In Between Worlds | Lee Juyeo...

By mgnifiqueyoo

4.9K 267 22

The majority knew what it was like to dream at night but a peculiar misfit didn't. You were the target of peo... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27: The Finale

Chapter 20:

119 7 0
By mgnifiqueyoo

After the discussion with Juyeon, I've decided to find my bride and talk to her about this. I don't agree with most of the cat's options and the fair lady is the only one who can convince him to consider taking on a different strategy instead.

And so, I found her at the lobby with... the Knave? That's surprising. I thought they despised each other.

"You two are?"
"Not spending time together but... also together? He doesn't stop bothering me at all."

She shrugs as my good friend, Sunwoo, rolls his eyes. Her eyes followed the words written on the tiny piece of paper as she spoke it all over and over again. Oh, she really was practicing her vows for the wedding. That's quite pleasant.

Quite odd to think about it because we are not even together.

"This woman must be clinically insane, Chanhee. Do you know how many times she's rejected my offers and even addressed me with a few insults?"

My close friend asks with the most offended look on his face as Y/N rolls her eyes, shaking her head at Sunwoo's question. Clearly, they aren't getting along but they've managed to be in one room together? Sitting beside each other? That must've felt like hell for both of them.

How petty could their fights get? I don't even want to know. These two are equally stubborn.

"How is calling you persistent an insult? That's just the truth, Sunwoo."

She lifts her head up from her written vows as her left eye twitches, causing Sunwoo to shush her almost immediately.

"Silence, fair lady. I am talking to the prince."

He says, putting a finger above her lips as she lightly slaps his hand away before reading her vows once more. Sunwoo later decides to just get off of the couch, walking towards me with crossed arms and an exhausted look on his face. He was getting tired of guarding the girl no matter where she went but I knew he's just exaggerating the way he's expressing his tiredness.

I know Sunwoo prefers to end someone's life than watch over someone who annoys him so much. That's just the life of the Knave. He wants action, not annoyance.

But shouldn't he be happy that he's not the only one who's annoying in this palace?

"I hate this woman. Why must you marry her? You could've just married someone else in this palace instead of this insulting lady."

He turns to look back at her, causing Y/N to make a face as he does the same. I took a deep breath, rolling my eyes at the immaturity that these two had. Well, maybe if Sunwoo did leave Y/N alone, he wouldn't have been dealing with this.

"Marrying her is the only way for me to succeed in my goals."

I respond, causing him to furrow his brows even more. I wasn't sure if he was confused but maybe he was. Besides, I've never told him anything about it.

I've never told him my thoughts behind this sudden decision of marrying a fascinating stranger.

"You still don't tell me about those goals, my prince."
"I have secrets that shouldn't be shared with anyone else... Not even my closest friend..."

I state as Sunwoo lets out a sigh, looking down at the ground.

"However, the result of succeeding in my goals will be for the best of everyone's lives."

I remind him once again just like what I always do years ago as the Knave rolls his eyes once more before nodding, later walking away without a clue about what I have in mind. I would never tell him about my plan. I know that he's someone who understands me and someone that I've been close friends with for such a long time.

However, I also know that he'll never understand why I chose to do this.

He's the new Knave of Hearts for a reason. He's loyal to the queen and this kingdom. But this kingdom has done so many horrible deeds that I've only waited for this time to come.

I've only waited for myself to finally marry someone so that I can become the king. I've waited to renew the meaning of red. Instead of anger and violence, it will be passion and royalty.

Something that the citizens have never felt for so many years already.

I later decided to sit beside the girl, quietly reading the words on the piece of paper. Everything in her vows seemed so awkward but I was glad that she tried her best to make it sound meaningful. She's still not ready to fake it all at our wedding.

Well, clearly, she hasn't been married before.

Even I haven't been married before but the literature of romance taught me to exaggerate how much I love a stranger.

But what if I'm falling for her?

"You seem focused..."

I say, causing her to lift her head up from the paper as she stares at me with a slightly annoyed look. I wouldn't technically count her as a close friend like Sunwoo but I guess I could say that she's comfortable talking to me. If she isn't comfortable talking to me, she wouldn't be talking to me in a casual way.

If she isn't comfortable, she wouldn't be rolling her eyes whenever I say something about our fake relationship.

"Of course, I'd be focused... Our wedding is in... almost four days..."

She looks up at the ceiling, taking a pause.

"I can't let this thing ruin both of our lives."
"You're right... I should be practicing, too."

I chuckle, causing her to shake her head while a small smile creeps up on her face. How can she be so relaxed with all of these things happening?

"How can you be so... carefree? I mean, you are getting married to a stranger? You are bound to me once the ceremony ends... perfectly, I hope."

I was curious about her relaxed behavior despite this whole mess. Yes, she can be impulsively annoying at times but she could've tried running away for once. Is it because she thinks that the plan will work? Or is it because she's afraid of dying in my own hands?

Well, I wouldn't want that to happen to her. I wasn't that type of prince. I wouldn't kill someone but I might torment them if they fail the plan.

This plan is for the best of everyone and I don't want to fail.

I don't want to be a failure.

"I know you didn't tell Sunwoo about your plan... and I trust both of you and Juyeon."
"You trust me? The prince who basically held you hostage?"

I was surprised at what she said, my eyes turning wider as my hand was on my chest. How could she trust me? I literally locked her up in this palace. She lets out a sigh before folding the piece of paper, crossing her legs as she gives me a stare.

"Technically, you didn't hurt me and you're only doing this to overthrow your mother, right?"
"Correct... but aren't you afraid that I might do something wrong to you?"

I ask once more as she puts down the sheet of paper on the couch, turning her whole body in my direction as she clears her throat. I'm surprised at how she suddenly trusted me. It's hard to trust someone if you don't know them.

"Look, when Juyeon showed up into my life, I didn't trust him at all. He was cocky and his confidence was overflowing."
"Well, that's true."

I mumbled, almost rolling my eyes at the attitude of that cat.

"He was persistent and he was... not really fond of boundaries so I hated him."

She says as I raise an eyebrow, finding it interesting. Did she hate Juyeon before? That is something new to me.

"I didn't like him inside of my house or with me at school. I hated his whole presence but then, the truth just hit me. He was doing a lot of things that... made me feel a bit better about my life."

The girl later sighs, taking a pause before opening her mouth again to speak. She really trusts that cat a lot. Out of all Underlandians, this is the one that she trusts the most? It's quite odd but I can see the connection between them.

And that connection almost makes me feel unreasonably upset.

"Remember when I told you that I'm worthless in my own world?"

She asks as I nod, clasping my hands together.

"Yeah, he taught me to stand up for myself in a lot of ways and he never left me all alone... until you guys caught us and led us into this place."

Y/N mutters through gritted teeth, tilting her head in a sarcastic way as I let out a sigh.

"My apologies, my bride... I never knew that what he did to you changed your life but I'm tired of seeing innocent creatures getting beheaded for no valid reason because of my mother's attitude."

Yes, I am guilty of what I did to her. She didn't deserve to be trapped here. She didn't deserve to be in this place of corruption. She didn't need to be too cautious about all of the things she does out of fear.

She didn't need to be separated from Juyeon either. I know that she loves him more than she loves me but what can I do? I'm just a stranger to her.

And she should be a stranger to me as well.

"Juyeon and I have finished talking about the plan by the way... I don't fully agree with his plan but I do agree with some parts."
"Which part do you not agree with?"

She asks, tilting her head as I let out another sigh, remembering the consequences that my mother could face. I love my mother and I want her to repent but the effect of all her wrongdoings was horrid and unforgivable.

"The part where my mother might receive death as punishment."

I respond, staring into her eyes as she lets out another sigh. She seemed guilty because of it. Even I agree that my mother is a tyrant but she was a good mother to me until I turned into an adult.

I kind of resembled my father's face, which she hated the most.

"I'm sorry but we're just going to follow what the majority of the White Kingdom wants... Maybe the White Queen wouldn't allow ending her life but she can be imprisoned for a lifetime because of what she did to the other Underlandians."

She bows her head down as her voice turns faint, almost like she doesn't want the words to come out of her mouth. I later stood up from my seat, reaching out for her hand. She lifted her head up with a confused look on her face.

"Let's go to the garden so that we can... talk about our sadness there without... these residents around us."

I joke, shrugging as she chuckles, later holding onto my hand before standing up.

"Sure! Maybe this is the way we could form a better friendship than... getting married as strangers-"
"Y/N, let's just go."

I shake my head at her, giving her a smile as I find her adorable. Her remarks can be funny at times no matter how much we felt frustrated about it. The two of us made our way to the garden as we sat on the bench, watching the sun go down.

I know things can get better. Things might develop, too.

This is a new beginning for me and maybe I wish that she'll feel the same way.


"Your highness, your breakfast is ready!"

I heard Sunwoo's loud, large voice echoing down the halls as I tucked myself under my red velvet blankets, not wanting to interact with the brightness of the sun and Sunwoo himself. The heat from the outside started to enter my room as I rolled my eyes before getting off of the bed, not wanting to be slightly drenched in my own sweat in the morning. I walked towards the mirror above my desk, immediately picking out one of the perfumes to make myself smell better.

Well, I wanted to impress her, perhaps? It's not usual for me to like someone in a different way. I've never fallen in love before and Y/N is just someone so different from the girls here.

She just doesn't try hard to impress because she's already impressive at certain things. Y/N's good at observing and adjusting to the lifestyle here.

That fact does make me feel guilty because she doesn't need to adapt quickly but the idea of marrying me to save a whole kingdom must've put a lot of pressure on her.

"Chanhee, aren't you starving?!"
"Give me more time, Sunwoo!"

I yelled back, rolling my eyes once more before heading outside of my bedroom. I went down the stairs alongside the Knave, making our way into the dining room with a few side comments about each other's attitudes. As we reached the dining room, I saw the father of the cat and my mother talking to each other in such a manner. They seemed like they were bickering but I knew that Chessur can never die.

He was just built like that. He was almost as powerful as a god.

And he's more sinister than Juyeon anyways.


He later appears in front of me with a wide grin on his face. Typical Chessur, I wondered why he has left for so long when he has so much power. He could've saved Underland but he dwelled in something else.

Something that I don't know.

"What are you doing here?"
"Organizing the wedding with your mother, my prince."

Chessur answers with sass as he floats mockingly, causing me to roll my eyes again. That's the similar thing between him and his bastard son. They mock the creatures they meet on a day-to-day basis.

Words could not express how much I hated it.

"Mother, where is Y/N?"
"Ballet classes... I told her to learn ballet. She needs to be princess-like at least before being the royal queen."

She says, causing me to nod before Sunwoo makes his way to prepare my breakfast, placing the tray gently on the dining table.

"Eat up, your highness. The day is long."

Chessur says with a smirk before disappearing in his blue fog.

~ Y/N's P.O.V. ~

The ballet teacher walks towards me, placing her hands behind my back and on my stomach as she corrects my posture. I was having a hard time with ballet since I've never learned how to dance before. However, I didn't want to get killed by that big head so I had to agree even if I'm literally embarrassing myself in front of the other residents here.

I know they're laughing at me. It's the same feeling all over again.

"She's too... flabby... How is she supposed to dance with a posture like that?"

One of them murmured as I let out a disappointed sigh, remembering how Chaeyoung used to say things about me. Even their actions were similar to hers.

"Burke, she'll be the Queen in four days. Shut your mouth."

The other one said back, causing me to chuckle. It was kind of funny but getting hit with the reality that I'll be marrying Chanhee in four days scared me a lot. What if I'll be trapped here forever? No... That can't happen.

I know that even Juyeon won't let that happen.

The ballet teacher later takes her hands off of my body, staring at my posture for a few moments.

"This is tiring me... Class is done."
"Alright, Ma'am."

I mumble, slightly bowing my head down to her just so I could show respect before leaving the room. I scratched the back of my arm gently, feeling a little embarrassed at how I did badly during the ballet class. I know nothing about dancing, why would the queen want me to do this?

To embarrass me? Fucking hell.

As I walked into the hallways of the palace, I swore to myself that I saw shadow-like figures transferring from place to place. I'm sure that I'm not schizophrenic or anything but why am I seeing things? Is it because of my exhaustion earlier or what? Are these hallucinations from my shitty insomnia?

I honestly don't know.

Since when did I even know what the hell is happening around here. I will forever remain clueless.

"God, who are you?!"

Judging from the strong, sweet scent and the large hand that covered almost my entire face, I knew that it was Juyeon. What's he doing here? Is he observing the hallways for the plan?

"Juyeon, what the hell are you doing here?"

I whispered as he only chuckled as if it was okay for him to be playful at this hour.

"Father told me that he'll distract the queen while I roam around here, finding and stealing good weaponry."

He says, later sighing as he wipes the non-existent sweat on his forehead. Sometimes, he could just be so dramatic. He acts so seriously when he's around others but when he's with me? He thinks this is just a comedy sitcom.

"You're going to steal something again? You're never gonna learn, aren't you?"

I ask as I raise an eyebrow at him, crossing my arms as he lets out another sigh again. This time, the sigh was more realistic instead of him being a dramatic cat. He really does know how to push my buttons, huh?

I almost forgot how annoying he could be. Was it a mistake to say sorry?

"It had to be done and you know that, Sweetheart."

Juyeon says back before looking at the ground, later lifting his head up as his eyes meet mine.

"Also, you look wonderful in that dress."

He points at my dress with a genuine smile on his face, causing me to take a step back. Should I be happy because he complimented how this dress looked or should I be mad because he never tells me anything in advance? Probably both.

"Thanks! But that doesn't stop me from scolding you."

I reply sternly, putting both of my knuckles on my waist as he does a lot of frantic hand gestures while he stares at me in disbelief. He has a choice but maybe he wants to listen to my suggestions.

Well, he has changed.

"Scolding me? I am sorry but I am a grown cat, Y/N. I know what to do because I am an adult?-"

I interrupt him by crossing my arms, rolling my eyes as he keeps on explaining how he's an adult and how I can't ever scold him like a child. Well, I'm not treating him like a child but everyone needs a good scolding when they're too impulsive, and he kind of sounds just like me. I know that he has no choice but damn, he could just do something else than get himself killed.

He somehow isn't that similar to his father because his mother is a normal Underlandian while his father is literally a magical creature.

He might die if he makes a wrong decision.

"Yeah. Well, you've got a point there actually! But I'm just doing this because I care, Juyeon... Don't you want a friend to care about your life-and-death situation?"

I ask, walking towards him as he stays silent. He was probably startled.

"Look, I'm just doing this for your own safety and for your father, too."

He still doesn't really give up with his explanations... I don't even know who is more persistent between him and that annoying Knave. It's like a close battle!

"Then, do this for me. Don't get too paranoid because I'm doing fine even if I'm still being cautious. The queen doesn't notice anything so we should be fine until the wedding."

I tried to convince him but the unsure look was still on his face.

"You should be busy planning about how well we could execute the plan altogether."
"Fine... I'll listen to you this time but if that big-headed queen does anything to hurt you, our agreement right now will be broken immediately."

He bitterly says as he walks away, disappearing in purple fog as I breathe out in relief. Well, he's overprotective but what can I do? I'm just human.

Author's Note:
- And executing the plan has just started! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I loved writing it! I still don't know if I could upload the next chapter on Friday since school just started aaaaand I might die (not really dkfjnvk) So, see ya!!
- Disclaimer: I don't own the characters in this fanfiction! I simply edited the photos :))

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