When the storm comes

Bad4Lov द्वारा

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Last updated on (September 6, 2022). Find out what happens when one of the most famous gospel singers of the... अधिक

Author's Note (Introduction)
Get thee behind me Satan
A Knowing Spirit
The Sisters know
Kill. Steal and destroy.
To love and protect
Leave it all behind
The Sessions
Thy hath Holy Hands
Introducing Quintella
Crossing Over P1.
Crossing Over P2.
Snakes in the Church
Plant the seed
Who's at the door?
My wife
She's Back
The Surprise
She hates me.
The hard truth P1
The Hard Truth P2.
Karen and Kierra P1
Saving Karen
Karen and Kierra P2
Karen and Kierra P3
Mama K: The authority P1.
Mama K: The authority P2
Karen and Kierra P4.
Talk it out
Demon Time
The sisters
A hard pill to swallow
For the love of her
The Sessions P2.
I slipped
Cast List
Telling the sisters P1.
Telling the sisters P2
Telling the Sisters P3
Demon Time P2: Drew's Revenge 😈
Forgiveness in question
The Sisters P.O.V
Visions of Raptures
The Full truth
The Sisters P2
Who's Child Is This?
In the case of Faith
And the results are...
Tamela vs. Tammy
A woman scorned P1.
A Woman Scorned P2.
Big Mouth Tammy
Letting Go
Aunt Jacky's
The Birthday Girl
Detroit vs. the Sheards
The Last session
Faith's Mother
Welcome Home
Vacation Time P1.
Vacation Time P2
A mini retreat
Vacation Time P3
Demon Time: Broke Pussy
The after show
Back home
Blessed & Highly Favored P1
Happy Family
Blessed & Highly Favored P2.

The Sisters tells All

447 23 85
Bad4Lov द्वारा

Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


This chapter is basically the sisters telling everything that happened with her kids when she was gone since they had to step in and take over the motherly role. And there's more twists and turns...

~ Last chapter y'all agreed that Dorinda was all types of wrong especially when she called Karen out her name and said she was a whore and a prostitute pretty much was what Dorinda was getting at and she was being ignorant as hell. And idk how y'all gonna feel about her this chapter either soooo hold on to y'all brakes 🥴.

TW: Bullying, Mentions of self-harm: cutting, fat-shaming. Sexual assault.

Karen was over at Dorinda's house but she still had an attitude from the last time that Dorinda called her a whore. It was like her disorder was already starting up again even though she took her medicine. Yes, she did some things that were sexual. But she really didn't know why she was doing them. They knew that she wasn't in her right mind and she was mad at Drew for not backing her up. It wasn't like she was gonna hit him for defending her if he had stepped in then. So, now when Karen arrived the sisters already noticed the change in the atmosphere again much like with how she arrived to her therapy session. But it wasn't a depressed feeling it was more of a pissed off vibe they were sensing from Karen as she came and sat down.

"Karen." Dorinda said, "Dorinda." Karen said back to her looking her up and down mean mugging her own sister. "Fix your face before I fix it for you may I remind you that you're my baby sister." Dorinda said to her and Karen laughed like it was funny. "I need to fix my face?" Karen asked rhetorically, "How about you fix your mouth before I make you get a new one." Karen threatened her. "Because you shooo' ain't finished what you started yesterday." Karen said remembering what she called her. "Ladies. Ladies." Drew said as he was now stepping in between the two sisters. "What I think that we need to do is apologize to each other." Drew said, "I'm not apologizing to her she knows not to piss me off." Karen said standing up for herself. "Calling me a fucking whore!"

Karen said, "And me and Kierra already made up so, I don't know why Dorinda wanted to beat on a dead horse. But she gonna be one if she keeps on!" Karen said and Drew saw that his wife was about to have another episode. And he pulled her back. "Okay you don't have to apologize." He said to Karen knowing that in actuality she didn't have to but Dorinda would appreciate it. Even though, Dorinda caused the fight yesterday. "But Dorinda in order for today to go smoothly." Drew started to say. "You know you have to apologize and you know you were wrong for calling your sister a whore and a prostitute and we all know those are two different things like Karen said before let's not forget she wasn't herself when she was doing them after what happened." Drew told her. And Dorinda just looked at them with her hands on her hips. "I'll apologize when I'm ready but for now I'm not I just wanna get this shit out the way." Dorinda said being a bit spiteful.

And Karen felt like choking her out again. But refrained as she just sat down upset and hurt that her sister will not take back what she said.

"Since you finally told us everything and came clean I guess we should tell you everything that went down with J.Drew and Kierra while you were away and that's the least we can do" Dorinda said as Karen sat down on her couch. Since it was now the sisters turn to tell them everything of what happened to Karen's kids while they were gone they all decided that Karen and Drew should go over to one of the sister's houses and Dorinda's was picked. Because Twinkie wasn't about to have no arguments in her house and Jacky wasn't about to have her blood pressure go up sky high if Karen couldn't handle what was being said. Even though she was the nurse of the group coming clean with everything was definitely a hard thing to do. One of the most hardest situations that they ever had to deal with in their life.

"Alright I guess I'll go first since this is my house." Dorinda said as she stood up pacing not sure if she should tell, Karen. But she knew she had too and she wasn't about to hide anything from her nor sugarcoat anything at all. She just hoped that Karen was on top of her medication and was prepared to hear everything because she was going to get this thing done with-within a day unlike how they handled, Karen's situation. It took them three damn days to have that conversation and in between those three days it felt like the sisters really couldn't take no more. But it had to be done so, they decided to suck it up.

"When we found out that you first left we were extremely worried about you. In fact we were worried sick about you." Dorinda said starting off calmly as she had her arms folded since she was still tense from the prior conversation that they had about Karen telling her full truth. "We couldn't sleep for weeks worrying about where you were." Dorinda said trying to remain calm as she thought back to the first day that Karen had left. "Me, Drew, and Jacky all went out to search for you. We split up we looked in places we thought you would be and where we thought you wouldn't go too. I even went to strip club just to see if you were there and fought some of them girls in there because I knew them girls be lying and I had to make sure that you weren't in there because I was going to drag you back home whether you liked it or not." Dorinda said staring straight at Karen as she tried to look away feeling a tad bit embarrassed.

"Had us filing police reports on you like you were a missing person and the Detroit Police looked at us like we were crazy." Dorinda said remembering how they came in there and how she yelled at them. "That was so embarrassing to find out that you really did just skip town. I hated that shit that they were right." Dorinda said, "Before y'all say anything I know you weren't in your right mind. But still the whole purpose of you leaving was you basically needing to get away or trying to run away and they all said that shit." Dorinda gritted her teeth. "And I ain't wanna believe them either." Dorinda told her.

"Twinkie stayed at your house with Kierra who cried non-stop for you. She wouldn't even go to Drew as she normally would if she had too if you were stuck at the church or studio." Dorinda said, remembering when they came back to her house, Twinkie finally had their young niece at the time asleep in her arms. "Chilee she cried if I tried to put her down. I had to wait until they came back to put her in the bed." Twinkie said cutting in while Dorinda was taking a breath. "Kierra was like mute for a whole week because you left. You traumatized the girl." Twinkie said, with her head in her hand. "She was so clingy especially towards me and Dorinda." Twinkie said, "But mainly towards me though." Twinkie told Karen and Dorinda agreed backing her up.

"Had all of us crying because you left including me that shit hurt, Karen and y'all know I don't cry." Dorinda said and Jacky agreed with her. As Karen was listening she felt terrible. She was just glad she took her medicine before she came so, half of her feelings would at least be numb. "But Kierra took it the hardest because she really needed you." Dorinda softly told her. "When you found out she started cutting that wasn't her first time." Dorinda said turning back around to her baby sister and Karen looked shocked.

"Huh?" Karen quietly asked almost as if she was confused. "She didn't start cutting after you left. She started when she was about 14 maybe because some girls were picking on her about her weight." Dorinda said, "At least that's what she told us. But the real reason was that it was because you left." Dorinda said trying to say it in a way that didn't blame her baby sister for the reason that Kierra started to cut. "But them girls were bullying her about her weight. I had to cuss out their parents for doing that to get them too stop threatened them with an NDA that they had to sign before I had that lil meetin' with em."

"She really thought it was her fault that you left for some ridiculous reason. She really doesn't remembering having a tantrum that much or crying as much as she did when we had asked her if she remembered anything about you leaving." Dorinda said, "It was like her memory of you was almost fading away if you didn't come back when you did." Dorinda told her, "And once again I was the one that found out she started cutting after I saw the marks on her arm wearing hot jackets in 95 degree whether in Detroit. I knew something was up especially when J.Drew found the broken razors in her room of what she tried to hide." Dorinda said, "I know we always scolded, J.Drew for being nosy and for snooping around in her sisters room but I'm glad he did it that day or else we really never would've known." Dorinda said and she watched how, Karen's eyes slowly got red.

"And the third time I caught her washing away the blood was from her wrist in the bathroom." Dorinda said, "She tried to hide it but I was faster. It was a time trying to get her too tell the truth when we already knew and started watching her weeks before. We didn't want to push her to tell afraid that she might do something more dangerous to herself. But it was getting out of hand." Dorinda said and all, Karen could think about was how she fucked up her kids especially, Kierra.

Drew saw the look on his wife's face and she knew she was struggling to take everything in and to remain calm. "I need a break." Karen said as she sat back down on the couch that was behind her with her legs shaking and Dorinda looked down at her shaking her head. " I knew you wouldn't be able to take it." Dorinda said trying not to sound too harsh. "I'm tryinggg." Karen said as she tried to contain everything of what she was feeling and wanted to do. "You see this is exactly why we didn't tell you everything when you first came back. You're already struggling trying to take in this information. When this isn't even the worst part." Dorinda said as she was trying to calm her now heaving chest.

"Ohh God there's more." Karen mumbled as she ran her hands through her hair as she sat down. "We can stop for today if you need too." Drew said as he tried to comfort his wife. "mmm nooo I need to hear it now because if I don't I might not want to hear tomorrow." Karen said knowing herself all too well. As she took a breath and when she was ready, Dorinda continued on. "Do you want to tell her?" Dorinda asked, Drew as he already had his hand on top of hers intertwining them. And Karen looked at Dorinda and Dorinda looked at Drew and Drew looked back at Dorinda seeing that she had on her serious face. And Karen looked in between the two frightened. "Tell me what?" Karen asked as she felt herself beginning to panic.

"While you were away some strange man had followed, Kierra into the bathroom at church." Drew said and he felt his wife's hand sweat. "Drew don't tell me." Karen said as her voice started breaking and Drew held her chin up. "He didn't do anything but try to intimidate her not letting her leave." Drew said, "And when that happened that's how Kierra met Shamika." Drew said, "Shamika basically helped save our daughter. They tagged-team the man together. And I had never been so proud of our daughter before." He said, "And that's why the two are actually best friends instead of them just liking the same stuff it's much deeper than that." Drew said. "So, he didn't hurt my baby other than that?" Karen quietly. "No." Drew said as he kissed her on the cheek. "But are you sure he didn't hurt my baby anymore than that?" Karen asked him. And Drew shook his head. "I suggested that she had a test done just in case if she was afraid to say anything nothing was found." Jacky said finally saying something as she was just listening on.

"It was hard giving her the talk knowing what you went through and what she was going through because I'm quite sure that bastard wanted to do more things if Shamika wasn't there to help her." Jacky said as she nodded her head. "Kierra came to me if she was sick, needed something for her girl issues or anything of that nature since, Drew over here didn't really know what to do." Jacky said, "When she first got her period I was there she came to me and not these two for help I was more calm when it happened for her. I got her all the necessities that she needed nothing really serious came about it." Jacky said, "Just the usual of Kierra becoming a woman." She said nodding her head.

"Yup. Because that night when you left we split up the roles of what we were gonna do." Dorinda said, " So, not only did Kierra have one mother who loved her dearly, that took care of her and watched after her she had four bonus moms." Dorinda said, "Raising that girl was something else." Dorinda said, "And she is just like you in every single way that their is." Dorinda said, "And she looks just like you everyday." Dorinda told her. "So, just because you left we still had a mini you runnin' us ragged around this house." Dorinda said as she got finished talking.

"So, that's everything." Dorinda told her. "Is there anything else we need to get off our chest sisters before we get done with this much needed conversation?" Dorinda said looking around the room. "I'm just glad that Kierra finally stopped calling our phone asking if you're still here she took the longest time to stop." Twinkie said, "That's because you coddled her." Dorinda said and Twinkie rolled her eyes. "Karen is there anything that you would like to say?"

Dorinda asked her and Karen stood up walking over to Dorinda and Dorinda thought Karen was about to hit her. But instead she hugged her. "Thanks y'all." Karen said hugging her sister, Dorinda as Dorinda slowly hugged her back. "You're welcome sis." Jacky said as the other two sisters came in for a group hug. "Remember we love you and though we may be mad at you from time to time that won't ever stop our love for you." Jacky said and Karen smiled a bit.

But Dorinda was still being spiteful and Karen guessed she was getting her back for trying to get rid of what could've been there niece or nephew.

So, as Jacky and Twinkie left Karen stayed behind shutting the door. "So, you really not gonna apologize to me?" Karen asked her turning around with her hands on her hips staring at Dorinda. "You know we don't put our hands on each other." Dorinda reminded her. "But I couldn't help it." Karen said, "What don't y'all get about IED?" Karen asked her as Drew held her hand to keep her from jumping at Dorinda since the other two sisters had left. Karen tried her best to hold back

"My psychiatrist explained everything to y'all what more do you need to believe me?" Karen asked her literally begging her and Dorinda just looked at her up and down much like how Karen did to her earlier. "I see that's gonna be your excuse for everything." Dorinda said hurting Karen's feelings some more and Karen's face deadpanned. "Do you really feel that way?" Karen asked her not believing that her sister would actually say that and Dorinda knew she had hurt Karen's feelings but she didn't care at the moment.

So, Dorinda just looked at her leaning back at her counter top as she tapped her nails. "I need space away from you." Dorinda told her. "This week has been too much dealing with you and your disorder." Dorinda said, "But all you have to do is work with me. It's not like I'm not trying you know this Dorinda!" She told her older sister pleading with her. "And you can't go getting mad at me either because that just provokes it more." Karen said trying to explain to Dorinda. But she was being hardheaded. "Nah I think it's time for you to go." Dorinda said, "Bye let yourself out." Dorinda said as she walked off leaving Drew and Karen downstairs.

Karen stood there feeling her tears coming on as she was beginning to be upset. It took everything in her as she tried not to have another episode in her sister's house because if she did she was gonna fuck everything and everyone up in it. So, she quickly left as Drew followed behind her.

To be continued....


What y'all think about this chapter?

So, everything is out in the open. But the sisters sisterhood is still in a struggle as we can see.

How y'all think Dorinda is feeling?

What about Karen our baby our innocent one in all of this how do y'all think Karen is feeling? 😫

What y'all think about that little talk between Dorinda and Karen? Was Dorinda still wrong for that? Do y'all think Dorinda is trying to accept or help with this version of her baby sister or nah?

Do y'all think Dorinda saying this out of anger and she's gonna regret it?

~Doe wants the old, Karen back but Dorinda gotta understand that Karen ain't never gonna be the same after what happened to her.

Thoughts or comments?

Thanks for reading!

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