Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

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With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!

148 6 12
By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren had been placed inside the Healing Chamber, while everyone else began to wait for the process to finish. However, the group were reunited with Dende, who was told by the Grand Elder to aid them. The group then began to summon the Namekian Dragon, Porunga! Before they could make a wish, Piccolo telepathically communicated to them from Otherworld! He told them to wish him back to life, as doing so would also bring back Kami, and Remnant's Dragon Balls. His second wish was to be brought to planet Namek to exact his revenge on Frieza for butchering his people. Unbeknownst to the group of hunters, Vegeta had woken up from his short nap to sense that Frieza was nearby and was enraged that the hunters had taken the Dragon Balls! Upon getting their first two wishes granted, Vegeta arrived and demanded that he'd be made immortal. Begrudgingly, Dende began to make the wish, only for Porunga to let out a pained roar and disappear! The Dragon Balls fell to the ground and were turned to stone. Through his tears of grief, Dende revealed that the Grand Elder had passed away! Before anything could be done, everyone turned around and saw Frieza staring down at them upon a hill! Will our heroes survive Frieza's fury?



Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!


Piccolo was Currently flying through the countryside of Planet Namek, all the while he felt a large power level spike up.

"That energy," Piccolo said. "It feels like this Frieza guy just sprang into action!" Piccolo said to himself. Piccolo then felt another power level, but it was draining at a rapid pace. "W-Wait, that power level, it's falling! Could it be Ruby!" Piccolo said, as he began to fly towards the ground.

Upon landing, Piccolo saw a battered and bruised Namekian who was barely breathing. It was Nail, he was still struggling to maintain consciousness after his bout with Frieza. Piccolo looked down at his fellow Namekian with a look of shock and awe.

"So, this is a Namekian?" Piccolo quietly whispered to himself. " H-He looks just like me! But he's wounded, looks like he'd seen better days." Piccolo said quietly.

At that moment, Nail slowly opened one eye, and trained it on Piccolo.

"S-So you're the N-Namekian the Remanites spoke off." Nail said with a weak gruff voice. Nail then gave a weak smirk. "Th-Then Porunga has granted them their wish. Th-This pleases me greatly." Nail said.

Piccolo kept eye contact with the wounded Namekian.

"Then you are aware of the current situation." Piccolo said. "Then you'll also know that I'll have to get to the others before Frieza does anything." Piccolo said with a sense of urgency. Nail began to softly chuckle. "Then you'll understand if I leave you to your fate." Piccolo said carelessly, as he began to walk off.

Nail then turned his head towards Piccolo.

"I'm surprised," Nail spoke quietly, causing Piccolo to stop in his tracks and turn back towards the wounded Namekian. "You're more than I expected. In some respects, your power rivals that of the great Namekian warriors of old. But even your vast strength will be wasted on that monster! It's a shame that you could not merge with your other half before coming here." Nail said. This caused Piccolo stop completely.


"H-Heh! F-Frieza m-might've knelt before you." Nail spoke.

Piccolo had an irritated look upon his face.

"Oh, you're saying my strength will be even higher if I merged with Kami?" Piccolo said sarcastically. "Well, there's no way in Hell that's happening! Me and that old bastard separated for a good reason, I don't need him, I fight my own battles!" Piccolo growled.

Nail looked at Piccolo with desperation.

"N-No, you're wrong! Alone you'll fare no better than I against Frieza. And as you could see, I did not fare well at all." Nail spoke weakly.

Piccolo stood there quietly, contemplating Nail's words.

'Could what he's saying really be true?' Piccolo thought to himself.

After bringing himself back from his thoughts, Piccolo looked back down at Nail.

"Well, even if that were true, there's no helping it now. Besides. My life is my own. I have NO intention of ever merging with Kami!" Piccolo said.

Nail's breathing became even more labored than before.

"Th-Then...Ngh...Merge with me...!" Nail said struggling to speak. Piccolo looked at Nail with confusion. "I-I might...not seem much, in this state... Ngh! B-But a proud tradition dies with me!" Nail spoke, looking at Piccolo with pleading eyes.

At that moment, the entire planet began to quake violently! It was Frieza's power, Piccolo clenched his fists while looking in the direction the energy was coming from! Nail again tried once more to appeal to Piccolo.

"P-Please, I don't have long for this world. You need only to place your hand upon me. I swear upon my honor, you yourself will remain intact, my personality will evaporate. Only my strength will persist." Nail explained.

Piccolo took a minute to think about his decision.

"And why should I believe you?" Piccolo asked with uncertainty. Nail looked back at Piccolo.

"B-Because I know you can sense Frieza's energy, what choice do you have but to trust me!" Nail said.

Sweat began to pour down Piccolo's face, as he knew Nail was right. Frieza's power level was greater than his, and without any aid, what good would he be in the oncoming fight?

"Tch! Alright fine! We'll, try it!" Piccolo said hesitantly, as he knelt beside Nail, placing his hand upon his arm. "But listen, if I feel for a second that you're up to something, I'll drive you right back out!" Piccolo threatened.

Nail began to laugh weakly.

"H-Heh! H-How Kind, and here I am, passing on the greatest gift a Namekian can give." Nail sarcastically spoke. Piccolo rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Look, I'm a bit strapped for time here!" Piccolo said impatiently.

"B-Be sure...You make...Frieza...P-Pay...!" Nail said, finding it difficult to breathe.

"Yeah, well that is what I came here to do. Now hurry before I have second thoughts, and no tricks!" Piccolo warned.

Nail's mouth curved into a smirk, as his body began to glow! Piccolo felt a strange tingling sensation pass through his arm, into his whole body! Slowly Nail's body was covered in a blinding light and consumed the countryside! When the light faded, Piccolo saw that Nail had vanished. Piccolo began to breathe heavily, as he felt this newfound power consume his body. He stood up, and studied his hands, feeling the combined power of Nail and himself.

"I-Incredible...!" Piccolo gasped. "This strength! THIS UNIMAGINABLE STRENGTH!" Piccolo yelled out. "IF I HAD KNOWN THAT MERGING WITH ANOTHER BEING COULD RESULT IN THIS KIND OF POWER, I WOULD'VE SOUGHT IT OUT LONG AGO!" Piccolo yelled, while beginning to smirk.

Piccolo then threw his arms into the air and yelled out in triumph and confidence.


Piccolo then took off into the air, smirking. Knowing that he could face Frieza, and win.

(End Song)

Back with the others, Frieza had finished showing off his powers.

"Now," Frieza said calmly. "Are you ready to begin this horror show?" Frieza asked, with a sly smirk on his face.

Vegeta and Fasha stood in their battle stances, ready for Frieza to attack them. Instead, Frieza turned his sights towards Ruby and her friends, pointing his right index finger and shooting a thin beam from his finger! Ruby and the others panicked and braced for impact, Fasha quickly vanished and reappeared in front of the young hunters and deflected the beam away. Ruby, Jaune, Weiss, and Pyrrha stood there in shock, while some of them shook in fear.

"I-I think, we, uh.  We're a little out of our league here...!" Jaune panicked, slightly shaking.    

Frieza let out a quiet chuckle.

"Precisely," Frieza said, taking great pleasure in bringing fear to his enemies. "When ant's battle a dinosaur, who do you think emerges the victor?" Frieza taunted, his smirk never leaving his face.

Fasha remained in her battle stance, while Vegeta continued to stare at Frieza.

"Oh, really?" Vegeta smirked, gaining Frieza's attention. The galactic tyrant let out a curious hum before glancing towards Vegeta. "I think if the six of us band together, you'll have your work cut out for you." Vegeta said.

This caused the four hunters to look at each other in confusion at Vegeta's words. Frieza however, wasn't intimidated.

"You think that," Frieza spoke up. "Truely?" Frieza said, not giving in to Vegeta's boasts. Vegeta smirked.

"Oh, I do." Vegeta said, causing Frieza to bring his hand underneath his chin, and beginning to laugh.

"Oho ho ho!" Frieza laughed. " What a sense of humor." Frieza chuckled.

"Don't Believe me?" Vegeta said, turning his gaze towards the others. "If you hadn't noticed, their power levels are GROWING!" Vegeta boasted, to the Un-amusement of Frieza. "That's right, before her arrival, Fasha had trained harder than you ever had in your life. And that girl over there, the Akulari. She possesses a hidden power greater than she knows herself!" Vegeta announced.

Ruby's eyes widened at Vegeta's announcement of her. She had noticed that she did have a hidden power within her, but it only appeared during times of extreme duress. Frieza however looked at Ruby, more so her eyes.

'Hmm, interesting. Vegeta's right, she IS an Akulari.' Frieza thought to himself. 'Like the Saiyan's, I believed them to be all dead. It seems that there are some stragglers still out there.'

Frieza then turned his gaze back towards Vegeta.

"And as for ME! I'm becoming the one thing you've feared most! THE LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Frieza stood there, completely ignoring Vegeta's boast.

"Do you REALLY expect me to take such desperate boasts at face value?" Frieza chuckled.

"Oh, I guess you'll have to find out?"

Frieza clenched his fists in anger.

"GRR! I'VE HEARED ENOUGH OF YOUR PATHETIC LIES!" Frieza yelled, charging towards Vegeta.

Frieza threw a punch, only for Vegeta to catch it! Vegeta struggled to hold it in place, as blue energy began to surround both fighters. Frieza attempted to throw another punch with his free hand, it too was caught by Vegeta. Both fighters power levels were rising exponentially, as the ground began quaking.

"GRR! D-Damn...You...!" Frieza growled.

The ground below them was slowly sinking into a hole at the power of both fighters. Now both of them were trying to push the other back, then Frieza's scouter began to read out Vegeta's power level. The hole beneath them began to expand wider, and wider! Frieza's scouter continued to read out Vegeta's power level, which further angered the emperor.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Frieza shrieked.

Frieza's scouter then self-combusted, and both fighters flew out of the hole.

(End Song)

Vegeta was breathing heavily, while Frieza remained motionless.

"How quaint," Frieza said calmly. "It seems that there WAS a grain of truth in your assertion after all." Frieza smirked.

With the others, Ruby began to speak up.

"He's right," Ruby said, causing the other three and Fasha to look at her. "If we all team up, there's a good chance we could all beat Frieza!" Ruby said.

Vegeta continued his stare down with Frieza.

"Hmph, well then," Vegeta spoke up. "If we're going to finish this once and for all, then why don't you transform! I should be strong enough to defeat you!" Vegeta said, causing the smirking Frieza to raise an eyebrow. "Oh yes, I know all about your transformation from Zarbon, before I blew the bastard to Hell!" Vegeta announced.

Everyone, with the exception of both Vegeta and Frieza were wide eyed at Vegeta's announcement.

"T-Transformation?!" Pyrrha exclaimed.

Vegeta briefly glanced at Pyrrha then back to Frieza.

"A small percentage of species across the universe have the ability to transform when needed." Vegeta explained, causing everyone but Frieza to listen in awe. "Some use it as camouflage, while other species use it to conserve their energy."

Frieza placed both arms behind his back as he looked at them with a sly smirk.

"Oho ho ho! My transformation serves another purpose, I'm afraid." Frieza said, gaining everyone's attention. "You see, my power level is so great, so strong. That even I, struggle to contain it at times." Frieza said.

This caused everyone except Vegeta to flinch.

"W-Wait, what did he say...?!" Ruby exclaimed quietly.

Vegeta turned his head towards Ruby.

"He's bluffing, relax! He doesn't have that much power anyway." Vegeta assured everyone. "In fact, I doubt he has enough power to transform!" Vegeta exclaimed.

"You think so?" Frieza asked, before his lips curved into a demonic smile. "I'm only too happy to put your doubts to rest! Now, pay close attention. This isn't something you see every day. Considering I had no need to transform myself when I reduced Planet Vegeta to ash, I believe the end result will shock you! Indeed, your father the king would've made a hasty retreat at the mere presence of my second form!" Frieza smirked.

Everyone else, except Vegeta were shocked at the revelation that it was in fact Frieza who destroyed Planet Vegeta. Fasha, however, was livid.

"You what...!" Fasha growled dangerously, glaring daggers at Frieza while clenching her fists.

Frieza then turned his gaze towards the female Saiyan.

"I suppose that since you're all about to die, there's no need to keep it a secret anymore. The story you've been told about a giant meteorite colliding with Planet Vegeta was nothing more than a fabrication." Frieza said, smirking at the angered Saiyan. "I saw that you Saiyan's were growing in strength, and if all of you were to attack me all at once, I would be done for. So, I came to the only logical conclusion...Extermination!" Frieza said, his smile widening even further.

Emotions were running high within Fasha. All these years, she's been led to the thought that her home world had been obliterated by a meteor. She then felt Solace when Frieza offered her a place within the Frieza force. It only made the anger within her boil even further knowing the man who took her in was the man who destroyed her people. She felt used...Violated.

"All of my friends, my family...I... I won't let you, GET AWAY WITH THIS!" Fasha yelled.

Fasha was about to charge forward but was stopped when Frieza widened his stance.

"Now, feast your eyes "King" Vegeta." Frieza said. "Because you're about to experience true terror!" Frieza said.

From there, Frieza's body began to glow. The ground began to shake, as visible cracks were seen on Frieza's armor. With a mighty yell, Frieza's armor exploded, sending small bits of shrapnel everywhere. Fasha and the others quickly dodged out the way to avoid the shrapnel, even little Dende had to hide. Vegeta however stood firm.

"Hah, so, is that it?" Vegeta mockingly asked. "That's REALLY the best you could do? Shedding some armor after all that build up?" Vegeta said.

Frieza only chuckled.

"Oh Vegeta," Frieza said calmly. "How can someone whose been through so much, have so little imagination. Such a disappointment you've been. If only you had the courage to submit, you would've been much better off." Frieza said, slightly shaking his head back and forth.

Vegeta clenched his fists.

"GRR! Shut up!" Vegeta yelled.

"GRR! RRRRRAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" Frieza screamed, as a dark red aura surrounded his body.

Vegeta flinched and stepped back.

"W-What?!" Vegeta exclaimed. "You only NOW began to change!" Vegeta said, holding back his fear.

Frieza's muscle mass slowly began to expand, as Frieza let out a mighty roar. Further away, Piccolo felt Frieza's power spike upwards.

"Th-This power, is that Frieza? If so, then everyone is in trouble!" Piccolo said, before flying faster than before. "RUBY!" Piccolo yelled.

Frieza continued to yell, but as his transformation continued, it sounded as though he were screaming in pain. As such, his arms, and legs began to grow larger. The sound of bones being broken and rearranged could be heard. Frieza's chest expanded, as his horns began to grow to the length of a bull's. At last, his neck began to elongate, with visible veins. Finally, Frieza dropped to his knees, and let out a sigh of relief. Frieza then stood up, revealing that he has grown taller than the rest.

(End Song)

Frieza turned his gaze back towards the rest, giving off a sinister smirk. Vegeta, along with everyone else looked on with a sense of dread.

"Th-This can't be real; it's got to be some sort of trick!" Vegeta mumbled in terror, tightening his tail around his waist.

From behind him with the rest, Ruby began to violently shake in fear. "W-We're all going to die...!" Ruby said. Next to her, Jaune began shaking as well. "Th-This is something straight out of a nightmare...!" Jaune stuttered. Even little Dende who was hiding behind one of the stone Dragon Balls looked on in horror.

Frieza looked delighted at seeing them shaking in horror.

"You're in for it now," Frieza said. "My second form makes the one you're familiar with, look gentle as a sleeping kitten. And to top everything off, the power level of this form; is over one million!" Frieza smirked. His voice pitch being lower than before.

 Frieza then held up his right hand showing five fingers. Suddenly, his hand began to spark with electricity, as a bright light erupted from his hand! A large gust of wind knocked everyone off their feet and caused them to fly into the air! The explosion was so powerful; it caused the small island they stood on to explode! The waves of Namek's oceans created powerful tsunami's that proceeded to drown the surrounding islands!

After the wind stopped, everyone managed to stabilize themselves in the air. Vegeta looked on with a mixture of anger and fear. A rock was thrown towards him, only for Vegeta to catch it, and crush it in his palm. Ruby began to look frantically for her friends.

"GUYS! DENDE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Ruby called out.

Soon, everyone began to group up around Ruby. The last to group up was Jaune, who was carrying Dende in his arms, and had some blood dripping from his head. This caused Pyrrha to look concerned.

"Jaune," Pyrrha called out. "Are you okay?!" Pyrrha asked, concerned about her partners health.

Jaune nodded.

"Y-Yeah," Jaune answered. "I just got grazed by a rock, that's all." Jaune reassured.

Frieza looked up at them on a single patch of land that somehow survived the explosion and chuckled to himself.

"Well done runts," Frieza mockingly congratulated. "I applaud your swift withdrawal. But that was just me saying hello." Frieza laughed. Frieza then turned his gaze towards Vegeta and Fasha. "Even a lowly Saiyan could be capable of THAT!" Frieza smirked.

This caused Vegeta to clench his fists.

'Damn it!' Vegeta thought angrily.

This caused Frieza to smirk wider. 

"Ah, the look on your face Vegeta," Frieza said. "I'm guessing that means you really had no idea a being as powerful as me could exist after all." Frieza said, crossing his arms.

"Now then," Frieza said quietly. "Which one of you ants should be the first to experience Hell?"

Everyone could do nothing but stare at Frieza below. The silence was unbearable, as everyone could hear their heartbeats. After a minute, Frieza uncrossed his arms and flew towards them!

"YOU!" Frieza announced.

Vegeta braced for impact as Frieza neared him but felt nothing as Frieza rushed past him. Everyone's eyes widened in shock as they saw that Frieza was flying towards Jaune and Dende! Seeing the monstrosity known as Frieza dashing towards them at an alarming rate, Jaune quickly tossed Dende aside to save him. Just as he tossed Dende to safety, Jaune felt Frieza's large horn impale his chest! The shock caused Jaune to stiffen up.

"JAUNE!!" Both Ruby and Pyrrha screamed. Even Wiess covered her mouth in shock.

The color of Jaune's face began to turn purple, as his blood began to leak onto Frieza's horn and onto his face. Frieza then moved his head back, causing Jaune to jerk forward. Frieza continued this motion, causing Jaune to slowly continue to slide down Frieza's horn. Jaune's eyes slowly began to close as blood began to drain rapidly from his body. Deciding that he's had enough fun, Frieza threw Jaune off his head, and turned towards the rest, the small speckles of Jaune's blood gave him a demonic visage.

"Now then," Frieza said. "Who's next?"

Ruby began to shake with furious anger.

"Y-You...YOU MONSTER!!" Ruby screamed, as she dashed towards Frieza. Her eyes now glowing a bright silver.

(Chapter End)


 Ruby: Hey, Ruby here!  What have you done to Jaune?!

Frieza: Oh, that power? You really are an Akulari.

Vegeta: H-He's too fast, I didn't even see him!

Fasha: How can we fight against this bastard!

Ruby: I'm going to Kill you!!

Ruby: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Piccolo's Arrival!

Piccolo: Sorry I'm late.

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