Waves of Romance

By djjinx

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Is love really sweeter the second time around? What if the pain of your break up is too much to handle? Will... More

Chapter 1: Eternal Ruler
Chapter 2: Eternal Beauty
Chapter 3: Island Party
Chapter 4: Terrified
Chapter 5: Ebullient
Chapter 6: Cheesecake
Chapter 7: Stay
Chapter 9: Bittersweet
Chapter 10: Old Friend
Chapter 11: Tiger
Chapter 12: Sunset
Chapter 13: Sunrise
Chapter 14: Dangerous
Chapter 15: Sailing
Chapter 16: Always
Chapter 17: Safety
Chapter 18: Trust
Chapter 19: Relax
Chapter 20: Vestige
Chapter 21: Truth
Chapter 22: INVU
Chapter 23: Gangnam
Chapter 24: Fraud

Chapter 8: Serene

294 22 18
By djjinx

Taeyeon stayed like that for a while. But she have to let go 'cause it's time for her to cook. I'm still surprise by the fact that she cooks for us and now that I'm seeing it with my naked eye, I just couldn't help but to be amaze by her.

Tonight, I'm helping her to cook our dinner. As much as I'm amazed, I also feel bad for her. She made me wear an apron that matches the apron she's wearing. We're like a couple as we busy ourselves doing our separate chores.

I'm cutting the veggies and she's cutting the meat. All of the seasonings and equipments we need to use are all ready. We're planning to cook three different dishes. And honestly? This is exhausting! I'm just assisting her but I'm so tired. I couldn't imagine her exhaustion this past five days. She's incredible.

"Ms. Kim, your father set an arrangement for you and the heiresses of the Jungs tomorrow night at 7 pm." Taeyeon's Secretary walk in. She glanced at me but she didn't react at all. She looks surprised to see me helping Taeyeon though.

"Where?" Taeyeon's eyebrows furrowed while putting the cooked food on the plate.

"Al Bacio. It's an Italian restaurant."

I look up at that. What the heck?

"Okay. Sure." Taeyeon laughed lightly. She obviously know the meaning of it. I rolled my eyes.

"It's just a restaurant, chill." She whispered to me. I only glared at her.

"Maybe the foods they serve there is good as a chef's kiss? Come on, it's just a restaurant." She brushed my arm intimately. My face reddened at the thought of the restaurant name's meaning.

Al Bacio means a good kiss. Or as good as kiss. And the way she brushed my arm, I can't help but to wander my mind to how good does her kiss taste like. I bit my lower lip. Damn!

"Imagining something, Tiffany?" She whispered seductively.

I pushed her away. Only then I realized that her secretary is still standing where she is. I widened my eyes to Taeyeon and motioned her secretary using my eyes. At first she was a little confuse but when she saw her secretary, she thankfully got what I meant.

"Ah! By the way, this is Tiffany." She introduced me to her secretary. The woman eyed her in ridicule like as if telling her that she knows that already.

"She's... a friend." Taeyeon smiled awkwardly. "Tiffany, this is secretary Park. You can just call her Joy when you're not at work."

"Nice to meet you, unnie. I can call you that outside of work, right?" We shook our hands.

"Sure." I smiled.

Joy helped us prepare the long table. She also went upstairs to call our colleagues. Taeyeon's team went down first. They saw me and Taeyeon a little too close to each other but didn't comment at that. They just smiled and never even tried to point it out.

We are already settled down when my team walk down the stairs with Taeyeon's secretary.

"Where have you been, Tiffany?" Sunny asked while sitting beside me. Taeyeon is sitting on my left by the way.

"She helped me cook, Ms. Sunny." Taeyeon answered for me.

"Oh! Is that so?" Sunny smirked boldly. I pinched her waist under the table and widened my eyes to stop her.

"Stop it." I said in gritted teeth. She chuckled but thankfully complied. Yuri is shaking her head beside Sunny. These two really.

"We're leaving early tomorrow." Yoona started.

"What time, Ms. Im?" Suho asked.

"8 am."

"I'll miss Jeju." Chanyeol said dramatically.

"You will come back here on Monday, silly." Yoona laughed lightly.

"Anyway, Seo Seo, the yacht will arrive at 9pm tonight. Are you sure you're leaving alone?" Taeyeon spoke in furrowed eyebrows. She look so worried for Engineer Seo.

"Yes, unnie. Solar and Krystal said they have something to do in Seoul so I'll be alone." Engineer Seo shrugged her shoulders.

"When did I said that?" Solar interrupted. Obviously changed her mind at the thought of Taeyeon's yacht.

"Yeah. We never said that." Krystal added.

"But you just said it. You said you have an important thing to do in Seoul."

"There must be a misunderstanding. We can just do that some other time." Solar immediately said.

We all laughed at them. Well, who wouldn't want to experience Taeyeon's luxurious yacht? Champagne with all those expensive goods while sailing the sea with a yacht that cost more than ten luxurious cars.

I know this fact because aside from Taeyeon's chopper, we also often use her yacht. There is a room below it that is probably bigger than the apartment I'm currently living with my family now.

Literally everything you needed is in that yacht. It's so modern and classy.

Later that night, we sent off Engineer Seo, Engineer Solar and interior designer Krystal at the front beach. It's indeed Taeyeon's yacht. Suddenly, almost everyone wanted to join them at the sight of the huge yacht that screams nothing but luxury.

The three ladies are so happy to leave the island. They are waving their arms even though they are already far from us. And slowly, our other colleagues went back to the rest house.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" I spoke to Taeyeon who's watching the yacht with a relieved face.

"What do you mean?" She turn her attention to me.

"You used the yacht to lure the two because you're worried for Engineer Seo."

She chuckled. "Yeah."

"And you're not worried anymore?" I raised an eyebrow.

She shrugged her shoulders. "A bit. But I'm a little relieved to know that she's not sailing the dark ocean alone."

"That must be expensive." I said, referring to the other fees she paid for sailing her yacht.

"I'll do anything to lessen my worries." She said with a smile.

That made me wonder what did she do to lessen her worries when I vanished. Did she paid a lot just to find me? She probably did. I left her without a word. And when she finally got the chance to confront me but I didn't listen to her, did she stop looking after me?

In the midst of asking myself these questions, I suddenly felt a few drops of water coming from the sky. I look up and it took a few moments to realize that it's raining.

"Let's go inside." If Taeyeon didn't pull me while shielding my head from the rain, I would probably stay standing under it. And I'm probably soaking wet now.

"It's raining?" Yoona went to us in confusion.


"You're wet, unnies." She immediately run somewhere and when she came back, she already have two towels for Taeyeon and I.

While drying ourselves, Taeyeon made a phone call to the bodyguards that are in the yacht with the three girls.

"It's raining here. Please be careful. Take care of the girls. Update me everytime." She talked to them worriedly. She even called a rescue team to standby just in case.

"Money can do anything, huh?" Sunny commented after giving me a hot choco. We are all seated at the living room, watching Taeyeon call all her connections to make sure the three ladies' safety.

"I wonder what it feels like to have Taeyeon as your lover?" She said dreamily.

"Stop dreaming, Sunny. Besides, it's Ms. Kim, not Taeyeon." Yuri corrected.

"She said we can call her Taeyeon outside work you dumbo!"

"But that doesn't mean we'll do so. We have to still respect her!"

"Stop it you two." Yoona literally went between the two. It's effective though. They shut up. Well, she is our boss after all.

We all grew quiet at the sound of an incoming chopper. Right. Captain Kim arrives tonight. I saw Taeyeon run out of the rest house with a huge umbrella to greet the said Captain.

"Working with Ms. Kim only made me realize that they are not monsters like how the media portrayed them." Yuri spoke right after seeing Taeyeon letting herself gets soak instead.

"I know right? Look at Ms. Kim. She's so kind, gentle, and soft. I wonder why people are saying that she's just like her father. Because honestly? I think she's a complete opposite version of him." Sunny nod her head while speaking, agreeing to her own statement.

"We don't know. Ms. Kim is indeed kind to us. But what about when she's in Seoul? I heard she's even worst than her father." Minho stated his opinion.

"What do you mean?" Suho asked in a low tone of voice like as if not wanting anyone else to hear it.

"I heard that Ms. Kim can destroy you in just a snap. She defeated almost every tycoon in Asia already. She's evil compared to her monster of a father." I furrowed my eyebrows at that. Ironically how I called Taeyeon ill names but when someone does it, I easily get annoyed. No one should call her that. I'm the only person who can call her evil, and a monster.

I glared at the two men. "Stop talking ill to our client." I said angrily.

Suho cleared his throat. "Sorry."

"I'm sorry, Tiffany. That's what I heard though." Minho pouted. Stupid. I rolled my eyes at them.

Taeyeon and a tall slender woman arrived. Wait. This is the Captain? She is gorgeous! She could pass as an international model!

"This is Captain Kim. She's my cousin." Taeyeon introduced her to us. I swear I could see the boys jaw dropped. I mean, who wouldn't? I myself is jaw dropped! She's drop dead gorgeous!

"Jennie, this is Yoona, her team, Henry, and Chanyeol. I have three other ladies in my team but they are unfortunately not here."

"Nice to meet you." Jennie, or Captain Kim offered her hand to Yoona who gladly accepted it with a wide smile.

The Captain shook our hands then she stood beside Taeyeon after doing so.

"You're a Captain?" Suho asked in disbelief. It's like as if the information just registered to him.

"Yes." Jennie chuckled.

"How? I mean, you're young."

"Hard work and dedication?" She raised her eyebrow.

"You're talking to a Kim, Suho. Don't look down on them. They are very much capable of doing anything." Yoona said with a chuckle.

Taeyeon's Secretary gave them a towel to dry themselves. Taeyeon sat beside me and told Jennie to sit to her other side.

"Are you single?" Chanyeol asked without a pause. He must've forgotten that he's talking to a cousin of their boss.

"Why do you care?" Taeyeon answered for her cousin. I chuckled at that. Protective as always. She raised her eyebrow to me. But I only smirked at her.

Chanyeol cleared his throat awkwardly. "N-Nothing, Ms. Kim. I'm sorry for my behavior." He bowed 90 degrees as he excused himself and left. Poor guy.

"Unnie, take it easy." Jennie chuckled to her cousin.

"What? I was merely asking a question." Taeyeon protested in a cute manner.

"If you say so." The young Captain teased.

"Please excuse me, unnie. We need to take off early tomorrow. I'll sleep now." Ms. Im politely excused herself. Right. We have to sleep now.

Sunny, Yuri, Suho, and Henry also excused themselves already. Seeing my colleagues leaving to give the cousins this night to catch up a bit, I also stood up.

"I'll be sleeping now too, Ms. Kim. Goodnight." I bowed a little. Taeyeon held my arm to stop me from leaving.

"Change your clothes before sleeping. It's better if you take a hot shower too. You got soaked in the rain a while ago." She said sweetly. I look up to her to see her eyes softly looking at me. It's like as if she's trying to be as careful as possible. I couldn't look at her cousin's direction though. I'm too shy to do that.

"S-Sure. You should take a h-hot shower too. You're w-wetter than me." I cleared my throat in both awkwardness and embarrassment. Stop being a pervert, Tiffany! Good gracious!

I heard Taeyeon and her cousin chuckle. I pouted and look away.

"Let me walk you to your room." Taeyeon stood up without waiting my reaction. I almost jumped on my feet at the realization of the distance between us.

"It's fine. I can walk alone. Besides, you have to catch up with your cousin--- Taeyeon! I said, it's fine." She didn't listen. She dragged me out of the living room. All the way to my room, I was trying to escape from her hold but to no avail. I don't know if she's just strong or I'm just weak.

"Take a shower and stop thinking about pervert stuffs. Sleep early." She tap my cheeks sexily before leaving me in front of my room's door. And I swear, she's purposely walking away seductively! That woman. She's such a tease!

I took her advice as I took a shower. But as the warm water flow down my body, I couldn't help but to think of something inappropriate. I think I need a cold shower to calm myself instead.

It took me half an hour under the cold shower that night. I blow dried my hair and by the time I walk out of the bathroom, Sunny and Yuri are already sleeping. Without a second thought, I laid in my bed to finally sleep too.

The next morning.

We've already packed our things, had shower, all set to leave. The three of us went out of the room with our luggages. I'm relieved that they didn't talk about my possible relation to Taeyeon. They are both completely normal.

We went downstairs to see our colleagues already gathered and eating at the dinning table. Taeyeon and Jennie are not here though. I heard from Joy that they are checking the chopper or something about getting another one.

I'm still amazed by the fact that Jennie is already a Captain. She must be really hard working to have this position in a young age.

"Do you want a coffee?" Minho spoke to me the moment I sat down.

"Ms. Kim made a cup of honey tea for you, unnie. She said it's better if you drink it while it's warm. You might catch a cold from yesterday's events." Joy placed a cup of warm honey tea in front of me, successfully shutting Minho's mouth.

Yuri and Sunny tried to hold their laughter but failed miserably. I pouted at them. Poor Minho.

Anyway, I gladly drank Taeyeon's honey tea this time. It's probably the first time I received her offer wholeheartedly. I'm in a mood for honey tea anyways. I wanted it yesterday but since we cuddled up on the couch, I completely forgotten about it.

"Joy, have you heard from Captain Manoban?" Taeyeon's voice echoed on the hallway.

"Yes, unnie. She's on her way." Her secretary replied politely.

"Alright, good. My chopper sadly couldn't take us all back to Seoul so I have to ask another chopper to take the others." Taeyeon started to explain formally.

"My chopper can only have six passengers. Captain Manoban however can only have four passengers. So if you don't mind, I think our four gentlemen should ride Ms. Manoban's chopper. And ladies, we will go back to Seoul with Captain Kim." After speaking the arrangements, Taeyeon turn around to talk to her secretary.

Yep, she didn't even wait for our reactions. Anyway, I like her idea. It's convenient that way.

"Please remind me of my dinner with the Jungs." Hearing that only reminds of how I turn red after knowing the restaurant's name. Stop thinking naughty stuffs, Tiffany.

It didn't take long for us to hear the upcoming chopper. We all went outside to see Jennie acting the role of a Marshall that you'll normally see in the airport. She constantly gives signal to guide the chopper of the right position where to land.

When the chopper successfully landed, the Captain went out to greet us. And I swear, she's also drop dead gorgeous! Her face is a lot more inviting than Captain Kim's normally fierce face though.

She cheerfully greeted Taeyeon like an old friend. Then she literally jump to hug Jennie.

"This is Captain Lalisa Manoban. She's my batch mate. We trained at the same time and climbed to the top at the same time too." Captain Kim introduced the newly arrived Captain who's arms are still wrapped around her neck.

"We're basically best of friends." Captain Manoban smirked playfully.

As usual, we introduced ourselves and shook our hands. She is very cheerful and bubbly. She's playful too. I often catch her teasing Jennie.

"Are you all ready to go back to Seoul?" She asked us energetically. Seriously, how can she have so much of energy? Ah! Young people have so much of energy in them.

"We should leave."

"Let's go!"

Everyone started to get inside of the two choppers including Taeyeon. Some of her bodyguards are left to look out for the island. The construction workers already left last night if I'm not mistaken.

I was startled and almost jump on my seat when Taeyeon sat beside me. On my left side is Yuri who's once again teasing me about puking at her.

"Are you really nervous?" Taeyeon whispered. I glared at her. She gave me a sweet smile that didn't go unnoticed by Sunny's watchful eyes.

Taeyeon's chopper take off first. I saw Captain Manoban's chopper take off when we're already a little far away from the island. The ride is once again quiet. It's especially quiet now that Taeyeon is with us. Yuri already stopped teasing me too.

And just like that, we are back in Seoul. Taeyeon's chopper landed at the Kim Enterprise. I couldn't see Captain Manoban's chopper anymore though. They must've landed on a nearby building.

As I step out of the chopper, I instantly remember my family's problem and Taeyeon's explanation yesterday. I'm feeling unease. But I should toughen up and talk to my father.

Landing in Seoul made me realize how peaceful, calm, and serene Jeju is. You will only have two days here, Tiffany. You'll be back in Jeju without knowing it. I'm missing the serenity of watching the sunset while listening to the waves of Jeju.


Thank you for reading! ❣️🇵🇭

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