โœ“Married To The Male Lead's F...

By MingzuMing

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Lord Protector Ding, Xie Heng, was the famous bachelor in Dayue Dynasty, also the adopted father of the male... More

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Chapter 33
Chapter 34
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Chapter 42
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Chapter 78
Chapter 79
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Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
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Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
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Chapter 98
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Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
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Chapter 106
Chapter 107
-Chapter 108

Chapter 44

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By MingzuMing


Home » Married To The Male Lead’s Father MMLF » Chapter 44:

Married To The Male Lead’s Father Chapter 44:

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Unfortunately, Yang Shuqing was too happy, and his wishful thinking was about to fail.

West Court of Changning

After Jiang Ningbao knew the news, her eyes were slightly distressed, and there was a smile of irony in the corner of her mouth. She immediately sent someone to inform the grandfather to thoroughly investigate the matter. After learning that it was Yang Shuqing's calculation, she did not let the grandfather Intervene, and already have a response in mind.

In fact, Jiang Ningbao understood that Yang Shuqing was doing this little move to respond to her.

If the old lady told her earlier that Jiang Ningbao was too lazy to care about it, it ’s common for sisters to marry on the same day. On the first day of May, it was indeed a good day. It just happened to come out the day before the day when she added makeup. Lian Pian.

Thinking of the survey data sent by the Grandpa, Jiang Ningbao sneered, and she was indeed an old lady who was profitable.

"Girl, the big room is too much. At this time, the fifth girl ’s wedding was changed to the first day of May, and she was married on the same day as the girl. Isn't this intentional?"

Chunxi's face was extremely ugly, and her tone was full of anger, and Chunle was equally indignant.

Only Chen Huan and Gao Huan calmly drank tea.

"Don't worry, there is still room for turning this around." Jiang Ningbao's beautiful eyes flashed a light, and it was time for the uncle Zhang to return.

Zhang's calculations are all about her, but she really loves Jiang Mingyao and will never allow her daughter to be a stepping stone for others.

Mrs. Jiang's actions made Jiang Ningbao incomprehensible.

Her granddaughter married to the Dingguo Mansion. Later, the Danggu Mansion was backed by the National Mansion. The status of the Mansion will also rise. Can't it please the old lady and treat her granddaughter so slowly.

Jiang Ningbao recalled the old lady's attitude towards the second room and was even more confused.

If it is said that Dad was not born by the old lady, the old lady's attitude towards the second room should be worse, but the old lady's attitude is different. Ignoring is commonplace and using it, but their second house's bad things are not much.

Jiang Ningbao can only attribute this to the old lady's eccentricity.

Sometimes it makes no sense to be biased.

"Girl, this news has spread all over Beijing, where there is still room to turn around." Chunxi stomped her feet, and was anxious.

Chunle nodded straightly as well.

The two uncles were still drinking tea calmly, apparently did not take this matter into consideration, and at the same time, they had the mind of Jiang Ningbao who was taking the exam.

"I have learned the story from Grandpa Guo. All these are actually driven by Ms. Yang from Anyuan Houfu House. She sought out a well-known fairy aunt 'encountered' Mrs. Xie Jia, Mrs. Xie heard Xianxu's assertion that both Master Xie Jinghui and Grand Duke Guo are the blood of Xie's family. As long as they become married on the same day, they will be able to get into the grandeur of Grand Duke Guo.

Jiang Ningbao drank his mouth tea.

Chunxi and Chunle were stunned.

This Mrs. Xie is not stupid. Marriage on the same day can still be affected by the nobility of others. The immortal aunt must be flickering.

"Do you think Xiangu flickers?" Jiang Ningbao held her two nieces with a smile and saw their minds through.

Chunxi and Chunle nodded together.

"You know who that fairy aunt is. She is the famous Xu Xiangu in Beijing. Of course Mrs. Xie will not hesitate to believe her assertion." Jiang Ningbao's eyes flowed, and there was an incomprehensible smile on the corner of her mouth.

Xu Xiangu did have some talents. It is estimated that she once worshiped the master, learned Xuanmen, walked among wealthy people, and did something for them.

In the book, she is Yang Shuqing's sharp knife against the enemy.

"So it is."

Chunxi and Chunle suddenly realized that they had all heard this famous aunt Xu Xian. No wonder Mrs. Xie would be moved, but why would the old lady agree? Is it because Master Xie Jinghui has a smooth future, but isn't the girl's future better?

"So I do n’t need to do this. I just need to tell the uncle inside, and add something to make the matter more serious. It means that the grandfather of the state is arrogant, and people with Xie ’s blood are good, but it will hinder Wu. The life style of the young girl has changed from rich life to fragile life. I think there must be a way for the uncle to postpone the marriage period. "

Jiang Ningbao said with a smile.

Satisfied smiles appeared on the faces of the two women who were drinking tea. This is indeed a good way. The world fears ghosts and gods, but values ​​life style more.

"It's not too late, Chun Le, quickly tell the treasurer about this, so that he can pass it on to the uncle's ears before dark." Jiang Ningbao smiled and ordered Chun Le.

Chunle nodded again and again and trot out with a joyful response.

Chen Xun and Gao Xuan looked at each other and saw the satisfaction in the other's eyes. Chen Xie smiled slightly: "Miss Jiang Si, we have taught you everything we have learned throughout our lives, and it is time to leave."

In fact, they also want to stay with Miss Jiang Si, but they are old. They miss their relatives in their hometown and want to return to their hometown for the rest of their lives.

"Thanks for the teachings of the two uncles. I have always remembered them in my heart. If the two uncles need me to help, I can send someone to tell me."

The two uncles did not choose to stay. Jiang Ningbao felt quite regretful. She stood up and bowed to the two uncles, thanked them for their teaching, and gave a promise.

The two uncles smiled comfortably.

Zhang's far away in Kiyomizu-dera Temple is actually pretty good, he can leave Kiyomizu-dera Temple, but Zhang's family is prepared to stay a little longer in order to be more secure. There was a moment of unhappiness in her heart, and she secretly annoyed Mrs. Jiang.

Why should her baby girl come out with the niece of the second-family parents.

It's so bad.

And Dingguo's heart is full of anger, what if the gram reaches her girl?

At this time, her concubine Yang Yan hurriedly entered the room, and said something in her ear, Zhang's face immediately changed: "Yang Ye, pack your bags and go back to Bofu immediately."

Damn Xie's second room, even took her daughter as a stepping stone.

Originally, Zhang was dissatisfied with the sudden change of her wedding date. Now it is even more related to her daughter ’s life. Her life is gone. What is the use of her son-in-law in the future? The cheaper are other women. Zhang is angry and hates Mrs. Xie Jia also complained about the old lady.

Therefore, the elder lady Zhang Shizhen really rushed back to Changning Palace before dark, and when she went back, she was anxious to dispose of the two minions Yang Yang said and sent someone to release the news, saying The marriage of the five girls in Bofu did change, but it was not the first day of May, but the tenth day of May. The date was intentionally tampered with.

After the news spread, the whole city was a sensation.

A great reversal.

No wonder the two did not move during the day and turned out to investigate. The people behind the scene were disgusting.


After Yang Shuqing learned that this change happened, her smile disappeared instantly, and her mood was ups and downs. She thought that the casual calculations had succeeded. Who knew that she was too happy.

I just wanted to disgusting Jiang Ningbao, Yang Shuqing's face returned to normal, but my heart was gloating.

It is estimated that the second husband Xie's talents are the most angry.

Miss Jiang Jiawu was married to Xie's, for fear of suffering.

Mrs. Xie's second wife really thundered as Yang Shuqing wanted. At this time, the marriage period could not be changed anymore. Mrs. Xie's heart hated Zhang, who was obstructing her son, Qingyun Road, and became angry with Jiang Mingyao.

This night, the moon star was thin. After bathing, Jiang Ningbao stood in front of the window with a refreshing look, staring at the twinkling stars in the night sky, and a faint smile drew from the corner of her mouth, and her uncle did not disappoint her.

The tenth day of May is also a big wedding day.

"Girl, I will start adding makeup tomorrow. It is estimated that there will be a lot of people coming. You can settle in early tonight." Chunxi said quickly after she made the bed.

Jiang Ningbao nodded and let Chunxi leave.

The candlelight swayed, and Jiang Ningbao lying in bed didn't fall asleep. The closer she got married, the calmer she gradually became nervous. Xu was the first time in two lives to get married. She was too excited.

Daiyue has a custom that men and women cannot meet for five days before marriage.

Fortunately, it was only five days. If it were a month, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to die?

Jiang Ningbao murmured silently in his heart, holding the quilt for a while.

National Mansion

In the study, Ding Guogong Xie Xun was burying himself in business affairs, and the candlelight reflected his resolute and stubborn side face. He held the white jade wolf in his hand and stroked the rosewood bead bracelet on his wrist. in.

The guards were speechless.

Grandpa Guo got married in another five days. As in the past, he went to the western suburbs to train in the daytime. He used to work in the study at night. This was a very regular day.

Not at all like a person about to get married.

The only good thing is that every night Xie Qi will help Grandpa Guo and Miss Jiang Si pass letterheads to exchange feelings.

If it wasn't for the interaction between Grandpa Guo and Miss Jiang Si, and they were actively preparing for the wedding, they would all suspect that Grandpa Guo did not want to be married.

In fact, the guards saw all appearances, but they did not find that the efficiency of the Grandpa's handling of public affairs became lower. The bankruptcy was approved in less than one hour in the past, and now it has not been approved in two hours.

Ding Guogong returned to the main hospital and finished washing. He took out the letter paper from the box tonight, and the letter on the letter paper was so beautiful that there was a unique style belonging to the girl.

After looking back and forth several times, Ding Guogong put away the stationery, closed his eyes in bed, and before going to bed, a little girl appeared with a smile in his mind.

Ding Guogong's heart was so hot that in five days, he would never have to sleep alone on a large bed.


The next day, Changning Bo Mansion was full of lights and beams of joy.

"Ningbo, brother came back."

Jiang Ningbao heard a familiar male voice after grooming. Looking back, the elder brother Jiang Jin came in with a look of tiredness and hugged her with a smile. Jiang Ningbao immediately gave a happy smile.

"Brother, you are so fast back."

But after seeing the appearance of the elder brother, Jiang Ningbao was distressed for a while, and quickly said: "Brother, don't hurry up in the future, these days are just to add makeup, you don't need your brother to show up, you go to freshen up now, wait for us Have breakfast together. "

Jiang Jin smiled and nodded, and returned to the yard with Xiaoyu.

After having breakfast, Jiang Ningbao wore a begonia red embroidery and a Tilian Luo skirt, and a gold urn with a large round night pearl was slanted on his head. The body was covered with red gold inlaid jewelry. The atmosphere was bright and bright.

"Brother, I've gone to the main courtyard. You go back to the courtyard and take a break."

Jiang Ningbao waved to his elder brother.

The elder brother Jiang Jin held her lovely sister, Jun Mei's face was full of smiles, and she nodded.

The gate of Changning Bofu was open, and there was an endless stream of guests. The Xie family, the old lady Xie ’s family, the Qi Gongfu, and the two, as well as the people of the Bo family, came out of the rooms.

People come and go, very lively.

Zhang brought his little daughter to greet the valuable guests, and the rest of the relatives from Bo's house were handed over to her daughter-in-law.

This is the first time Jiang Mingyao has appeared in front of so many ladies, which is inevitably a little nervous, but the etiquette is not bad at all, it is impressive.

Zhang's heart was quite proud.

When Jiang Ningbao appeared with her daughter-in-law, the people who came to add makeup to the hospital moved her eyes, her eyes were full of surprise, needless to say, this must be Miss Jiang Si.

Jiang Ningbao smiled slightly at everyone, with a graceful and decent manner and a smile just right.

Guifu people marveled.

It is indeed taught by two puppets, and etiquette is perfect.

Zhang's eyes flickered, and then came over with a smile. He pulled Jiang Ningbao's Rouyi to see the guests, creating an illusion of harmony. Jiang Mingyao also stood with her four sisters at the request of her mother.

Jiang Mingyao whispered, "Four sisters, I'm sorry."

This sentence contains too many meanings.

Jiang Ningbao just smiled, but didn't answer. Jiang Mingyao's eyes were lost.

After walking around, the people who added makeup also left, and Jiang Ningbao went back. If there are sisters or friends in the same family to add makeup, Jiang Ningbao needs to entertain in the yard.

But Jiang Ningbao's friend, the only good relationship is Fu Yaning.

As soon as Jiang Ningbao returned to the yard, Chunxi came to her cheerfully and told her, "Girl, Miss Fu is here to give you makeup."

Jiang Ningbao was pleasantly surprised: "Hurry her in."

After a while, Fu Yanning brought in two pretty girls, who held a delicate box in their hands.

Today, Fu Yanning wore an apricot dress, which looked gentle and beautiful.

"Ningbo, I'll add some makeup to you."

Jiang Ningbao greeted her to sit down, Chunxi soaked a pot of incense sticks, Fu Yaning sipped her tea, and asked the maid to hand up the box, which contained a set of delicate gemstone jewelry.

"Ningbo, this is my makeup gift for you. It's not expensive, you don't want to dismiss it." Fu Yanning said softly.

Jiang Ningbao sincerely thanked him, let Chunxi close the box, and smiled, Yingying said, "Sunning, you are greeting me. This set of jewelry is at least several hundred and two, so precious, how dare I abandon it, and you I'm glad to come and give me makeup, even if I only send a purse. "

Fu Yanning's eyes were full of smiles.

The two chatted a little, Fu Yining was inconvenienced, and he got up to leave. Jiang Ningbao sent Fu Yining away. In the courtyard came the sisters who came out of the room. The sister who came out of the big room also came. Everyone brought their makeup. Come over.

Gold, silver, jewellery and so on, purse, papa, etc., are all their own wishes and blessings.

Jiang Ningbao received them with good tea and water one by one.

In the blink of an eye it was noon, Jiang Ningbao was preparing to have lunch with his elder brother. At this time, Chunle came to confess.

"Girl, big girl and five girl come to give you makeup."

Big girl ...

Jiang Ningbao stunned. It turned out that the sister in the lobby had returned to her home. Didn't she say she was pregnant and needed to have a baby in Hou's house?

Before thinking about it, a sound of footsteps came. Lobby elder sister Jiang Yanyan and her five sister Jiang Mingyao came in. Jiang Yanyan had several sister-in-laws behind her. It seems that Lobby sister's life is good.

"Sister, Wumei, you are here."

Jiang Ningbao greeted the two with a smile, his eyes paused on the flat stomach of sister Jiang Yanyan in the lobby, and Ming Chunxi got a pot of boiling water.

Jiang Yanyan has a beautiful appearance, exuding gentleness and kindness. She carefully looked at the young four-sisters for the first time, and was slightly surprised.

She has always known that the four sisters are very beautiful, especially with a weak temperament, which is loved by men, but it has not been seen for a few months now. The pitiful temperament of the four sisters has long disappeared. After blowing off the dust, bloom your own beauty.

This beauty is more eye-catching than ever.

Jiang Yanyan smiled and sipped her mouthful of water. She secretly praised the four sisters for her thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness. She was married to Houfu. She married Houfu, who had a young master, but her life was not satisfactory. The elder brother did not fight, and after the four sisters were retired, she struggled at her in-laws' home.

When Wu Mei settled down, she was framed by a little sister-in-law in the backyard. She finally conceived a child, but she almost lost her life.

The in-law's family is not happy, and the bully is oppressed. Her husband loves Xiao Xiao, and her relatives call her cold and selfish. She doesn't know how to help her mother's family.

Jiang Yanyan didn't know how she came, she could only brace her teeth and support her. Later, she gave her four sisters a wedding. Her life was finally over. The little sister in the backyard didn't dare to be mad anymore. it is good.

"Four sisters, congratulations, this is my makeup gift for you. I wish the four sisters and father-in-law love white heads, give birth to a precious child, and stay rich."

After that, Jiang Yanyan asked her daughter to give her present.

A small screen embroidered with 鸳鸯 playing in water, small and exquisite, quite delicate, it seems to have used the heart, there are two 簪 钗 with embedded gems, and two pairs of delicate embroidery, with small pearls on the upper Embroidered shoes.

This makeup ceremony is quite intentional.

Jiang Yanyan sincerely hopes that Simei and Dingguo and Hemeimei, as long as Simei is Dingguo's wife, she will have a good life in Houfu.

She didn't understand what her mother and grandmother did.

If it was her, it would be too late to make a good relationship with Simei, where would she want to calculate Simei.

"Thank you, Sister. Sister is interested."

Jiang Ningbao smiled and thanked her, she was not familiar with the lobby sister, and the two were not embarrassed, but the relationship was relatively weak. In the book, the lobby sister has never appeared, and I do not know what the ending is behind her.

At this time, Jiang Mingyao also presented her makeup gift. She gave a white-headed ornament.

"Four sisters, I wish you and your grandfather rich white heads."

Jiang Ningbao smiled and said, "Thank Wumei."

She accepted the makeup gift from the two, and chatted with them for a while before sending them away, and ordered someone to call her brother for lunch.

After lunch, someone came to add makeup one after another.

Jiang Ningbao also received several noble ladies who came to add makeup, one of whom was Yang Wanling and Yang Shuqing's sister-in-law.

Jiang Ningbao was speechless for a while.

Yang Wanling and 'Jiang Ningbao' are both vicious female partners in the book, and there are many plots in the back where they collaborate to frame the female lead.

Jiang Ningbao thought that she would not have an encounter with Yang Wanling, and did not expect that others would come to add her makeup, and took the opportunity to show that she could cooperate with Yang Shuqing.

Jiang Ningbao smiled and thanked her, being polite and polite, and did not accept her offer.

Yang Wanling left in disappointment.

As the evening approached, the uncle Zhang sent a large box full of makeup gifts, all of which were more expensive gold and silver jewelry and so on.

According to the obituary of Jiang Ningbao, the uncle was not greedy for ink. She raised her eyebrows in amazement, and secretly said that it was rare. Mingchun Xichunle and the two sorted it out and put it into the warehouse.

"Ningbo, the servant who was guarding the dock sent a letter and said that they had arrived." Brother Jiang Jin hurried over and happily informed Jiang Ningbao of the good news.

A happy smile appeared on Jiang Ningbao's face, and finally they arrived in advance.

The only regret is that father and mother do not know where they are now.

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