The Wanderer

By Grace_sama

4.2K 275 25

After the stressful class poll exam, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka decided to rest in his dorm. But to his surprise, he... More

Chapter 1: First encounter
Chapter 2:- Drawbacks
Chapter 3:- A Gamble
Chapter 4:- Declaration of War
Chapter 5:- Moloch's impatience

Chapter 6:- Battle of 8/3

445 41 5
By Grace_sama

3rd August, 2005

"Today is the day we get attacked, don't we Kiyotaka-kun."

In the warm afternoon shade, my friend Takemichi said so to me. It is certainly true. However there was no need to be afraid.

"It seems so. You confirmed it with Naoto in the future didn't you?"

I, Naoto and Hinata were now on first name basis.

"Yeah, it seemed that even though the conflict had been resolved, Draken-kun still died. Sadly the cause was unknown."

Perhaps, we hadn't yet solved the root cause in the current timeline yet.

"Oh and by the way, I had been trying to tell you this for a long time but didn't for whatever reason. Whenever I go to the future, Naoto kind of forgets about you, and it's like you don't even exist in the future......"

Looks like he finally decided to bring it up.

"This is just a theory of mine, because even I don't have a proper explanation for this. But I hope you understand."

Actually, I might just know the real reason why that happens. However it would be difficult to explain it to him. Not to say that he is stupid or anything, this concept was difficult in general.

"I can only exist, when the future you is present here. If you travel back to the future, there are two possibilities. One that you return, and the other that you don't. Since nothing is fixed until it is acted upon, I am in a state where I don't exist till you make the choice to return. I disappear, for as long as you stay in the future. However once you shake hands with Naoto, or just return back yourself, time resumes again from the moment you had left, for me."

I told Takemichi a single lie.

Nothing is fixed until it is acted upon.

Actually this universe, like I wondered before, is fixed. It has a tendency to change things to the minimal. In simple terms, everything is already fated to occur.

However Takemichi's powers transcend fate. He has the ability to change it. Thus, him coming back or not is never fixed or fated to occur. And therefore until he acts upon the decision to come back, I stay in a state where I am unable to do anything.

But right now there was no need to explain it to him. This much should be enough. Thanks to the explanation, Takemichi didn't think of that possibility. Well I don't want him to either, it might obstruct my future plans.

"Anyway, we will go to the festival today, make sure you are on guard. That's all for now, see you later."

"Oh yeah before we go, I was curious about how your meeting with that guy go."

"That guy? Oh you mean Inupi and Koko. Well they are two influential members of this one gang named Black Dragon. Koko is one popular guy in the underground world due to his money tactics. Kotegawa wanted to expand our business through Koko, which seemed to be successful, as now we have access to some more casinos where we can place our bets."

In short, our business was flourishing at an even higher rate than before. Whether Inupi and Koko were really trustworthy or not, or whether their "gang" interferes with us later on, was not a current concern of mine.

I bid Takemichi farwell with a waving hand. I saw his figure disappear, but my hand still continued waving.

Once he had left, I continued moving to my destination. Which was none, since I had no plans for the afternoon.

"Guess this is my day off".

Having said that, I started heading to nowhere in particular. Trying to pass time, anticipating the approaching battle.


"Hoho, you guys are already here!"

I heard a voice representing that of a girl. She was accompanied by Hinata. I think the girl who said that is Emma. I knew of her after Takemichi told the story about him and Hinata having an argument. Well it was more of a one-sided massacre.

"Yo Emma" Draken replied.

"Hello everyone."

After exchanging greetings, our group of five decided to check out the various stalls that had been set up. A group of five consisting of three guys and two girls. Seemed oddly familiar.......

After getting a few glances from Emma and Hinata, I was made aware of the fact that I was the only single guy there. Suddenly, I had become more self-conscious than a puberty struck teen.

It felt definitely weird and awkward. Not only was I the most unknown dude in the gang, I was also single. Damn.

My pace automatically slowed down, as the four continued moving, without being aware of my existence anymore.

I looked up in the crescent moon-lit sky, hands in my pocket and thought back on to my ANHS days.

I thought about the friends I had made, the fun memories I had of that place. And of course, my girlfriend Kei too.


This was uncharacteristic of me to think like that, but recently...........


"Huh?" I looked around to see the four looking at me, out of concern.

"Are you fine?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I am fine, why?"

"I don't just stood there for like a minute while we called out to you...."

"Oh......sorry for making you worry, I just dozed off."

Not minding the looks I was receiving, I continued to move.

Suddenly, I felt a drop of rain on my left eyebrow.

"It rains.....and rains. It is a ble-"

"What the hell are you murmuring about Kiyotaka-kun. We gotta head out." Takemichi grabbed my hand and we sprinted out, in search for shelter.

We soon entered the forest, and stopped by at a tree.

"We were supposed to stay with Draken." I said.

"Ah shit." Takemichi said in frustration. "You looking out of place today by the way."

"That's true, Kiyotaka-kun looked like he was missing someone. Hmmmm, a girlfriend perhaps?"

I just raised an eyebrow at her claims. It was without a doubt true that I had been thinking of my time in ANHS, however that's not something I wish for other people to notice about me.

I didn't answer, rather I decided to go off in search of Draken. However I signalled for Takemichi to wait.

I was only a few meters away, when I heard Takemichi yelling. Abruptly, I returned back to the place I was in, though behind a tree this time.

I could barely make out the conversation that was taking place on the phone, however seeing Takemichi run, I decided to follow him. Before going though.......

"Hinata, if we both don't come back after some time, come after us or get some help. Stay here for now."

"Oh ok- uh stay safe out there!"

I simply nodded and closely followed Takemichi. After following him for a while, I landed at an unusual clearing. Due to the rain, I couldn't clearly comprehend the noises. But I could see some people standing at a distance. Suddenly, what flashed in front of me from a distance was a knife. At the same time, someone was approaching Takemichi.

The gears in my head turned without fail and I decided to jump in just before he could capture Takemichi.

"Huh-ehhhhh?" Takemichi let out a confused scream.

"Oi Oi, look at what I found here."


I quickly signalled Takemichi to stay quite as the guy led us to the group. There we were met with furious and blood thirsty eyes.

"Ay if it isn't wimpy-michi here" one of them said. I noticed that he was the one with the knife, now in his pocket."

"Look at this pathetic bitch" one of them said and kicked Takemichi.

"Kiyotaka-kun hel- agh" He fell down as a strong hit came from behind. Everyone present their started laughing, with me and Takemichi being the exception of course.

"Now now, who are you?"

"I-I uh," I stammered at the sight of the so frightening aura of the person in front of me.

Suddenly, I leapt at the guy in front of me. Not with the intention to hurt him though.

"H-hey what are you doing, that's ga- argh"

"Please leave me. Let me go please I am not with this guy." I said, holding his waist, while on my knees.

"You wanna blow him or some?" Someone said and they all started laughing again.

The guy, now irritated, looked at the guys and then kicked me away. I fell to the ground and coughed once.

"Tie them both up." He ordered and the rest followed.

They soon left after tying us up, helpless and hopeless amidst that dark night.

However I had an ace up my sleeve. A literal one.........

Takemichi's POV

I struggled to free myself after being tied up like that. Ugh. The memory of Kiyotaka-kun being helpless like that. While there was no indication of him being strong, and it's not like he ever said he was strong either. It's just that I assumed he would be strong.

Suddenly, I heard some rustling noises, and the moment I looked to see the source of it, I saw Kiyotaka-kun getting up.


"Hey uh Kiyotaka-kun how did you free yourself- oh uh more importantly, please free m- huh? Where are you going???"

Before I could comprehend the events happening around me, Kiyotaka-kun vanished in the darkness.


I was speechless.

Not only did he somehow free himself, he also completely ignored me. On top of that, I saw that pathetic scene in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Or rather, I shouldn't. Kiyotaka-kun is my friend after all, a really smart one. He must have a reason for doing this. At least I hope he does.



I suddenly heard someone call my name out. I couldn't properly make out the voice due to the rain, but I felt it was Hina-chan's......

"Takemichi-kun Ahh! What happened? Who did this to you??"



"Sigh, my weak pitiful self did this to me. I can't even protect am I supposed to save others? All I do is rely.....on.....ugh"

Tears started rolling down my face yet again. I just couldn't stop them. I am so path- Huh?

I felt Hina-chan's soft lips on mine. And for some time, I completely forgot about everything else. My mind was at ease.

"Takemichi-kun is Takemichi-kun. Well maybe you are not as strong as Mikey-kun or as smart as Kiyotaka-kun. But so what? I don't love them. I love you, and will only love you. For who you are, forever and ever."


I pondered over her words for a minute. Somehow, all my nervousness disappeared and it was overcome by a sense of new profound self-confidence.

She freed me and I got up, burning with determination to not only save her, but everyone else.

"Thank you, Hina-chan."

"I didn't do anything though hehe. Oh and don't cry again ok?"

"Eh? Uh I wasn't crying or anything. It's just the rain. It's a terrible....."

"Rather, it's a great day to rain."


Ayanokouji's POV

I came outside of my hiding to catch up to Takemichi and Hinata.

"Rather, it's a great day to rain." I wouldn't be like this without it after all.


"Yeah it's me."

"Oh......Well sorry if I am prying too much but can you please give us an explanation or something?"

"Well sure, what do you want to ask?"

"How did you manage to free yourself?"

I smiled internally when he asked that, and took out a knife from my pocket. Casually playing with it in the air, I showcased my useless skills and put it back into my pocket.

"W-where did you get that? I didn't know you had one???"

"Well of course you wouldn't. This isn't mine after all."

"Then where.....ahh" Takemichi's eyes grew wide as the realisation struck him.

"Wait am I the only one here who doesn't get it?" Hinata growled in a frustration that sounded rather cute.

"Well before uh there were these guys and uh, I now know why he did what he did. He basically grabbed their knees, pretending to beg but took the opportunity to steal the knife from them instead. That was....really smart not going to lie." Takemichi concluded sharply.

"Damn now that's smart. You remind me of an old friend I had."

I didn't pay any special attention to what she was saying, though I was curious as to how someone could remind her of me.

"Even though we possess the knife, we don't know what they might pull, so it's best if we head out now to protect Draken."

"Yeah you are right." Takemichi replied and we both headed out in search of Draken.

"Just so we are clear, I left earlier so that you could talk to Hinata. I was hiding behind a tree."

"Ehhh! That means you heard what we talked about...."

"It's fine, nothing wrong with that conversation."

We both jogged our way to no where in particular. We were only frantically looking to find someone.

"Though now I really wonder, how strong you are." Takemichi said.

"Hmm why the sudden question?"

"Well it's not like you are weak, because you were only pretending to be back there. So how strong are you in reality? Like on Mikey-kun's level?"

"That's a stretch Takemichi. I have not seen Mikey fight, but I can at least tell you that I am not strong or anything. I am just quick on my feet."

I am unbeatable. But that only held true in ANHS and white room. This was a whole different world with a bunch of whole different physical rules.

I couldn't be certain until I see it myself.

Nevertheless, we continued in our search for Draken.

Finally we found a staircase, which led to an empty lot.

However, there was no one there.

"Keep moving. We have to somehow find them" just as I said that, I recieved a text on my phone. With that, I started running in a completely different direction and Takemichi followed hesitantly.

After running for some time, we finally encountered a sight that would leave anyone's jaw opened out of awe.

In front of us were a bunch of moebius members, lying down, knocked out senseless. And the culprit was a bloodied head draken. Truly deserving of his name. Though there were still a lot standing.

"Takemitchi......" He softly said as we appeared his field of view.

"Ayanokouji-kun, Takemichi-kun, please help Draken."

On paper, this was a one-sided fight. In reality, it was still a one-sided fight except it was Draken who was winning.

We both got close towards him. I slightly looked at the back of his head, so as to examine his injuries. Though from the distance, it was hard to discern. Still, judging by the fact that he hadn't lost consciousness and neither was his functioning that badly damaged, it wasn't that serious. Probably some cuts on the scalp.

"The hell are you looking at?" Draken asked.

I averted my gaze and took out my phone from my pocket.

"I can take them all on, alone." Draken confidently said.

"We need to bring Toman members here and now!" Takemichi said.

"Not possible. They all are scattered, probably having fun, enjoying the holidays. We have no plan B. So just hold your ground, and keep fighting."

Very correct, Draken. However, we do have a Plan B. Well at least I do.

I dialled up a number and then sent a short message. Putting the phone back into my pocket, I readied myself to fight.

The stance I took looked more like an amateur's, but there was no one I was fooling here. Frankly, they could care less about my stance here. They all looked like brute, street fighters. This could potentially be my first time engaging in a street fight, though of course not my first time fighting street fighters.


"Uhh......My vision......."

Just before the fight started, I heard Draken say under his breath. As though almost losing his consciousness, he sat down on the cold floor.

"Draken-kun!" Emma yelled out and rushed to Draken's side.

Seems like I will have to reevaluate this injury of his. I bent my knee and closely examined his head.

".......a concussion."


"Oh nothing." I got up and prepared myself for what was about to follow.

I was certain that without Draken's help, we were bound to lose.

"Oi Oi, your man's down. What you two gonna do now?" Suddenly, a new figure made his entry. But the guy closely following him behind wasn't all that unfamiliar to us.

A rather tall and lean fellow, with a neck that reminded me of the long gone dinosaurs, stood in front of everyone boldly. Osanai was following him, as though symbolising the current standing of the gang.

"It's us against you two! Hahaha! How funny is that? Now, which one of you would like to die first?"

The guy sounded so full of energy. He was brimming with confidence, surely he had the skills to back them up. Unless this was a bluff.

I looked at Takemichi and he showed me worried eyes as though asking "what should we do now?"


Guess we have no other choice.

I slowly raised my right arm, and as it stood above myself gradually, the guy's smile widened.

"Oh! We have a volunteer. How gre-"

Suddenly, there were loud noises from around parking lot. From what we could make of......

"Bikes....a lot of them." Takemichi said so as his eyes started to show a glimmer of hope.

The guy, albeit confused, maintained his evil smile. Reminding me of a certain someone.

Soon, we, or rather the moebius members were surrounded by motorcycles of the Toman members. They all got off and it appeared the party was just beginning.

With Mikey leading them all, it seemed that the situation had turned completely in the opposite direction.

After exchanging a few words, which made me come to know of a few things like the guy's name and moebius' current situation, mikey and the gang set off to fight.

"Kiyotaka-kun, what should we do??" Takemichi asked.

"They will handle it, we should look out for Draken." I said so and looked around at the place where we had found him.

I once again examined his head, thoroughly this time.

"You look like a doctor......" Takemichi said so while standing besides me.

".........." I did not reply and rather focused on his wound. Then I took off a handkerchief from my pocket and tried to wrap it around his forehead, to stop the bleeding.

"Draken-kun is okay, right?" Takemichi asked in a hesitant voice.

"He is. But we still need to have his wound treated. I have stopped the blee-" Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a very fast kick targeting my forehead.

Instinctively I dodged back and rolled backwards to take my distance.

" Didn't I tie you two up? How the hell did you get free?"

I was just glad that he didn't seem to understand how difficult the move I pulled off was. Evidently, he didn't suspect me of being a big shot either.

Takemichi however......looked surprised to say the least.

"Takemichi, Emma, Hina." I called out.

"Eh?" Hina called out from behind who was till now hiding from everyone's line of sight.

"Hina-chan! What are you doing here? It's dangerous!" Takemichi couldn't help but be worried.

"We don't have time-" Just before I could finish, I sensed another very fast and sharp strike coming at my throat.

However, I yet again dodged, though much later this time. Barely managing to evade the attack.

"Listen you orange-boy, this ain't no anime. I ain't gonna listen to you-" a punch "- while you speak-" another one "-to your fucking......friends!" And another one.

I blocked the hits to the best of my ability, though it was visible that I held my arm as though it was hurting.

Realising I didn't have any time to explain things to the rest, I simply nodded. Twice. Once to them. The other time to nobody in particular, except the forest.

Somehow, they understood and carried a half-conscious Draken towards the alleyway. But I realized that having them alone carry him towards the hospital could prove to be dangerous. This was a job that required utmost precision.

From my perspective, the past cannot change. Simply because I am living in it. Thus I have to be very careful. Because one simple mistake and-

Right then, Kiyomasa lunged in yet again with another one of his awfully sloppy blows.

That's enough.

I felt his pupils constrict as he realized, what a terrible mistake he had done.

I felt the world around me slow down and skillfully dodged his punch. I grabbed his fist with my right arm and then pulled him towards me.


Right before I could land a simple punch from my left, I realized the situation I was in.

Surrounded by hundreds of people. Some who were down, looking at others like me. Kiyomasa himself, who's a friend of this Kisaki person. And from the corner of my eye, Takemichi himself looking back on to what I was doing.


I just pulled further and further and then suddenly released him as though my goal had been to try to throw him to the ground.

"Tch. You are strong but that was a pretty whack move. You don't know how to fight at all."

Ironic coming from you.

Instantly changing my plan, I took out the knife that I had stolen earlier. My hands were shaking as I held it with both of my hands.

"Stay away" I said.

"So that's where it fucking are dead. You are so dead." In a rage, he charged at me yet again. This time, I shifted my body just a second before he collided into me. Except for my left foot. Which stayed on the road, stuck to it. Kiyomasa thus as a result tripped and fell.

I couldn't waste any more time on him. I looked up once again but by then he was already back up on his feet.

"Just fucking die already you stick man figure lookalike." His frustration with how he had failed to deal with me was obvious.

He charged yet again but before he could come in contact with me, another body moving at a very fast pace collided with his. Almost destroying his consciousness with the impact alone.

He was pushed away near to another bunch of Toman members. I put the knife back into my pocket and started to run towards Takemichi.

"That was impressive."

"I got lucky."

"Still, it-"

"We should get an ambulance for Draken first." I ignored his sincere compliments and diverted our attention to the main issue.

"Right right. Just hold on Draken-kun, we are gonna make things alright soon enough."

I dialled up the same number for the second time today and after observing my surrounding, pointed towards a narrow opening in the alleyway.

I then signalled the rest to move forward. Takemichi appeared to be trying his best, albeit tired. He couldn't carry Draken on his own and thus I gave a hand, or rather, a shoulder.

Entering the alleyway and taking a right turn, though, revealed a different reality to us.

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