Rebellion โ–ท STILINSKI

By -pastelmic-

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1.1K 51 11
By -pastelmic-

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"The Trifecta."
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THE NEXT WEEK the dark brown haired girl was wrapping herself in a towel, she had just got out of the shower and she was about to get started on blow drying her hair, but then she heard a soft knock on the door. She plugged up her hair dryer and walked over to the door as she ran a hand through her wet strands. She cracked it open and saw Allison standing outside of it in a cute top, jeans, heels and her hair in dark brown ringlets flowing down her shoulders.

"Yes, Alls?" Annabeth asked her sister as she opened the door a bit wider.

"I was just wondering if you could take me to school today?" The taller girl asked her.

"Yeah, sure. Just give me a sec to finish getting ready, have you eaten breakfast yet?" Allison shakes her head, "Alright, I'll meet you down there, okay?"

"All right." Allison said, then she exited her room as Annabeth closed her bathroom door.

She quickly got to work on her hair, she spent about 10 minutes making sure it was dry before she started to work on curling it into waves. Then when she was finished she rolled on deodorant and pulled on her PINK branded sports bra and underwear. Then she grabbed her clothes she had resting on her toilet seat, she pulled the fishnets up her short legs, then she put on her high waisted shorts and buttoned and zipped them up. And finally, she pulled on her skeleton graphic drawstring cropped hoodie.

Once she was finishing getting dressed she sprayed herself with cinnamon roll scented perfume, turned off the bathroom light and grabbed her shoes before she ran down the steps. When she sat down at the table she turned in her chair and pulled the converse onto her feet, then she laced them just in time to lift her head up and grab the syrup before someone snatched it up.

She was eating her waffles and oatmeal when suddenly she looked up and noticed her mother and father staring at her with distaste, Annabeth let out a heavy sigh and dropped her fork on the plate, it made a loud clattering sound against the glass as she looked at her parents.

"What is the problem now?"

"Don't you think you should put on a different shirt?" Her mom asked her, her dark brows furrowed in disapproval and her lips curled.

"One that doesn't expose your entire abdomen." Her dad scoffed before he shoveled waffles into his mouth across the table from her.

Annabeth just rolled her eyes, "You guys always have shit to say about what I wear—"

"Annabeth Ingrid Argent!" Her father scolded her for her language but she simply ignored him.

"—When it's my body. I will wear whatever I damn well please."

"We're just simply saying that it's not appropriate for you to be showing skin like that." Her mom said, her expression twisted with frustration.

"Mom, dad, you can barely even see it." Allison mutters as she awkwardly dips her spoon in her bowl of her yogurt.

"I don't care." Her dad declared, "Go change, now."

Annabeth crossed her arms, "No." Then she shrugged carelessly, "Matter fact, I'm done eating." She pushed her chair back and made her way up the stairs, then she walked into her bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth. Once she finished she snatched up her backpack and ran down the stairs with her keys in her hand.

"Annabeth, change your shirt right now or you're grounded for 2 weeks." Her father said at the bottom of the steps, his vein popping out of his neck as he grew angry.

Annabeth smirked, "Guess you'll just have to ground me, pops." She says as she walked past him and glanced at her sister who walked down the steps close behind her, "Come on, Alls." She looks back her dad, "You can take my keys after I take her to school and bring her back." Her father just scowled at her before she walked out the door, Allison closing the door behind them as they made their way to the red Volkswagen in the driveway.

Once they were in the car and buckled up Annabeth was driving out of the driveway and making her way to school, she turned up the volume on her radio Paramore's Misery Business began to play.

She was humming the lyrics until Allison tapped her, then she turned the music down just slightly. "Yeah?"

"I just wanted to ask if you were okay." Allison said gently, as if she didn't want to anger her.

Annabeth just sent her a small smile, "Don't worry about me, Alls, I'm fine."

The dark haired girl nods, "I just... I didn't think there's anything wrong with your top." She smiles a bit, "I actually think it's really cute."

Annabeth gave her sister a genuine smile and nudged her shoulder, "Thanks, Allison."

"You're welcome." The younger sister replied, then she turned her attention to the widow.

When they made it to the school they both went their separate ways down the halls, Annabeth heading to use the bathroom and Allison going to her locker. When she finished her business and dried off her hands from washing them, she walked out of the door and made her way down the hall. She just nearly missed the frantic tornado of a being that was Stiles Stilinski as he rushed over to her with wide eyes.

"Oh, my god. You're here, good." He said with a sigh of relief as he pulled her into a hug.

She raised her brows in suspicion, "Yes... I'm here. Why are you freaking out about it?" She asked as he pulled away from her, but he kept a loose grip on her arms.

"Because Scott thinks he killed Allison because he had a dream about it." He says as he drops his hands and let's out a sigh, "You have seen her, right?"

Annabeth blinks, once, twice.

"Wait a minute, Scott had a dream that he killed my sister and now he thinks he actually did it?" She scoffs, "Dude, I drove her to school, she's fine. What made him think she was dead?"

"Well, in his dream he brutally murdered her at school in one of the busses." She nods as Stiles goes on, "At first we just brushed it off because obviously Allison was fine, but then we walked outside and saw there was an accident last night where somebody actually did get attacked and killed in the bus." Her eyes widened at his words, "There was blood and the doors were bent and there were claw marks, too."

"So... Scott just so happens to have a murderous dream about my sister, but... while she's fine somebody is actually dead."

Stiles nods quickly, "Yeah. Pretty much."

Suddenly the PA system in the school makes itself known. "Attention Beacon Hills Students, while the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled." The students around the hall groan at the news. "Thank you."

Annabeth sighs, "Looks like we still have class." She starts walking down the hall with Stiles at her side considering they have the same class coming up.

"You think Scott has found Allison ye—" He's then cut off by the sound of both of their phones chiming.

Annabeth pulls her phone out of her pocket and snickers when she's sees Scott's message in all caps, I FOUND ALLISON! SHE'S NOT DEAD!, She and Stiles meet eyes as they hold their phones in their hands. "Well, looks like he found her."

Stiles chuckles, "All is right in the world again."

Later that day just an hour before lunch she was sitting in her chemistry class next to Scott at the lab tables, Stiles was right behind the both of them. She had her fist resting on her cheek as she stared lazily at the board at the front of the class as Mr. Harris lectured them on the lesson.

God, she really hated this fucking class. But thankfully she had Scott and Stiles to keep her company.

"There was so much blood on that bus, guys." Scott said quietly as he spoke to the both of them. "What if it was my blood on the door?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes as she scribbled down Harris' notes, "I really don't think it was you, Scott."

"But even if it was... it could've been animal blood." Stiles suggested. "Maybe you caught a rabbit or something?"

Annabeth turned back to Stiles with her brows raised, "A rabbit? Really?"

"What? It could've been." He replied defensively.

Scott scoffed, "Yeah, and what did I do with this rabbit?"

"Ate it." Stiles responded flatly, Annabeth facepalmed.

"Raw?" Scott questioned in horror.

"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven." Stiles says sarcastically, "I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything."

"Mr. Stilinski," Mr. Harris calls out making the three of them look towards the teacher, "If that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might wanna pull the headphones out every once in awhile." He scoffs glancing at the three of them, "I think you, Mr. Mccall and Ms. Argent would benefit from a little distance, yes?"

Annabeth furrowed her brows, then the words flew from her mouth before she couple stop them. But the thing is... she never wants to. "Why though?"

Mr. Harris glares at her, she can already tell she's on his list of students that piss him off. "Because you're talking amongst yourselves and interrupting my class, now move. And don't question me, again Ms. Argent, do I make myself clear?"

The dark haired brunette just rolled her eyes and nodded, "Crystal." Then she picks up her books and notebook and walks to the other side of the room and sits at a stool next to another one of her classmates.

"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much." Mr. Harris replied sarcastically, then he gets on with his lesson without interruption.

Or so he thought.

"Hey, I think they found something!" One of her classmates with rich dark brown skin and long dark hair mostly hidden under a hat said as she made her way to the window along with the other students.

Annabeth made her way over and stood infront of Scott and Stiles as she watched the scene outside through the dirty window, there was an ambulance and some EMT's pushing a gurney with someone on it towards the open doors of the truck.

"That's definitely not a rabbit." She muttered knowing Scott could hear her.

And completely out of nowhere the guy on the gurney shot up and started screaming, this made everyone in the room jump back and shout in surprise themselves, Annabeth found herself bumping into Scott who was right behind her, she quickly apologized to him as she placed her hand on her heart attempting to calm her own heartbeat. Then Stiles pulled her by her wrist and away from everyone else.

"This is good, this is good." Stiles said to Scott, "He got up, he's not dead."

Annabeth nodded as her heartbeat calmed, "Definitely 100% positive dead guys are supposed to stay dead."

But despite the good news Scott gulps thickly, his eyes filled with guilt as his gaze locked on the scene outside the window, "Guys... I did that."


Eventually the class came to an end and Annabeth was leaving the lunch line after grabbing her tray. She only had a green apple and a bottle of water, then she grabbed some Nacho Cheese Doritos from the vending machine and snatched up some Skittles for Stiles that she got before she got in the line. She dropped her tray as she sat down next to the mole speckled boy and tossed the package of candy at him which he caught.

"Thanks, Annabeth." Stiles replied with a genuine smile.

She never noticed until just then that his smile was a little lopsided, she thought it was a unique flaw that he had that added to all his other qualities.

She nodded, "No problem." Then she opened her bag of chips as Scott sat down across from them as he dropped his tray down. "So what are we talking about?" She places a chip in her mouth and crunches on it.

"How Scott's an idiot who thinks he should ask Derek for help with being a werewolf." Stiles responds before eating a small handful of his skittles.

Annabeth's brows furrowed at the shaggy haired boy, "Why would you even think about asking for his help? He threatened to kill you and he killed that girl, Scott. Try not to forget."

"Because." He exclaimed pretty loudly, he turns behind him making sure no one heard him then he turns back to face them. "During the full moon he wasn't changed. He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy."

Annabeth opened her water bottle, "We don't know if that was actually you."

"Yeah, but we also don't not know that either." He responded with stress in his tone, then he let's out a sigh, "I can't go out with Allison, I have to cancel."

"No, you're not canceling." Stiles tells him, "Okay? You can't just cancel your entire life."

Scott groans, "Annabeth, surely you think I should cancel, right?"

The dark haired girl pursed her lips, "Scott, I always trust my gut. And my gut tells me that you didn't attack that man. And it also tells me, that you won't harm a hair on my sister's head."

"So you agree with Stiles?" Scott questioned.

Annabeth took a sip of her water, "Ding, ding, ding." But this only made Scott drop his head into his hands.

"Well." Stiles says, "Looks like we'll just have to figure this out ourselves."

"Figure what out?" A familiar voice says, Annabeth's brows raise as Lydia Martin drops her tray down at their table next to Scott.

"Uh, just... homework." Stiles muttered as she sat down.

"Yeah." Scott mumbled as he looks at her.

Stiles leans forward, "Why is she sitting with us?"

"Fuck if I know." Annabeth mumbled as she leaned back and went to eat another Dorito, but then Allison and a guy she believes is named Danny, and a dark haired boy with curls sat down at the table with them. She turned to Stiles and mouthed something to him, "What the hell is happening?"

Stiles shrugged, "No clue." He mouthed back to her.

And then... Jackson walked over and stood next to the guy at the end of the table, "Get up." He demanded him, this just made her hazel eyes roll behind her head as she picked up her apple and took a small bite out of it being careful of Scott's werewolf hearing.

He's so lucky she has strong teeth.

The dark haired boy groans, "How come you never ask Danny to get up?"

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." Danny comments, the boy then gets up and leaves the table allowing Jackson to sit down in his seat and place his tray down. "So, I heard they're saying it was some kind of animal attack. Probably a cougar?"

"I heard mountain lion." Jackson joined in.

"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia corrected him almost instantly. And well, Annabeth could see what Stiles meant at the hospital now, Lydia Martin might actually be a genius. Jackson raised his brow at her, like he didn't expect her to say that. Her expression immediately changed and she lost the focused look in her pale green eyes, "Isn't it?"

Annabeth squinted at the strawberry blonde's backtrack on what she said, as a hunter she was mainly trained on body language and reading people. And she was excellent at both, and if she wasn't mistaken (which she hardly ever is) it seemed like Lydia was a really smart girl who played dumb at school...


"Who cares?" Jackson questioned with a careless expression, "The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway."

She had to resist the strong urge to climb over that table and punch him right in his privileged boy mouth for what he just said. How could anyone possibly be friends with this jackass?

"Actually, I just found out who it is." Stiles says as he holds out his phone to show a video to everyone. "Check it out." She leans forward like everyone else as he clicks play on the screen.

"The sheriffs department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition."

"Wait, I know this guy." Scott says.

"You do?" Allison asked him.

"Yeah, when I used to take the bus back when I lived with my dad." Scott replied as he glanced down at Stiles' phone, "He was the driver."

"Can we talk about something more fun, please?" Lydia asked with her fork in her hand, she kind of looked like Ariel to the hazel eyed girl but that was besides the point. "Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" She said as she dropped her fork and looked over at Scott and Allison who seemed lost to what she was on about. "You said you're hanging out tomorrow night, right?"

Allison's eyes widened slightly, "Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do."

"Well, I am not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos." Lydia said as she not so subtly looked at Jackson. "So, if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun."

Annabeth narrowed her eyes in curiosity as she glanced at Lydia, the way she took control of a situation was... kinda hot. She had to admit it, the strawberry blonde is someone who knows what she wants and Annabeth finds that incredibly attractive in a girl.

"Hanging out?" Scott asked Allison.

Allison shrugged as she closed her water bottle after taking a sip, "I mean, sure."

"But do you want to hang out, like us, and them?" Annabeth could tell that Scott was so not on board with any of this, poor guy.

"It might be fun." Allison replied.

Jackson reaches for Lydia's fork, "You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork."

Annabeth had to admit, she hates Jackson but that was probably the most relatable thing she has ever heard him say.

Lydia turns to her and Stiles, "Annabeth, why don't you and Stiles come with us, too?"

Okay, she takes it back. Lydia Martin isn't hot, she is the devil incarnate.

"Yeah." Scott smiles mischievously, "You guys should come with us, it'll be great."

Annabeth glared at Scott, that evil son of a bitch. "Can't, I'm grounded."

"Annabeth you can just sneak out like you always do." Allison responds with a small smile, "I'll even help you."

Thanks so much, sis. Glad I can always count on you, she thought to herself.

The dark haired girl pursed her lips. "Sure." She says, her voice seeping with sarcasm. "Why not."

Annabeth looks to the boy next to her, he eats his lunch with a look of dread crossing his mole speckled features. She just sighs heavily as she picks up her apple and takes a bite, she makes sure to crunch extra hard so Scott's sensitive ears hear it.

Hmph, take that, bitch.

The rest of lunch drags on as Lydia, Jackson, Allison and Scott talk amongst themselves about possibly going bowling tomorrow night. She really didn't give a fuck about the conversation so she easily tuned them out as she finished up her food. Eventually lunch ended and Annabeth was up faster than anyone else as she dumped her tray and gotten rid of it, then she walked out of the lunchroom.

She hoped she would never have to endure a lunch with Jackson Whittemore ever again.

At the end of the day she was walking down the steps when Stiles and Scott joined her. "Dude, you're a terrible bowler." Stiles comments as they walk down the stairs.

"I know!" Scott groaned, "I'm such an idiot."

"God, it was like watching a car crash! Not to mention you pulled me and Annabeth into it." Stiles exclaimed.

She glanced at Scott, "Speaking of, what the fuck was that you little shit?"

"Me knowing I'm not gonna survive this hangout without you guys there with me." Scott responded, "Sorry."

She rolled her deep brown eyes, "Fine, but if I murder Jackson in the middle of the bowling alley, it's on you."

"Fantastic." Stiles says, "Now it's a whole group thing instead of just a date. Then out of nowhere came that phrase."

"Hangout." Scott muttered with a scoff following quickly after.

Stiles drops his head into his hands and grunts in frustration before he lifts his buzzed haired head back up, "You don't hangout with hot girls. It's like death. Once it's hanging out, you might aswell be her gay best friend. You and Danny could start hanging out."

"How is this happening?" Scott questioned with a whine in his voice. "I either killed a guy or I didn't."

"My gut says, didn't."

"I don't think Danny likes me very much." Stiles mutters.

"Now we're hanging out." Scott said in disbelief.

"Am I attractive to gay guys?" Stiles questioned.

"I make first line and the team captain wants to destroy me." Scott continues his overdramatic rambling. "And now—" He checks his phone before letting out a sigh, "Now im gonna be late for work."

He begins to speed walk down the hall so he can attempt to get to work before he's too late.

"Wait, Scott!" Stiles calls out but he's already gone. "Am I attractive to gay guy—" He cut himself off with a long sigh, "He didn't answer my question."

Annabeth snorts, "Danny and any other gay guy would be stupid if they didn't notice how attractive you are, stud muffin." She gives him a gentle slap in the cheek before heading off down the hallway and looking for Allison so she could get home before her dad loses his absolute shit, again.


The thing about Annabeth was that she wasn't much of a rule follower, she had been and always will be a rule breaker. Her dad may have grounded her for two weeks, but that didn't necessarily mean she would actually listen to him. Especially considering she wasn't even grounded for anything actually serious, just her stomach being exposed.

Sounds pathetic if you ask her.

She was also a master at the art of sneaking out, she slips out of the house like a thief in the night and she's never been caught not once in her life. So slipping out of her window with dark skintight jeans and a hoodie was a piece of cake. She easily jumped down from her window and landed in a crouched position, thank you to years of gymnastics with Allison.

She immediately pulled her hood up and ran over to Stiles' jeep, and as usual Scott helps her into the back and then they were headed off. The plan was that Scott was gonna hop the school fence so he could go back to the scene of the crime and see if he could remember what happened, apparently he got some guidance from Derek Hale himself (despite her warnings) and he could find a way to figure out what happened that night in the bus.

When they made it to the dimly lit school ground the three of them climbed out and made their way to the fence. "So, who's gonna go on the other side with you?"

"What?" Scott asked, "It's just gonna be me. You guys need to keep watch for me."

Stiles groans as he places his hands on the fencing, "Why am I always the guy keeping's watch?"

"Because you have to start up the jeep incase someone comes and we need to get the hell out." Scott explains, "And Annabeth can warn me to come back just incase something goes wrong."

Stiles scowls, "Why is this starting to sound like you're Iron Man and I'm Captain America? I dont wanna be Cap all the time!"

"Uhmm, if we're the Avengers now can I suggest being the Black Widow all the time?"

"Nobody's Iron Man or Captain America any of the time." Scott replied. "Or Black Widow."

"Damn it."

"Not even some of the time?" Stiles frowned.

"Just stay here." Scott demanded him.

"Oh, my god!" Stiles groaned, "Fine. Come on, Annabeth."

The girl eyed Scott as he climbed up the gate, "Make it snappy, who knows if this place gets patrolled at night."

"Got it." The shaggy haired boy replied as she turned around and walked towards the jeep.

She leaned back against the hood of the vehicle with her hands in her hoodie pocket, she watched Scott climb the rest of the fence and jumps down landing on his feet on the other side. Then he was making his way towards the bus leaving the two of them standing there looking out for him.

"So, you mentioned being grounded." Stiles commented, "You mind me asking what you did?"

Annabeth shrugged, "You know that top I was wearing today?"

"The one with the skeleton? Yeah." He replied easily.

"Well, my parents apparently thought I was... showing too much skin. It was a cropped hoodie that showed a tiny part of my stomach but they flipped out like they do all the damn time. Especially my dad, he demanded me to change and I said no."

"Damn." Stiles muttered, "For a cropped top? You could hardly see anything."

"Yeah." She scoffs, "But they don't care, they always have shit to say about my clothes. They use every reason they can possibly get to tear me down." She sighs, "They fail to realize I couldn't give a fuck what they have to say about me."

"So, is it just clothes or is it anything else?" Stiles question cautiously, like he was afraid he would hit a nerve or something.

"Oh, it's everything." She tells him, "Remember I shared with you my childhood of being a hunter?" He nods as she goes on, "Well, when I quit and refused to train anymore I was immediately seen by my family as the outcast, the disappointment, the person who brought shame to the Argent name."

Stiles frowns at her, her chest feels a bit warm as she sees the genuine look in his eyes. "And does that ever make you upset?"

She nibbled her bottom lip, "At first, yes. Because I was really close with my family, and I went from being close to them to being casted out by them. But then I remembered why I quit, why it was so hard for me breathe in the middle of the night because I would wake up gasping from violent nightmares. I mean, 15 year olds shouldn't be having dreams about stabbing the shit out of someone or shooting their brains out." She shrugged slightly, "It had to stop."

"Im so sorry, Annabeth... I had no idea." He says softly, his voice laced emotion and empathy.

She nudges him with her elbow. "Hey, don't be getting all soft on me, stud muffin." A slight grin plays on her lips, "I know my worth now, I promise I'm fine."

Stiles nods at her, "For the record, I don't think you deciding your own fate is a disappointment, I think it's incredibly brave."

Annabeth smiles, an actual genuine smile graces her features. "Thank you, that means alot to me."

Stiles had a lopsided smile on his face as he stood next to her, and in this moment she got to see him in a different light. He was more than just this living and breathing sarcasm, sharp tongued guy that she met a few weeks ago, he was a loyal friend, a truly genuine person. She was certain there was no one else in the world like Stiles Stilinski.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw headlights coming on nearby the bus Scott was currently in, "Oh shit, Stiles honk your horn!"

"Oh, fuck!" He exclaimed as he stumbled over to his jeep and climbed inside, then he immediately started vigorously honking his horn.

Annabeth nibbled on her lip anxiously as she kept her eyes on the bus and the headlights approaching, "Come on, Scott! We gotta go!"

Thankfully he got the hint and was charging out of the bus, his feet smashed against the pavement as he ran for his life. Then he hopped ontop of a red truck infront of the gate and flung himself over the fencing in a perfect flip. When he came back down he rolled in the grass as he came down, she quickly rushed over and pulled him up to his feet before running to the car.

She quickly climbed inside to the back while Scott slammed the door shut as he was sitting in the front, "Go, go, go!" He exclaimed in his frantic state.

And without hesitation the buzzed haired boy was putting the jeep in reverse, once they were backed out he immediately hit the gas and they were speeding away from the back of the high school lot.

"Scott, did it work?" She asked him quickly.

"Did you remember anything?" Stiles asked him aswell.

"Yeah, I was there last night." He confirmed, "And the blood—alot if it was mine."

Her brows furrowed in confusion, "Wait, so you did attack him?"

"No." Scott immediately said, "I saw glowing eyes on the bus but they weren't mine. It was Derek."

Annabeth scoffed, "Figures, this guy is probably a serial killer so that's just great."

"What about the driver?" Stiles questioned.

"I think I was actually trying to protect him." Scott responded.

"So you can protect people even during the transformation." She nods to herself, "Good to know."

"Wait, but why would Derek help you to remember that he was the one who attacked the driver?" Stiles questioned once more.

"Yeah, that's a little suspect if you ask me."

"That's the part I don't get." Scott replies sounding a tad frustrated.

"It's gotta be a pack thing." Stiles suggested.

Annabeth's brow raised, "Pack thing?"

"Yeah, like an initiation." Stiles nodded as he drove, "You do the kill together."

"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?" Scott says audaciously.

"Yeah, but you didn't do it." Stiles tells him happily.

She leans as forward as she can in her seatbelt, "Meaning, you're not a killer. And now you can stop worrying about the possibility of brutally murdering my sister."

"I mean I was gonna say that it means he won't kill us but, I guess there's that, too." Stiles muttered.

Annabeth chuckled as she sat back in her seat, "Tonight was fun, we should give our adventures a name."

"Like what?" Scott asked.

Annabeth hummed, "How about... The Supernatural Adventures of Trifecta. Iron Man, Captain America and Black Widow."

"Okay, but I call Iron Man." Stiles declares.

"Why do you have to be Iron Man, Stiles?" Scott questioned him.

"Because let's face it Scott, I'm just a little bit smarter than you, okay?" Stiles said, "If it came down to who could be Tony Stark it would be me."

Scott gaped, "Smarter than me?"

"Yeah, I am and you know it." Stiles says confidently, "You really should listen to me more. I'm gonna end up saving your werewolf ass."

Scott scoffed jokingly, "Is that so?"

Annabeth just rolled her eyes fondly as the two best friends who were more like brothers bickered with eachother in the front of the car. It lasted all the way up to her being dropped off at her house.

Ugh, boys.

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783 32 9
ใ€Book Two ---- Season Twoใ€‘ In a world where everything is falling apart in secrecy, Thaรญs faces the fact that the truth comes out one way or another...