go back to your family!" The man hummed.

"R-Really...?" Error couldn't help but feel a bit delighted, then that would mean his family is safe, right?
They won't kill his family? He hopes they won't, he loves his family to bits!

Unfortunately, even Fresh.

Liebemann chuckled slightly.
,,Why, yeah of course! I promised, didn't I? I am a leader of a cult, not a psycho. What did you think I would do? Torture you?"
The man laughed slightly. ,,Nah, ya can go back to your poor lifestyle."

Error then tilted his skull in confusion at the mention of torture. What does that even mean??
Torture...? Sounds scary in his opinion.
He just slowly nodded despite not understanding what the cult leader has said.

Soon enough, a person has then escorted him out and then got Error into a car.
They were in the middle of the woods so it was a bit of a long way... Error nervously fidgeted with the dress he wore.
The clothing he was wearing before he was delivered to the area was already burnt and ashes, as they deemed that it was to 'hide the evidence'.

Why do they even need to hide the evidence?
He remembered someone saying thay even this thing called... 'Government' is on their side. Sounds too fancy for his liking.

Soon enough, the car pulled up by the home and Error carefully got out, nervously walking up to the front door.
Not noticing how the curtains closed, nor did he hear Fresh's faint yell of 'Error's back!'

The car drove away, after Error had gotten out of the car.
The door to the house opened and CQ rushed out, hugging her son tightly. ,,Ruru!"
She said with relief in her voice, as she hugged her son.

"M-Mama..." Error then hugged CQ tightly and buried his skull on CQ's stomach gently. Smol.
The palm leaf crown he wore getting a bit ruined, but Error didn't care. He's home, safe, with his family.

CQ smiled happily and carried her child up, bringing him into the warm house.
,,Ruru... Are you doing okay? They didn't hurt you, did they? Do you need anything?"
The woman asked worriedly, as Geno looked worried and confused at the two, holding onto Fresh's arm.
Fresh was just carefully patting Geno's hand as he watched Error with blank shades.
"C-Clofes...?" Ah, clothing. Child must be shivering in that dress.

CQ blinked and nodded. ,,Right, right, clothes."
She mumbled and put Error carefully on the couch before rushing up to the room of her children, before coming down with clothes, which also were already Error's pj's.
,,It's already very late... or very early, you should sleep soon anyways..."
The woman mumbled, as she handed Error the clothes. ,,You must be very tired... but say if you need anything."

Error then carefully took it, muttering a thank you to CQ and then going to the bathroom to change.
"Ewwor looks pwetty in the dwess though." Fresh not the right time.
CQ blinked and looked at the four year old, before sighing and smiling slightly, rubbing Fresh's skull without saying anything.
Geno looked curious after Error. ,,He... smelled weird..." He mumbled.

"He did?" Honestly, Fresh just liked the cyan and black dress on Error despite it not being his style.
Geno nodded a bit. ,,Ye! Like- Like spicy!"
The child said. ,,But also sweet. It's weird. A weird smell."

Soon enough, Error then came back downstairs in his PJs and then glanced up at his mother, then at his brothers.
"Ight, we should go 'ta sleep now." Fresh chirped and Error shakily nodded.
Geno nodded agreeing too, standing up.
CQ smiled slightly. ,,Alright. Do you wanna hear a good-night story?" She asked, looking at her sons.

"Pl-Please...?" Error quietly stuttered.
Still not over with what had happen.
What scared him the most in that entire ordeal was not the being of darkness, surprisingly, but it was the fact that if he did it wrong, he would just end up losing his family. He didn't want that.
Fresh just glanced at him, reaching out and hesitantly patting his shoulder. Error glances at him, but said nothing, glancing back up at CQ.

The woman smiled. ,,Of course." She said and rubbed Error's head, before going with her sons up into their room, bringing them to bed.
CQ hummed a bit, before taking a certain book.
,,Do you want to hear ,Fluffy Bunny'?" The human asked her sons.

"Why not." Fresh simply shrugged. Not his cup of tea, but figured it would help Error at least.
He tries his best really. Error then slowly nodded as he then sat down on his bed.
Since CQ had lacked the money, the siblings share two beds, which was simply pushed together to make it so that it's big enough for them.

The woman nodded and looked at her three sons slightly smiling, before beginning to Read.
,,Once upon a time, there was a fluffy bunny..."


Welp, hope the second chapter was good! :D
I hope we can all collectively agree that Liebemann is an A-hole, but hey, at least he gave Error back to his family, if you know what I am implying.  And he didn't... I dunno... torture him for two years.

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