A Snake's Crutch Book 1

By Emmanem24

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Y/N is a muggle born. All her life she had been taught normal things. But when her Hogwarts letter arrives, s... More

Part I: Unlikely Beginnings
Part 2: Through the Wall
Part 3: View from the Water
Part 4: Out of Place
Part 5: Sleepless Night
Part 6: Quiet Conversations
Part 8: Midnight Mischief
Part 9: The Hex Mishap
Part 10: The First Patient
Part 11: Brought Together
Part 12: Consequences
Part 13: Midnight Duel
Part 14: Troll in the Dungeon
Part 15: Quidditch Match
Part 16: Christmas Holiday
Part 17: Close Scrutiny
Part 18: Hand in Hand
Part 19: Bulgarian Nose-Bleed
Part 20: Malfoy Manor
Part 21: Rather Rude
Part 22: The First Day (Again)
Part 23: Narrow-ish Escape
Part 24: Nightmares
Part 25: They Never Learn
Part 26: Baby Dragon
Part 27: A Very Long Night
Part 28: Epilogue
The Story Continues In Book Two!

Part 7: A Magical Cure

586 23 8
By Emmanem24

The next day, y/n was given her schedule for the week. She had Potions every Monday and Wednesday and every Friday, Defense Against the Dark Arts every Monday, Charms every Tuesday and Thursday, Herbology on Wednesday, Astronomy and History of Magic on Thursday, and Transfiguration every Thursday, each class with different Houses.

As the week went on, y/n loved each of her classes and, come Friday, she had figured out which classes she liked most. Potions with Professor Snape had been incredible, as Snape was having them learn about different ingredients and their uses in a potion, and Transfiguration was very enjoyable with Professor McGonagall's no-nonsense rule set. Y/n also quite enjoyed watching the tiny Professor Flitwick preform spells with a wand almost longer than his whole arm.

By the end of the week, y/n and her friends had chosen their favorite teachers, created many jokes about the tiny Charms teacher, and had made some mischief. And, though y/n didn't much want to join in, Draco made good on his word and roped her in anyway.

Ever since that first night, Draco and y/n had met in the Common Room after lights out. Sometimes they would talk quietly about their classes, sometimes they would do unfinished homework, but no matter what, they always went to bed without worries of expectations and standards.

When Friday finally rolled along, Slytherin found out that they had been put into double Potions with Gryffindor. Draco, like the rest of Slytherin House, was quite pleased about that, but Sarah and y/n had different reasons then the rest. The two girls were excited to see Neville and Hermione again after their busy first week, while Draco and the rest of Slytherin House only wanted to watch Professor Snape fawn over them while he slowly stole all of Gryffindor's points. Or, that's how Pansy had put it.

During breakfast, the mail arrived and it reminded y/n once again about her promise to her parents. Gylfie hadn't really brought any mail for her yet, which really was no problem because y/n usually just read Sarah's copy of The Daily Prophet, the wizarding version of a newspaper, whenever it was delivered.

Most of the Slytherins decided to get to Potions before it started and got there about five minutes early to beat the Gryffindors to the best seats, which they did, claiming the middle of the room for their own.

The classroom was arranged very neatly, with five tables lined up one in front of the other, to face the front of the class. As only four chairs went to a single desk, Pansy, and Millicent sat in the back row, Sarah, Lillith, Kathrine, and y/n taking up the fourth row, and Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and a boy named Blaise Zambini in the third. After y/n was settled into her seat, with all of her class supplies prepared and her House mates taking up the seats around her, she walked up to Professor Snape's desk.

"Good morning, Professor," y/n said brightly. 

Professor Snape looked up from the potions book he was reading -- Magical Drafts and Potions -- and didn't quite smile, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly as a show of acknowledgement. 

"Good morning," Snape practically whispered in his droning voice. "Do you need something?"

"I--yes. Professor Dumbledore told me I could come to you if I needed help, and...I was just wondering about working at St. Mungo's after Hogwarts. I know I have to score really high on both the O.W.L.'s and the N.E.W.T.'s, but I was wondering if it would be possible for me to start working in the Hospital Wing as one of my classes, just to see what it's like."

Professor Snape thought for a moment before speaking. "I'm afraid I don't have the authority to give you permission to do that, but I will talk to Professor Dumbledore and Madame Pomfrey and see what I can do." 

Snape then looked behind him as a rather loud group of four Gryffindor girls entered the classroom. Two of the girls claimed seats by Pansy and Millicent, causing the two to glare aggressively at the Gryffindors, and the other two taking two stools in the front, leaving a space between them as if saving a seat.  

"Thank you, Professor!" y/n said happily, even knowing it wasn't definitive. After Snape dismissed her to her seat, y/n went back to talk to her friends, but a hush had fallen over them and the rest of the class, as they stared at the door, whispering about the famous Harry Potter, who had just come in with an entourage.

When Neville and Hermione entered the classroom ahead of Potter, y/n waved, but only Neville saw as Hermione was intent on sitting as close to the front as she could, sitting second in on the right of the front row between the other girls. Behind her were Potter, Weasley, Neville, and a boy y/n hadn't met before, who all claimed the second row. Last to clamber in was a Gryffindor boy, forced to take the last stool in the front row. 

Professor Snape, angrily watching the late Gryffindor take his seat, started the class with a roll call, pausing on Harry Potter's name.

"Ah, yes. Harry Potter. Our new -- celebrity."  As y/n watched, she saw all the subtle kindness she had seen a few minutes ago vanish from Professor Snape's eyes, instead replaced by molten black hatred. 

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle all laughed behind their hands not trying very hard at all to be discreet. 

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," Professor Snape started, the entire class silent, as it had been in McGonagall's classroom, without anyone telling them to do so. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of a softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- If you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." 

With each word, Hermione drew closer to the edge of her seat, looking desperate to prove herself, until y/n was sure she was going to fall off, which of course, she never did. 

"Potter!" Snape said suddenly, making y/n jump. "What would I get if I added powered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Potter looked at Weasley, sitting next to him, confused, but getting nothing out of him, and Hermione's hand shot into the air. Y/N sighed, knowing perfectly well, as did the rest of the Slytherins, that Professor Snape would not call on her. 

"I don't know, sir," said Potter, though Snape clearly already knew he didn't.

Snape sneered. "Tut, tut -- fame clearly isn't everything. Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

Hermione stretched even higher, almost leaving her seat. Clearly, Potter hadn't studied before start of term, for he seemed just a puzzled as before. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were all having a laugh, watching Harry stumble, very obviously still holding a grudge after what happened on the train. Y/N frowned at them disapprovingly, but they either didn't notice, or didn't care, and kept right on making fun of poor Harry Potter. 

"I don't know, sir."

"Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming, eh, Potter?" Though y/n had wondered the same, she still felt taken aback by Professor Snape's harshness. Did he really expect Potter to remember everything he read? "What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

Hermione stood up this time, trying to make her hand seen. Then, Potter made a grave mistake. 

"I don't know. I think Hermione does, though, why don't you try her?" Others around the room laughed, but not y/n. She knew Potter was going to face Snape's wrath quite possibly for the rest of the school year for that.

"Sit down," Professor Snape spat at Hermione. "For your information, Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezaor is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. Well? Why aren't you'll all copying that down?" 

Suddenly there was the sound of rummaging through bags as most the students hurried to grab a quill and parchment. Most because y/n and Hermione had already both memorized those facts, and already had them scrawled down in front of them and, though Snape did not acknowledge Hermione, he gave y/n the slightest nod of approval.

"And," the professor continued over the ruffling of parchment. "A point from Gryffindor House for your cheek, Potter."

After Potter's outburst, the professor instructed the students to make a simple cure for boils. Snape only grew more strict as the class passed, insulting almost everyone in class, including Slytherins, for their incompetence. Most excluding very few other Slytherins, y/n, who got a few barely noticeable smiles while working with Sarah, and Draco, who seemed to be getting a lot of compliments and "watch how Malfoy"'s, which y/n could tell made Draco very happy, while, quite contrarily, making Potter incredibly angry. Y/N suspected that was precisely why Professor Snape was doing it. 

After a little while of silent potion making, there was a loud hissing noise as a cloud of green smoke filled the classroom. Neville's partner's cauldron was melting into a large blob, their potion seeping everywhere, burning a hole in many peoples' shoes, including Sarah's before she yelped and stood on her chair. Everyone else followed suit, all except Neville, who was covered in the potion, moaning in pain as boils began to cover his skin. Whatever the boys had done seemed to have reversed the effects of the potion they were trying to create.

"Idiot boy!" Professor Snape spat, wiping away the spilled potion with his wand. "I suppose you added the porcupine quills  before taking the cauldron off the fire?" The question was met with more moaning as boils began to sprout up all over Neville's nose. "Take him up to the hospital wing," the professor spat in Neville's partner's direction, then rounded on Potter and Weasley at the station to his left. 

"You -- Potter -- why didn't you tell him not to add the quills? Thought he'd make you look good if he got it wrong, did you? That's another point you've lost for Gryffindor." Y/N didn't understand the animosity coming from Snape. This was a side of her, thus far, favorite professor she would have preferred not to have witnessed.

As Snape move back to his desk, Potter opened his mouth to argue, but Weasley kicked him, muttering something she couldn't hear that made Potter shut his mouth again.

After another hour of quiet potion making, y/n and Sarah had finished their cure for boils and had moved on to swelling solution by the time class ended. Snape emptied everyone's cauldrons with a flourish of his wand and dismissed the class.

After class, the whole school had the afternoon off, and y/n and her friends decided down to the black lake, either to skip stones, try and catch a Grindylow, or watch the giant squid splash in the water. 

Half way through their intermission, a Slytherin prefect came down to meet them. "Professor Dumbledore wishes for me to take you to him," he said looking to y/n. "Immediately."

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